We did not wait for war to call for Peace but we produced it and brought it to fruition
and are transmitting it to all humanity! — FATHER DIVINE

FATHER'S Message at the Banquet Table No. 152-160 West 126th Street, New York City
Sunday Evening and Monday Morning October 16 and 17, 1938 A.D.F.D., Time: 12:55 A. M.

This significant Message herein recorded is well worth the time and consideration of every person who is seeking a way out of the confusion and chaotic conditions present in the governmental affairs of the world today. Herein is set forth the solution for Universal Peace which, if adopted, would solve our political, social, economic and industrial problems once and forever and create harmony among the nations and that sense of Peaceful Security, that bond of brotherly love that is so pitifully lacking from the present generation.

During the course of the Banquet our well known friend, Captain Bloomer, arose to say a few words. He told of how he had heard through various widespread sources of the wonderful Message FATHER had delivered this same morning, yet he had not personally attended the banquet. He stated that while passing through the lobby of one of the large hotels  in this city he heard some people remarking about the lecture FATHER gave, and when he got up on Lennox Avenue, a similar remark  met his ears— "What a wonderful talk FATHER  gave!" On two or three more occasions, he said, he heard individuals talking about this same lecture. He spoke also of a Reverend of one of the well known churches  here in New York  who had heard of FATHER and His great Work and expressed the desire to come and visit it some time as well as a lady who had traveled extensively and is now residing in Mexico, who wrote the Captain of how widely FATHER DIVINE is discussed down there.

The Pendulum of Equalibrium

Truly might have one said, "By His Works ye shall know HIM!" Read for yourself this glorious Message given by the Dean of the Universe!

FATHER, we thank YOU!

The foregoing statements are those of the transcriber, after which FATHER speaks as follows:

Peace Everyone: Everybody happy? I need not say more than what has been said. I will speak in actions and I will speak in deeds to put this issue over! Thatof whichI AM stressing daily, even when I meet you, this Peace Program—this Peace Program must be established throughout the universe!

As I said in part today in one Message I gave talking with some; a few years ago, even very recently, the people had, and have, been attempting to criricize the name or  word Peace, but I brought it out in the President's message so distinctly, his conscious conviction is that all people should pray for Peace before, rather than after, war! This is exactly what we are doing! This is what we have done!

Can you not see the reality of it? For when Peace  has been prayed for—in other words, stressed and lived and expressed so vividly until the very Spirit of Peace is reincarnated in you, you will have the peace that will overthrow all of the spirit and the characteristics and the nature of war! You will not have a government in you to raise arms in opposition to the Peace that has been established; you will be minus war! You will be a living reality filled and thrilled with Peace, until the very Spirit of Peace will have access in your physical body and you will no longer have an ambition nor a desire to war.

The President Has Endorsed the Peace Movement

Oh, it is a privilege to know we have received automatically, even if it was unconsciously, the endorsement of the President of this country! He has actually endorsed this Movement of Peace as a Universal Issue and it shall be legally recognized! Aren't you glad!

When the President of the United States said these words: "It is my conscious conviction that all people should pray for Peace before, rather than after war," is not this a exact endorsement of this Peace Mission Movement? for we have established Peace! We did not wait until war to cry nor call for Peace, but we have produced it and brought it to fruition and we are transmitting Peace to all humanity—those with whom we come in contact! Aren't you glad!

Then I say, this shall be legally established universally and after a while men will recognize the Spirit of Peace and the method of acquiring Peace by getting it before war, rather than after war. Why should you first have a war and fight some six or eight years and kill out two or three billions of people, if you could, and then cry for Peace?

Can you not see the exemplification of Peace as I have established it firstly within and then without as I extend it to all mankind? Oh, it is a privilege to observe the mystery and see and realize and know definitely GOD is right here with you!

These words that the President said alone should be considered!  If the nations of the earth today and especially this nation would take cognizance of the message as given, they would be led out of war once and forever and into Peace to abide throughout all eternity! Oh, it is a privilege to know the Truth!

A Psychological Law

Anything that is worth while, if you stress it vividly and live it continually and produce the spirit and the meaning of such as you consider, it will eventually become to be the consideration of others and will become to be a living reality as a living factor made real and practical!

