FATHER DIVINE Reveals the Key to the Mystery of Economic Success and Prosperity!

Selling the Best for Less and Mass Production

This is an article taken from The New Day of September 11th, 1965, Page 28

Woodmont, The Mount of the House of the Lord, the Welcome Center

Woodmont, The Mount of the House of the Lord , the Welcome Center


In this Labor Day season it is very befitting to take note of the change in growing America through application of a very wise piece of advice which has been not only handed down but stressed through the years to the masses of people which have heard FATHER DIVINE Speak on many different subjects, including that of Economic Success and Prosperity.

First we quote an article from the New York Times Magazine Section: "40 Years of Progress in Management" under the date September 15, 1963, titled: Contributions of Management to the American Way of Life. This is labeled Advertisement — but we quote from it to show you why FATHER DIVINE has been stressing these Keys to the business world, and which they are daily finding out work and work successfully! (The article is quoted in part as follows:)

"At the turn of the century, Henry Adams, "an elderly and single gentleman' as he called himself, foresaw a changing America.

" The new American,' he wrote in 1900, 'the child of incalculable coal power, chemical power, electric power, and radiating energy, as well as new forces as yet undetermined, must be a sort of god compared with any former creature on earth.'

The 'new forces as yet undetermined' were just around the corner. Within a few years Henry Ford introduced mass production of automobiles, and within a few decades the machinery of mass production was oiled and made to run better when men of professional caliber began to manage the production of virtually all goods for mass consumption.

Today Americans take it for granted that business will introduce new products, new comforts, new luxuries every year. The car makers produce new models. Toys for children change yearly. Housewives 'just know' there will be something new — detergents, dishwashers, rug shampoos, foods, medicines, hi-fi. People know that their neighbors will change, they themselves may change jobs and perhaps leave their companies and many know they will move from one city to another or to a better home. They know their incomes will change, that they will not see the same TV programs year after year, that new movie and sport stars will comet through the sky, that new forms of entertainment will compete for their attention.

This attitude toward change, this revolution in the way of living, was propelled by the first 'undetermined force,' mass production, while Henry Adams still lived. In 1900 when he wrote about the 'New American,' the change was merely a dream, but by 1918, when he died, the dream had already started to become a reality and was having its effect on American life.


Ford's Contribution

The dream was Henry Ford's. If he could only mass produce cars, he felt, he would be able to lower the price per car and create an almost unlimited market for his product. The more people who could buy his car, he reasoned, the lower the unit price per car would be.

In 1909 when the average earnings of factory workers were less than $600 per year, the price per Ford was $950. His car was out of reach of most everyone but the upper classes. but Ford managed to lower the price to $780, then $690, $550, $490, and $360.

Over the years, mass production has lowered the 'real price' for most goods.

The' low priced car' of 1909 could be purchased only with 1 1/2 years earnings of the average manufacturing employee. The car of 1963, far more comfortable, safer, and more powerful can be purchased with less than half of his annual earnings.

The 10-inch television set of 1946 cost $375. today one can buy a 19-inc set for $139.88.

In 1920, the average telephone station-to station rate from one to another of the twenty-five largest cities in the country was $6. Today, one calls Los Angeles from New York for $1.00 after 9 P. M., and he can dial direct.

Mass production also created new jobs and new business. If there were no automobiles, there would be no auto tire, windshield, auto paint or car-seat manufacturers. There would be no gas stations, no mechanics, car dealers, used car lots. Mass production methods of business, therefore, created most of the jobs that America's expanding population needed.


The $5.00 Day

Not only did Americans experience the changing, decreasing prices and the new job opportunities brought by mass production, as FORD envisioned, but their power to buy increased. This was in part due to another innovation of FORD's perhaps as far reaching in its importance as his first. FORD reasoned in 1914, that if more people could afford his products he would sell more. Accordingly , he astounded the business community, employees and the whole world by announcing that he was doubling wages, raising them from the average $2.40 per nine-hour day paid in the industry to the astronomical sum of $5 for an eight-hour day.

Behind this fantastic step was a philosophy that the tycoons of the nineteenth century, who felt that wages should be low and profits high, could not have understood. Ford expressed it when he appeared in court to contest a stockholder's suit for higher dividends.

A stockholder's attorney asked FORD:

"What is the Ford Motor Company organization for except profits?

