"The Golden Rule With Arbitration Will Bring Peace to Every Nation"

Various Political Aspects of His Teachings Re: International Peace

International Peace Place Card

  1. "The Golden Rule With Arbitration Will Bring Peace to Every Nation" "Harmonization is the mystery of supply that will eventually satisfy every good desire."
    New Day, Nov. 24, 1956; P. 21-22 Message - Given Nov. 25, 1941; 4:22 p.m.
  2. "If you will live evangelically, Spirit of MY Presence and the Presence of MY Spirit, as it goes forth sponsoring this infinite Peace Mission for you universally, will give you peace and joy transcending all human understanding wheresoever you are."
    New Day, Dec. 22, 1956; P. 5-6 Message - Given Feb. 15, 1934; 11:30 a.m.
  3. World Peace. "For this cause I came, and for this purpose I stand, sponsoring this universal Peace Mission on earth among men, that they might recognize this impersonal life that we are advocating..."
    New Day, July 21, 1962; P.1-2 Message - Given Feb. 18, 1934; 4:30 p.m.
  4. Striving to Get the People Together.
  5. And in the Days of These Kings Shall the God of Heaven Set up a Kingdom, Which Shall Never Be Destroyed. Dan. 2:44
    All of these great advances scientifically, intellectually and from every desirable angle expressible will profit you nothing, unless you advance from a spiritual point of view.
    New Day, May 28, 1966; p. 16-17 Message - Given Sept. 15, 1938; 12:55 a.m.
  6. "If you will consider the Sermon on the Mount as the foundation upon which you should and could build. It and the recognition of GOD'S Presence will bring you peace on earth and good will to men in all things; in business profession, in labor and in trade!"
    Peace through getting an understanding in Business Matters. New Day, Dec. 30, 1950; P. 14-15 Message - Given Dec. 24, 1950; 2:10 a.m.
  7. The Life That Is Exemplified in the Sermon on the Mount...Can Solve Your Every Problem.
    'How marvelous it will be when this great contagion of honesty and of truth, of virtue and of holiness shall have enveloped the world!...We can and will then live in reality in peaceful and quiet resting places!"
    New Day, Aug. 28, 1965; P. 7 Message - Given Nov. 12, 1949; 2:57 A.M.
  8. There Shall Be No Peace in Reality Until the Nations of the Earth Have Accepted the King of Peace, the Savior of Humanity
    'I said, where there are those who refuse Peace' and will not accept of ME, they will have misery and more misery, confusion and more confusion, sickness and death and more sickness and death, for they have denied the Prince of Life', and objected to all of these things of which I AM; that which I AM expressing."
    New Day, Dec. 11, 1965; P. 1-4 Message - Given Sept. 25, 1938; 1:10 P.M.
  9. We Shall Bring and End to All Communism.
    'They have even had the audacity to send out leaflets...to sign for peace' but I say, you live for peace!' produce the peace that passes all human understanding by the birth of Jesus Christ and by the life we live through Americanism, Christianity and Judaism as synonymous!"
    New Day, Oct. 2, 1965; P. 7-9 Message - Given July 30, 1950; 11:30 A.M.
  10. FATHER DIVINE'S Telegram to President Johnson, Congratulating Him on His Civil Rights Speech to
    Congress and the Nation and the President's reply.
  11. Let All of the Postmasters of Our Government Know They must Recognize the Prince of Peace And the Government Stamp must Carry "Peace".
    All humanity should recognize Peace' and use it as a salutation, yea, when they answer the telephone to use Peace' that peace might be transmitted psychologically.
    New Day, Aug. 15, 1959; P. 3-5 Message - Given Oct. 16, 1938; 12:45 p.m.
  12. Without the Recognition of The Prince of Peace, the King of Peace, Men Shall Not Inherit Peace
    'They all must recognize MY Presence and the presence of peace among this people and I shall so contagionize the atmosphere with it until those who open their mouths, even if they desire to speak, unconsciously and unwillingly they shall say, Peace'."
    New Day, Dec. 23, 1961; P. 5-8 Message - Given Dec. 28, 1938; 12:55 p.m.
  13. FATHER DIVINE'S Opinion on Eisenhower's Election.