The seeking of Peace before war! Oh, it is a privilege to observe the mystery, to see what GOD is actually doing among this people! I have paved out the way and I have laid the Foundation that you might build upon this Foundation. Even the politicians and the chief executives universally shall eventually build upon this Foundation! Aren't you glad!  For they will see and know in reality I have the key to Salvation, the hope of the Redemption of all humanity! Aren't you glad!

For this cause I AM rejoicing and I  AM filled as an individual, with enthusiasm! For this cause MY Hearers, Coworkers and Friends are exceedingly happy. This enthusiasm is contagious: it contagionize's the atmosphere in which you are living and causes you to become to be partakers and affected by this contagion. Aren't you glad!

As  with the negative, so with the positive: therefore, the positive as a living reality shall be universally established in the place where the negative has once been established!

What said the Scripture concerning the mystery . . .  this of the negative of which I AM now speaking?

"In Adam all die , so shall in Jesus Christ all be made alive!"

Therefore, in Adam as the first man of the earth, earthy, representing the negative; through disobedience sin passed upon all man; in other words, all men become to be sinners! Therefore, death passed upon all of them until Christ came as the Positive to contagionize the characteristics and the nature of of humanity with HIS Characteristics! The Spirit of Peace, the Spirit of Love, the Spirit of Unity and Tranquility, GOD through HIS Love and Mercy and Tender Compassion, is actually contagionizing the atmosphere with it!


Filled With Joy and Peace and Happiness

Oh, it is a privilege to observe the mystery, for you can see it is contagious, for you have it! You can see the different individuals filled with enthusiasm; they are filled with Joy and Peace and Happiness because it is just as effective as the negative was. The negative was destructive by nature; therefore, it destroyed you partially, but what said the Scripture concerning the mystery?

"He that defiles the Temple of GOD, him shall GOD destroy!"

God is now, with the brightness of HIS coming— is now destroying all of the negative and mortality's version and establishing the Truth concerning the Kingdom of Heaven!

Oh, it is a privilege  I say, to be in the Actual Presence of GOD and see the Work go on! I shall not be discouraged, neither be disturbed until I shall have enthroned CHRIST on the throne of the minds of men wheresoever man is found.  Therefore, the kingdoms of the world, they must come down! These are the kingdoms of the world of which I AM speaking, such as vice and crime, dishonesty, incompetence, untruth in politics and in government! Wheresoever unrighteousness and untruth is represented, I shall destroy such detestable characteristics; I shall destroy such detestable tendencies that are in them and cause men to recognize GOD'S Actual Presence and in the place of wickedness, there I establish MY Kingdom! Aren't you glad!


I Will Demand Them to Say Peace

I AM not asking you to say Peace. Just now I say, I AM not asking you to say Peace, but I will put MY Spirit in the politicians and all of the chief executives of this Country and all of the other countries and I will demand them to say Peace.! I said I will demand them to say Peace even as the President did!

The President said Peace and he requested the honor of all people to pray that Peace might exemplified among them and be a living reality, no longer merely a word to be heard far away, but that it might be established and lived day by day! That is what it is all about!

Just as he said it, he said it for millions, and I shall not be discouraged until I shall have established his statement, for he was endorsing MY Peace Mission Movement even if he was not conscious of it! It is immaterial to ME whether they ar conscious of the endorsement of the Movement as an individual Movement or not! The reaction of such an assertion shall work and it shall be stamped in the minds and hearts of men! They shall recognize GOD'S Actual Presence from what they have said. It is a Truth, it is a Reality, for I have it!

Is not this a sample? Is not this an example? Who has seen such audiences as this  and these where I AM represented, where Peace has full access over the masses and the Spirit of GOD'S Peace can control them with the word of Peace?  Just think of it!

It is immaterial to ME if I have fifty thousand or one hundred thousand under the jurisdiction of this influence! The Spirit of MY Presence with the word Peace extended, will control them, will keep them into subjection, will cause them to serve GOD with the spirit sincerity; cause them to be peaceful where they were once Peace disturbers and Peace breakers! Aren't you glad!   

I need not say more at this instance, for the time seems to be fast passing. As I afore said there are no doubt, others as visiting friends who would like to have more to say. I will have more to say if you are true and unfold yourself and express yourself. You might lead ME out! I thank you.      
