FATHER DIVINE - Various Aspects of His Teachings Socially

Jobs And Employment, Wages



  1. "Christ is rich and all you need.' GOD will heal you from every adverse and undesirable condition...The Spirit of MY Presence is giving a universal healing!"
    'You are being healed mentally ...socially ...intellectually, you are being healed from poverty, limitations, lacks and wants and adverse and undesirable conditions ... You need not go around and say I can't get a position.'" New Day, May 16, 1959; P. 16-17 Message - Given in 1934.
  2. "It has been "MY work for many years to encourage people to be honest, competent and true, both of the employees and the employers! Each of these should be true, honest and competent! If you will not pay your employee as much as he should earn per week or per day or per hour, you are robbing your fellowman."
    New Day, June 19, 1954; P. 5-7 Message - Given Nov. 21,1938; 12:40 a.m.
  3. What FATHER Requires of Employers and Employees. "You should not invite guests...to your place of business...you are there to serve and not to preach ME continually in words, by coercion...to take up time to gossip and use the telephone, and the like such as that is not of ME."
    New Day, Feb. 17, 1951; P. 6 Message - Given Feb. 7, 1951; 3:05 p.m.
  4. A Five Year Property Improvement Tax Exemption Law In All States Would Solve the Slum Clearance and Unemployment Problem.
    New Day, Sept. 4, 1965; P. 9-11 Message - Given May 25, 1938; 11:35 p.m.
  5. "Honesty, competence and truth will not cause you to desire to get something for nothing! That is why MY true followers do not receive pay when they are earning an adequate salary, for labor they have not done! The system of causing or forcing the employers to pay the employees for labor they have not done, is not the spirit of equity and justice."
    New Day, Jan 27, 1951; P. 6-7 Message - Given Jan. 22, 1951; 3:24 p.m.
  6. Capital and Labor must Work Harmoniously Together to Be Lifted out of the Misery, Lacks, Wants and Limitations They Are Undergoing.
    'We shall have low prices and shall have higher wages and have better working conditions for the working people."
    New Day, Apr.21, 1938; P. 27-30 Message - Given Apr.14, 1938; 9:40 p.m.

