"We Have Taught Division Long Enough and We Will Not Tolerate it.

"The Universal Brotherhood of Man and the Fatherhood of God!"

FATHER DIVINE'S Message As Given at the Unity Mission Church and Home Inc.
At 907 N. 41 Street, Philadelphia. Pennsylvania, September 30 - October 1, 1947 A.D.F.D. Time: 2:15 A.M.

Miss Peaceful Love, and MOTHER and FATHER DIVINE,
Sayville, L. I., N. Y.

Miss Peaceful Love, and MOTHER and FATHER DIVINE, Sayville, L. I., N. Y.


(FATHER DIVINE speaks following two visitors, Rev. W. H. Hightower of South Carolina and Mr. Benedict Sacks of West Philadelphia Bulletin and HE refers to their remarks:)


PEACE, EVERYONE: I do not wish to bore you with MY Words nor with MY Presence, but as the last speaker mentioned in conclusion the significant Words of the Universal Brotherhood of man and the Fatherhood of GOD to be recognized before peace will be universally established, I thought of this as it has been exemplified: This is the sample and the example of the kind of world in which you shall live, if you live! I AM bringing all nations, languages, tongues and people into the unity of the spirit, of mind, of aim and of purpose as we did to win the shooting war over the national and international enemies!

At that time -- I mean, the time of the late world war -- even those of our prejudiced and bigoted representatives of civic, social and federal government, they were calling for men to UNITE! Brought people from the furthest parts of the South and all parts of this country to fight against the common enemy, as I had long since been calling for the unity of the spirit, of mind, of aim and of purpose to bring an end to division, savagery and brutality among us! No doubt someone may remember when I wrote the German government around about 1932, "33 and "34 -- even sent mottoes to them and to all of the governments at large, appealing to them to bring an end to the persecution of the Jews in Germany and in all countries! There may be some few of those throw-away's or mottoes I sent out, somewhere now, that can be found! -- and also in reference to the Scottsboro boys -- to suppress the prospective legal lynchings that were to take place in reference to the Scottsboro boys!

The wishes of millions were fulfilled; their prayers were heard and answered; and yet the persecution of the Jews in Germany continued, as well as the persecution and brutality, and the savagery of the brutality and savages of America continuing against those of the under-privileged, commonly considered or known as Afro-Americans, but not even called by such a name! Can you not see the mystery?

Then I thought a little while ago what the gentleman said about the paper he anticipates bringing out: it will be marvelous if it will be an American paper! not a race or nationality! not a creed nor a color! -- for such is an abomination to all men! We have taught division long enough and we will not tolerate it. We will not tolerate it and we will not encourage it!

For this cause, let us lift up a standard of real Americanism, Democracy, Judaism, Christianity and Brotherhood as synonymous!

John caught the glimpse of the mystery in his revelationic prediction as it was revealed to him by a revelation on the Isle of Patmos: He declared he saw a number that no man could number! -- I mean, in the Book of Revelation -- coming up through great tribulation, of every nation, of every language, of every tongue and every people, that had washed their robes in the Blood of the Lamb -- by interpretation, had washed their lives in the Life of CHRIST! By interpretation, they had purified their mortal racial and national lives from the tendencies of their hereditive ancestors and all hereditation and tradition! They had washed their lives of those things, in the Life of CHRIST as exemplified in JESUS, as being termed, the Blood of the Lamb!

We know when the Bible reads or says,

'And the Blood of JESUS CHRIST, HIS Son, cleanses us from all sin,'

it does not mean the physical or literal blood; we know it means the Life of CHRIST as exemplified in him! a pure and spotless life that was incorruptible and undefiled! Such a life will purify all mankind as you carry their lives through the process of purification! That life, as being termed the blood, was it in which they had washed their robes -- their lives -- in the life of Christ! -- and they were no longer omnifarious but they were living as one man! -- having been amalgamated and living now in unison!

I need not say more, but as the representative of the press said "organization" -- I have not done any organizing yet to what I will do, for I shall organize others, the universe over, and I shall also organize you. I thank you.

New Day: October 4, 1947 A.D.F.D. Pg 23