    General Dwight D. Eisenhower's press conference as printed in the New York Times of Sunday, June 8, 1952.
    'They shall know ME from the least to the greatest." - FATHER DIVINE
    'The time is out for ignoration."
    'Now I would like to say, all of the political parties, where can you find one that has stood out openly and publicly, without MY connection and out of MY Presence, and recognized MY work and mission and declared it, as General Eisenhower did?"
    New Day, Nov. 17, 1956; P. 4-7 Message - Given Nov. 5, 1952; 6:43 p.m.
  14. We Did Not Wait for War to Call for Peace but We Produced it and Brought it to Fruition and Are Transmitting it to All Humanity
    '...This shall be legally established universally and after a while men will recognize the Spirit of Peace and the method of acquiring peace by getting it before war, rather than after war."
  15. New Day, Oct. 20, 1938; P. 5-7 Message - Given Oct. 17, 1938; 12:55 a.m.
  16. Re: The Word Peace in Our Salutation.
    'Our salutation Peace', at this present instance, especially in the European countries, is much needed..."
    '...As it was in the beginning of the creation peace was handed down to the children of men..."
    New Day, Sept. 22, 1956; P. 8-9 Speeches and Message -Given July 10, 1941; 11:11 P.M.
  17. The Time Cometh and Is at Hand When the Representatives of the Different Countries Will Get Together and Use Their Energy in Talking and Debating Constructively "I shall cause them to beat their swords into plowshares; their energy and ambition shall be beaten into pruning hooks, where they will eventually study or learn war no more."
    New Day, Dec. 22, 1962; P. 10-11 Message - Given Apr.30, 1940; 3:57 a.m.
  18. When this Truth Has Been Developed in the Hearts and Lives of the Children of Men They Will See That Aggression Does Not Pay
    '...If the warring nations could automatically sign an armistice, they could easily and readily enact the same when the spirit of love and truth shall have been established and they recognize one eternal Christmas day."
    'We are unlearning that which we have learned...and realize Christ is being born every day."
    New Day, Jan. 2, 1941; P. 17-21 Message - Given Dec. 26, 1940; 1:40 a.m.
  19. "My Peace I Leave with You, My Peace I Give unto You Not as the World Giveth Give I unto You Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled."
    'If any man sue you at the law and take away your coat, let him have your cloak also."
    Re: the Czechoslovakians. "Having apparently paid a dear price for the peace they are now enjoying...such sacrifices were the redemption of the lives of millions of men, and the saving of civilization, as it may be termed!"
    New Day, Oct. 6, 1938; P. 31-34 Message - Given Sept. 30, 1938; 10:45 p.m.
  20. Laws and Treaties Will Never Bring an End to War and Bloodshed until Men Recognize the Prince of Peace.
    'They need not talk about signing contracts, agreements, and trying to get others to sign them. Mortality's version cannot sign effectively and bring righteousness, truth and justice. By nature they are dishonest, they are untrue...!"
    New Day, July 31, 1941; P. 5-8 Message - Given July 25, 1941; 4:40 p.m.
  21. I AM Speaking to Capital and Labor! I AM Speaking to Business and Trade! They All Must Come Together!
    'But over and above every opposition and every uprising in profession, labor or business, among the nations of the earth, I shall bring peace on earth and good will toward men!"
    New Day, Feb. 12, 1966; P. 4-6 Message - Given Oct. 12, 1945; 5:00 p.m.
  22. You Will Have to Learn to Love Everybody; in this Atomic Age it Calls for It.
    'You are living in an age now that brings all of the inhabitants of the planet earth together! Not only the civilized world, but the civilized and the uncivilized world, we all must come into this recognition that you all are one universal family.!
    New Day, Jan. 11, 1964; P. 1-2 Message - Given Jan. 4 ,1946; 4:37 p.m.
  23. This Country as a Foundation for Utopia.
    'This country is the Country Seat of the Universe, the Cradle of democracy and the amalgamation of all nations, of all languages, of all tongues and of all people
    New Day, Jan. 24, 1948; P. 6 Office Talk - Given Jan. 14, 1948; 3:14 p.m.

