"Wisdom, Knowledge and Understanding, Goodness, Graciousness and Compassion
Will Be Developed In Humanity and Materially Manifested
When All the Civilized World Shall Be Unified Together

FATHER DIVINE'S Message Given While at the Banquet Table, 152-60 West 126th Street New York City,
Monday Evening and Tuesday Morning, December 18th and l9th, 1939 A.D.F.D., Time: 4:10 A.M.

Rosebuds with FATHER and MOTHER DIVINE
singing at the Bible Institute,
Enacting the Bill of Rights.

Rosbuds with FATHER and MOTHER DIVINE at the Bible Institute, Enacting the Bill of Rights.


The great and almighty plan of our Majestic CREATOR and MAKER for the promotion and the maintenance of eternal peace and good will towards all men upon the face of the earth is day by day and hour by hour shaping itself into a tangibilated and a materialized form. FATHER'S wonderful plan for the unification of the three Americas--Central, South and this part of North America--making all the Americas one great democracy, is being given the careful perusal and consideration of all of the heads and rulers of the American Republics--including of course, the President of the United States and his cabinet.

This plan if adopted and carried out in its fullest measure, will do much to bring about the long sought for and hoped for peace, unity, tranquility and contentment of one and all; for they will be united together in one bond of love and fellowship, thus establishing among us the Universal Brotherhood of man and the conscious realization of the FATHERHOOD of GOD, beloved FATHER DIVINE!

Gentle Savior, we humbly thank THEE!

The foregoing statements are those of the transcriber, after which is recorded the little song sung by our LORD just prior to HIS wonderful Words of Spirit and Life.

'Life and liberty, life and love, Life and love, life and love,
Life and liberty, life and love, Life and love for all!'

FATHER Speaks as follows:


Here we all are again; there I sit and here you stand with Life and Liberty for all mankind! Those who will but accept of this Message and live exactly according to MY Teaching by losing their identity completely in the Infinite, they will have Life and Liberty and be emancipated from all misery.

At this time I would just like to say, we have actually stirred the different nations of this and the se twenty-one Republics of the Americas. They are taking cognizance of MY Message. The government has sent ME press releases on the subject and what they have been endeavoring, as appreciation of MY Proposal of the United Republics of the Americas. They have spoken of working in unity in a way of speaking, and working in the act of bringing themselves together, no doubt, according to the information as given, somewhat in line with this of which I AM stressing.

But the press releases, I had not received them; neither had I read them when I sent MY Message. But since these press releases have arrived and will be published, you all will get first hand information of what the government and the governmental representatives have been endeavoring in the act of cooperation, to bring about a close relationship between these Republics of the Americas. But we are pleased to still stress and request the United Republics of the Americas as the only hope of the redemption of the American people.

It is fundamentally understood throughout the world, where they unify together as one united body, there is power; but where there is division, there is weakness. It is understood that if these United States of America would be united together with the Republics and all be actually under one democracy, under one flag, and be one great republic, as the United Republics of the Americas, it would be a matter of impossibility to be a failure by such an endeavor! The very act in itself would be endeavoring to fulfil the Scripture and also to make a way for others to advance religiously, politically, intellectually, socially, morally and economically and from every other angle expressible that may be desired.

This accomplishment and this achievement would be a great victory as a sample and as an example for all of the nations of our present civilization, for we should get away from the uncivilized methods of men in waging warfare, one against the other, thinking they can outwit the other, thinking they can wipe one nation off the face of the earth or destroy one

Republic--one rising against the other, thinking and stressing such an act of inhuman warfare--stressing such an act of heathenism. Still they consider this to be an advanced civilization!

It has been declared by many in recent years, if warfare continues as has been endeavored apparently, civilization will perish from the earth completely! This is not a supposition; you can see it is the lack of civilization. It is increasing the lack of real civilization and destroying the light of understanding that is given from the Infinite One.

So the time cometh and is near at hand when they must take cognizance of MY Message--not only in these twenty-one Republics of the Americas, including the United States of America--but it shall be considered in all of the civilized world, what GOD is actually doing!

