"There Are No More Races, Creeds or Colors! Every Day is Brotherhood Day.
"We Can Only Save Ourselves by Uniting Together."

FATHER DIVINE'S Message As Given at the Unity Mission Church and Home Inc.
At 907 N. 41 Street, Philadelphia. Pennsylvania, November 25-26, 1947 A.D.F.D. Time: 2:10 A.M.





Visitors during this day were guests and friends from Crozer Seminary in Chester, Pa., ministers of different denominations, and representatives from China and Egypt. Mr. Henry C. Patterson, co-founder of Friendship House and affiliated with the American Friends' Service Committee (a Quaker) asked FATHER a question which prompted this Dynamic Sermon)


PEACE, EVERYONE: In response to the last speaker and a thought to be conveyed to others, I can deeply and heartily agree with him in reference to we, the human race, as we may be termed, must do something to save ourselves. According to the advanced light of this civilization and as science and invention continues to advance, if humanity as a whole does not have a new birth of freedom under GOD, such as I AM giving the masses, civilization will destroy itself!

But it is written,

'Unless those days be shortened there shall be no flesh saved!'

But what I should have said, came lastly,

'But for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened!'

That thought is in keeping with the last speaker; it looks as if though, at times, there would be or will be no flesh saved!

When you see the results of prejudice, division, racism and all of the abominations of man bringing out into outer expression in our advance civilization the destructive forces inspired by man to destroy, it will cause you or would cause you to feel as if though it looks as if there will be no flesh saved! Nevertheless, it is written,

'For the elect's sake those days shall be shortened!'

Therefore, GOD is speeding the time I mean, shortening the time (aren't you glad!) that humanity might be saved!

GOD Spoke through the mouth of Abraham Lincoln as a national emancipator of some slaveric people; knowing within himself that others of whom were not called slaves, were not free, he also called for this whole nation, under GOD, to have a New Birth of Freedom!

I appeal to you, MY fellow citizens, hearers and friends and those of whom may hear of ME, MY Work and MY Mission, let us unite consolidated and be not separated, and bring an abolition to all racism and every ism that spells division! As you heard ME say a little while ago, even though I said it by composition in a melody in a song that the Rosebuds sang, transmitted from your Humble Servant,

'Every day is Brotherhood Day,
There are no more races, creeds or colors!'

It may sound as if though it is an exaggeration, but in our consideration we have worked cancellation on the terms that are used discriminatorily and for the purpose of segregation and discrimination! We are working cancellation on all racism, all division of every kind -- for as long as there is division there is strife; is there not?

Now again, I heard one of our honored speakers say a little while ago, how they have two Churches of the same denomination. I have often mentioned that. Even if you take it sectarianly, you will find some people call themselves Baptists and there is another Baptist next door to him, yet he does not belong to the same Church, as you say. It is written,

'Together we stand but divided we fall!
The kingdom that divides against itself cannot stand!'

I have called this nation into the unity of the spirit, of mind, of aim and of purpose for the purpose of bringing an end to that last inhuman global warfare! I did call for everybody to 'Buy Bonds Unlimitedly' and 'Unite Consolidatedly'! If you do, the enemy will see the power of unity and they will surrender unconditionally!

This is not a supposition. I realize by bringing the people together as the government and all public-spirited citizens call for unity in the time and at the time of war, to bring the victory for the allies on the allies' side, let us now continue to call for unity in the time of peace, to keep war and bloodshed away from these shores! As we unite consolidatedly and stay united once and forever -- no longer allow racism, sectarianism or any other ism that spells division, to sever you from your fellow brother, but stand consolidated and be one nation, indivisible!

We called for this great one nation in our pledge of allegiance to our flag, and we speak it stressfully at times, 'one nation, indivisible', but people do not stop to consider it in reality; but I mean to make it a reality from shore to shore and from land to land, and all who will stand with me will enjoy this new birth of freedom under GOD!

Free from racism! Free from sectarianism! Free from groups and selfishness from every angle expressible! As I said, of a very recent date, I heard someone say, 'we want someone in the senate to represent us!' Everyone should represent us! As soon as you hear a man say that, you may know he is not a one-hundred-percent American according to my version!

