"I Have Opened up Many Fronts to Fight Against Prejudice, Segregation And Discrimination, Vice And Crime
And Sin And Debauchery of Every Kind." --- ---FATHER DIVINE

Our FATHER'S Message Given Whilst at the Holy Communion Table
Circle Mission Church of Philadelphia, 764-772 S. Broad Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Tuesday Afternoon, December 21, 1943 A.D.F.D., Time: 3:05 P.M.

MOTHER DIVINE and many followers re-visit
and dine in the Brigantine Hotel Banquet Hall.

MOTHER DIVINE and many followers re-visit and dine in the Brigantine Hotel Banquet Hall.

In this beautiful Message which was given by FATHER shortly after the singing of the inspirational composition entitled, "The Church on Brigantine Island," FATHER stressfully depicts how the "Church on Brigantine Island", better known as the Brigantine Hotel, was a Sample and Example of Democracy in Action in that it housed around six hundred Coast Guards of mixed groups or different expressions and all had the SAME RIGHTS, even to their social activities.

Brigantine Hotel
Brigantine  Hotel

That in itself was a step towards Universal Peace and Brotherhood, and an asset to our Democracy, for where there is Union, there is strength. If the nations at large would copy after this one example of Righteous Government, mankind would soon see the obliteration of all wars and bloodshed.

For Thy Words of Spirit And Life, Eternal Redeemer, We Thank Thee!

(The foregoing statements are those of the transcriber, and the following is the inspiration composition sung shortly before FATHER arose to speak.)

'The Church on Brigantine Island
Is dedicated to Democracy,
It's a Blessing from our FATHER,
The Church down by the sea,
It stands as a monument
To all the critics that be,
But the Coast Guards are very comfortable
In the Church down by the sea.'

(FATHER Speaks as follows:) Peace, Everyone: That little composition as a message and a declaration as it was realized, has been verified.

'The Church on Brigantine Island is dedicated to Democracy!'

And when it was first taken over by the Coast Guard, those of the officials in charge at that time carried out the plan according to MY Wishes. There were about six hundred boys down there and they were all mixed in complexion with no division whatsoever, and even when they would have a dance or play or anything of that sort, they were all together in one.

But it has been said that since they have changed officials down there, they have brought about discrimination; but the first ones who were in charge did carry out the agreement to the letter and the Spirit of MY Work in that it enacted the Bill of Rights and stood as it shall stand, as a monument to Democracy, they carried it out to the letter in the beginning.


Brigantine Showed Men An Example Of Unity

Of course, I have not gone down there Personally, but it has been said that they do have discrimination there now. But whether they do or did not, MY Work and Mission, in that we endeavor to convey and portray a Sample and an example of real Democracy even to the Government, they have seen it and they have felt it and they have actually had a Sample of practical psychology in bringing about Fellowship and Unity among our fellow citizens of this Democracy.

If they would cooperate in that they would enact the Bill of Rights among themselves and among all of the groups as they did there, it would be a matter of impossibility to be a failure, for it would be in keeping and in accord with the Life of CHRIST, His Work and His Mission Who came Masterfully Marching through the land nineteen hundred years ago as a Wayshower to Salvation to lead the people to Victory over the common enemy.


FATHER Is On Many Fronts With HIS Work

But even though there be some who may try to prohibit the Work and the Mission, MY Work is going on just like a wild fire! If I AM not at one place Personally, I AM at another; but I AM going on just the same and just as effectively! I AM on many fronts here in America and in other countries! Aren't you glad! I have opened up many fronts! Yes, I have opened up many fronts to fight against prejudice, segregation and discrimination, vice and crime and sin and debauchery of every kind and I shall not be discouraged until I shall have universalized this Truth and all men shall enjoy what you do!

All shall eventually be free from the savagery of barbarism and division and all shall live in the Unity of the Spirit, of Mind, of Aim and of Purpose and shall have Peace on Earth and Good Will towards men in the fulfillment of the prediction of the angels when they sang:

'Glory to God in the Highest, and on Earth Peace, Good Will towards men.'

We are bringing about that Peace and Good Will towards our fellowman and towards humanity Universally. As I said in one of those letters you heard read from Righteousness Marches On, "The best way to do anything or teach anything is to act it." Aren't you glad! That is why they call some Books in the Bible the "Acts of the Apostles, but we are bringing about the Acts of GOD among the children of men and no longer the theory of Him.>/


The Way To Victory

When this, the Acts of GOD and the Acts of Democracy shall have been put into active and practical service universally and mankind shall have imbibed the Spirit of MY Supernatural Presence and take a stand to that end that they will be willing to sacrifice their lives for that which they believe, there and then every individual will have Victory who will live it and express it, and GOD HIMSELF will be with you.

I need not say more, but I just thought to call your attention to the fact in keeping with that little composition. It is a true saying, "The Church on Brigantine Island has been dedicated to Democracy," and it stands as a Monument as a Sample and as an Example of real Democracy, Christianity, Brotherhood and Americanism!

When this shall have been copied after vividly and considered how practical and profitable it is and logical it is and should be to all mankind, others will endeavor to do the same through co-operation and harmonization. They will not have an occasion to be in lacks, wants and limitations, for through co-operation and through harmonization, a limited few of MY followers as members of some of MY Churches, purchased it and allowed it to be dedicated and incorporated as the Church of the Island that cannot be criticized, without any soliciting, without any begging, without asking anyone for anything. It was paid for and it is all free and clear.

So it is a wonderful blessing to see what GOD HAS DONE, and still this Work has not been retarded in the least, but it is still going on by leaps and bounds, and after a while, all will be able to enjoy some of the fruits of the Spirit as revealed and produced for the children of men. I thank you.
