"The Golden Rule With Arbitration Will Bring Peace to Every Nation.

"Enact the Bill of Rights in all of your activities and in all of your dealings
between man and man and consider if there is any misunderstanding whatsoever,
harmonization is the mystery of Supply." --- FATHER DIVINE

Our FATHER'S Message given at the Banquet Table, Circle Mission Church, Home and Training School, Inc.,
764-772 S. Broad Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, November 25, 1941 A.D.F.D. Time 4:22 P.M.



The City of Brotherly Love was again abundantly blessed above measure to have with them Immanuel, the Prince of Peace, FATHER DIVINE, the Eternal GOD Almighty, Who illumined all who would receive HIM and prepare HIM room in their hearts with His illuminating Gems of His Omnilucent Wisdom in which lies the Salvation of all mankind. In this glorious Message, FATHER, the Wayshower and Exemplar of all Righteousness, Justice and Truth, has lowered the Chariot of Peace, Harmonization, Good Will and Unity, which in short, constitutes a New Birth of Freedom, so that the nations of the earth might get on and be the recipients and the expressers of the Golden Rule which will bring about Lasting Peace to the perishing civilization.

O humanity, won't you heed the Words of GOD Almighty, FATHER DIVINE, while HE speaks in Meekness and Mercy; or are you waiting for HIM to thunder down from Mount Sinai? Today is the Day of Salvation, but tomorrow is not promised!

We thank THEE, our long-suffering SAVIOR!

(The foregoing statements are those of the transcriber, and the following is FATHER'S glorious Message:)

PEACE EVERYONE! Good Health, Good Will and a Good Appetite; Good Manners and Good Behavior; all Success and all Prosperity; all Wisdom, all Knowledge and all Understanding, and Life, Liberty and the Reality of Happiness! These and all other blessings to you I bring!

Whilst listening to one of the original inspirational compositions just before the beginning of the Service so vividly stressed, I thought how marvelous it is to think along that line of what it really means to harmonize. Harmonization through the Golden Rule by arbitration will bring Peace to every nation, and as with a nation, so with an individual.

It will bring harmony in your physical system and cause conditions to be harmonious within physically as well as harmonious within mentally and spiritually. It will also cause harmonious conditions to result in your respective communities if you will live soberly, Righteously and Godly in short, constitutionally!

If you will enact the Bill of Rights in all of your activities and in all of your dealings between man and man and will consider if there is any misunderstanding whatsoever, harmonization is the mystery of Supply, that will eventually satisfy every good desire, but it is essential to come together with the Golden Rule and arbitration to bring about harmonization. By this, all problems will be solved. The undesirable conditions can and will be eradicated once and forever and GOD Himself in you and in your affairs will become to be a Living Factor; one that will adjust matters satisfactorily! One that will automatically re-create desirable conditions and will bring peace where there was confusion! Bring unity where there was division; and coalition will be common, not only among the officials nationally, or officially, but coalition will be common among all of the people, for harmonization with the Golden Rule by arbitration will bring about coalition in every community; will bring it about in every business, profession and every trade.

This is it for which you all have prayed. I heard them pray I mean Personally in the different churches, prayer meetings, and in their homes among those who have family prayers, and pray aloud so everybody can hear them. I have Personally heard them pray, "Lord bring us all together! Bring us together and let there be no division among us."

But the Golden Rule with arbitration will bring about harmonization, unity and tranquility, and this will bring about

'Peace on earth and Good Will towards men,'

that of which was given to the Wise Men by the angels when they sang. It was an inspirationic in other words, it could have been deemed as a revelationic, inspirationic composition from the invisible realm.

The astrologists of the Far East that came to Bethlehem seeking to find the place where the Babe was born, they heard that little song once sung, but never to be forgotten,

'Glory to God in the Highest, and on Earth Peace, Good Will towards men.'

When the CHRIST is born in the hearts and lives of the children of men and in their business and affairs and all things that concern them, they will be able to fulfill that inspirationic composition of the angels,

'Glory to God in the Highest, and on Earth Peace, Good Will towards men.'

Through the Golden Rule with arbitration, bringing Peace and eliminating and eradicating confusion, such will bring peace to every nation, and cause the peoples of the earth all to be neighborly and adopt the "Good Will Policy!" Aren't you glad? It is a privilege to realize you can be built upon a foundation that cannot be shaken, by the recognition of GOD'S Actual Presence and by having this New Birth of Freedom of which Abraham Lincoln was speaking.