We are one nation, indivisible, and we want representatives in the senate and representatives in the house of representatives to represent all of the people! That is what I am talking about! -- and I will not have another!

Just as you see ME sit and stand in these audiences daily, and minister to you the material food for the sustenance of your bodies and the spiritual food for the sustenance of your spirit and your mind -- and I do it generously, unbiasedly, democratically and evangelically, and I give you the same service that I give Mrs. DIVINE! -- so shall we all do after a while! We shall do unto others as we do unto ourselves, and as we have been doing unto ourselves firstly! Aren't you glad!

There are many things I could say along this line, but I merely arose at the time to verify the last speaker in his statement. He feels somewhat to think, 'How shall we save ourselves?' -- or words to that effect. We can only save ourselves by uniting together -- and 'charity begins at home'! Let us start right now at our fireside and do unto others as we would have them do to us -- and from there you will develop and increase and multiply!

I would like to say to our fellow Minister of whom has made his declaration known that he intends to reproduce this: it is reproducible, MY brother! It is reincarnatable! It is re-personifiable! It is re-organizational! It can be re-organized; I mean, re-developed in other organizations, or universalized as I have universalized it, as you see it here! But it can be universalized and developed and materialized and reproduced and personified in your organization, wheresoever you are, for it is operative and expressive! It is impersonal! It is interracial! It is international! Therefore, it is good for all humanity!

So then I say, it is a privilege to live in such a recognition and to build upon such a foundation as this one! Eventually, as you see it here, so shall it be all over this wide extended plane, and there will be no more warfare and destruction of the nations; for as it stands now, if wickedness would continue to increase and multiply, and wisdom and understanding in and by the wicked skill of the scientists would continue to increase and multiply, they could destroy this earth! -- I mean, the natural earth!

And, peradventurely, it may be in the making unless this whole nation and our whole civilization have a new birth of freedom under GOD!

For this nation to have it and other nations not to have it, it would profit little or nothing, but it is essential, and that is our dispensive duty, to see that our whole civilization of every nation have a new birth of freedom under GOD!

Then I say, it has been said that an atom bomb is a very small bomb -- but what could it do? Now think of the robot bomb and the remote control bomb-carriers that can carry block buster atom bombs! -- I mean, the atomic bomb! Just think of a nation now -- nations are desiring to make block buster atom bombs! --'a-bombs'! That is what I am talking about! I mean, ten-ton bombs!. I mean, the atom bomb, ten-ton! -- and control the control ship by remote control and drop it in any state in the world! -- and not only any state in the union, but drop it in any country in the world and see what would happen!

If those little bombs that were dropped on Japan were so destructive, how about they being made into ten-ton bombs of the same momentum and same power? It would be almost sufficient to split the earth in half! That is what I am talking about!

Therefore, it is essential for this whole nation to have a new birth of freedom! But it is more essential for our whole civilization to be born out of that Adamic state of consciousness into the Christ consciousness! Unless they are born out of that Adamic state of consciousness into the Christ consciousness, this advanced civilization with the scientific skill of the scientists and other destructive men or mankind, they will destroy themselves, and our whole civilization will go into oblivion!

Therefore, I say, my fellow citizens, friends and those who may look upon your own selves even selfishly, let us unite together for the purpose of warding off such destructive forces, so that we might give, through GOD, the whole civilization in which we are presently living, a new birth of freedom! -- to give them a birth that will free them from all of that kind of mind and nature and disposition to destroy! For as it advances and increases more and more, why, they could, as I afore said, destroy our whole civilization as well as destroy a city! So it is something to consider!

It may sound fanatical and radical, but the whole civilization needs a new birth of freedom! We all need to be born out of that Adamic state of consciousness into the Christ consciousness such as we exemplify here where every man will love his fellow brother and will no longer be divided from the other but united consolidated, and no longer severed! They will then have access to use their energy, their skill and their ability and all of their wisdom and knowledge and understanding constructively, for the salvation of humanity, and not for destruction to destroy all creation! I thank you!

