"MY Peace I give, MY Peace I leave. Not as the world gives, give I unto you.

"If The United States of America Would Give All of Their Subjects
Their Constitutional Rights, The Spirit of God's Presence Would Cause This Republic
to Be Absolutely Independent."

"Some Seek Great Learning and Other Ways of Expression but There Is No
Real Peace and Perfect Happiness Until They Find Their God By Bringing
The United Republics of the Americas, Together in and Under One Democracy.
It Is in Part Bringing about That Long Sought for Universal Brotherhood of Man.

Our Father's Message Given Whilst at The Righteous Government Meeting,
Kingstown Mansion, Kingston. New York Saturday Evening December 23rd, 1939 A.D.F.D., Time: 9:50 PM



The Krum Elbow Estate, Ulster County, New York

Holy Communion Service, Australia.

In these beautiful and scientific messages, FATHER explains in detail more about HIS plan for the unification of the three Americas, Central, South, and this part of North America. This subject--being particularly in harmony and in line with the situation that is existing in the present world of affairs, as a way to establish a permanent peace among the various so-called nations and peoples of the universe--is the thought and the prayer uppermost in the minds and the hearts of one and all at this time of strife and warfare existing in so many countries.

The Righteous Government Meeting was indeed interesting and full of enthusiasm as is usually the case, especially when the Body of GOD is Personally Present. Among the many visiting friends to speak on this occasion was Mr. Edward Mathews of the Mathews Precision Shoe and Equipment Co., Inc., and founder of the Homestead Guild Schools; also his daughter. Both were exceedingly happy at being present and expressed their profound and genuine interest concerning the activities which are carried on by the followers of FATHER DIVINE through HIS marvelous teaching of righteousness, truth and justice. Their speeches are herein recorded in part for your edification.

But the height of the evening and the climax to all that occurred, came when our beloved SAVIOR and REDEEMER arose and delivered the following dynamic words of spirit and life for the redemption and salvation of all mankind.


The foregoing statements are those of the transcriber, after which FATHER Speaks as follows:



At this instance I have arisen to say, in accord in part, with the statement of one of the speakers over there a little while ago in reference to bringing through this Righteous Government, the United Republics of the Americas, together in and under one democracy and in part bringing about that long sought for Universal Brotherhood of man, I have not proposed this as an infinite or universal act of brotherhood of man in all civilization instantaneously, but as a proposal in the act of bringing about a closer relationship between these twenty-one Republics of the Americas.

My proposal is not merely to bring them in closer relationship but to unify them completely even as the United States of North America are unified together. If this could and would be rightfully established without any bigotry or prejudice and without any selfish graft or greed in the minds of those and these or this Republic, with the understanding that each Republic shall have an equal right to our Bill of Rights and to our Constitution and all of its Amendments, and each and every Republic and all of her subjects individually, severally and collectively, shall have an equal right to our North American independence, the independence that we all proclaim as an independence that can and should be reckoned and considered by each and every Republic, all would enjoy this identical independence of which we are enjoying documentally.

Yet there are those of our American Republic who are not actually enjoying the reality of this independence as declared by our country as a nation for her subjects to enjoy; but documentally it has been declared and has been recognized and described as an independence that cannot be denied. Nevertheless men are made subject to vanity unwillingly individually, severally and collectively, then organizationally, politically and nationally; they make themselves subject to lacks, wants and limitations, to depressions, hardships, trials and tribulations for the lack of unification.


Absolutely Independent

If these United States of America would give all of their subjects, each and every one, their constitutional rights, the very spirit of GOD'S Presence would be with them and would cause this Republic to be an absolutely independent one!

As it has been declared by current events, this country is so many percent independent. If these twenty-one Republics of the Americas would be unified together harmoniously and dissolved into one as has been spoken of concerning the mystery Biblically: "They shall be put into one melting pot--" if they are melted together into one Republic, the United Republics of the Americas as the United States of America stands, when they all would be united as the United Republics and the United Continents of the Americas, they would express their real independence in reality and would be one hundred percent independent. They would not have any occasion to cross the borders of this Western Hemisphere to go into any other country for anything for the sustenance of the bodies of the children of men, for the protection of man power and machine and any other necessity of life; for we would have the necessities of life, even for this advanced civilization; the spirit of harmony and unity would inspire those who are scientifically inclined with the Spirit of Wisdom, Knowledge and Understanding to advance this civilization by science and invention continuing to advance them.

