"Jesus Prayed in the Seventeenth Chapter of Saint John:
'. . . That They May Be One Even as We Are One,'"

"United States, Australia and New Zealand, United We Stand, Divided We Fall!"

Our FATHER'S Message at the Holy Communion Table of The Circle Mission Church, Home and Training School,
764-772 N. Broad Street, Philadelphia, PA., Monday, September 25, 1950 A.D.F.D., Time -- 3:30 P.M.

Fitzroy, Melbourne, Australia.


How marvelous it is to know that the great Day of GOD'S Holy Reign is Here! -- yea, this is GOD'S Administration, and HE is truly watching over and Administering the affairs of the nations of the earth -- leading, guiding and directing them toward the paths of Eternal Peace and Victory as they slowly but surely accept of His Divine Guidance and put His Divine Wisdom, yea, His Plan and Purpose into practice!

Thus it is that on this occasion, after the singing of a well known patriotic inspirational composition, our LORD and Savior gave forth unto the Allied Nations further advice that has been soundly proven through deeds and actions that are too stout to be denied! For millions of Followers the Universe over are United as One Man At Jerusalem, and they are made successful and prosperous, healthy and happy through and by adhering implicitly to the Divine Precepts herein reiterated! So can it be for the Allied Nations collectively, and Victory over the enemy can be theirs once and forever if they but heed these Words of FATHER DIVINE and put them into Action immediately!

Thank YOU, Almighty GOD, for Thy Glorious Condescension!

(The foregoing statements are those of the transcriber, after which is firstly recorded the inspirational composition sung just before FATHER arose to speak.)

(FATHER speaks as follows:)

PEACE EVERYONE! At this instance I would just like to say, that composition just sung is explanatory in itself. It needs no explanation, for the very composition and the melody and the music thereof, they are all explainable; in other words, they are explained.

For this cause we are rejoicing to say, a nation truly is rising, rich in the Virtues of Brotherhood and of Peace, where a man is a man and not a color, creed nor a race! You have been steeped in isms of that which is commonly known as racism that bring about so many different divisions and have caused you to believe you are of one and your fellow brother is of another!

But oh, how glorious it is to realize, those of us who live in this recognition, we are conscious of One Nation, Indivisible! Not only One Nation, Indivisible, but One Lineage, Indivisible, and One FATHER MOTHER GOD, of all! With such a recognition, it causes you to speak the One Language and with the One Tongue! Can you not see the mystery? And it causes you to be with One Accord as it was with those at the Day of Pentecost; when they were all with One Accord, the Holy Ghost descended and rested upon them as though from the sky! Can you not see the Mystery? Considered and known to be, the Holy Ghost descended from the LORD; the Holy Ghost of Power that would bring into your experience the desirables of life such as we are daily enjoying. One writer said:

'Ye shall receive power after that the Holy Ghost has come upon thee.'

We are happy to say, the Power is not merely an expression of an enthusiastic or fanatical emotion, but it is the Power that brings Peace out of confusion and the Abundant Life out of limitations, panics, famines and scarcity! Can you not see the Mystery? This is the Sample exemplified in your midst! All can actually see and can taste of it and realize, this is the Abundant Life Personified, and has been Universalized!

For this cause we do rejoice and we are happy to say, as you have heard, no doubt, some say, "That minister electrified the audience! He spoke so vividly! He spoke so enthusiastically and his words were filled with grace and filled with the Holy Spirit that permeated and penetrated the atmosphere and the atmosphere itself was charged with electricity!" That little composition said, HE is changing the tides of governmental affairs! Can you not see the way the tides of governmental affairs are being changed for ME? And you can see that they are being electrified! They are being electrified with something Supernatural! Not just naturally discerned and not just naturally demonstrated, but Supernaturally by inspiration Transmitted!

Therefore, we do rejoice at and are happy to say, HE is changing the tides of governmental affairs! Americanism is being converted into Evangelism and into the Unity of the Spirit, of Mind, of Aim and of Purpose with true Judaism from whence cometh our religion! Aren't you glad! ("So glad, Almighty GOD!" shouted the adoring assembly.)

