As Revealed by Father Divine in an Interview with Dr. Lewi Pethrus, Pastor and Editor from Stockholm, Sweden.
FATHER DIVINES’S Interview at His New York City Headquarters 20 West 115th Street, New York City, Wednesday Morning. December 2, 1936 A.D.F.D., Time:11:15 A.M.
“Come ye, and let us go up to the Mountain of The LORD,
to The House of The GOD of Jacob;
and He will teach us of His Ways, and we will walk in His Paths.” -Isaiah 2:3
“Behold, The TABERNACLE of GOD is with men,
and HE will dwell with them, and they shall be HIS People,
and GOD HIMSELF shall be with them, and be their GOD.” -Revelation 21:3.
“Hence, for the purpose of visualization and concentration, GOD, through His Condescension, made His WORD a visible observable TABERNACLE, a BODY of FLESH, that you might observe The ALMIGHTY!” — FATHER DIVINE.
For more than fifty years they have been coming from all parts of the Earth to see Him, to hear Him, and learn of His Ways: priests, ministers, rabbis, swamis, monks, sheiks, metaphysicians, philosophers, educators, scholars, writers – even agnostics and atheists!
And because He is so deeply dedicated to His Work, FATHER DIVINE takes time to see everyone who desires an audience; and even sacrifices the hours and days He might spend at recreation and relaxation to answer, Personally, the thousands of letters He receives weekly from His millions of Followers, Friends, and Well-wishers.
One of the most interesting and enlightening interviews ever granted by FATHER DIVINE -especially from a layman’s viewpoint – was that given to Dr. Lewi Pethrus, Pastor of Philadelphia Church in Stockholm, Sweden’s largest; and Editor of a daily newspaper in the same city, the Stockholm-Tidningen.
At the time, America was battling a major depression. In Europe, Adolph Hitler was sowing the seeds for a World War. In New York City, FATHER DIVINE was healing the sick, injecting Hope to the downtrodden, imparting Wisdom to the ignorant, and feeding thousands of unemployed daily — without cost or obligation!
Dr. Pethrus was accompanied by another minister who did not take part in the fascinating discussion that is hereinafter recorded verbatim. Thank YOU, FATHER!