"People Thought it Was the Mission of Christ to Tell Them, 'I Have Gone Back to Heaven
and Heaven Is Far above All of the Clouds, the Sun, the Moon and All of the Stars,
But 'HIS Name Shall Be Called Immanuel, Being Interpreted GOD Is with Us.

"Behold the Joy, Peace, Happiness, Life. Liberty and Prosperity.

"Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow!"

An Excerpt from FATHER DIVINE'S Message As Given at the Unity Mission Church and Home Inc.
At 907 N. 41 Street, Philadelphia. Pennsylvania, October 21-22, 1947 A.D.F.D. Time: 1:55 A.M.




FATHER DIVINE speaks following the inspirational composition:

Hallelujah, hallelujah,
Hallelujah, praise YOUR Name!
Our sweet FATHER, how we love YOU,
Hallelujah, praise YOUR Name!

(FATHER sings:) Hallelujah, you had better praise MY NAME!


PEACE, EVERYONE! At this instance I have arisen to stress in your memory the consideration and significance of giving GOD all of the praises. David in his psalmic prediction said:

Praise ye the LORD, all ye people!'


'Let everything that has breath praise the LORD!'

By composition I have said in that last number, 'you had better praise GOD!' This may sound somewhat radical and fanatical, but if you realize, the time is not far distant until those who will not praise GOD will find themselves in a much worse predicament! Praise will unlock every barred and shut door, but accusation, an expression as though a condemnation, will close every open door!

I need not say more, but if you will look over this vast audience and behold the joy, the peace and the happiness, the life, liberty and the prosperity and the mastery over the economic situation, you would stop and give GOD all the praises! If you realize what has brought all of this about, the unlimited Blessings of the Abundance of the Fullness of the consciousness of good, and no space vacant of the fullness thereof, for this you should praise GOD!

While millions and millions are in lacks and wants and limitations, under adverse and undesirable conditions of every description and you are here living in splendor, having been brought through all of the emergencies, depression, panics, famines, lacks, wants and limitations, and yet with you, you lack for nothing! Then when you stop and consider, these praises and thanksgiving you are giving are merely an expression in an illustration, but yet they are opening doors of every opportunity for you! Just think of it! I need not say a word, for I have long since declared, and I AM re-declaring the same over and over again,

'The Spirit of the consciousness of the PRESENCE of GOD is the source of all supply and it can and it will and it does satisfy every good desire.'

Because these are conscious of GOD'S Presence, you find everything in abundance! Aren't you glad! If you could have only been conscious of MY Presence from your infancy until now and lived and expressed in abundance, you would have lived with victory over every difficulty! Aren't you glad!

Just to be conscious of GOD'S Presence, the Mission of CHRIST to the children of men there and then is fulfilled in your hearing, for truly did the prophet declare in the prophetic age:

'HIS Name shall be called Immanuel, being interpreted, GOD is with us.'

That was the Mission of CHRIST of nineteen hundred years ago, to make you conscious of GOD'S Presence by the actuated words of expression telling you. Aren't you glad!

Each and every person observed the unlimited blessings as demonstrated and as manifested in the time of JESUS in feeding the five thousand and the seven thousand. It was sufficient to warrant your conscious conviction that GOD was Actually Present, solving the economic problem! Aren't you glad! Your economic problems are being solved and your social problems are being solved and all of your problems are being solved and matters are being adjusted satisfactorily because GOD is present with you!

If men, as ministers of the gospel -- as a whole -- would have only preached the Gospel of Good News and Glad Tidings and convinced mankind that GOD was with them, they would have been blessed just as effectively without MY Personal Presence! Can you not see the Mystery?

That is why I tell MY pupils, MY students, MY clients and MY patients, it is not necessary to contact ME personally especially, but if you make your mental and spiritual contact effectively and recognize MY ever presence, you can be blessed just as effectively, for GOD is just as operative without MY Personal Presence as I AM with it!

To be conscious of GOD'S Presence, that was the Mission of CHRIST on earth to tell them! Aren't you glad! To tell humanity GOD was with them. But they did not know that was the Mission of CHRIST especially; they thought it was the Mission of CHRIST to tell them,

'I have gone back to heaven and heaven is far above all of the clouds, the sun, the moon and all of the stars, yea, all of the stars and all of the moons and all of the planets in other systems,'

-- I mean those other systems far beyond the solar system! They thought that was the Mission of CHRIST, to go up there somewhere! Aren't you glad!

But to know GOD is Actually Present with you, live it and express it and be conscious of it, it will solve your every problem and will adjust matters satisfactorily for you!

