"All Good Things Will Come as GOD Stays Uppermost in Consciousness
And You Realize HIS Presence.

"GOD Has Been Made a Living Reality." ---FATHER DIVINE

Our Father's Message Given While at The Banquet Table, Divine Peace Mission Hotel
764-772 S. Broad Street, Philadelphia, PA., Tuesday, November 4, 1941 A.D.F.D. Time 12:20 P.M.

FATHER DIVINE at Rockland Palace, N.Y.C.

FATHER DIVINE at Rockland Palace, N.Y.C.


In this glorious Message given in the beautiful Divine Hotel by the Dean of the Universe, FATHER DIVINE, HE imparted to us from the recognition of His Own Omniscient Wisdom what the recognition and the realization of GOD's Actual Presence can and will do for every living creature socially, politically, religiously, economically, intellectually and from every angle expressible, if they will but be open and unbiased minded and receptive to the scientific-ness of such Truths.

If all will but take cognizance of these profound gems of salvation they will find that the cause and the effect of every condition, and even our present-day world crisis, will wane of their own abnormality, for where wickedness did abound, much more will grace abound !

For Thy great and glorious consoling Words, Our Blessed Comforter, we humbly bow in submission to Thee !

(The foregoing statements are those of the transcriber, and the following is FATHER's Glorious Message:)



Peace Everyone !

If you could but say, "I am so glad that GOD is here !" such an assertion would bring an inspiration for you, and say it with the spirit of sincerity even if you did not know it definitely. It has long since been declared by your Humble Servant, as a Practical Psychologist from that angle of expression, affirm, give thanks, give praise and GOD will confirm, increase and multiply. For your asking, GOD has given, and for your affirmation, GOD has confirmed.

The confirmation follows the affirmation, for GOD answers every question and solves every problem. Hence your affirmation is asking for a confirmation of that which internally you are asking. You are asking for it to come into outer expression when you make an affirmation when it is not yet observable, but by your affirmation as an expression of asking for the confirmation of such an assertion, when it is spoken into expression GOD actually confirms your affirmation.

Through the confirmation you come into the recognition and the realization of that which you had been affirming. So it is a privilege to live in such a recognition and be able to make such an affirmation from the positive and to the positive that you might observe it when it shall have been confirmed for you, brought into outer expression and cause others to recognize and realize just what you had affirmed and visualized.

Blessings Multiplied by Confirmation

"To know that GOD is here !" To speak and to make such an assertion without the actual conviction and the consciousness of it, by faith you will obtain the prize, and you receive the blessing by inspiration, for the affirmation will get a confirmation as it is said with the spirit of sincerity and you are conscientious in whatsoever you say. Then it is a privilege to hear the many, even though they be affirmations as far as you are concerned, they will be confirmed by the Great Confirmer, for HE can. Therefore, for your asking, GOD has given, and for your giving thanks GOD has increased, and for your giving praise, GOD has multiplied. You can plainly see those who follow ME, how the increased blessings and the multiple increased blessings have been increased and multiplied continually by the confirmation of the Infinite.

There are so many blessings you cannot count them. Then give praise for them whether you see them or not, Give praise and thanks with all your heart ; your prayers or praise will be manifested in thanks. I mean in the confirmation and the outward expression of materialization of that for which you have been giving praises and it comes forth into expression, all can observe it and understand it better when it is materially manifested. You cannot understand when they are suppositional, when they are merely discerned superstitiously. You cannot understand things when they are merely in the invisible, but just by faith you behold them.

When they are brought into outer expression, materialized and personified, then you can understand and can realize that which once merely surmised. Aren't you glad ! And by your supposition you visualize something, and by your visualization in your conscious mentality you held the materiality of that something that would materialize it and cause you to recognize and realize it. Hence, others can realize that which you once merely surmised.

GOD Has Been Made a Living Reality

We are rejoicing because it is no longer a supposition, no longer to be discerned superstitiously or critically, for there is no place or space in this unfoldment of the Mystery for critics, neither for their criticism. GOD has been made a Living Reality ! GOD is the Tangibilator and the Materializer, the Confirmer of every affirmation. Aren't you glad ! By this, you know the Truth and the Truth will set you free from the barriers of superstition and mortality.

GOD has lifted you from that concept and has actually established you in the recognition of HIS Actual Presence, the Keynote to Salvation. Aren't you glad ! By this, when you can say constantly and positively, "I am so glad GOD is here," this declaration when it is realized is the Keynote to Salvation, for such will create an atmosphere, and that atmosphere is the Spirit of the Consciousness of GOD's Presence of which is the Source of all Supply ; it can and it actually does satisfy every good desire. I say, it adjusts matters satisfactorily ! It rights the wrongs ! It makes the crooked ways straight and the rough ways plain ! It makes the hilly ways level ! It breaks down every idol and it casts out every foe ! It washes your mentality and your understanding clean ! Free from superstition and materialism ! It establishes your going in the land of the living ! By this you are living in Heaven with the keynote to salvation. The key that will unlock every barred and shut door. It will solve every problem for you ! The Key that has come and this Peace that has come to go no more. Aren't you glad !

