"Thoughts Are Things in Reality and When They Are Spoken into Actuality,
They Take Form in the People in Their Physical Bodies and They Become to Be
the Personification of the Thoughts They Have Been Thinking!"

"When I say, 'Good Health, Good Will and a Good Appetite, with Good Manners,
Good Behavior, All Success and All Prosperity; these and all other Blessings

"I AM bringing them into your consideration."

Our FATHER'S Message at the Banquet Table
72 Macon Street, Sayville, Long Island, N.Y.
Wednesday, December 21, 1938 A.D.F.D., Time -- 10:25 P.M.

Sayville Dining Room

Sayville Dining room.

"Thoughts are things!" This is indeed a true saying and you can prove it by application. If you continue to think positive and constructive thoughts, why, naturally you get positive results. If you to think negative and harmful thoughts, you will soon feel the effect of your wrong thinking!

In this beautiful Message of Truth and Life FATHER explains this mystery in a way so simple that one and all can conceive it and profit by the Lesson it contains.

FATHER also sets forth the mystery of the impersonality of GOD. Your emotions, expressions and even your very gestures, each and all of them are impersonal and they are not your own! Everyone has the same privilege to express them as you have, for GOD is no respecter of persons. Therefore, read this glorious Message, Dear Ones, and take heed to the great lesson it contains. If you live exactly according to the Truth that it conveys, the whole world will profit thereby, and you will receive the Peace, Life, Health and Love, Success and Prosperity that GOD has in storehouse for you when you bring yourself into subjection to His Will!

(The foregoing statements are those of the transcriber, after which FATHER Speaks as follows:)

PEACE EVERYONE! Good Health, Good Will and a Good Appetite, with Good Manners, Good Behavior, All Success and All Prosperity! This and all other Blessings to you I bring! I have spoken them into actuality by thinking and speaking them into your consideration that you and others might conceive the idea concerning the mystery; for the positive thoughts I have spoken, they have reached you!

The thoughts that have been conveyed and you have conceived them in your minds, by them your bodies are saved and healed from all sickness, sorrow, pain and death and every undesirable condition! The positive thoughts as spoken and as I AM speaking, I AM continually conveying these thoughts to the inhabitants of the earth. I AM transmitting My Positive thoughts to all humanity through mental telepathy and by My Spirit, therefore thoughts are things in reality and when they are spoken into actuality, they take form in the people in their physical bodies and they become to be the personification of the thoughts they have been thinking!

When you think Positive thoughts, as Health, Liberty, Life and the Pursuit of Happiness, and speak these into actuality by speaking in their own terms, they will give you the desirable results of such thoughts. They become to be a living reality as they are conceived in your conscious mentality; for your thoughts as they are conceived, why, the heart -- the blood pump -- as I explained, will beat warm in your heart and will cause the blood to be pumped into your system according to the thoughts you are thinking. It causes the outward expression of your countenance to change as your thoughts and your manner of thinking and your body become to be the physical expression of your mental and spiritual conception.

What a privilege to be on earth with GOD, where you as individuals can be the transmitters as the divers broadcasting stations according to the broadcasting system, sending out messages from or through the ether, whichever. You should be radio broadcasting stations, not only the receiving sets, but I have lifted you now from a radio receiving set, and you, as individuals should be radio broadcasting stations according to the mental and spiritual radio broadcasting system!


The Infinite Broadcasting System

There are many stations in the system; in the divers systems there are many stations; hence, you as individuals, should become to be the radio broadcasting stations in connection with the great mental and spiritual broadcasting system. Hence your thoughts; I have spoken your thoughts are things and you are broadcasting them as you think! Even if you are not conscious of broadcasting your thoughts through mental telepathy, you are broadcasting them even if you are unconscious of it. Hence, in this great Infinite Mental and Spiritual Broadcasting System, each individual, as a broadcasting station, is sending out broadcast messages mentally and spiritually from his or from her system!

Hence, if you think positive thoughts, you are sending out positive thoughts to get the positive results from your thoughts in action and into expression in others who will conceive them. That is the mystery. What a glorious privilege to live in such a recognition, and by your positive thoughts you have spoken whilst being in harmony with ME, millions have been lifted and blessed though the transmission of My Thoughts through you as being termed yours when you are speaking positive thoughts, for you are contagionizing the environment in which you live, for the atmosphere being contagionized with your thoughts you have been thinking and others become to be partakers of the thoughts you have conceived through the mental and spiritual broadcasting system!