Oh, how glorious it would be! We would have a Righteous Government in these United Republics of the Americas, and Righteousness would have a free access in the land, and all of our American Republics would be absolutely independent, one hundred percent in- dependent of any outside power !


Unified from Every Angle

This is not for the purpose of monopolating any of the Republics of the divers countries, neither for the purpose of invading any of these Republics, but it is for the purpose of unifying them together as one man at Jerusalem, in the Unity of Spirit, of Mind, of Aim and of Purpose, even as the press releases and others have declared concerning the mystery; they are unified spiritually. They will be unified economically, socially and from every other angle expressible if they will unite effectively together!

I do not mean merely to confederate as different republics but to unite and unify completely as one republic. If this is done, the very natural resources of each and all of these republics would be sufficient to pay for each and every republic purchased almost over night!

The same as Alaska. Alaska has more than paid for itself. So it could be with each and every one of these Republics if they were unified together under one democracy or purchased. If it was necessary for the purchase of these republics, as MY Proposal was to the European powers to purchase the coveted Czechoslovakian Republic--that the Sudetens or Germans might purchase the Republic instead of invading the Republic and causing much bloodshed and the loss of millions or thousands and thousands of lives by violence or by inhuman warfare.

But oh, how glorious it would be if all these Republics would take cognizance of My Message, for the time is near at hand that mankind will see that which I have brought to the surface as a forewarning, is well worth considering by all of the Republics.

When this shall have been established, it will bring about politically the Universal Brother hood of man in these United Republics of the Americas. That is one of the first steps according to MY Version and according to MY Proposal, to bring into fellowship these Republics of the Americas firstly, as no doubt you all have been taught, "Charity begins at home and spreads abroad."


Most Important Legislation

Let this effort on MY Part go home with you all. Those who have any influence whatever in the Senate or in Congress, let them petition their respective representatives to introduce such a bill that these Republics might get together and unify and no longer be severed, that the enemy might not have a chance to invade us; for if this is accomplished it is a long stride towards Universal Peace. It is one of the most important pieces of legislation to be enacted for national and international defense.

Then all of these Republics of the Americas shall learn one language and one speech in this advanced civilization, as they were in the beginning of the creation. Biblically speaking, according to Biblical history, they were all of one language and of one Speech in the beginning of the creation. What said the Scripture in the prophetic age inspirationally predicting that of which we are now proposing?

'Let there be no division among you,'

as a request and yet as a demand, yet as a prediction of what we shall enjoy throughout all of the lands after a while.

Firstly it begins intuitively, inspirationally, religiously, from the heart's center and then it expands politically, legally, socially and otherwise when it shall have enveloped the world of things with which we are concerned. It is there and then we shall have a Righteous Government!


A Long Stride Toward the Goal

There are many things I could say along this line, but as the time seems to be swiftly passing and as I did not arise to say so much at this instance, I arose to give an invitation to our visiting friends, as an invitation had not been given them since I came in. But as there was a thought dropped that we would have the Universal Brotherhood of man and the conscious recognition and the realization of the FATHERHOOD of GOD established, I just wished to say, it may not be infinitely established yet, even when these Republics shall have been unified as the United States, but it is a long stride towards that which we are endeavoring. Aren't you glad !

Hence we shall have a Righteous Government, and the Righteousness of GOD is brought to fruition in the hearts and lives of you all and in all of the people as you bring your bodies into subjection and in obedience to the high calling of your great Creator!

What a glorious privilege to live in such a recognition, where you are conscious of such a supernatural phenomenon to be enacted as well as inspired in your hearts and in your lives and it shall be enacted in Congress and recognized as Law and Order legally and politically for all of the people!

When these Republics shall have been unified together, it will not cause the deterioration of any one of them but the advancement of each and every subject if it is enacted righteously, soberly and godly; for such an enactment would not infringe on the rights, neither abridge the right or privilege of any of the subjects of any of the Republics, by giving every person, those who are under-privileged in this and in other Republics at the present, a chance for expression according to the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and according to the Declaration of Independence.

