If You Can Find One Thing to Find Fault with GOD For There Are a Million Things to Praise HIM For — FATHER DIVINE


With a group of Little Children

FATHER  DIVINE, The LAMB of GOD With a group pf Little Children


WEDNESDAY EVE, and THURSDAY MORN. DECEMBER 4th and 5th, 1940 A.D.F.D. TIME: 1:30 A.M.

FATHER had just delivered a most wonderful and very significant Message stressing the essentiality of giving praise and thanksgiving to the Almighty, as well as revealing many other points well worth the careful consideration of all mankind, when this sweet little song recorded herein came forth volitionally and voluntarily and was sung with the spirit of sincerity by one and all present.

It was at this point that our beloved King arose to further stress giving praise and giving thanks to GOD for every blessing, not only in words but in deeds and in actions as well.


(The foregoing statements are those of the transcriber, after which is recorded the song sung just before FATHER arose to speak.)


I Have Something to Thank YOU For

"I thank YOU, I thank YOU,
I thank YOU, sweet FATHER,
I have something to thank YOU for!"
"For food and for raiment,
For houses and shelter,
I have something to thank YOU for!"

FATHER DIVINE speaks as follows:

PEACE, EVERYONE: Now in reference to giving praise, I cannot stress that thought too vividly, for if you retrace your thoughts back to the Gospel, yea, firstly I might say to the Epistles, the Gospel and the Scripture — all of those who were in prison physically and otherwise in prison and the doors closed to them and closed upon them, when they gave thanks and gave praise continually the doors of the prisons were opened!

It does not mean necessarily that giving praise or giving thanks means you are praying or asking GOD to do something for you but it means that you get in that attitude where you can find something to praise GOD for, something GOD has done for somebody if not you as a person, something GOD is doing for someone.

By this—you continuing to give praise with all sincerity for what GOD has done for someone, or the people — you will find the very Spirit of MY Presence unfolding the mystery and filling you with joy and happiness and enthusiasm until you will not be able to receive all of the blessings! Now these are facts and figures!

I just now thought of Paul and Silas as it was. When they were in jail it has been commonly known or said one sung and the other prayed. Nevertheless, the singing and the praying, as it may be termed was, in short, it was giving praise to HIM ; giving praise to GOD for the blessings and thanking GOD continually. And that little song you were just singing is an abstract expression of giving praise and thanksgiving for blessings.

You may not say the words especially openly but if you are continually giving thanks and giving praise in deeds and in actions, eventually your whole system will be filled so much with thanksgiving and praise until the thanks will come out automatically and the praise will also do the same without your conscious consideration, for you will see something — your mind's eye will see something to say, "I thank YOU, FATHER!" or will see something to say, "Isn't that wonderful, what FATHER is doing or what GOD has done?" or some way or another you will be praising GOD instead of condemning GOD or finding fault and condemning anyone else. You see the mystery?

That is the keynote to salvation and I cannot stress it too vividly, for it is essential for all of you to praise GOD and give praise for something, if you just be looking at this room! "Just look how beautiful this room is! Ten years old and still it is just the same!" or something like that; just giving praise for something

There may be some things you could find to find fault with and condemn of GOD, as it may be termed of GOD, but if you can find one thing to find fault with or condemn GOD for, there are a million things you can find to praise HIM for and to give HIM thanks for! Therefore you will not have time to condemn; and by so doing the praises will unlock every barred and shut door; not only unlock those doors but will open them for you! I thank you!

