"A Lamb Stood on the Mount Zion, and with Him Was an Hundred and Forty and
Four Thousand Having Their Father's Name Written in Their Foreheads."

" No Man Cometh to the Father but by Me." - Jesus

A World of Brotherhood

FATHER DIVINE'S Sermon Given at the Unity Mission Church, 907 N. 41 Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
March 25, 1947 A.D.F.D. Time: 2:00 A.M.


Peace Center/Nazareth Mission Church, N.Y.C.

Peace Center/Nazareth Mission Church, N.Y.C.


Present with us this evening was Professor James W. Skelton, of Temple University of Philadelphia, accompanied by a group of about seventy students. They were blessed not only materially, but mentally and Spiritually as well, by our Blessed Redeemer, GOD ALMIGHTY, FATHER DIVINE, the Perfect Host.

After having enjoyed the Services in the spacious Auditorium of the Church earlier in the evening, our Gracious Host led us up to the Banqueting Hall, to the Marriage Feast of the LAMB, where HIS Banner over us is LOVE; and here all partook of the Abundance of the Fullness of all Good Things.

The song sung before FATHER arose to speak, and which HE refers to is as follows:

'Away down in Texas
And in the furthest parts of the South
They will eat and drink together.
These words came out of GOD'S MOUTH.
There will be no more race riots or lynchings
There will be no more division and strife.
When they recognize GOD'S BODY,
They will value each other's life.
FATHER will make them love each other so much
With or without the Anti-lynching Bill,
The will know they are brothers
And will not desire to kill.
Away down in Texas
And in the furthest parts of the South
They will enact the Bill of Rights in every community;
Racialism shall be wiped out.'

FATHER speaks as follows:

PEACE, EVERYONE: Here we all are again. By the unity of the Spirit, of Mind, of Aim, and of Purpose and by living in unison, here you all are and there I AM. There I sit and here you stand. Aren't you glad? By this we shall know that it is a true saying,

'Together we stand; but divided we will fall.'

By this experience you can see we are standing above every opposition, above all adverse and undesirable conditions, because we are in the unity of the Spirit, of Mind, of Aim and of Purpose, and we will live in unison.

At this instance I would just like to say, as we have visiting guests, visiting friends, we want them to feel free to speak, to move volitionally even as we do, if they care to. Do not feel as though you must necessarily do so unless you care to. Do no feel obligated, but feel free; for we are truly here to establish effectively and universally a true Democracy and citizenry, Christianity and Americanism as synonymous

One of the numbers you heard us singing a little while ago,

'Away down in Texas, and in the furthest parts of the South,
"They shall eat and drink together; racialism shall be wiped out.
There will be no more race riots or lynchings,
There will be no more division and strife.
When they all love one another,
They will value each other's life."

Now, ladies and gentlemen, friends, and visitors, and strangers, and even enemies, if there be any, is not this the kind of world in which you would like to live? A world of brotherhood, where the Scripture, yea, even the Gospel is fulfilled? It is written in your Gospel,

'It is more blessed to give than to receive.'

Aren't you glad! And I AM happy to see many under the sound of MY voice of whom would not take a tip even though they sell you a meal, or do anything for you for almost nothing. We do not propagate and promulgate graft and greed; and we do not sow bribery seeds. Aren't you glad. But we live our Constitution and we enact the Bill of Rights, and we Unite, Unite, Unite! And by so doing we are happy, we are healthy, we are successful, and we are prosperous, and we are not beggars!

Not a true follower of MINE is on the relief roll! Not a true follower of MINE would go around taking the dole! Not a true follower of MINE will go around soliciting, begging, borrowing, nor stealing; for when they do those things they are sowing the seeds of poverty, of lacks and wants and limitations, and they must eventually reap the fruit of the same. Can you not see the mystery?

Again I would like to say to our fellow citizens, a good many of you as psychologists, is not this a practical course in psychology on supply! Can you not visualize the abundance so that whatsoever seed idea you have sown in the soil of your soul you might in abundance materialize? For the thing you vividly visualize you truly tend to materialize, and that which you materialize by visualization you tend to imbibe, reproduce and personify. For this cause we do rejoice.

Now, vision this: If you retrace your thoughts back to the Gospel of JESUS and in the early days of the Apostles and Disciples, when a man was in need of a healing the Disciples said,

'Look on us. Look and live, my brother, live!'

Aren't you glad? Then look on this and vision it, and reproduce it, for it is truly the keynote to salvation and the key to the secret of the ages. Now aren't you glad?

How marvelous it is to live in such a Recognition, where GOD is upper mostly in consciousness at all times, where you are actually fulfilling the revelationic prediction of John when he declared,

'I looked,'

said he,

'And lo, a LAMB stood on the Mount Zion, and with HIM was an hundred and forty and four thousand having their FATHER'S NAME written in their foreheads.'

That is, keeping GOD upper mostly in consciousness. Aren't you glad? GOD'S Name is in your forehead. If you stump your foot, consciously or unconsciously, you will say, 'I thank YOU, FATHER,' because I have written MY Name in your foreheads, upper mostly in your consciousness, and you cannot forget It!

You heard that little quotation and statement I made of a recent date, how you can and you did reiterate and rehearse your alphabet until you conceived them mentally; and if you are knocked blind, or unconscious, when you come to consciousness again you can say ABC Aren't you glad? It is united with your consciousness in the storehouse of your soul, stored up in your vocabularies, to depart from your consciousness no more!

No doubt, a good many of you before you attended kindergarten, someone told you to say one, two, three. I AM speaking of the most simplest first thought impressed upon your mind from a mathematical or educational point of view. But the majority of the people when they grow up, the do not get those subjects in later years as they do in the infancy. Can you not see the mystery? Therefore, they do not have them effectively because they have to write everything they are going to talk about. I AM not trying to be a criterion or critic, but I AM speaking of how it is with lots of the people that are highly educated. They have to write what they are going to say. They say they are educated. If they are well educated they should be able to know what they are going to say, or say what they are going say have it within. It is a hard saying, but yet it is true.

Now, isn't that Wonderful; to have GOD upper mostly in consciousness and the awakened SPIRIT of HIS ACTUAL Presence to bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever HE has said unto you?

For this cause we do rejoice, and I AM happy to have visiting guests and friends from practically every walk of life. Then I do say, whatsoever your vocation may be, be persistent in your ambition and determined in your resolve, trust implicitly in your GOD and visualize this course in practical psychology and you will produce it in the abundance, for,

'The thing you visualize you will surely materialize.'

Now, I will not say more at this instance, saving to say, those of you, MY visiting friends -- Professor with his party, and others -- I want you all to feel free to speak by moving volitionally, even as I do, and by being governed by your own intuition, highest intuition; as millions of others you will bring forth the CHRIST to fruition within you. I thank you.

New Day: March 22, 1947 A.D.F.D. Pg 25