'Organized to do as much good as we can , everywhere, for everybody concerned. . . To make money and use it, give employment, and send out the car where everybody can use it. . . And to incidentally make money.'

'Incidentally to make money? asked the attorney. 'Yes sir.'

'But your controlling feature is to employ a great number of men at high wages, to reduce the selling price of your car, so a lot of people can buy it at a cheap price and give everybody a car that wants one?

'If you can give all that , the money will fall into your hands; you can;t get out of it,' he said.

(We interrupt the article to quote directly from FATHER DIVINE at this point: In a Message HE gave at the New Star Casino, N. Y. C., Thursday, October 6, 1932. FATHER said:

". . . That is why if you stand for the right you do not need to fret nor worry. A very small margin of profit on a large number is better than to get a large sum on something small. It is Wonderful!

"As I told MY students: look at Mr. Ford for an example. Years back, if he made a dollar on a car, that was all he wanted to make; and because he did not try to make two or three thousand dollars, like some of them, he is a billionaire. It is Wonderful! And some of the others have gone bankrupt and many of the car manufacturers are dead. When you help those that are in need you are helping the Christ indeed and when you make more, you are willing to lend to the Lord. Giving to the poor is lending to the Lord, and as a sample and as an example it is impossible to lose." (reprinted in the New Day, 12-3-49, page 47)

In another Sermon, speaking of the above Message, FATHER Spoke in Philadelphia, Tuesday afternoon November 22, 1949 at the Circle Mission Church, saying:

"Peace Everyone! A little while ago when the Message was being read from back in 1932, the Message I gave at that time is just as operative and expressive as it was then, although seventeen years have passed since that time, the number of Busses it mentioned we were carrying from New York to Philadelphia here, I believe I, do not recall now exactly how many they said went from New York and from Newark but a regular fleet of busses, buss loads on a trip down here to hold a meeting, and I thought of how they had been charging around two dollars and a half or three dollars, three dollars and a half a round trip; and I saw to it that we got the bus rates down so we could carry the busses — bring the busses for one dollar round trip! I think around about that time it was one dollar round trip from New York to the Promised Land, Kingston about one hundred miles, and I believe it was one dollar round trip from New York to Philadelphia! Severity cents from New York to Sayville and sentiments from New York to Bridgeport! As one of the speakers said, how I could stress doing anything so cheaply, for such a meager fee and yet I AM emphasizing the fact that

"It is more blessed to give than to receive."

And I AM showing you the Mystery of supply and the Mystery of Success and Prosperity! I have taught you in the way that Ford, Woolworth and many others did, who sold things at a very small profit and may have been deemed as on non-profit basis, and yet they multiplied and piled up their millions until they — especially Mr. Ford, was declared to be a billionaire! Not just for the purpose of what you gain by so doing, but for the glory of helping others who stand in the need of help! . . . " (The New Day, 12-3-49 page 6.)

(In a Message given by FATHER DIVINE at 152-160 West 126th Street, New York City, back in the year 1939 — Friday Evening and Saturday Morning,
February 17 and 18, 1939 to be exact — and titled: In All Business and Trade We Are Endeavoring to Reach the Common People and
Curb All Depression, Panic and Famines In the Land, FATHER spoke in greater length on this subject as HE said in part:

" . . . Then I say, what a privilege to live in such a recognition and to know definitely you have something that is good for all of the people! A I mentioned the ads in The New Day — this very publication, it is cutting the cost of living for not only MY immediate followers but for others, but everybody; and those who will not sell merchandise for as little and less than the same merchandise can be purchased elsewhere for, MY followers and others will learn not to give them your patronage. Then the merchant, he or she will not lose by so doing, for I have shown you the way to go home! I have shown you the way to Success and Prosperity! Copy after the fashion I AM showing you by telling you! I AM telling you by showing you! Can you not see the Mystery?

"Does it not look as if though I AM Prosperous? Refusing to sell anything for as little, but going to the far beyond, as far as those things are concerned — Myself as an individual, I AM giving everything I have absolutely gratis to the people! I AM giving MY Time and Service twenty-fours a day absolutely gratis, and yet in turn I have a-full and a-plenty without receiving any compensation or remuneration for MY Services! Aren't you glad!

"This is a sample, this is an example, but MY Followers in business are copying after the fashion in a measure; they are selling everything for less than what the same merchandise could be purchased for elsewhere! By this they will be successful and prosperous, because it is not the success by way of overcharging for your merchandise but it is the success that comes by the way of the volume of business!