Now upon this foundation if we stand, in the Unity of the Spirit, of Mind, of Aim and of Purpose as I have called for us to be, nothing can be refrained from you to do, that which you have imagined to do! And truly they, the people of this Republic and other Republics, are being converted into a New Birth of Freedom -- a Birth of Freedom of true Life and Liberty that will cause you to LOVE one another and Unite together Consolidatedly and Refuse to be severed wheresoever you may be, for that is the WILL of ME!

One Nation, One Language, One Tongue and One Speech, for that is the Keynote to the Mystery for which Jesus prayed in the Seventeenth Chapter of Saint John:

'. . . that they may be ONE even as WE are One,'

said He. It was a prayer for the purpose of giving you the KEY to the Mystery of the Scripture and a KEY that would solve your every problem, yea, a KEY that would unlock the barred and shut doors and free you from poverty, lacks, wants and limitations and free you from barriers and every obstruction so that you might have access in the land, and by the sea -- clear sailing!

We have a free access for expression in the land of the living, having mastered the economic situation; having solved the economic problem; having solved the racial problem; having solved the intellectual problem; having solved the political problem; having mastered the situation of the present life we are living and overcome the difficulties therein so that you might have this New Birth of Freedom under GOD for which you all have prayed!

Having a New Birth of Freedom, you are no longer bound to isms! You are no longer bound to creeds and colors! You are no longer bound to races and nations! You are no longer bound to friends and lineages, for all of these are abominations and set as barriers of prohibitation, for I did say, "the worst enemy is that of your own household!"

When you rise above those limited barriers and universalize your love and devotion for GOD according to the original Commandment given to Moses for the Children of Israel and those who would come after them, you will find that if you Love the LORD your GOD with all your heart, soul, mind and strength, it being the first and the great Commandment, and the second like unto it,

'Love your neighbor as yourself,'

plus the New Commandment I have written unto you, that you

'Love one another even as I have loved you'

-- when this is done, you will be so universalized and so unified in ONE, there will be no barriers or limitations; no lacks or wants among you!

You will not have to seek around to find out whether this one is your cousin or that one is your uncle to treat them right when they come in your audiences! Aren't you glad! ("Yes, GOD Almighty! So glad!" came the enthusiastic response.)

You will learn to love one another even as I have loved you, and thereby express Love, Democracy, Brotherhood and Christianity and the true meaning of Judaism as synonymous! When this is done you have mastered the economic situation and solved the problems that confront all nations and will no longer live in lacks, wants and limitations, but you will have the mastery over all adverse and undesirable conditions! Aren't you glad! ("So glad, LORD!" enthusiastically shouted the masses.) For upon this Foundation, GREATER will HE be within you demonstrated, than all they that could be against you!

I need not say more at the instant, but this thought has been conveyed so vividly and constantly,

'A nation is rising, rich in the virtue of Brotherhood and of Peace,
Where a man is a man and not a color, creed nor a race!'

Aren't you glad! ("So glad!" declared the Congregation.) When you eradicate and dispel all of those abominable limitations and discriminations from your consciousness and live in the Consciousness of GOD'S Actual Presence we will bring about that long-sought-for Universal Brotherhood of Man, and the Conscious Realization of the Fatherhood of GOD will be made REAL among them!

Look over this vast audience and look at the beauty of Unity! Just look at the Abundance of the Fullness My Spirit and My Presence are producing! -- for I did say,

'The Spirit of the Consciousness of the Presence of GOD is the Source of all Supply and it will, yea, it does and it shall forever satisfy every Good Desire!'

Being conscious of My Presence here and being conscious It is the INFINITE ONE -- being conscious of It being the OMNIPOTENT, OMNISCIENT and OMNIPRESENT ONE PERSONIFIED -- such a Recognition in your conscious thinking causes the Creative Forces of Nature to create for you Every Good and Desirable Blessing mentally, spiritually and materially, for GOD is the Materializer as well also as the Inspirer visionally! Can you not see the Mystery?

