The Relationship of Praise, Thanksgiving, Prayer and Faith

etc., singing praises.

FATHER DIVINE, MOTHER DIVINE, etc., singing praises.

  1. "Reiterate Praise!
    Giving Praise as an Expression of Thanksgiving Can Be Reiterated but Not Your Prayers!"
  2. I thought how marvelous it is when you can thank GOD with the spirit of sincerity.
  3. "Your Religious Conviction Should Be Better and Greater than All Creation."
    'When and Wheresoever God Is Recognized, to Develop Such a Recognition and Realization in a Person, Oppositions must Arise."
  4. "A Merry Heart Doeth Good like a Medicine."
    By Continuing to Let the Praises Roll... "It Causes the Aches and Pains in Your Body to Leave."
  5. "Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow!"
  6. Testimony of Attorney Arthur A. Madison of New York City
    and FATHER DIVINE'S Speech.
    Thank You for the Response That this Great City (Philadelphia) Is Making in Recognition of Your Work Here.
  7. We Give Thanks for this Long Spiritual Journey That, Those of the Followers of Mother Ann, the Shakers, and We the Followers of FATHER DIVINE, Has Come to Bring Us to this Wonderful Historic Time When We Can Be Here Together in the City of Brotherly Love." - MOTHER DIVINE.
  8. YOU Are the Holy Grail, That Sacred Treasure That Men Searched and Searched for, FATHER. You Are the Miracle of the Ages. - MOTHER DIVINE.
  9. "You Cannot Give Thanks in Everything and for Everything Until the Spirit of Thanksgiving and Praise Has Been Awakened Within You."
  10. "For Giving GOD thanks and Praise Continually Your Blessings Will Be Increased and Multiplied.
  11. "If You Will Continue to Attune Yourselves to These Wonderful Compositions of Songs and Praises, Your Sorrows and Your Trials and Tribulations Will All Pass Away."
  12. "Praise Will Solve the Problems of the Nations, If You Praise the One to Whom All Praises Should Be Given."
  13. It Is Eternal Life to Know the Only True God ; and by Knowing God, Why, That Is the Way of Salvation.
  14. All Creatures Here Below, Praise GOD.
  15. For Your Asking, God Has Given, and for Your Giving Thanks God Has Increased.
  16. The Attributes of a Real, True Rosebud Feminine Youth Group of the Peace Mission Movement Are Described Spontaneously by Their Savior and Redeemer on this One Eternal Thanksgiving Day.
  17. Praise Will Unlock Every Barred and Shut Door.
  18. THE POWER of PRAISE and THANKSGIVING. The Highest Form of Prayer and Worship
  20. I Have Taught You in the Way of Wisdom; I Have Taught You in the Way of Righteousness.
  22. PRAISE-- Causes You to Have Power to Overcome Every Difficulty, Every Trial and Every Tribulation -- FATHER DIVINE
  23. If you are shut up in an undesirable expression of Life, Praises and Thanksgiving will set you Free -- FATHER DIVINE
  24. Give Praise 0penly, But Pray in Secret and GOD Will Reward You 0penly! — declares FATHER DIVINE
  25. Praise and Thanksgiving Must Be Instituted In Your Daily Activities and Conversation
  26. Even these material things that surround us, they came forth out of the Mind of GOD
    for the comfort and convenience of you all.—FATHER DIVINE
  27. If You Can Find One Thing to Find Fault with GOD For There Are a Million Things to Praise HIM For

