Integration, Brotherhood, Unity, One Nation, One World Indivisible, Utopia

"We Have Come to the City of Brotherly Love to Personify as Well as
Reincarnate That Spirit of Brotherly Love."



  1. Ye Class Conscious Beware the Wrath of GOD.
  2. How Fort Jackson was Integrated in 1952: Pres. Truman's Speech; FATHER DIVINES Sermon.
  3. The High Officials of the City and State Government Are Declaring That FATHER DIVINE'S Work Among the People Has More Effect on Humanity in Changing Character than All of Their Departments.
  4. "We Have Come to the City of Brotherly Love to Personify as Well as Reincarnate That Spirit of Brotherly Love"
  5. "Get Busy! Cast out of Your System all Prejudices, All Confusion, All Strife, All Malice and you Will Have a Righteous Government."
  6. The Answer to Jesus' prayer: "I pray that they may be one, even as WE are One."
  7. "Wisdom, Knowledge and Understanding, Goodness, Graciousness and Compassion Will be Developed in Humanity and
    Materially Manifested when All the Civilized World Shall Be Unified Together!"
  8. Unite North, South and Central America Under the U. S. Constitution "If The United States of America Would Give All of Their Subjects Their Constitutional Rights, The Spirit of God's Presence Would Cause This Republic to Be Absolutely Independent."
  9. "Let There Be the United Republics of the Americas "If you have the faith of a grain of mustard seed, you can say to yonder mountain, be thou removed and cast into the depths of the sea; it will obey thee!"
  10. "It Is Our Endeavor to Convert the Inhabitants of this Great Country into True Americanism by the Enactment of the Bill of Rights in Every Activity."
  11. A Talk on the Unification of the Americas by FATHER DIVINE
  12. The Use of Segregating Terms. FATHER'S Teaching Consists Of What Is Good In All Religions."
    The Ever-Presence of GOD.
  13. Unity Through the Brotherhood of Man and the Fatherhood of GOD! "I Hear Them Say, 'If You Don't Stop Father Divine,
    Naturally He Will Be Here in America as Mahatma Gandhi Is in India'"
  14. This Country Was Predestined to Be The Mount of the House of God.
  15. Re: Racial Prejudice. "CHRIST fought through forty-two different generations and HE never lost a battle!"
  16. "Together We Stand but Divided We Fall!"
  17. "This Truth Has Outmoded All of the Mortal Versions of Men."--FATHER DIVINE
  18. "Everybody Should Have the Same Rights."
  19. The Universal Brotherhood of Man and the Fatherhood of God!
  20. "End the Prospect of Warfare and Bloodshed among the Nations!"
  21. "We Can Only Save Ourselves by Uniting Together."
  22. "It Takes All of the Good from All of the Religions and from All Society of All Creation to Bring out the Perfect Man."
    'Prejudice Coming Forth From Racism Is The Most Poisonous Ism That Could Be Imagined."
  23. "I Have Declared That this Nation, Yea, this Whole Civilization, Shall Have a New Birth of Freedom under God!"
  24. All of the Politicians and Other Representatives of Society, Both of Business, Profession, Labor And Trade, Those Who Are Representing Religion and Other Expressions of Our Great Society, Have Been Striving for Many Years to Get the People Together.
  25. Adam Clayton Powell-- There Have Been a Lot of Reckless Things Written and Foolish Things Said about Divine. . . . I Personally Would Refuse to Believe Any of These Fantastic Charges."
  26. Give Homage to Those (Veterans) of Whom Have Actually Sacrificed Their Lives Fighting for Democracy.
    'Together We Stand but Divided We Fall!"
  27. "They Had Their Guns and Pistols and Blackjacks and They Thought They Were Shooting at Me, but They Fled from the Presence of the Lord."
    'You Need Not Fret Because of the Workers of Iniquity, Because They Shall Be Cut Off!"
  28. The United States of America and Australia and New Zealand if they would but ACCEPT of My Message Immediately and UNITE and Be One Nation, Indivisible, with One Constitution and One Declaration of Independence, and have One Bill of Rights for Each and All of Us Together -- No Nation Would Rise in Opposition, because we would be Omnipotent Nation-ly
  29. "I Pray That They May Be One Even as We Are One" Jesus
  30. Bringing Men Into Subjection to Righteousness
  31. I saw so many evidences in the south land which reminded me of FATHER'S Glorious Work.
  32. FATHER DIVINE'S Significant Letter to Dr. Edw. Warner, Pres. I. C. A. O., Reveals causes of Airplane and Other Disasters
  33. Report of the Proceedings On the Second Day of the Mammoth Mass Meeting at the Rockland Palace, 8th Avenue and 155th Street, New York City - Together With Our FATHER'S Messages.