"I have often quoted Mr. Woolworth, and I quote Mr. Ford. For those who are seeking business, success and prosperity, Try to sell every piece of merchandise, every article, for as little and less than others, and see that you get as little out of it as possible. By so doing I AM a blessing to the children of men through you and I AM a Blessing to you through them, for they will give you their patronage collectively and nationally where you would have only received the business of some individually! That is the Mystery!

"Mr. Ford once sold the cheapest car on the market. He was successful and prosperous because he sole to the general public and sold merchandise such as could be purchased by almost any and everybody. See the Mystery? I have not heard of the Rolls-Royce manufacturer being the richest man in the world, neither have I heard of the Deusenberg manufacturer being the richest man in the world; but I did hear of Mr. Ford being the richest man in the world, especially in the commercial world! Can you not see the Mystery? He sold merchandise for as little as anyone else could sell the same merchandise for, and for less, therefore he was a blessing to the poor automatically, hence:

"He who giveth to the poor, lendeth to the LORD, and that which he gives will HE pay him again!"

"The five-and-ten cent stores, they sell merchandise for five and ten cents, even such as hardware! The same merchandise was sold in hardware stores for maybe twenty cents until the chain stores and five-and ten cent stores came about. Well now, they multiplied their millions by getting a very small margin of profit on each article, but the volume was so great, they gained much more than those who wee selling for much more than the merchandise was actually worth! Can you not see the mystery?

"Then I say, I have brought this to you, MY hearers, followers and friends religiously, spiritually, politically, socially and otherwise. It is a true saying as I have declared,

"It is more blessed to give than it is to receive!"

(The New Day, February 23, 1939, pages 63 and 64.)

(Quoting further from the article, Contributions of Management to the American Way of Life:)

". . . Propelled by this new business philosophy which was adopted, by more and more of the new corporation managers, and by new production methods, America experienced continuing change during the next half century as no other nation had before. Its gross national product zoomed from 31.6 billion dollars in 1940 to 440 billion dollars in 1957 (in 1957 dollars), and the figure is expected to reach 580 billion in 1963.

The continued rise of national product and earnings did more than better the standard of living. It continually narrowed the gap in the way of living between the poor man, the rich man and the middle-class man. By 1963 each drove cars that differed only in luxury, watched the same television programs, saw the same movies, and read many of the same mass-circulation magazines. When any man can do many things the rich man does, the differences narrow.

As business strove to meet the demands for products for poor man and rich man alike, it opened the doors of opportunity ever wider. Society continually became more mobile. The average man could improve his lot, even more than his father did, live better; and some could even amass moderate-sized or large fortunes.

Spurred by the growth of business in new areas of the country, Americans moved in increasing numbers to California, Arizona and other parts of the Far West. Where once the population center of the country was in Chesapeake Bay, it now is near St. Louis.

Results of Mobility

This movement had its effect on America; the regions have fused. Boston, Cleveland, Dallas, Atlanta, Denver and Seattle have more in common now than they have differences. Architecture, dress, suburbs, methods of education are the same in each. Business executives and other employees, brought up on Midwestern farms, settle in Atlanta, Dallas, Los Angeles or New York. there is interchange of viewpoints, which could never exist in a static society.

And while all these changes took place, the appearance of America altered. Increased mobility led to the growth of suburbs and the dev elopement of shopping centers,highway turnpikes, tourist homes, motels, gas stations, amusement centers, resort areas, industrial parks, and larger farms run by fewer people."


{Let us again interrupt the article and quote the words of a song)

An inspirational song sung by FATHER DIVINE'S Rosebud Choir was received by them in the early 1940's the words of which are gleaned from FATHERDIVINE'S many Sermons on this subject, and which bear out the above quoted article.

Mass Production

Mass Production in field and forest,
Mass Production in factory and mill,
Mass Production is the Keynote to Salvation,
Mass Production is our FATHER'S Will,
Mass Production will solve our every problem
In city, state and national government,
Mass Production is our economic salvation
And will be a foundation for Righteous Government!
Mass Production in every activity,
Mass Production with machine and hand and brain;
The government didn't want it but now they have got to have it
For Mass Production is the Keynote to Victory!