Politically, a New Birth of Freedom will give you a chance to get this Freedom of which Jesus was speaking: "If you continue in My Words, you shall know the Truth, and the Truth shall set you free."; will set you free economically, will set you free socially, will set you free politically. It will set you free financially. It will set you free from every other angle because,

'He that the Son sets free, is free indeed!'

He has a deed to his Freedom in every direction and from every angle of expression!

I do not wish to bore you with My Words as I feel as though it has been enough of them said as proof read. I believe you have heard enough to stir the pure minds of all humanity and cause them to be super-anxious one way or the other, to get away from ME, or to get rid of ME or something because I AM stirring up creation!

'The Golden Rule with arbitration will bring Peace to every nation";

but as I gave the angels by composition that little message by My Spirit transmitted,

'The Child that was born in the manger was never a god of war'

was never a god to start confusion, malicious antagonistic division among the nations, but to establish Peace on earth and Good Will toward men in fulfillment of the song the angels sang as a message to the Wise Men. It was a message to you if you heard it and you believed it, therefore it was a message to you as well as to the Wise Men, although it was handed down traditionally and scripturally, and then by this conversion inspirationally and you received it personally. Oh, how glorious it is to live in such a recognition and build upon a foundation like this one that cannot be shaken, for GOD is your refuge, your strength and your protection if you will but let HIM!

These new inspirations and compositions I AM giving by My Spirit transmitted, they are not only compositions and inspirations, but they are messages of salvation teaching and telling all government and all of the nations how to live and how to gain victory over undesirable conditions; not by the sword lest any man should boast. If by the sword you win the victory, it will profit you nothing, for

'He that fighteth with the sword, shall by the sword perish.'

It is a hard saying, but yet it is true! It may not be today. It may not be tomorrow, but remember, your day is coming. The common slang has been used quite often in the world of slang and phraseology: "Every dog has his day, and every man has his own day in court"; so it is something to consider.

Just about a score of years ago, or a little more, the Allies, those of the nations that were opposing Germany, they thought they had conquered Germany, yet in wickedness we term the German Government to be; but yet even if we term it to be wicked and unjust you can see, though being wicked and unjust according to our democracies, still they did not lie dormant but about a score of years and even that spirit of domination came forth again in more momentum and determination to conquer their previous enemies of their Government than what it had ever been.

If this can be true, and you as Christian representatives of a democracy believe it to be wickedness and national and international crime, how about GOD whom you say I AM, that cometh to overcome all vice and crime and debauchery and dishonesty and incompetence in the hearts and lives and in the affairs of men?

If man can do wickedly by the spirit of violence to overcome his enemy and cannot be conquered or hindered, how about the Spirit of Righteousness as exemplified among you when you endeavor to do that which is just and right according to what CHRIST said do? There is no way to fail! It is a matter of impossibility, regardless to the situation and regardless to the versions of men concerning My Work and Mission. If GOD is for you, who can be against you? And if the wicked can slay the wicked in the fulfillment of the scripture, and yet cannot be hindered until they bring themselves to their destination, how about you if you stand for this full and free salvation according to the Life and Teaching of your Savior?

It is something to consider when you know definitely GOD is with you! I heard one say by composition but not in the exact words, but by interpretation I speak: "The other place' may rage and vent her spite, but GOD will save His Heart's delight." Rest you assured, GOD will save His Heart's delight if you trust whole-heartedly in GOD and rely on the Word that will set you free as you continue in it as required by Jesus:

'Continue in My Words and you shall know the Truth, and the Truth shall set you free!'

Free from the economic problems, free from depressions, free from localization and the brutality and the savagery of racial prejudice, and other detestable tendencies created within you and handed down together. >

Those detestable tendencies can be overcome by the recognition and by the realization of CHRIST your LORD and your Savior, your Redeemer and Creator. I thought a little while ago whilst this may seem a little strange; but if you seek information metaphysically, scientifically, intellectually, nationally and internationally and politically, such information is freely given as you live soberly, Righteously and Godly and harmonize together. Aren't you glad?

Harmonization is the mystery of Supply! Through harmonization for one common cause and purpose, dark clouds of doubts and fears are dispelled and division is eradicated and you come close together and the Spirit will reveal the Mystery to each and all of us, and you will be able to say with Jesus,

'I thank Thee, FATHER, that Thou hast hid these things from the wise and prudent and revealed them to babes and sucklings,'

and in fulfillment of another rehearsed scripture quite often considered,

'It is better revealed than told.'

The Mystery is being revealed and everything that life demands can and will be revealed as you live in this recognition, and keep looking diligently, conscientiously and sincerely to the One who says, "I AM the Way!" I thank you.