So then when this is brought to consideration and they see the significance of unification, in other words, unifying yourselves together as a united body by the sample and the example I have exemplified among you, they will see the significance, the wisdom of building constructively and using your energy, your mentality, your ambition, your intelligence and your culture constructively; where they can build up a standard of culture or of civilization in a century and they can destroy it in one day apparently!

Then it is well worth considering what we are endeavoring! If they tend to conserve and reserve the natural resources and use them and direct them in a constructive way of expression by increasing and multiplying them instead of destroying them, we shall have a civilization that will advance continually, until GOD'S Omniscience will be developed and manifested in humanity so great until it will be the reproduction of GOD in perfection as described and as considered by the inhabitants of the earth.

Men consider GOD in wisdom, in knowledge and in all understanding, in all goodness, all graciousness and compassion. Such will be developed in humanity and materially manifested when all of the civilized world shall have unified together effectively. Whilst we do not say that this would be the fullest measure of it, but the United Republics of the Americas would be one step towards bringing about the Universal Brotherhood of Man and the conscious realization of the FATHERHOOD of GOD!

This is it for which the nations of our present day have prayed! They have sought for the Universal Brotherhood of Man; they have sought for the recognition of the FATHERHOOD of GOD. Even in your Gospel, the prayer JESUS for the Christian world taught you to pray--to pray ye

'OUR FATHER Who art in heaven";

to pray and call GOD your FATHER! Not your FATHER individually, but as an individual FATHER for all of the people!

'Pray ye, OUR FATHER!'

Not as one, not as for one alone, but one for all and all mankind!

How glorious it will be when this shall have been established; for this is one stroke of the pen as a sketch and a reflection of what GOD is doing and what shall be done when and before our work is done! Aren't you glad!

Just think of it! These United Republics of the Americas actually established politically, nationally, as one democracy, one constitution, one independence, one nation and one flag! This is it for which you prayed.

How glorious it will be when this shall have been established I say, universally, and you will see and all civilization, the fruits of the spirit and the works of those who have sought diligently and worked righteously for Righteousness' sake! The little simple acts and deeds that are stressed in those who believe, they may be simple at times but great are they in consideration; for it is written:

'Not a sparrow falls to the ground beneath HIS notice!'

Truly might you have said from your early days of the beginning of your educational career--I believe everyone under the sound MY Voice has heard it and no doubt you all have said it: "Little drops of rain"--you know about it! "Little deeds of kindness"--I will not quote it as it is known as it was, but your minds will tell it and repeat it to you.

This is what has been going on! These little deeds of kindness and every little act of love, every kind word that has been spoken in the act of unifying you and your fellow men together--it has been unfolding every hour! It may have been unfolding slowly but surely. Aren't you glad! But now the Purpose is ripening fast! Can you not see the mystery? You can see the purpose for the Unity of Spirit, of Mind, of Aim and of Purpose--a purpose that is opening fast now and unfolding every hour! The bud may have had a bitter taste but sweet will be the flower!

Then I say,

'Fret not yourselves because of the workers of iniquity,'

for wheresoever iniquity is, it shall be cut off! The Mouth of GOD has declared it! GOD re-verifies it, and it shall be established and made known to all humanity, GOD is a Living Reality with Victory over your adversaries individually, severally, collectively and nationally; for that which is for an individual, it is for a nation!

Now we shall bring all of these Americas together absolutely, even as I have you all unified together apparently, and actually unified in reality in the Unity of Spirit, of Mind, of Aim and of Purpose--if not in all things, in and on and for the one common cause--the one subject you all agree--you all are sincere believers in ME!

The drawing card and the drawing cord will draw you all together by that selfsame cord by which you individually have been drawn! That cord of love, that cord of faith and confidence and substantialness will attract and draw you all together effectively, from every angle expressible, and will cause the eradication of every expression or reflection of division, and will cause all of the peoples of the earth to be unified together, and all shall see and know and love each other better! I thank you!

