"If You Want Happiness, Vividly Visualize It
And GOD Will Materialize It In Your Physical Bodies." --- FATHER DIVINE



  1. "...The great significance of thinking GOD into action.
    When you think GOD into action, HE will come into display automatically!"
    Concentrating upon the strength of the strong, you tend to produce it and bring it into your experience by vividly and enthusiastically thinking or concentrating upon it."
    New Day, Aug. 23, 1958; P. 8-9. Message - Given Feb. 3, 1934.
  2. If You Want Happiness Vividly Visualize It And GOD Will Materialize It In Your Physical Bodies.
    'Now, imagine all you wish to or all you can...If your imaginations are desirable, if they are recognizable, they can be realizable by being materialized and by being personified."
    New Day, Apr. 15,1961; P. 4-5 Message - Given July 9, 1939; 2:25 A.M.
  3. We shall continue to iterate and reiterate, produce and reproduce the Positive until the Positive Results shall be our portion. -FATHER DIVINE
  4. As I Unfold The Mystery You Will See More Distinctly The Effect Your Words Have On You And Others.
    'Speak comforting words to the children of men and think good thoughts for others as well as for yourself..."
    New Day, Apr. 15,1961; P. 5-6 Message - Given July 12, 1939; 2:25 A.M.
  5. "What a privilege to live in GOD'S Presence to be in the number contagionizing the universe and lifting up the fallen, rescuing the perishing and caring for the dying! Redeeming mankind from sickness, from sorrow, from pain and from death and conveying the positive thoughts that will give such a result!"
    New Day, Jan. 23,1965; P. 15-17 Message - Given Dec. 21, 1938; 10:25 P.M.
  6. "If you could or would but know the great significance of visualizing something that is perfect, something that is pure, something that is true, something that is real, something that is positive, something that is profitable, something that is desirable, you would copy after the fashion according to MY instructions."
    New Day, Apr. 13, 1957; P. 9-11 Message - Given Mar.5, 1934; 12 noon
  7. "If You Are Sick, If you Are Afflicted, If You Are Diseased, Concentrate On ME Harmoniously; By MY Stripes You Will Be Healed."
    New Day, July 27, 1957; P. 8-9 Message - Given July 18, 1937; 2:10 P.M.
  8. "By thinking beautiful thoughts... the very thoughts you think cause your heart to be filled with enthusiasm and merriness."
    New Day, Jan. 25, 1958; p. 3 Message - Given Sept. 19, 1944; 4:20 P.M.
  9. Talking With One Accord You Automatically Take On The Spirit Of The Other Person With Whom You Talk Because You Think As He Thinks. "A merry heart doeth good like a medicine!"
    New Day, Dec. 15, 1951; P. 7-9 Message - Given Sept. 24, 1942; 1:00 A.M.
  10. CHRIST Mass In Your Hearts And Minds.
    'I have brought to the children of this people the merriness that causes you to be trees of the field.' and you are clapping your hands...This merriness fills and thrills your hearts with joy, and it has given you peace that the world cannot destroy.."
    New Day, Dec. 27, 1958; P. 6-7 Message - Given Dec. 24, 1933; 10:15 P.M.
  11. "I should like to be as a thermometer, but not to register discords."
    New Day, July 10, 1948; P. 2 Short Talk - (undated)
  12. "It Is Common Business Judgment To Put Everything Down Within Reach Of The Public"
    'You are the manifesters of your conscious expression."
    'That is why Christ in the name of Jesus is called the Redeemer, because HE redeems man from the adverse and undesirable conditions in which man through negative thinking, has placed himself."
    New Day, May 2, 1953; P. 4-6 Message - Given July 19, 1934; 11:05 A.M.
  13. Balance Your Mind By The Mind Of CHRIST.
    In the unity of the spirit
    all kingdoms, from mineral to man, will be in harmony.
    New Day, Oct. 3, 1959; P. 7-9 Message - Given Oct. 18, 1936; 1:00 P.M.
  14. Why Not Materialize Positive Things By Positive Thinking.
  15. "As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he."
  16. "Live in a Positive Expression and Your Appearance Will Express God Perfectly."
  17. "We shall continue to iterate and reiterate, produce and reproduce the Positive until the Positive Results shall be our portion."
  18. Your Physical Body Is Built Up Of What You Think And Do. New Day, Dec. 5, 1959; P. 11, 14-15 Message - Given May 29, 1943; 3:25 P.M.
  19. Your Word Is Your Life '...Build upon a foundation that cannot be shaken: for your word should by your bond, and your bond should be your security; and you should take a stand that before your word would fail, you would fail yourself willingly, and go down in defeat personally, never to rise again." Also re: competition and oppositions being needful in every field of activity as they will cause one to put out the best within. New Day, Dec. 5, 1959; P. 15-16 Message - Given May 27, 1943; 3:20 A.M.
  20. "By looking on the bright side of life, discerning the positive and not the negative, you tend to register the positive and the reaction of the positive is reflected, and you will be the reincarnators of it." New Day, May 28, 1955; P. 3-5 Message - Given Mar. 18, 1935; 2:05 P.M.
  21. Reiterate The Positive, The Perfect, The True. 'That is why some of the followers remain filled with enthusiasm, because they are radical enough to stress continually their conscious conviction and their realization, by reiteration and by continuing to stress it on the minds of others, telling others what GOD has done for them."New Day, Nov. 13, 1965; P. 6-8 Message - Given May 29, 1937; 3:20 P.M.
  22. When Hitler finds out that the Government is United Together, He Will Soon, in Shorter Time Than You Think, No Doubt, Lift Up a White Flag and Surrender to GOD, for GOD is in America!
  23. GOD Points Man To The Great Value Of Positive Thinking. New Day, Oct. 30, 1965; P. 8-10 Message - Given Mar. 3, 1936; 1:15 A.M.


