"As I Unfold The Mystery You Will See More Distinctly The Effect Your Words
Have on You And Others." --- FATHER DIVINE

Our FATHER'S Message given whilst at the Banquet Table, 152-160 W. 126th Street, New York City, N.Y.,
Tuesday Evening AND Wednesday Morning, July 11-12, 1939 A.D.F.D., Time: 2:25 A.M.

FATHER and MOTHER DIVINE in the Limousine

FATHER and MOTHER DIVINE in the Limosine.

Little do the children of men realize that thoughts are really things and thoughts put forth into expression in words become to be a living reality when constantly iterated and reiterated over and over again.

In this beautiful little message FATHER illustrates this fact by recalling to our minds many human, mortal expressions used sometimes as terms of endearment and others used as slang through vulgarity.

It is a wonderful thing to realize that our thoughts and our spoken words do have effect on us as well as others and that they have a great bearing on our physical bodies, our minds and even upon our souls. When this is realized fully by mankind, it will greatly increase the persistence and the zealousness of those connected with the education of the school child, to rid the books of learning of, and also to eradicate from newspapers and other reading matter, all words of negation and erroneousness, segregation and discrimination, and it will also cause them to think and speak only positive thoughts and words that they might always think and express the positive, the good and the true. When this is accomplished, we will indeed have established a real Utopia among us and GOD will be uppermost in the consciousness of the children of men with a full and a free access among them. Beloved Redeemer, we thank Thee!

(The foregoing statements are those of the transcriber, after which FATHER speaks as follows:)

PEACE EVERYONE! Truly, it is true when you think on ME vividly with the spirit of sincerity and are in harmony with ME, the reaction of such a mental and spiritual contact will bring you the desirable results. It is not because I AM doing something for you especially as a person, but the Name of GOD of Whom you say I AM, the very thought on the perfect picture, reacts upon the impulse of the moment according to your religious conviction and gives you a desirable inspiration and leads you out into paths that are pleasant, bright and clear.

Why live in lacks, wants and limitations? Why live in the dark and gloomy day of your ancestors? Why live in such a state of consciousness when the state of consciousness in which I AM living is ever at the door? Let the sunlight of MY Love shine in! Speak comforting words to the children of men and think good thoughts for others as well as for yourself, especially think good thoughts for them, and automatically the good thoughts will turn your darkness into bright noonday.

'The darker the night, the brighter the light.'

On the public highways when the highway is very dark, your automobile lights are more bright. Aren't you glad! They express more of the brightness of themselves where the darkness fills the road on dark nights, more than they would and more than they do on bright or light nights.

Through the many dark, seen and unseen dangers, through doubts and fears and oppositions, through trials and undesirable conditions, GOD has truly come! For this cause GOD came because it was necessary for GOD to appear, as "the other fellow" as being termed (you know what) by the religions, was in evidence he was in evidence so effectively. He had control over the people. It was essential for GOD to come forth into expression as a rebuttal to such a condition and such a representative of life.

You have been taught from your earliest existence, this man or that woman is a "natural born other fellow". It was not any harm to call a person the "other fellow". You call your children the "other fellow". If they are beautiful when they are infants, at times you call them, "mama's little angel". You do not think it is any harm to call them an angel, and you turn right around and say, "my kids!"

The mothers of kids are goats and the fathers of kids are billies! I do not mean the vulgar name they call some of the mountaineers, "hill-billies", but I mean the mothers of kids are nanny goats and the fathers of kids are billy goats; but you are the children of GOD!

When you call your little children "angels", that is a psychological truth well worth considering it has a great effect upon them. The reverse is equally true. When you reverse your gears of thinking and turn around physically or personally and say, "my kids", you may impart or impose the spirit or the nature of a kid or goat upon them, but Jesus the great Love Master said,

'My sheep hear My voice, a stranger they will not follow!'

He also said,

The sheep are on the right and the goats are on the left!'

So it is a blessing to be on the right.

Then I say, it is a blessing to live in such a recognition! There are many things I have to tell you. As I unfold the mystery you will see it more distinctly and realize you are advancing in this spiritual civilization and you will learn definitely, the effect your words have upon you and the effect they have upon others with whom you have to do.

The "other fellow" in consciousness has been established and has been reckoned among the nations of the earth. You count the "other fellow" as a living reality but you have observed GOD suppositionally, superstitiously as an unreality, as something mythological. But we are making real, tangible and practical the reality of the Almighty and of all of His Goodness to you and mankind, that you might live in this recognition and build upon this foundation that cannot be shaken!

Oh, how glorious it is to realize, the thing you vividly visualize you tend to materialize! We have been visualizing Honesty, Competence and Truth! Now, those of you who are true and faithful and lived according to MY Teaching are the personification of that which you have been visualizing.

For this cause we put forth perfection into outer expression on the material plane. There and then and under such an expression GOD HIMSELF through His condescension comes and reigns. When this is done you can candidly say the Kingdom has come and the will is being done, for

'Wheresoever a King reigns, there is where His Kingdom is!'

You have never seen such audiences as these, where GOD HIMSELF has free and full access and rules and reigns on the throne of the minds of the children of men and has dominion over them! No, not one. No, not one! Not a one of you has seen such audiences as these, where GOD alone reigns on the throne of the minds of the children of men and has full access and all dominion!

GOD alone here is reigning! That is the reason for we calling this and all the other places wheresoever I AM, the "Kingdom". We do not call them kingdoms as many, but the Kingdom just one, but reflected and manifested in many different places as we do not say the principles of mathematics but we say the principle of mathematics. We do not say the inventions of electricity but we say the invention of electricity. We do not even so much as say the electricities as many but we say electricity as a stressed expression as the invention which is one, yet it may be manifested universally, but it is just one. So it is with the Kingdom of GOD among the children of men!

Now there are those who are critics who may wonder why is it that I speak as I do. The same privilege is for you! GOD'S Omniscience is just as applicable and just as expressive; it is just as effective if you will allow it to be, for you as it is for ME. But so long as you rely on something of your own, or information coming from other sources, it is a matter of impossibility for you to draw effectively from GOD'S Omniscience, for you are seeking something and some information from some other informational expression. But when you close every way of an inlet for any other information, there and then it will come from the fount of GOD'S Omniscience, transcending all human information or transcending all human education and transcending all human understanding combined as intelligence of the children of men.

But oh, how glorious it is to live in this recognition! You are lifted from materialism completely! You become to be new creatures characteristically and you live in the recognition of GOD'S actual Presence and GOD'S Nature and Characteristics are your portion and you are new creatures automatically by living accordingly! I thank you, I thank you, I thank you!