(To continue with the conclusion of the article)

Last, but certainly not least, the change has enhanced democracy. As David M. Poter, the historian, has pointed out: 'Although it is often assumed that material and spiritual matters stand in fundamental and inescapable conflict with one another, in fact one's experience shows that these values go hand in hand. The application at least of some of our ethical ideals and the development of our social standards has gone a good pace because we have the means with which to fulfill these ideals and standards.

When man gains a satisfactory income, acquires education, dresses himself and his wife in the standard clothes worn by all members of the community, sends his children to school . . . then the system of classes itself, no longer natural, no longer inevitable, begins to seem unjust.

Thus the article ends and may we conclude by dropping a further word on this subject by FATER DIVINE in an important Sermon HE gave titled:

Mass Production, Mass Construction and Mass Instruction Will Be the Keynote and the Way to Salvation
For Yourself and Others Universally

This was given at 204 West 63rd Street, New York City, Wednesday, December 11, 1940 and can be found in The New Day
under date of September 4, 1965, pages 2-6

FATHER Speaks in part as follows:

. . . Some marvel at the unfoldment of the mystery and at the advancement MY Follower are making. Truly might they marvel at such an unfoldment and at the advancement they are making, because of the oppositions. They have not only the oppositions by a limited few but opposition by almost all of the people. Yet with these appositions the followers in the cooperative system according to MY Teaching are making such advances it is unbelievable! Some cannot believe that such advances can be made as are being made, but yet they are making the advances and presently over and above all oppositions MY Followers purchasing power is unlimited.

Just think of what this government could do if the government was under and administration that did not encourage borrowing or lending in the way it has been! What an advancement this government would make in the act of purchasing and controlling whatever it may desire by the purchasing power this government itself would have, and this great nation, by mass production instead of mass destruction.

Production is the keynote to salvation! It will cause your nation and any person to be independent! When you have a-full and a-plenty of foodstuff and comfort and convenience you can make your respective advances spiritually and mentally as well as economically. You cannot make your respective advances scientifically and inventionally unless you have a-full and a-plenty economically. But by having a-full and a-plenty economically and having the necessary comfort and convenience, you can make your advances inspirationally and even inventionally; and scientifically from other angles of expression, because of mass production and by having a-full and-aplenty it will encourage you and give you aspiration; it will give you energy and ambition to launch out in fields unknown.

Because of mass production you would be independent! You would not be obliged to belie yourselves as a nation. When we declare our independence politically and nationally, and then go around as dependents individually, severally and collectively and even nationally, we are belying ourselves and not fulfilling and proving that Document of Independence.

Then I say, take cognizance of this message and consider, even the government under which we are living, if it would take cognizance of MY Message, inside of the next twenty years we would not have a pauper in the land! We would not owe any creditor, for we would pay cash on the cash-and-carry system and we would not buy anything on credit, neither would we owe any man; for as with an individual so with a nation. Therefore I lift up a standard among this people as an Individual for your consideration, and through MY cooperative system with these of Mine who follow MY Teachings we mean to be a sample and an example for all nations. Not only for all generations to come but we mean to be a sample and an example for all nations presently as well as for all generations in the future.

Take these thoughts to consideration and build upon this foundation and we will lift our nation and our neighboring nations from lacks, wants and limitations, and each and every person in a land of plenty will have a-full and a-plenty and be inspired with aspiration and inspiration and courage and energy to make the necessary advances for our advanced civilization.

. . . By being honest, competent and true and studying continually the system of mass production, you can and will increase and multiply your produce and will cause your storehouses to be filled once and forever!

. . . We are not expecting to encourage our followers to make any advances in the prices of merchandise, but to the extreme reverse we mean to lower the prices of merchandise and the price in places for accommodation and for food otherwise for the benefit of all mankind. By the economic system and by cooperation and harmonization we are able to accomplish all things. We do not mean for taxes to be increased on personal or real property, but we mean for you as followers, friends, enemies and others, to benefit by MY cooperative system and to reduce the system of taxation.

. . . Now take cognizance of what I have told you, MY followers, friends and hearers and even those of MY so-called enemies, who may desire to make things better for themselves and others; take cognizance of this Message and realize mass production and mass construction and mass instruction will be the keynote and the way to salvation for yourself and for others universally. I thank you.

