"In Business, Labor and Trade, Produce the Abundance." --- FATHER DIVINE

Various Social Aspects of His Teachings

MOTHER DIVINE enters the Dinning Room, 128th Street, N. Y. C.


  1. Mass Production, Mass Construction and Mass Instruction Will Be the Keynote and the Way To Salvation for Yourself and Others Universally.
    New Day, Sept. 4, 1965; P. 2, 5-6 Message - Given Dec. 11, 1940; 11:28 p.m.
  2. "In business, labor and trade, produce the abundance of the fullness as much as possible and do not slightly consider by mass production you will reduce the valuation of your property or income."
    'Mass production was given by the spirit of the Creator from the beginning of the creation: Multiply and replenish the earth!' But men through graft and greed and selfishness, fought against the very hand that fed them mass production!"
    New Day, Apr.30, 1942; P. 15-18 Message - Given Apr. 26, 1942; 12:45 a.m.
  3. Mass Production Is the Natural Course of the Advancement of Our Civilization. Your Vocation Should Be Inspired with the Spirit of Mass Production.
    'Even the fear of depressions will no longer be considered when we, the American people, put into practice the Golden Rule with arbitration and mass production.
    New Day, June 18, 1942; P. 31-35.Message - Given June 13, 1942; 11;20 p.m.
  4. "The Earth Is the Lord's the Fullness Thereof."
  5. "Over and above Every Opposition From Every Angle Expressible by My System of Mass Production I Am Supplying the Abundance of the Fullness for All Nations"
    'Whatsoever you may be representing put out all your capacity and GOD will give you more capacity in other fields unknown to you presently."
    New Day, Feb. 5, 1942; P. 37-39 Message - Given Jan. 30, 1942; 5:40 p.m.
  6. Mass Production in Every Activity Should Be Stressed until it Becomes our Real System of Life; it Was the Plan of GOD from the Beginning of Creation.
    New Day, Sept. 11, 1965; P. 28-31 Message - Given May 24, 1942; 7:35 p.m.
  7. FATHER DIVINE Reveals the Key to the Mystery of Economic Success and Prosperity! Mass Production!
    New Day, May 28, 1942; P. 31.