It would free millions! It would lift them morally. It would lift them physically through the advancement of our sanitary system. To cleanse them and their surroundings physically and materially, we would advance physically, morally and otherwise as well as spiritually and intellectually, mentally and from the mental world of expression. Our physical bodies would thrive on the advanced light of this spiritual civilization that would advance speedily by harmonization.


A System That Could Not Be Criticized

By consecration and by the unification of the nations politically and having it legally established, we could work out a system scientifically according to legality that could not be criticized by any other republic nor by ourselves individually; for it would be a standard that would be lifted morally, religiously, spiritually and otherwise so far above the present standard of living that all of the people would see it distinctly and would much appreciate it and would benefit by it. Can you not see the mystery?

Then I say, it is a privilege to live in such a recognition and to see what is coming forth in expression, first in the consideration of the people, then into actuality legally and politically when it shall have been made a living reality universally! I thank you.



PEACE, EVERYONE: I will not bore you longer at this particular instance, but as I afore said, I arose firstly to say we have visiting friends with us as usual. If any of our visiting friends have a word or many words to say, whatsoever they care to say, they are welcome to speak by moving volitionally as we do if they care to, for this is the way to victory I believe, as freedom is victory; and victory will give freedom as freedom gives victory--the freedom of speech, the freedom of the press and the freedom of peaceful assemblage, the freedom to worship GOD to the dictates of your own conscience, the freedom to speak and move volitionally according to your highest leading and speak intuitively if you wish to. I thank you.

At this instance Mr. Edward Mathews arose, speaking as follows.

FATHER DIVINE and my brothers and sisters, I feel one of you. 1 feel very happy here. I do not know whether you will understand, but I will try to tell you how I come to be here.

I had a very important business errand in Philadelphia and we were driving over the road yesterday afternoon, and suddenly I noticed that there was a sign across the river from Krum Elbow, that they were building a library--"Franklin Delano Roosevelt" Library. Well, I remembered, from reading in the magazine some time ago, FATHER DIVINE'S Place was across the river; so I asked the secret service man to direct us, for I have long been curious to come here.


Desired to Meet FATHER

I have long since been anxious to meet YOU; in fact, some time ago, came a beautiful Soul in my office. She did not happen to be what we call the same color, but I am very glad that YOU do not take any notice of that. I have not for my life time; it has not been noticeable to me. The hearts are the same color. This woman came first when I was there, and she brought such a loving spirit with her, that my whole day was beautified.

I talked with her. I am a shoe manufacturer. She heard about the comfort of the shoes that we manufacture, and I thought they may be rather high in price for her, because she told us she was working in the Mission, and I wanted to present her with a pair, FATHER. But she said she would not have them, but she said she would pay for them, and would not even have any reduction in price; and she went on to tell me how she had been employed a number of years ago, and had taken some things, and when she came to see this way of life, she was constrained to go and make payments for all of those things that she had taken. Her face fairly shone. Inward peace actually transfigures the human countenance, so that it shone with a light that never was on land or sea.

This woman stood out in my memory; and then my sister was in my office, in my business, and told me about a remarkable woman who had been there. I remembered her--the very features of her. She brought this peace and said "Peace." She seemed to be pleased with everything; and instead of thanking me, she said, "Thank YOU, FATHER! Peace."

So I have been thinking about those things during these months, and my sister said some remarkable things to me about a month ago. She said, "I was very tired, nervous and worried. Things were not going well, and this beautiful Soul came in the office." She said, "You know, I think there must be something behind this. I wish I knew more about it." She said, "There are, no doubt, thousands of people somewhere in the vicinity of 'blank' and 'blank' Streets."


Report of His Visit to Newspapers

I must confess, I have not been there, but I am going when I get there, and I am going to tell them about my visit when I go there, and if it is agreeable to FATHER DIVINE, when I get back, I want to write to some of the Boston papers and tell them of the wonderful visit that I have had.