"I AM Victory Over Every Opposition

By this you know you are the Sons and Daughters of GOD as heirs and joint heirs together as the inheritors of all of GOD's Creation such as has been created for HIS Children. Live in this recognition. Build upon this Foundation ! Lo, I will be with you for I AM victory; I AM Victory over every difficulty, over every trial and over every tribulation. I AM Victory over every opposition. Tell it to the nations ! It is written, "Faith is the Victory". Aren't you glad ! The tangibilization and the Personification of the Victory is a Reality. The tangibilization and the materialization, yea, the personification of faith, you observe it. Faith comes by hearing, and the hearing by the Word of GOD. That is the way you came. That is the way for all. Oh, it is wonderful !

You can say in all sincerity, "I am so glad GOD is here," and really know it once and forever ; whatsoever is necessary to be adjusted, GOD automatically will adjust it for you because of your knowledge of HIS Presence. You see the Mystery ! That recognition will solve every problem ; will solve every problem I say. Will answer every question. Will satisfy every desire, for it is the Spirit of the Consciousness of GOD's Presence that is the source of all supply. Aren't you glad !

Then I say, live in this recognition. Stamp these thoughts in your memory. While your vibrations are lifted in this recognition, live in it and hold fast to the faith that has delivered you. Truly might have one said, " Earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints." The faith is the victory.

The Answer to Every Question and Problem

Live in it and express it even though you do not feel it. Know it definitely and sincerely trust it ; it will work for you and everything will be okay. "I am so glad GOD is here !" If it was only that thought to be stamped in your memory, it would be the thought to answer every question and for the purpose of solving every problem.

Remember, "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God." Can you not see the Mystery ! It was essential for GOD to be, and the Word to be with GOD, and be GOD, so when you have GOD with you, the creation of all things begins. That point would solve every problem immediately with the conscious conviction of it.

'In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.'

By that, the creation began because the Word was with GOD, and because the Word was GOD. Creation began automatically without any consideration of mortality. Without any effort on materialism's part. Can you not see the Mystery ? But according to the Scripture, GOD was just there, and being there in consideration when there was a consideration created, then began the creation of all creation because of GOD's Presence.

GOD's Presence will create and re-create ; you do not have to do anything. GOD's Presence is productive, expressive and operative. With and without a Person, it expresses the same. That is what I AM talking about ! The consciousness of GOD's Presence, it solves every problem, it continues His Creation as it began His Creation. Just GOD's Presence did it ! You see the Mystery ! And GOD's Presence made Light, for "in Him was light, and that light was the life of men." "In Him was life, and that life was the light of men," or vice- versa as I first said it. Can you not see the Mystery ? Therefore, life and light and Creation began when GOD was considered and reckoned, therefore, it was as it is, and so it shall be. Wheresoever GOD is considered and realized to be, it will be the same throughout all eternity ; GOD never changes ! I know a good many of you never thought of that Mystery, although it is very explicit after I explain it.

"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with GOD, and the Word was GOD." By such a beginning, creation began. There is where creation began when GOD was reckoned and considered, according to the recognition, and was known to be One, also Three as it may have been termed the Word that was with GOD, and the Word that was GOD, and the Word that was made Flesh ! When these Three in One had truly come, there and then creation began, although GOD had not yet made Himself Flesh to dwell among men, but it was an inspiration-ic prediction of the future of how He would make Himself Flesh after HE said, "Let dry land appear," after which the creation and the visibilization of the earth came forth into expression and the dry land was dry and very dry ! You see the Mystery !

It caused the earth to be made quite dusty ! GOD formed man out of the dust of the ground. (You see the Mystery!)... And He formed Himself in the man's likeness, for He had created him in His Likeness. By this, you can plainly see, when GOD is reckoned and realized as being among you, there and then, all good things begin. You do not have to pray for them, or weep or mourn for them ; they will come as GOD stays uppermost in consciousness and you realize His Presence as the Word that was in the beginning, and as the Word that was GOD, and as the Word that dwelt among us. And when you realize that it dwells among us, there and then you can observe it as the Mystery of the Glory, as the glory of the fullness of that of the FATHER, full of Grace and of Truth! You need not look for another.

Such a recognition will solve your every problem and adjust matters satisfactorily for you. I mean it will feed you materially when you are hungry and it will clothe you, physically, when you are naked. It will give you comfort and convenience when you are disconsolate, and it will lift you up when you are cast down. Such a recognition will do it for the sustenance of you physical bodies and for the benefit of that which is termed your soul, and for the advancement of the understanding and for your upliftment mentally and spiritually that you might be like Him mentally and spiritually, for GOD is like you physically. I thank you !