If your thoughts are harmless, they will be harmless to others. If they are contagious but detrimental and destructive, they will be the same to others! Whilst on the other hand, if they are harmless to others but constructive and good to and for the upbuilding of others, they are good for the upbuilding of yourself. Your present and your past experience will give you to know whether they are good for others by your present and past experience.


Harmonious Thoughts Brought the Desirable Conditions

When you thought harmoniously with ME, when you believed in ME sincerely, aches and pains go out of your system! Your physical bodies were healed! You looked, you believed and you lived and you are living on! You did not find undesirable conditions even in your surroundings so long as you had thought positive thoughts with ME and so long as you were in harmony. Can you not see the mystery? You were successful, you were prosperous in your surroundings! The very atmosphere in which you lived was impregnated with the positive thoughts you were thinking concerning ME and it brought the positive results in and on the material plane.

In whatsoever you endeavored or attempted to do, My Spirit would abundantly bless you, would make you successful and prosperous in all of your endeavors and your thoughts of yourself to others would do them the same; for it carried the same results to all mankind as My Thoughts and these results are impersonal. They were just as expressive to others as they were to you; hence, when others conceived the idea I conveyed to you through them, they too, in turn, received the same results you had already received. Can you not see the mystery?

What a privilege to live in GOD'S Actual Presence and to be in the number contagionizing the universe and lifting up the fallen, rescuing the perishing and caring for the dying! Redeeming mankind from sickness, from sorrow, from pain and from death and conveying the positive thoughts that will give such a result! Aren't you glad!

I think I had better stop! Without the consideration of that which is written, I have spoken; but after I have spoken into actuality and in My Personal activities, I AM Preaching and Teaching that which is written! I have come forth into consideration to call your attention to the Scripture. When I call your attention to the Scripture, you can see most distinctly I AM the Fulfiller, but yet I had not firstly considered it. For this cause it was essential for Myself not to bear record of the Scripture until I had actually, Personally fulfilled it, that I might not be allegedly tutored by it nor trained to be it, but naturally be it intuitively, inspirationally, characteristically and naturally as being the Real Thing it is and then bring it to the surface and explain it in the words of My Explanation. Can you not see the mystery?


Here Is Rest

Then let others see it and read it and then they can understand it most distinctly when they see the mystery. Oh, it is a privilege to live in such a recognition where the Tree of Life is blooming; where there is Rest here for the weary, right here on this side of Jordan, in this sweet Field of Eden! Here is Rest for the weary; here is Rest for you!

It is a privilege to see and to know Thoughts Are Things and you can be the fulfillers of the Scripture by taking on the CHRIST Characteristics and becoming to be New Creatures! You are not the old one, you are the new one, the new creature; hence you are radio broadcasting stations in this great Infinite, Mental and Spiritual Broadcasting System with which you are connected!

What a privilege to live in such a recognition where you can broadcast continually the very Spirit, the Mind, the Life and the Love, the Characteristics and the Nature of the INFINITE, and that Life you express from this angle of expression in thought forces will be the same to others as it is to you. If it can lift you, if it has lifted you, it can lift others equivalently the same!

Oh, it is a privilege to observe the mystery and to recognize GOD'S Actual Presence, His Love and His Mercy! What a privilege to be under the showers of such a Love; to be under the protection of such a Mind, speaking into actuality at all times, words of Life, words of Peace, and words of Rest! When I say,

'Good Health, Good Will and a Good Appetite, with Good Manners, Good Behavior, All Success and All Prosperity; these and all other Blessings I bring,'

I AM bringing them into your consideration and causing you to reconsider them! By such a reconsideration and such a substantiated faith, the reconsideration of the POSITIVE will bring the desirable results; hence you can rejoice and be exceedingly glad in the fulfillment of the Scripture without thinking about that it is written in the Scripture of any such thing as gladness of which I AM speaking.


The Scripture Will Be Revealed

You do not have to think about it being written in the Scripture when you are the actual fulfillers, but when you fulfill it effectively, it will come to the surface and be revealed most distinctly that it is written in the Scripture and you are the fulfillers! Aren't you glad!

"The Lord reigneth," and many other such assertions as made by David, if I must continue apparently to stress the forty-fifth Psalm. It was a psalmic prediction as I continue to say, according to King James' version; the psalmic prediction of this dispensation in which we are now living and the psalmic prediction we are now fulfilling. Aren't you glad!

'The Lord reigneth!'

This psalm, it tells you it was the Graces of CHRIST'S Kingdom!

Can you not see it is being fulfilled? When I said in the prediction and through David that shall forget about their people and their father's house, the actuated words of expression in your daily experiences, My Spirit is telling you to forget about your people that you might lose your cursed identity and be hid in the INFINITE from the storms and trials and tribulations and the misery the millions are undergoing!

