Even these material things that surround us, they came forth out of the Mind of GOD
for the comfort and convenience of you all.—FATHER DIVINE

 The Circle Mission Church, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

The Circle Mission Church, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania


Shortly after the Rosebuds finished singing a very significant inspirational composition transmitted to them through FATHER'S Mind and Spirit, entitled, "A Percent of a Fraction of a Grain of Prevention Is Worth Billions of Tons of Cure," FATHER arose to verify the composition and depicted vividly how the influence of Righteousness through this great spiritual awakening has prevented millions from committing vice and crime and sin and debauchery of every kind.

Therefore, Righteousness is march3ng on as a great antitoxin and vaccine to all alienism, thus making the conscious mentalities of the children of men immune to all unrighteousness that the Golden Rule might be instituted in their business and affairs and men will study war no more.

When this is done, the Kingdom of Heaven will be a living reality, for it as indeed a state of consciousness.



(The foregoing statements are those of the transcriber, and the following is the inspirational composition, sung just before FATHER' arose to speak.)

A percent of a fraction of a grain of prevention
Is worth billions of tons of cure.
A percent of a fraction of a grain of prevention
Is worth billions of tons of cure.
By preventing all evil from our hearts and minds,
Our thoughts are sterilized by Love Divine;
It keeps us well and now we can tell
It's worth billions of tons of cure!

(FATHER DIVINE speaks as follows:)

PEACE, EVERYONE! That little thought as conveyed in that little composition just sung is well worth considering, for, and by everyone. If you would stop to consider what it really means to get and have that one percent of a fraction of a grain of a fraction of a grain of a percent of a fraction of prevention as a preventative of a fraction of prevention as a preventative to every thing that is undesirable and you could see the results thereof, you could see and say definitely emphatically now, henceforth and forever, it is worth billions of tons of cure!

Often I have mentioned how millions of those of MY followers were living in vice and crime and sin and debauchery of every kind before I came, and through this great conversion by making up their minds to live exactly according to MY Teaching, it set as a barrier of prohibitation to prevent them from committing crime, sin and debauchery of any kind.

Then I say, if it could have reached Hitler, I would have stopped him before he started and also would have stopped Tojo and Mussolini and all of the others who have caused the death of millions, before they started if they would have only had a little taste of this as mentioned-one percent of a fraction of a grain of a percent of a fraction of a grain of a percent of prevention; I would have prevented this inhuman warfare and onslaught of bloodshed continually. I would have prevented it before it started!


GOD Controls Man's Destiny

While singing a little while ago, I thought how marvelous it will be, as I said in MY letter to the Treasury Department, that they all might be even as I AM. We act somewhat like we are economically sound, do we not?—and standing upon a firm foundation that has been demonstrating just what I AM demonstrating this evening and this morning to the knowledge of a good many of you, at least twelve or fifteen years (Now isn't that something to consider?) to your real knowledge, by being personally present with ME; and I AM daily demonstrating and proving to the world conclusively, GOD is the Master of Omnipotency and the Controller of humanity's destiny-0ne Who has solved the economic problem before economics and even mathematics where created. Aren't you glad?

Then say, if you but live in this recognition, the Actual demonstration of Victory over the economic problems will tell you, GOD HIMSELF is with you with victory over all appositions! Now aren't you g1ad? Then you can say in reality, no longer suppositionaly, but according to your own conviction,

"Praise GOD from Whom all blessings flow:
Praise HIM all creatures here below!"

You can really praise HIM right down here below, for the Condescension of HIS Love and Mercy and tender Compassion to be Present, Tangibilated, Materialized, made real and practical!


GOD Is Guiding the Ship

Oh, how glorious it is to praise G0D for the scientificness of HIS Actual Presence and for the practicality of HIS Work and HIS Mission among this people; no _longer observing GOD as something suppositional be discerned and as merely something for the saving of that which is termed your soul when you come down to quarter-arms with death, but right down here where sin and sorrow grow and where vice and crime have access in the land and misery and disappointment and Failure go forth rampant with it; yet GOD as the Master of your destiny and the Controller of your fate, guiding the ship safely with victory demonstrating HIS Mastery over situations, circumstances and conditions and proving to the world conclusively, consequences are not in HIS consideration.

How glorious it is to live in such a Presence! And the blessings that are flowing so free without a physical effort to bring them about. MY Presence automatically will attract them and bring them, for I carry in MY Consciousness the magnetism of all creation, consisting of the earth's gravitation and of the atmosphere and the ether's magnetism and all of its electricity.

Live in this recognition and this of which I AM now speaking will be with you and you by concentration through harmonization, will be the center of attraction in your world in which you are living and desirable things will be attracted even as the earth by gravitation draws its own kind to itself apparently down to the earth. Can you not see the mystery?


GOD'S Offspring

Then I say, it is a privilege! This looks good, doesn't it? It feels good, for this is MY Offspring, the outward expression of the material Blessings you all are personally enjoying! They have been given birth to by the Spirit and the Presence and the Nature and the Mind and the actual Life of GOD. Aren't you glad!

Even these material things that surround us, they are MY offsprings. They are born of GOD! They came forth out of the Mind of GOD for the comfort and for the convenience of you all. I did not have to say, pass a law to permit ME to produce the abundance of the fullness, for the laws that the politicians passed were to prohibit the abundance of the fullness being produced; therefore, they desired to bring about scarcity and limitations all because of graft and greed, while GOD was in the making as HE was in the creation, demonstrating mass production over and above all obstructions and oppositions set up by them. I AM going on!

I need not say more. All you have to do is to

"Praise GOD from Whom all blessings flow,
Praise HIM a11 creatures here below";

and I will assure you blessings will be multiplied more and more, until you will have no place to receive them. Aren't you glad!

GOD Will Multiply if You Praise HIM

I have long since declared:

"For your asking, GOD will give, and for your affirmation, GOD will confirm, and for your thanksgiving, GOD will increase, and for your praise, GOD will multiply"

that you once affirmed having and GOD confirmed it by giving it to you, in bringing it into outer expression so that you might observe it materially and personally. Aren't you glad! And because of that which had been brought into outer expression, being materially manifested, for your giving thanks for it, GOD increased it. For your giving praise to GOD for the blessings HE did give you and had increased for you, GOD multiplied them and continues to multiply them until there is not room enough to receive them! Aren't you glad! Oh, how marvelous it is!

"Praise GOD from Whom a11 blessings flow!
Praise HIM, all creatures here below!
Praise HIM above, ye heavenly host!
Praise FATHER, praise HIS Son and the Holy Ghost!"

for they are all right here!

This is the time in the which was mentioned:

"In those days shall the God of heaven set up a kingdom and will not leave it to others."

I AM not bothering about others! They can not help ME and they would not try if they could, the majority of them; Therefore, I setup MY Kingdom MYSELF, and I do not need any other help! The prophet declared it by prediction, but you and I are the fulfillers and we are the enjoyers of these blessings in the Kingdom on earth among the people. I thank you.