I need not say more for I AM speaking now more explicitly in deeds and in actions by the actuated words of expression better than anybody else can tell you! Aren't you glad! All of the human languages with all of their dialects and accents and languages combined, they are all inadequate with all of their intellect and super-intellectual ability -- are inadequate to tell you what I AM telling you now in the actuated words of expression, for in the actuated words of expression I AM telling you, GOD is here Present! Aren't you glad! And such a conviction will solve your every problem! Such a conviction will heal your body for you! Such a conviction will emancipate you from all barriers and limitations and from every adverse and undesirable condition and will establish your going in the land of the living just as you know that GOD is with you! Now isn't that wonderful!

Because you realize GOD Is with you, you find the abundance when you rise in the morning and every meal time you find the Abundance of the Fullness of the consciousness of Good you find no space vacant of the fullness thereof!

As a Practical Psychologist, I demonstrate. I practice what I preach in the actuated words of expression and bring into materialization your fondest imagination tangibilated! Aren't you glad! That is why we have something to reach you! You do not just smell the food! You would like to smell things that smell good at times, but that will not suffice and it is not sufficient! Just to smell the food and see the steam going up from the food, it will not satisfy your appetite; but I came to tangibilate and to materialize your fondest imagination so that you and all mankind might realize that which you so fondly surmised! Aren't you glad!

You once thought of heaven some place where you would sit at the Welcome Table! Your mothers and your fathers sang that song -- a good many of them, and you thought it would be some place in the heavens. If it would have merely remained a supposition, you could not have enjoyed it in reality! But I have made your fondest imagination a Living Reality! And when you praise GOD, if you have one apple and praise GOD enough for it, it will multiply to two! I mean a sure enough apple! Aren't you glad! Anything you have, praise GOD enough for it and it will be multiplied by as many more! That is what's the matter here! We will praise GOD and multiply the blessings over and over again until we do not have room to receive them! What said the scripture concerning this mystery?

'Try ME, said HE and see if I will not open you the windows of heaven and pour you out such a blessing, there will not be room to receive it.'

Just try GOD by doing what HE says and then give HIM all the praise! Put your talents to an exchange and if it is something that is not apparently multipliable, if you only give GOD thanks, you will increase it! For your giving thanks, GOD will increase that which you have received! For your giving praise, GOD will multiply it over and over again. If you have a doubt in your mind, look around about yourself and see if blessings are not being multiplied more and more as the days go by!

Then you have been taught to do it from your infancy. You know you have been taught to do it even if you did not know exactly when you were being required to do it. You remember the doxology all of the people have sung,

'Praise GOD from Whom all blessings flow,'

because you have gone to church and you were getting ready to close the services and you were being taught to praise GOD! Can you not see the Mystery? If you would have only taken the doxology as a message to you individually, severally and collectively and organizationally and not merely taken it as a melody but as a living reality and as a message, you would have been praising GOD from WHOM all blessings flow and your blessings would have been increased and multiplied as they are here!

Practically in all of your churches you have heard the song:

'Praise GOD from Whom all Blessings flow;
Praise HIM all creatures here below!'

Can you not see the Mystery? I have been trying to lead you inspirationally and compositionally and intuitively, but you would not let ME lead you! All the way down in Christendom I was trying to lead you even by that song, as being termed, by MY hand!

you not see the Mystery? Trying to lead you on to victory and give you success and prosperity to increase your blessings and multiply them by you singing that song and by doing what it says! This is simple.

You know, one of our great national scientists took the little peanut and even the skin and made something out of it, didn't he? Men were throwing them away, counting them as nought. Can you not see the mystery? But GOD Is working scientifically as well as mentally and spiritually! I AM taking that which you have thrown away all down through Christendom, as a Practical Scientist of scientific things from the Mental and Spiritual Plane, and I AM making great things out of them! Aren't you glad!

Let us live in this recognition and continue to praise GOD from whom all blessings flow! If you cannot praise from any angle of expression, you can praise from the old adage, the old melody, you all have heard and sung so sincerely apparently. Just the conclusion of your church service, if you would have just taken that home with you and done it sincerely --not just to sing it for the melody, but would have done it conscientiously and sincerely, your blessings would have been multiplied both economically, socially, financially and from every other angle of expression; they would have been increased and multiplied continually until now! This is the Mystery, why FATHER DIVINE has at HIS Disposal unlimited blessings!

They I say, For your sake, you had better praise ME! I said, you had better praise the LORD! That is why it came out so vividly, conscientiously and sincerely you had better praise the Lord for your good!

New Day: October 25, 1947 A.D.F.D. Pg 3-4