For this cause we Rejoice and we are Happy to lift up a Standard and let this be true -- the composition, verbatim, fulfilled in your hearing -- so that you -- one and all -- might realize, GOD is not just a supposition! You may imagine GOD in the beginning of your consideration, but your imagination must be brought into Recognition and into Realization of your conscious thinking, so that you can say, "I am conscious GOD is present!" No longer merely Something imaginary but a Living Reality, made Real, Tangible and Practical! "And truly GOD to me," you can say, "has become to be a Living Factor in every moment of the day!"

It is something to Praise GOD for! This should lift your morale and cause your minds never to wane nor deviate from the thing that pertains to Perfection -- Life, Liberty and the Reality of Happiness in every manner expressible! ("So true, GOD Almighty!" declared the Congregation in verification.)

For this cause we are rejoicing and we are happy to present to you, My Fellow Citizens, Adherents, Hearers and Friends, this sketch of what we shall have and what we do have Universally, but of the kind of world in which we shall live! Those who are going to live will live as I live! Those who are not willing according to My Version, they will NOT live, for there is no other living version in which you can live! GOD'S Version is a State of Consciousness in which men must live -- that is, if they live! Out of this version they die!

This may be the Actuated Expression of a living version of GOD and of His Kingdom not just written, but it is a Version so Far Reaching at the present it cannot be Limitedly Written, it cannot be Written Literally; but if you LIVE IT and EXPRESS IT, you will in the version! And you, My Fellow Citizens, Hearers and Friends, Believers, Sympathizers and those who harmonize with ME, will be LIVING EPISTLES expressing My Version, so that you might be SEEN and READ by men and no longer be sought from a literary point of view to be read from books of men's learning!

I have long since declared,

'I Will Preach Christ in Words but More So in Deeds And in Actions, and I Will Put My Spirit in the People And Cause Them to Walk in My Statutes!'

You are walking in My Statutes NOW, AUTOMATICALLY, and even our present civilization as well as this nation, they are walking in My Statutes Automatically and thinking as I have thought for them! They are coming together, for I, with MY VERSION, AM the GREAT CONTAGION that CONTAGIONIZES the Atmosphere in which you are living so that you might act and express it AUTOMATICALLY! Just by ACTION and THINKING, you are PREACHING ME! You will be LIVING ME! And those in other countries are doing the same!

No doubt some of you heard what the Representative, the Minister from New Zealand, said the other day -- speaking MY LANGUAGE! -- heard what the Minister from Australia said the other day -- speaking MY LANGUAGE! They realize, "TOGETHER WE STAND BUT DIVIDED WE FALL!" They realize if the nations, the governments of this -- The United States of America and Australia and New Zealand -- if they would but ACCEPT of My Message Immediately and UNITE and Be One Nation, Indivisible, with One Constitution and One Declaration of Independence, and have One Bill of Rights for Each and All of Us Together -- No Nation Would Rise in Opposition, because we would be Omnipotent Nation-ly or Nationally speaking, from a Humane Point of View -- as well as from National and Natural Resources! None would rise against such Omniscience as this, coming through Science and Invention to bring about the greatest Unfoldment of Wisdom, Knowledge and Understanding Mechanically, Scientifically and Inventionally that could be Produced on the Face of the Earth! ("So true, GOD Almighty!" exclaimed the joyous Congregation in one accord.)

And again I have an Appeal and now again appeal to the Governments of the Democracies: "Unite in harmony, for divided you will fall and fail every time! Bring an end to every sense of divisibility or division! Bring an end to every sense and every expression or Emotion and every word of segregation and discrimination And unite together, and you will overcome every enemy that can rise in opposition! For GOD in the unity of the spirit, Of mind, of aim and of purpose, in these great republics of Our democracies, will have the victory in themselves over All opposition -- for GOD HIMSELF and CHRIST, your Savior, will be with them!"

Live in this Recognition and let this be known to all of the Chief Executives of our nation! Yea, every Allied nation should Unite and Refuse to be Severed, and eliminate every sense of Divisibility and Expression that spells Division, so that they might Stand Together once and forever, and I will be With them and be with Them and with You throughout Eternity, Omnisciently and Omnipresent! I thank you!
