"Some of Those Who Purchased The Brigantine Hotel and some Among The 86 Who Purchased
The Brigantine Hotel Were They, or Those, Whichever, of The Rosebuds

"There Are Those of the Crusaders Who Have Vowed to Five Soberly, Righteously, Virtuous and Godly
and Abstain from All Intoxicating Liquor and Everything That Is Immoral."

FATHER DIVINE'S Message Given Whilst At The Holy Communion Table of The Circle Mission Church of Philadelphia,
764-772 South Broad Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Monday evening and Tuesday morning
November 1-2,1943 A.D.F.D., Time: 3:15 AM


The Brigantine Hotel

The Brigantine Hotel

This inspiring Message was given by FATHER shortly after the "Rosebuds" had rendered several beautiful inspirational and patriotic compositions in song, given them through and by our LORD'S Holy Spirit. Herein FATHER vividly describes the progress and advancement of the Youth of the Peace M[Mission Movement under HIS Loving Guidance, Care and Protection. Read HIS Blessed Words on this subject and realize that the request of JESUS, the Son,

'Suffer little children to come unto Me and forbid them not!'

has been more than fulfilled by the FATHER HIMSELF in this Day and Dispensation, and the youth are being taught to live the Virginity of Mary and the Holiness of JESUS. They will indeed be fit meat for the MASTER'S Use in establishing a Righteous Government-in short, the Kingdom of GOD universally!

Gracious King of The Universe, We Truly Thank Thee!

(The foregoing statements are those of the transcriber, after which is recorded firstly the song sung by the "Rosebuds" just before FATHER arose to speak.)

GOD, our FATHER'S Tongue
Is a two-edged Sword of truth,
And with It HE smites the nations.
FATHER'S Tongue is a ready Pen
That writes against every abomination.
HE hews exactly to the Line of Righteousness,
Though the chips fly in HIS Face.
HE slays all evil right and left,
For HIS Power must be felt
And acknowledged by every man on earth!

(FATHER speaks as follows:)

PEACE, EVERYONE: I would just like to say to our visiting friends, this, in MY Opinion, what you see and hear concerning the 'Rosebuds' in expression, and the demonstrations, it is the outward expression of the mental and spiritual conception. They have, through concentration, conceived the idea and it has been awakened in them, By expressing the Virginity of Mary and the Holiness of JESUS they can readily get inspirations from the Spirit of HIS Presence. That is the mystery!

And whilst sitting thinking, I thought how some ten or fifteen years ago and before then, all along about that time, there were
those who said children should not be in our meetings and in our environments. These are some of the sketches of the reflection-at least, a sketch of the reflection of what I AM doing for the children. Aren't you glad!


Expressing The Virginity Of Mary and The Life Of CHRIST

Some of these children as "Rosebuds"--they are expressing the Virginity of Mary and exemplifying the Life of CHRIST-have grown up under the Influence of MY Mind and Spirit, and some of them have come into possession of personal and real property. Some of those who purchased the Brigantine Hotel-some among the eighty-six who purchased the Brigantine Hotel-were they, or those, whichever, of the "Rosebuds"! After finishing school they earned enough money to invest in real property as well as personal property, to have automobiles and other personal property such as they might desire to enjoy!

So it goes to show you, MY Spirit is not confined to that which is termed religion alone, but it is expressing religiously scientifically, for in MY Opinion religion is a Good Life; just a Perfect Life to live. Whether you are a business man, whether you are representing labor, profession or trade, let your religion and your religious convictions control yourself, your profession, your business and your trade, and CHRIST will come in through and by the way of your religious fervor and will be enthroned on the throne of your mind to take control of the things that you control; and when this is done, things will work harmoniously. It is wonderful! It is unbelievable! But I thought to convey this thought to you.


Some "Rosebuds" Have Government Positions

Now some of these "Rosebuds" are in Washington, several of them, working with the government. Some of MY immediate Staff of Secretaries are working in government plants right here in Philadelphia. Some, no doubt, you do not see at the Table now, that were in the demonstration tonight, are defense workers; and yet some of them were brought up under the Jurisdiction of MY Mind and Spirit and are qualified to do Civil Service work and earn good salaries! It is wonderful! Some came from the places of business this afternoon and appeared on the scene in time.

So it goes to show you MY Spirit will not lowrate you; it will not cause you to disintegrate but .will cause you to Advance, Increase and Multiply in Wisdom, Knowledge and Understanding, and All Success and Prosperity will be your portion when you live Soberly, Virtuous, Righteous and Godly!

I need not say more. A Standard of Real Americanism exemplified! And as I often say, MY True "Rosebuds" endeavor to live exactly as Mary lived before the Birth of JESUS! They expect to live it and express it and bring that Life to fruition by expressing the Virginity of Mary and the Holiness of JESUS.


"Crusaders" Live the Holiness of Jesus

Now there are those of the "Crusaders." There were not very many of the "Crusaders," the brothers, here tonight-but there are those of the "Crusaders" who have vowed to live Soberly, righteously, Virtuous and Godly and abstain from all intoxicating liquors and everything that is immoral from every angle expressible, and express the Virginity of Mary and the Holiness of JESUS as the "Rosebuds" do!

That is the Life you can live under MY Mind and Spirit-and by so doing your morale is lifted as you live and express Holiness, Virtue, Righteousness and Divinity-for as you develop the Virginity of Mary and the Holiness of JESUS you express the DIVINITY of your SAVIOR, by expressing HIS Spirit and HIS MIND, and you become to be Living Epistles of a Real Democracy and of True Christianity and of the Kingdom of GOD ITSELF, seen and read by men! I thank you! I thank you! I thank you!