So we crossed the river, forgetting about our business, and we went over to Krum Elbow, and there we met--well, first we went a little past the driveway, and we met a man working on the gasoline pump. His face fairly shone. He told us how he came from a long distance out of California, and how his troubles had all passed away, when he realized this Brotherhood of Man; and we were greatly helped and lifted up, and we asked him if he thought it would be all right for us to visit the Establishment; and he said it would be, and gave us the name of a sister in charge. ("Noah, remarked some of the children.) Who? ("Noah" was repeated. ) That's right, Noah. Remember her, FATHER? Well, I talked with her on the telephone today. I went over there and it seemed so wonderful to me.

I won't take up too much of Your time; YOU probably know all about it, but I have to tell you a little of it. Everything was clean there; and you know the Bible said,

'Cleanliness is next to godliness'

--and my daughter remarked here this evening on the beautiful table--nothing fancy here, nothing elaborate, but it is clean. The floor was clean She turned to me and said, "There is not a person here who is not neat"; and I noticed that too; and am very much impressed with such things, and we had a meal over there, and the surprise of our life was, they would only accept fifteen cents for it.


Abundance of the Fullness

We had fried chicken, curry of rice and peas and biscuits and tea, and it reminded me of the seven--what was it?--seven biscuits (seven loaves) and two fishes, because Noah told us there was a-plenty. She said she did not know how many would come, but she said, "I wish you would come too." She said, "FATHER provides and has a plenty." We could not get anything out of her at all as to the cost. We could not leave any money except the fifteen cents. We tried to buy magazines, and they sold us these for five cents; sold us an extra cup of tea for three cents, and she let us buy this, but would not let us pay what we thought the meal was worth; so we asked if we might call up FATHER DIVINE, and she said we might, and we got His Secretary; and she said "Peace" to us; and I have been sending that out on Christmas cards, FATHER.

'The LORD bless you
The LORD make His Face to shine upon you,
And be gracious unto you.
The LORD lift up the light of His Countenance upon you,
And give you this Peace.
My Peace I give unto you; My Peace I will leave with you,
Not as the world giveth, give I this unto you.'

Well, we turned towards Philadelphia. We told the secretary. She was kind to invite us to come. I said, "I would so much like to meet FATHER DIVINE," and her remark, I think, has brought me here. She said that the Spirit will make that possible; so I am glad to tell you that I canceled my engagement in Philadelphia, and decided to go back another day for the privilege of coming over here. We could not get back in time for the Opening of Krum Elbow, because this had to work out in our hearts a little bit. We had to see what was really important, and we came over here, feeling that this was the most important thing we could do; and I would not have missed this for anything in the world.


Equal Rights

I feel ashamed to take so much time, but, FATHER DIVINE, up until eight years ago, I was a college professor out in Antioch College, in Ohio. That college having been founded in 1853 by Horace Mann, who said he was going out in the far West in 1853, to found a school where race or religion or politics should never keep any young person from an education. Girls in those days could not go to college. They had no recognition in the college, because they did not have their equal rights; so Horace Mann went out and so I was proud to be connected with this college, with the President, Arthur Morgan, for five and a half years.

Then there came a time when this Brotherhood of Man took such possession of me, I had to disconnect from the formal education. Now I started a very humble school, "The Homestead Guild School," and I expect to start very many more of them, and one thing I emphasize is that color or race or religion makes no difference;

'There is neither East nor West, border, nor breed nor birth,
When two strong men stand face to face,
Though they come from the ends of the earth.'


Out of the Heart First

I was much impressed about what FATHER DIVINE said about the Brotherhood of man. I think it would be a wonderful thing if these Republics could be united; but in all of His Talk, the thing I am going to take away and ponder on, was that HE said, "Those things firstly come intuitively and inspirationally and religiously, and then they go out and find political expression, in the great system of government"; but there again you get back to the Words of the MASTER,

'Out of the heart are the issues of life.'

I close my remarks. They seem to be in harmony; but with all I have seen and heard, I have not seen a face that is not shining. There is peace. I have never found so much peace in so small an area.

Two days ago, I prayed for one of my very dear friends. I called on him for a moment. He happens to be burdened with a great deal of this world's goods. Thirty years ago we parted. He wanted to make me rich, and I would not have it. I wanted to go into education. This man, remember, is a very unhappy man. He is two years older than I, and he has been all over the world searching for help. He will never find it until he finds peace--will never find it, and that is what I told him; and that is what I wrote him. After I left him I went down to the drugstore and bought a card and got four sheets of paper, and that is what I wrote him--no doctors, no sanitarium can help him; it was only inward peace which would help him, that he so much desired, and give him peace.


