The Righteousness of GOD is Marching Through the World




  1. FATHER DIVINE'S Righteous Government Platform in its Entirety Was Introduced into the Congressional Record.
  2. Daily Correspondence is Bringing Forth My Version
    In the Hearts and Lives of the Children of Men.
  3. State Official Pays Glowing Tribute To FATHER DIVINE'S Work and Mission
  4. God is in reality your fifteen senses; being your five Spiritual, your. five mental and your five physical senses.
  5. A letter from Mr. Lanyon
  6. Lambert Fairchild, Former New York City Alderman and Prominent Politician Writes Letter to New York Herald Tribune
  7. The Influence of FATHER DIVINE which can reach into the hearts of the people, of His Followers, His Children, and cause them to make personal sacrifices in order to make restitution which the Law could not compel, is a Work which deserves the highest praise of every right thinking citizen.
  8. Assistant District Attorney, Wilson: I do know it to be true that I have never yet, among the hundreds of people who have passed through my hands to the prison walls in the State of New York, I have never yet sent one of FATHER DIVINE'S followers to prison.
  9. Correspondence between FATHER DIVINE and Walter Lanyon
  10. Righteousness Marches On, A Series of Letters From Around the World Requesting FATHER and MOTHER DIVINE'S Blessings and THEIR Replies.
  12. Letters from Two of Many Students
  13. FATHER DIVINE'S Significant Letter to Dr. Edw. Warner, Pres. I. C. A. O., Reveals causes of Airplane and Other Disasters
  14. If I Were a College Professor.
    New Day, May 29, 1965; P. 20-21 Letter - dated July 25, 1939; A.D.F.D.
  15. President of Nazareth Mission Church of Australia Acclaims Supreme Teaching of GOD FATHER DIVINE
