"When I Went South, I Said, 'I Will Break That Line of Demarcation and
Bring an End to Localization And If I Lose My Body, I Don't Care!"

"You Need Not Fret Because of the Workers of Iniquity,
Because They Shall Be Cut Off!" -- Father Divine

Office Talk Given by FATHER DIVINE To Some of His Cabinet in His Private Office Study of the Circle Mission Church,
Home and Training School 764-772 S. Broad Street, Philadelphia, PA.,
Friday night and Saturday morning, February 17-18, 1956 A.D.F.D., Time -- 4:20 A.M.




As FATHER and some of His Cabinet were discussing the integration issue, mention was made of the recent uprising in Alabama, and one of the secretaries quoted from an article in the Congressional Record where Congressman Arthur Winstead of Mississippi stated that "I will add to this, that I have never seen, to my knowledge, a man, woman or child who was in favor of producing a perfect equality between social and political, between N-- and w-- men." And the secretary said, "He must not have heard of YOU," to which FATHER stated that they didn't want it to be HIM, because just as they said nineteen hundred years ago, "If we let this man go, the whole world will go after Him." FATHER also stated how HE used to say so often, if not presently,

'Old John Brown's body lies a-mouldering in the clay, but his spirit goes marching on",

FATHER and MOTHER DIVINE in His Office at the Circle Mission Church, Bronx, NYC.and that HE will bring about this perfect integration with or without His Personal BODY. Thus came forth this beautiful but brief Office Talk.

Almighty GOD, we humbly thank Thee!

(The foregoing statements are those of the transcriber, and the following is the Office Talk, with FATHER speaking as follows:)


When I went South, I said,

'I will break that line of demarcation and bring an end to localization and if I lose My Body, I don't care!'

If I lose My Body, I don't care! Because I would go on anyway! I would go on anyway with or without a Body! That was My determination; so HERE I STAND! But the thought of it was with ME, I did not intend to raise a hand in the defense or do anything from a Personal point of view, because THIS IS THE WAY! It is not by Power nor by Might, but by My Spirit! Therefore I say, MY SPIRIT WILL DO IT!

And I knew that was not the way. John Brown had to be converted and reincarnated to bring out the Perfect Picture -- a Picture of SACRIFICE! And when you read those scandalous papers that speak of ME, like "Confidential" and other such trash, they speak of ME speaking of retribution and they say, "Why is it HE doesn't throw His retribution at the planes we are traveling in daily?" Aren't they going down?

Secretaries: Yes, FATHER Dear, they certainly are!

Another Secretary: There were three planes that crashed in less than twenty-four hours!

FATHER: So it is not anything I do from a Personal point of view, for it is written of ME: "Be still and I will fight your battle!" So then, old man Retribution does not have to be a person, but the summation of the wrath of GOD in the name of a person!

Secretary: That's wonderful!

FATHER: And that is why I allow you all to watch the papers and televisions and telephones and the radios and see what GOD is doing! As it was in the days of Sodom and Gomorrah, that looked something like the wrath of GOD! It was not anything I did from a personal point of view! I mean to accomplish My Endeavors with or without MY PERSONALITY! GOD always did fight through the different ages and never lost a battle. So therefore, if you don't do it yourself and let ME do it supernaturally and cosmically, They will Know it is ME! I will fight your battles! So it is best not to do anything! That was My Thought and I held such as John Brown in consciousness or consideration, but I would do it by the cosmic forces of nature and it would not be Personally ME! So that is the way to consider things.

MOTHER DIVINE: It is wonderful, FATHER. I couldn't help but think of that song YOU mentioned,

'Old John Brown's body lies a'mouldering in the clay, but his spirit goes marching on!'

They say the Union Army during the Civil War, the men were all singing that song.


MOTHER DIVINE: And it was YOUR SPIRIT in them singing it.


MOTHER DIVINE: And from that tune, "Old John Brown's Body", came the inspiration of "The Battle Hymn of the Republic" -- Mine Eyes have seen Glory of the Coming of the LORD!"

FATHER: Sure. And when some of the Union Army was down South, so many miles from Mason, Georgia, and they had been surrounded by the Southern Army and they couldn't get any water, water just came up out of the ground, and over and above the spirit and the nature of the southern states and all of the savagery therein, they have made that a PROVIDENCE SPRING until now! You can go there and get real good water! They say the water is springing right up out of the ground just like a hose!

Secretary: It shows that the LORD was on their side.

FATHER: Sure. So that is as it was, and so it is and so it will be; I WILL FIGHT YOUR BATTLE! And I need not do it Personally! It is Wonderful, Wonderful, Wonderful! So then, it was really an experience that was well worth considering. And the mobs would come, at times I would say -- especially one time I said, "I AM going to fill the air with Hallelujahs", and so I did! And they had their guns and pistols and blackjacks and they thought they were shooting at ME, but they fled from the Presence of the LORD, although apparently insignificant. It may have been considered that HE was looking like a little boy, because at that time, it may not have been that I was Personally so big as I AM now. But Old John Brown, he fought the battle, and the battle was fought and the Victory was won! That was Wonderful!

MOTHER DIVINE: Now YOU not only fill the air with Hallelujahs, but YOU are contagionizing the atmosphere with YOUR MIND and YOUR SPIRIT and the "other fellow" is fleeing from the PRESENCE of GOD!

FATHER: It is true!

MOTHER DIVINE: It's the same thing, isn't it?

FATHER: So you need not fret because of the workers of iniquity, because they shall be cut off!

Secretary: It is just like YOU said about the mosquitoes in the fall; they bite the hardest then, because their time is almost out!


MOTHER DIVINE: The thing of it is, those of the southerners, they admit the time is almost out. They are just stalling for time to comply.


(With a few more remarks, this timely Office Talk concluded.)