"My Own Shall Come to Me"

He is a very rich man. You remember the very rich man that went to Jesus by night; he would give everything. He told him to give to the poor, but HE meant--to give himself.

'He who gives himself with his alms feeds three; himself, his hungry neighbor and Me.'

This is the verse I want to leave with you and FATHER.

'Serene, I fold my hands and wait,
Nor care for wind nor tide, nor sea;
I rave no more 'gainst time or fate,
For, lo ! my own shall come to me.
(You are my own)
'I stay my haste, I make delays,
For what avails this eager pace?
I stand amid the eternal ways,
And what is mine shall know my face.
'Asleep, awake, by night or day,
The friends I seek are seeking me;
No wind can drive my bark astray,
Or change the tide of destiny.'


"What Matter If I Stand Alone?"

This great Man has stood alone, and now you are all along with HIM. HE had to stand alone. First every cause had to start with one man.

'What matter if I stand alone?
I wait with Joy the coming years;
My heart shall reap where it hath sown--'

(As HE sowed love, you paid HIM with love, you see.)

'My heart shall reap where it hath sown
And garner up its fruits of tears.
"The waters know their own and draw
The brook that springs in yonder heights;
So flows the good with equal law,
Unto the Soul of pure delights.
'The stars come nightly to the sky,
The tidal wave comes to the sea;
Nor time, nor space, nor deep, nor high,
Can keep my own away from me."

As Mr. Mathews resumed his seat, FATHER arose once more to render unto us the following beautiful Words which are Life and Spirit to one and all.


Stilling the Person



It is good to be here! I AM sure you all who are in ME in the Unity of Spirit, of Mind, of Aim and of Purpose and are one with ME mentally and spiritually effectively, enjoyed the speech of the last speaker as you have not enjoyed one on, as may be termed, the outside, for quite a while.

This remains to let you see and know
GOD is Present wheresoever you go!
You need not doubt nor fear misery nor woe,
for CHRIST your SAVIOR is here below!
Filling all space and absent from none,
Matters not where you go or where you come.

The very spirit of GOD'S Presence can satisfy everyone; but the relaxation of the conscious mentality is the great essential--the stilling of the personal egotism, personality, individuality, and all of mortality's expressions that GOD HIMSELF might move and speak and act intuitively by inspiration and by intuition! It is a wonderful privilege to know it.

Therefore with such a recognition GOD is with you, and if you desire to hear the truth as revealed by the INFINITE, GOD is not confined neither bound by the mortal version; GOD transcends every opposition, every barrier and every limitation. GOD is actually present. If you seek ME diligently, you will find ME!

GOD is not mortality nor matter, as I afore said, but GOD speaks and acts and will appear when you allow HIM to. Relax, let go and let GOD and GOD will let you!

When the last speaker was giving out that wonderful piece of poetry, it retraced MY Thoughts back to MY often rehearsed statement as a composition:

'The relaxation of the conscious mentality is but the reconception of GOD'S Omniscience!'

When we still ourselves individually, personally and from a personal point of view, when we come to our extremity completely,


"Show Us the FATHER"

It is good to be extremiated at times. When the speaker mentioned his friend seeking great wealth, I thought of one of MY often rehearsed statements: A person will never be satisfied until he or she can see his or her GOD! Phillip said,

'Show us the FATHER and it sufficeth us !'

I believe that Philip was an individual speaker in his statement as a prediction concerning himself and all of the people; they will be satisfied when they see GOD effectively as he sought to see HIM! Aren't you glad!

Men seek happiness, health and everything desirable. They seek those things and they find them not by the avenues and ways through which they seek them. Some seek perfect happiness, perfect peace by seeking great wealth and some seek great learning intellectually and other ways of expression; but there is no real peace and perfect happiness until they find their GOD!

Oh, it is a privilege to observe the mystery! For when this has been once established within you, you can relax; you can rely on the fundamental and GOD HIMSELF will be with you and be within you! Aren't you glad!

