Give Praise 0penly, But Pray in Secret and GOD Will Reward You 0penly! — declares FATHER DIVINE

Praising Openly

Praising Openly

MONDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1940 A.D.F.D. TIME: 5:15 P.M.

"Make a joyful noise unto the LORD all ye lands! Enter into his gates with singing and into his courts with praise."

This Psalmic declaration is well worth considering and imbibing, for amidst the chaos and confusion existing in the world today the recognition and realization of GOD'S Actual Personal Presence is the great essential and the giving Thanks and Praise openly and publicly to HIS Holy Name is indeed important.

In this glorious Message our Beloved Savior stresses the essential of thinking an the Positive direction as well as allowing our speech, and our daily deeds and actions to express the same, in order that we might obtain only the desirable results. Also does the Master of Omnipotency dwell upon the difference in expression between praise and prayer. HIS wonderful Words on this subject are full of Infinite Wisdom and should be put into practice immediately, for they hold for each and every individual the Key to Everlasting Happiness, Peace and Prosperity!


(The foregoing statements are those of the transcriber, and FATHER'S Message follows.)


PEACE, EVERYONE: At this particular instance I have arisen to say, that which we stress vividly and enthusiastically with all sincerity, we tend to bring forth into expression as a living reality and cause others to be affected by it.

While the Message was being read I thought how marvelous it is to hear the positive assertions through GOD'S Condescension in Love and Mercy to permit you and others to make such positive assertions concerning HIM. The positive assertion puts the positive on the spot—causes the positive to fulfil the positive assertions and expressions concerning the positive as it is spoken of by those who are speaking of the positive.

I thought of how in the comment of all of MY Messages as the stenographers transcribe them, there are positive assertions made concerning ME. Those positive assertions should not be criticized more than the negative expressions and assertions that have been made concerning things that pertain to this life.

I was thinking at the same time how men through the negative expressions and the negative assertions~ have actually established negative conditions and the results of the negative have been the portion of millions through negative thinking and negative speaking.


Getting Desirable Results

But oh, how glorious it is to observe the transposed version of our general masses universally! We are changing the versions of the people, their ideas and their opinions. We are changing their manner of thinking and words and deeds are being put forth into expression, that which is of the positive instead of the negative, and we are getting the desirable results for it. Aren't you glad?

If there be a question, beloved ones, as to whether the words and MY Version are true or not, look at these surroundings, this dining room as a matter of course and other things that surround ME, and things that concern you and others with which I AM concerned. The positive assertions and the positive expressions, the positive ideas and opinions and positive thinking with positive deeds and actions, bring into expression the desirable— increase the~ desirable and multiply the blessings infinitely! Can you not see the mystery?

I thought of how someone thought as was heard, yet they did not say what they thought so it could be physically heard when the comment was being read of that Message as proof read: "If they continue to say that concerning FATHER, or FATHER DIVINE, such assertions being made and expressions concerning HIM, it will cause people to think it is true!" Can you not see the mystery? I thought to tell the thinker that thought negatively concerning you, which is to say ME; others have been speaking and thinking negative and bringing negative results and conditions in the land through negative thinking and negative speaking and stressing and telling the people, even preaching the "other fellow" and telling about how much power he has, what he is doing in the land and what he can do against mankind. Why not tell them something about what GOD can do for mankind?


Thinking in the Positive

I have reversed the conscious mentality of humanity's thinking. I have caused them to think in a different direction! I have used them to think Positive— instead of the negative; the Good instead of the evil. I have caused them to believe as much in the reality of the Personification of GOD as in the reality of the personification of a natural born "other fellow"!

This has been preached commonly among the people and especially the religions, they preach the "other fellow" more distinctly and more stressfully and explicitly than they do Christ your Lord and Savior!

So we are preaching, stressing, emphasizing, advocating and demonstrating the Positive instead of the negative; GOD instead of the "other fellow", and GOD has made HIS Appearance Personally whilst the "other fellow" is disappearing fastly! And as the "other fellow" disappears from your consciousness and consideration, the undesirable conditions and all of the results of the "other fe11ow" disappear with him, even the Desirable conditions and the results of the Presence of GOD appear with HIM when He shall have been reckoned and established within!

How glorious it is to repeat, rehearse, reiterate and stress! Before you knew your alphabet it was essential for you to reiterate and stress the letters constantly , by repetition, yea, continuing to repeat them until you establi5hed them as common rhythm in your memory. When this done you could not forget them, for they had been reincarnated within. They came through others, it is true, but to be made real to you was essential for them to, be repeated constantly and stressfully with sincerity until you could commit them to memory by repetition or reiteration; and when this was done you could not forget them.

You have stressed GOD and it seemed unreal. You have stressed ME vividly constantly and with the spirit of sincerity and you did it because you sincerely believed ME. You reincarnated such a conviction and now you are converted into it effectively and GOD to you has been made a Living Reality!

I just thought I would drop these thoughts for your consideration and let you see and know it is better to think the Positive, the Good, the Perfect instead of the negative, the evil and the imperfect! Take these thoughts to consideration.


Ask, Affirm, Give Thanks

Then once more again I stress a little motto for your consideration as a statement that is well worth considering; in whatsoever you desire if you ask, give thanks and give praise; by your asking and for your asking GOD will give; but before GOD has actually given to you distinctly in consciousness, when you have asked, affirm and GOD will confirm.

