The Brigantine Hotel with It's Beautiful Beaches was the First Totally Integrated Hotel
of It's Caliber in The United States

The Owners, who cooperatively purchased the hotel were integrated, the Staff was Integrated,
the Guests were Integrated and when the Coast Guard took over the Hotel,
by agreement, they were Integrated

Purpose and operation of the Hotel and subsequent donation to the United States Coast Guard
for the duration of World War II was to establish the brotherhood of man and promote
International Peace by breaking down the precedent of total segregation that was at that time prevalent
throughout the entire Hotel System in the United Sates.

The following are Interviews, Talks and some of the many Messages FATHER DIVINE gave at and about
the Brigantine Hotel on Brigantine Beach, Brigantine, N.J.

The Brigantine Hotel

  1. "The Church on Brigantine Island Dedicated to Democracy." -FATHER DIVINE.
  2. I Have Opened up Many Fronts to Fight Against Prejudice, Segregation And Discrimination, Vice And Crime And Sin And Debauchery of Every Kind
  3. Some of Those Who Purchased The Brigantine Hotel- Among The 86 Who Purchased The Brigantine Hotel-were They, or Those, Whichever, of The "Rosebuds"
  4. Father Divine Interview Granted to A Member of the U.S. Coast Guard.
    . Subject: Better Accommodation for Coast Guard on Brigantine Island.
  5. Leasing Brigantine Hotel to the U. S. Coast Guard.
    FATHER DIVINE Interview Granted to Mr. John Kleckner, Realtor and Lt. Thomas, U. S. Coast Guard.
  6. Request Received from the U. S. Coast Guard, Through Commander Hitchins, Commandant of the District, That the Entire Building Occupied by the Church Be Leased to the Coast Guard for the Duration of the War.
  7. FATHER DIVINE'S Comments at Meeting of Trustees of Palace Mission Church of Brigantine, New Jersey.
  8. Meeting of Brigantine Hotel Owners. Purpose: To discuss U. S. Coast Guard's request to lease Brigantine Hotel for the duration of the war.
  9. American Citizens, as Representatives of the Government Will Be Housed in This Building (the Brigantine) Together Without Any Discrimination or Segregation, According to the Commander.
  10. 600 of the Coast Guard Being Daily Accommodated
  11. Father Divine Telephone Conversation with Mr. Leon Sneed, Reporter for the Afro-American Owners Turned Over the Property to the Government without Charge.
    It is Something to Consider When You Think of at Least 600 of the Coast Guard Being Daily Accommodated All Last Winter and Will Have Accommodation for the Duration with the Best Of Comfort and Convenience.
  12. 'I Am down in Brigantine to Stay! ... for I Have Broken That Line of Demarcation and the Mason and Dixon Line Has Truly Been Torn down As Far as I Am Concerned and All Hitlerism must Go!" -- FATHER DIVINE.

This is Where FATHER DIVINE Initiated the Beginning of the End of Segregated Hotels
in the United States of America in 1942.