This is not a supposition, no longer to be imagined--the conscious recognition and the realization of millions by this great conversion. Aren't you glad ! Then I say, it is a privilege to observe these things such as the last speaker explained. They are well worth considering, and some of the very words I have spoken personally many years ago, even,

'MY Peace I give unto thee; MY Peace I leave with thee! Not as the world gives, give I unto thee! Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid!'


"My Peace I Give Unto You"

This was brought out, of which is a quotation of the Scripture--the Gospel, whichever--but it was brought out in a composition, I think, about thirty years ago or more:

At this point FATHER Sang:

'MY Peace I give, MY Peace I leave,
MY Peace I give, MY Peace I leave,
MY Peace I give, MY Peace I leave.
Not as the world gives, give I unto you!

"Let not your hearts be troubled, neither be afraid,
Let not your hearts be troubled neither be afraid,
Let not your hearts be troubled neither be afraid.
Not as the world gives, give I unto you!

"MY Peace, MY Joy and MY Happiness,
MY Peace, MY Joy and MY Happiness,
MY Peace, MY Joy and MY Happiness.
Not as the world gives, give I unto you!

"MY Peace I give, MY Peace I leave,
MY Peace I give, MY Peace I leave,
MY Peace I give, MY Peace I leave.
Not as the world gives, give I unto you!"

It is just beautiful to know, beautiful to live, and put it forth into expression! As I said and as the last speaker said: get whatsoever you get spiritually firstly; then it will come automatically--that which is necessary for you.

At this point Mr. Mathews interrupted with this quotation:

'When two or three will meet together in My Name, there will I be in their midst!'

FATHER continues :

And in bodies, it is true. So it is a wonderful privilege.

'First seek ye the kingdom of GOD and HIS Righteousness and all of these things shall be added. . .'

by the relaxation of your conscious mentality and by stilling yourselves as individuals. And as the last speaker said in reference to the rich young ruler,

'Go sell all you have and give to the poor and then come and follow ME!'

I did not say in that statement there, "Sell all you have and bring it to ME," but "give it to the poor and then come and follow ME!" It is wonderful!


Gain by Sacrifice

It is a privilege to observe the mystery; and by the sacrifice of all things and all would-be things, the prospect of all things that may come by the will of man and not by the will of GOD, you gain a hundredfold more in this present world; by the sacrifice of all things and all would-be things or prospect of things you sacrifice for righteousness' sake, you gain a hundredfold more in this present time, and in the world to come, life everlasting! Now aren't you glad!

Just think of it, the way up is the way down ! The way to gain is the way to lose apparently! Sacrifice! Deny yourself! Follow the CHRIST and you will be blessed! You will be blessed beyond degrees ! You will not find room to receive the blessings through self-denial, consecration and sacrifice. That is MY Experience. That is MY actual experience!

Mr. Mathews: I believe it is.

FATHER: It is! As you see them gather around ME, so it is with the supernatural blessings of the inspirations of love, of joy and of happiness beyond degrees! It is marvelous! And first seeking the spirit of all things firstly; you see the mystery? Then the material of it will be added if it is necessary ! See the mystery?

Mr. Mathews: It is all right here!

FATHER: It is all there.

Mr. Mathews: It is all right here when you are ready.


Seek the Spirit of Things

FATHER: Positively ! It is just waiting. Then first seek the spirit of things that are just and right. Seek the kingdom of GOD and its right-use-ness, the right-use-ness of it! Learn how to use all things rightfully and righteously. When this is established with you, why, all of your blessings, both your spiritual and material blessings, you will not have room to receive them as a person! That is a fact.

Seek the kingdom of GOD and its right-use-ness; the right-use-ness of things. Learn how to use all things righteously and unselfishly, and with those things, limitlessly, GOD will bless you! You will not have room to receive them! These are facts and figures too stout to be denied.

So then, that was just the little mistake your friend made. He sought firstly the material things. He acquired them according to your statement and is now the tenth richest man of our country.

Mr. Mathews: And on the sixth of December his foster son shot himself! The boy that he loved and brought up and wanted to inherit his goods. And now this man is stooped and old and yet is only two years older than I am. He did not seek the Kingdom of heaven.

'I will leave man unrested until he rests in ME,
Drawn upward by the Power that makes him free.
Leave him in tragic loneliness to choose,
With all in life to win, or all to lose!'