If the people of the earth would have thought and considered and hid themselves in the Infinite characteristically, lost their old characteristics and disposition of themselves according to their respective lineage, they would have hid in the Infinite forever and the curses imposed upon the ancestors would not come upon them -- no, never!


You Are from GOD

Why should you be cursed because of the cursed lineage from whence you allegedly came -- from whence you allegedly come, whichever; for such a lineage is not the reality of your ancestors! You are from GOD; hence if you "X-ray-ly" behold the reality of the real lineage from whence you come, the Spirit of GOD'S Presence within will lift you above materialism and will carry you back mentally and spiritually through all of the ages, back and through the dispensations to the home from whence you come! Can you not see the mystery?

Then you will see the reality of yourself as GOD'S real child! You will be able to declare as declared the Spirit:

'GOD is your FATHER and you never had another!'

You will deny the mortal connections! You will deny the mortal relation! You will deny all materialism and mortality completely by living in the Light of GOD'S Understanding as CHRIST gave it and from those conditions that were imposed upon others through the different lineages, you will be lifted and emancipated from those conditions, for you will be New Creatures in reality! You will transcend the limited barriers of mortality's version! You will go back to the GOD who gave it, who gave you your Hope of Life through all of those things through which you came, and will give you your real emancipation in the recognition of GOD'S Actual Presence where GOD is on active duty and at home at all times! And when this is done, in CHRIST you can hide and naught outside can do you any harm!

How glorious it is to live in such a recognition and to realize what it means to think positive thoughts, to convey positive thoughts; for just what your thoughts will do for you and have done for you, your thoughts will do the same for others -- if your thoughts to you have been constructive or if your thoughts to you have been destructive. Can you not see the mystery?


Do Not Poison Others With Negative Thoughts

Then if you love others, even if you love them for a selfish purpose, if you see your thoughts are destructive, do not give them your thoughts to poison them with your thoughts! Even if you love them selfishly, mortal-mindedly, it would be foolish for you to give the mortal mind your thoughts even if you loved a person mortal-mindedly, if your thoughts are destructive or have been destructive and you see they are unprofitable.

Now reverse your gears of thinking and direct your thoughts in the positive direction. You will get the results of your positive thinking or positive thoughts as others are getting, according to the way others are positively thinking. Aren't you glad!

Then I say, you can see, if you love ME -- I mean as a Person -- if I AM your Friend, if I AM your Son or Daughter, Mother or Father, if you love ME, give ME thoughts that are constructive, thoughts that will help ME, thoughts that will lift ME, thoughts that will protect ME and thoughts that will bless ME and thoughts that will prosper ME! Now if you give ME thoughts that you have, if you are progressive, successful, prosperous, healthy and happy, you are giving ME the key to such as you are expressing and enjoying and I will have a chance to get the same by the thoughts you are giving! Can you not see the mystery?

To the reverse it is equivalently the same. Undesirable thoughts will bring misery, disappointment, failure and shame! If you give ME those thoughts, why, the same thoughts will bring the same results to ME such as those thoughts have brought you! Can you not see the mystery? It is equivalently the same, for it is an impersonal unfoldment of Life; the positive and the negative, all expressions are impersonal though they may be personally expressed by individuals and be classed as though they are the expressions of individuals, they will be considered as your expressions.


All Your Expressions Are Impersonal

"That is this one's expression or the other one's expression! He or she uses Mr. Thomas' expression! Don't you see he is using his expression?" That is what they may say at times; but these expressions are impersonal and all of the emotions and actions are impersonal, even to your gestures you are making!

These gestures I AM making may be termed Mine but they are impersonal, for GOD by Nature is impersonal! Aren't you glad! Then you can express the gestures and expressions GOD is expressing, and you, through concentration, can become to be the gesturator of those gestures that I AM making, even though I AM apparently the gesturator of them in the beginning, but they are expressible and impersonal! You may catch them and express them volitionally and become to be the "re-gesturator" of such gestures I Am making. Aren't you glad!

As with the positive, so with the negative. As with the gestures and outward expression of your emotions, your deeds and your actions, even so with the thoughts, ideas and opinions you are thinking. All of them are impersonal! All of them are reincarnatable! All of them are reproducible and re-personifiable! Then I say, if they are constructive, let others have them and let others be contagionized with them that you might be the broadcaster in this great Infinite Broadcasting System of Wisdom, of Knowledge and of Understanding and of words and actions and thoughts and ideas and opinions that are constructive and are the Life-Savers of all humanity. Aren't you glad !