For your affirmation GOD puts forth a confirmation even as HE giveth for your asking. Can you not see the mystery? And for your thanks GOD increases that which He has confirmed that you have and for your giving praise GOD wil1 multiply that which HE gave!

These thoughts are well worth considering. Then as I said of a very recent date to one; praise is not necessarily an expression that must be done in secret nor through secrecy, but praise should be done openly or publicly and given out for publicity to give others a chance to see and know what GOD has actually done for you. But as prayer is the hearts sincere desire unuttered and unexpressed, you should pray to the Lord in secret, not praying or beseeching or requesting something; but after you have asked for it affirm that you have it and GOD will confirm it give thanks and GOD will increase, the very confirmation and the blessings HE gave you; and give praise and GOD will multiply them until your kingdom, your increase and your Peace, to you there will be no en! Aren't you glad !


Praying In Secret

This is the abstract expression of someone's religious conviction. By believing sincerely in GOD and trusting simplicitly and wholeheartedly in the Infinite the prayers of many are heard and answered speedily. But do not think you must give praise in secret nor through secrecy. Give praise openly but pray in secret and GOD will reward you openly! Aren't you glad!

Just behold the limitless blessings! As you have always heard of MYSELF giving praise for MY own Blessings and I AM openly giving the praises, but you never heard of ME praying publicly. If there was such a thing as a prayer to be offered up for you it would not be a public prayer, for I said through the Mouth of Jesus: "Pray to the Father in secret." But what said the Psalmic prediction of David concerning the mystery concerning praise? "Lift up your voices! Give thanks! Give praise! Sound your voices aloud in thanks and in praise!" But in prayer when you pray, Jesus said enter into the secret closet and pray! Do not allow anyone to know you are praying! Hide from the face of the earth and its inhabitants and speak to GOD in secret, Who seeth in secret, and HE Who you say I AM, will reward you openly and great will be your reward for yourself and for others!

Again another thought I wish to convey to bring an abolition to every tendency of self and selfishness; live soberly, Righteously and Godly and be impersonal! Take on the Nature and the Characteristics of your Savior and be universal characteristically and GOD will abundantly bless you! Can you not see the mystery?

When this is done you are not living for one alone, you will be obliged to get enough to supply all whom you are living for. That is the mystery! Now te11 the nation I AM telling them how to do it!

All government universally under the Jurisdiction of the Righteous King Who shall reign, the One in Whom you rely and on Whom you lean, can supply everybody in the world and can satisfy every need, because by nature HE is Impersonal, by nature HE is Infinite and as Impersonal in HIS Activities! Hence the Spirit and HIS Nature and HIS Characteristics reaching out into all fields of endeavor and into every unfoldment of life for the purpose of helping everybody, then HE is obliged to have enough to help them all! That is the mystery!


A Berry For Every Bird

It has long since been declared here in America as a common phrase quite often used,

"There is a berry for every bird and a morsel of food for every soul!"

Well, if there is a berry for every bird, if you get many birds many berries must come to feed those birds. Can you not see the mystery?

That is the scientific truth of progress, success and prosperity! That is the way bo produce the Abundance of the Fullness and to, put into expression Mass Production instead of Mass Destruction! Can you not see the mystery? If you get the things that require such things you need for yourself alone and be impersonal, as you become to be impersonal and become to be unselfish, as many as you are concerned with, even so will you be obliged to have enough to feed, to clothe and to shelter all of them!

We are taking on more homes and more property all of the time. We are bringing an abolition to localization and to secluded neighborhoods and the like, but we are lifting up a Standard of Perfection, of Morality and Modesty, that it might cleanse all of the nations of the earth universally of all of their corruptibleness and establish Righteousness in the place of wickedness! Aren't you glad!

WE shall have enough to supply all who come to ME by faith, a11 who live according to MY Teaching and are consecrated to the fundamentals for which we stand, and the Scripture as predicted by Malachi shall be fulfilled—not some place geographically but right here in this present land! Aren't you glad!

There shall be a plenty for everyone; a plenty of homes and plenty of comfort, plenty of convenience and everything else necessary as you live Soberly, Righteously and Godly and be absolutely unselfish as I have called you! Can you not see the mystery?

But you must be unselfish! You cannot come into possession of such an inheritance saving as you launch out into that stream of unselfishness and take on that Spirit of equilibrium in your every activity!

How glorious it is to observe the mystery! And when this is done we shall have a Righteous Government and all of the Abundance of the Fullness will be for everyone who has made himself or herself worthy of such an inheritance. But if you live selfishly and if you are for self you cannot, expect to have very much. You don't need much—it doesn't take very much for one person! If I were only for self it is evidently known I would not need all of this food—chickens and ducks and turkeys, guineas and geese and fruit of every kind—plenty to eat—it would not be necessary to have all of these things for ME alone!

This is the Sample, this is the Example, therefore observe the mystery, for this is a practical course in psychology. Aren't you glad!

A critic cannot criticize it! If there be a critical thought in the mind of any individual, observe what these, MY true and faithful followers, are actually enjoying and your criticalness will disappear in the observation of the limitless blessings they are enjoying through being unselfish, hut being self-denied and wholly consecrated, a Living Sacrifice to GOD! I thank you.