FATHER: It is wonderful! It is marvelous! So this is a real experience, a real experience! It is logic. It is logical and it is logic in itself to be considered. How glorious it is to realize it! These are two outstanding expressions! One sought GOD and heaven in the way of wisdom and understanding spiritually as Solomon did, and the other sought wealth and the inheritance of the earth. See the mystery? But now I hope he will turn to GOD and recognize the reality of that Something he has been seeking which is actually within him but lying dormant, waiting for a way of expression, for a chance for expression; for,

'Man's extremity is GOD'S Opportunity!'

But he did not extremiate himself firstly.

I AM glad I AM extremiated from every angle expressible that GOD might alone be the expression and alone might have the opportunity for expression with ME, within and without, now, henceforth and forever! I thank you, I thank you, I thank you!!

At this juncture, Mr. Mathews again spoke, saying, "FATHER, may I just say another word?" FATHER answered, saying, with a mighty power, "Yes, I hear you! It is wonderful!'


Driven to GOD

Mr. Mathews: The great emancipator, Abraham Lincoln, put this sentiment into beautiful words when he said

'When I had nowhere else to go, I was driven to my knees!'

All great men have felt that. One time General Washington was down there at Valley Forge and his soldiers had no food; had to sleep without blankets; had no fire and they were cold. General Washington went out into the woods to pray. He was kneeling there and a Quaker came along and he saw General Washington kneeling in prayer. He did not disturb him but he went home and he said to his wife,

'Thee knowest I thought this cause would fail, but,'

he said

'You know this cause cannot fail, because I have seen General Washington on his knee and GOD is going to pull him through!'

And so He did. All great men have that reliance on GOD.

This is one of the happiest moments of my whole life ! It is more real peace here than I have ever seen or experienced in any group before! It has been my privilege to know almost all of the men or women of our day who are called great. I have been their guest and I have known them, but they have not all been peaceful; and no one can be truly great who has not found that inward peace!

'Teach me, FATHER, how to go,
Softly as the grasses grow.
Hush my soul to meet the shock
Of the wild world as a rock.

But my spirit, propped with power,
Makes it simple as a flower.
Let this dry heart fill her cup,
Like a poppy looking up.

Let life lightly wear her crown,
Like a poppy looking down
When her hair is filled with dew,
And her life begins anew!

"Teach me, FATHER how to be kind
And patient as a tree!
Joyfully the crickets croon
Under shady oak at noon.
Beetle, on his mission bent,
Tarries in that cooling tent.

Let me also cheer some spot,
Hidden field or garden grot,
Place where passing souls may rest
On the way and be their best!

I thank you.


Manner of Invitation to Speakers

FATHER once more speaks as follows:

PEACE, EVERYONE: I would just like to say at this instance, if any of our visiting friends, if there are any others here who would like to have a word to say, we would be pleased to hear from them. As I often say, the spirit is not confined neither is it bound to persons nor personalities. It may rise and come forth into expression more effectively in the most insignificant at times and in persons from whom you least expect the unfoldment of the spirit. So we give freedom for everybody to speak by moving volitionally as we do if they care to. Of course we leave the way open so if they do not care to move volitionally as we do, they are welcome to speak by being introduced according to custom if they desire to do so. I thank you.

At this point Mr. Mathews' daughter, who was also a guest at the meeting, arose and accepted of FATHER'S kind invitation to speak. She told of how in early life she had become dissatisfied with Sunday School because the children would talk of everything except things pertaining to religion. For this cause she broke away from Sunday School, and from there, as she grew up, she began attending all sorts of religious activities.

She spoke of her particular interest in the Aimee McPherson Movement but stated that she yet had not found the satisfaction which she had been seeking and the peace of mind and real truth which she longed to attain. Tonight however, she said, she had found more real peace in this meeting than had ever been her experience before; and in fact, she had never witnessed such as she had seen tonight and also the other day on her visit, she said. Miss Mathews concluded by saying that she hoped that she would always have the peace that shone in the faces of all present.

Thus it was that this beautiful and inspiring meeting drew to a temporary conclusion, and FATHER proceeded to the private dining room to serve the usual midnight Banquet. THANK YOU, FATHER DEAR!