Now you can plainly see the mystery is now revealed! From now, henceforth and forever you will think Positive thoughts. You will think most positive, you will act most positive in your actuated words of expression, even your gestures you are daily making, even though they are yours apparently, you will consider they are impersonal; they are just as expressive for others as they are for you and they are as much others' as they are yours. Aren't you glad!


Even Your Love Is Impersonal

Words, deeds and actions, ideas and opinions, minds and attention, love and devotion, and all such attributes and expressions and characteristics, they are all impersonal! Even your Mind and your Attention, even your Love and your Devotion! Others have as much right to use the Love you are expressing as you have! It is not your own! It is god's love you are using and if others can use it as effectively as you can, they have as much right to use your identical love as you may term it to be, as yourself as an individual! You shall not have anything to lean upon! I say, your very Love you have for GOD and for mankind, every bit of the Love you have for ME, that which you call your Love, it is not yours! Others have a right to take that same Love and Love equivalently as you do and express it and be even as True as you are True -- it does not belong to you! Aren't you glad!

This mighty, Holy, impersonal Love, undefiled Love and incorruptible Love that cannot be defined, it cannot be bound; therefore it's as much everybody else's as it is yours! Aren't you glad! And upon this Foundation if you will stand, you will lose your identity in GOD and no longer seen in man, for

'In Adam all die, but in JESUS CHRIST all shall be made alive!'

And this is CHRIST JESUS of which I AM speaking, this state of Consciousness of which I AM stressing. Of all of the impersonal impersonality and the un-individuality of GOD from all the different angles of expression, I AM proving to you conclusively, this and these and all other expressions are absolutely impersonal! Can you not see the mystery?

Therefore you cannot justifiably claim them as your own as a person, not even so much as the slightest expression of Love or Devotion -- it is not your alone; it is all impersonal, therefore others shall have it and enjoy it and express it as effectively as you yourself as a person! Firstly, I have spoken this by showing you conclusively that GOD is Impersonal and as with GOD, so should it be with you or so it is with you!


You Shall Not Have A Thing

Even though you may not wish for it to be true, it is true! That is why people in mortal consciousness have such a hard time trying to keep something -- trying to hoard something up for themselves. It does not belong to them, not a thing! Even the breath they draw, it is not theirs and as with the breath so with the life, and as with the life so with the love, so with the ideas and so with the opinions, so with the devotion and every other expression imaginable; all of these are as impersonal as the life you live and the life you live is as impersonal as the breath you draw!

The breath you inhale is not yours; others inhale it too! When you inhale it, you may have it for a few minutes or a few seconds and then you let it go and someone else inhales it and then they exhale it and you may get it again. It is all impersonal, for you shall not have a thing! Aren't you glad!

And as with the breath of life you inhale and exhale, so with ideas and opinions, with love and devotion and all of your mind and attention and every other desirable attribute or expression; they are all impersonal, they are not your own! And when you think like that, you feel pretty good! Your physical sight is not your own! None of your five physical senses as exemplified and as expressed in you, is your own! Not one of them is your own alone!

That sight you see with is as transmittable in the scientific truth of the Infinite and as impersonal as the breath of life you draw. Then I say,

'Love ye one another,'

and unify yourselves together and lose your identity completely so effectively until the transmission of your thoughts will be a living reality in consciousness as well as superstitiously and your five physical senses will be as much transmittable and as much connected and as expressive as your thoughts you are thinking, and contagious and catchable!


The Five Physical Senses Are GOD Expressed In You

If others can catch your thoughts, they can catch your sight, catch your taste, your hearing, and each one of your five physical senses, for they are all impersonal! They are GOD expressed in you as an individual to tell you things you do not know and HE tells you through those things according to the mortal version and according to the dictates of your own conscience, according to your physical system!

Your eyes will tell you things according to the mortal version! It is GOD as sight in them from that angle of expression and according to the dictates of your own conscience, GOD functions in your five physical senses. That is the way GOD tells you something. I thank you. You feel good, do you not? And when you get like that, you see, everything is all right! When this is done and all of the Glory returns to GOD to Whom it belongs, it is a matter of impossibility for you to be actually condemned for the wrong you have done; for then and only then can you prove conclusively by such an understanding, you are not guilty of doing those things. For as it is not you who did anything good, it is not you who have done the wrong in reality, although you apparently did it and you received the honor. But when you get an understanding whereby you will not allow yourself to get the slightest honor for the good, you cannot be condemned for the wrong that has been done, for you are not the one! I thank you.