(Stressfully to be considered is a portion of another Sermon given by FATHER, which if adhered to and made law, would forever do away with depression and economic failure in not only this but in any other country that would adopt this simple yet fundamental piece of legislation! )

FATHER DIVINE gave the following message at 204 West 63rd Street, New York City, May 25, 1938
and the entire Sermon can be found in The New Day of September 4, 1965, page 9.

FATHER Speaks as follows:

Concerning a Tax Exemption Bill

Now in reference to the different legislatures and senators presenting all sorts of bills that are impractical, unprofitable and good for nothing, in violation to the Constitution; I wish to say: "if all of the different constituents of the different representatives of this state and of all the other states in the union would speak to their representatives and request of them to issue a bill that could be called, "A Real Property Improvement Tax Exemption Bill;" if this would be passed in all of the states in the union, and everybody would be privileged — and all of the states — to do improvements on the real property, renovate and develop new dev elopements; it could be called "The Real Estate Development and Improvement Tax Exemption Bill," or "The Five Years Dev elopement And Improvement Tax Exemption Bill", for the taxes to be exempt on all improvements and on all developments to real estate. If it would be passed for this to be law for five years, there are millions of persons in this country who would release their money and put their money to an exchange.

I venture to say, thousands and thousands of people would be employed, and we would solve the slum clearance proposition in our city, yea in our state, land and country over, not only so, but by putting the money to an exchange it would give employment to practically all of the people — all of those who are unemployed today. If all of the different individuals who have money would invest their money in improvements in the act of improving the real estate and bring about dev elopements in different places, different parts of the country, building up villages and towns and such as that, with the privilege of being exempt from taxation for at least five years, millions and millions of dollars would be invested immediately, and thousands and thousands of unemployed would be employed inside of a few weeks.


How Would Such a Law Be Beneficial?

Now someone may question; "How would it be beneficial to the tax improvement situation, for the benefit of the Finance Department of country or the government?" It would improve it. When your dollar is put into circulation, it exchanges hands, according to statistics — according to information received, as much as one hundred and twenty-two times in a year. Now you know just about what Federal taxes you are paying on the dollar. From that you can see just how much each dollar would return to the government by being put into circulation instead of being hoarded.

At the time that great business improvements are being put into circulation, and at the time that business is better than ever, think of one dollar changing hands from one hundred to one hundred and twenty-two times inside of one year. The exchange for such in redemption of Federal taxes, would be much more than what they will get if the public is not privileged to invest their money without taxation. Not only so, but in our city here, the city sales tax, — you know just about how much you get for one dollar in exchange; what you have to pay on one dollar sales tax, buying a dollar's worth. Have that dollar exchange hands in the city over one hundred times each, it would do it, if you put your money into circulation, and you would see how much cash the City Government would have in turn for the circulation of that dollar; and yet it would not be a strain on anybody. Can you not see the mystery?

Then I say, all who have representatives in Congress, speak to them as constituents, as you should to your representatives, and get them to endorse a bill commonly known by MY Version. It may be given another name; it makes no difference so long as it carries the same meaning. But I say; "A Real Estate Dev elopement And Improvement Tax Exemption Bill for five years."


No Exemption Without Improvement

Now do not ask for exemption of taxes for real property that you are not improving. We should pass a law to the contrary; for every person who will not improve his property and will allow it to run down, he should have to pay taxes for allowing his property to run down. If this were done, we would have a better country, and cleaner cities and communities in which to live. Conditions would change immediately if there was a law for buildings that would become dilapidated and in violation — if they would have to pay taxes for them; and those who kept their property up would not have to pay any, why that would put their money into circulation that way, but especially in the slum clearance districts.

We speak of slum clearance — spending thousands and millions of dollars for slum clearance, and yet keeping the people in the same condition. If every person would be privileged to invest his money in his real property, in the act of improving it and keeping it in grade A, number one condition, and be exempt from taxes as far as improvements are concerned and those who allow their places to get dilapidated and run-down and good for nothing, if they would have to pay taxes on such, why, there would be a change immediately.

Then I say to MY friends, coworkers, participators and good wishers, those who wish well for yourselves; if each of you would speak to your respective representatives and tell them to pass a bill to that effect, it means millions of dollars for those who are the small home owners. They will save millions of dollars, and yet the government would, by so doing; for they would cause men to invest money where they would not otherwise, and put their money into circulation where they had hoarded it at that particular time.


The Key to the Mystery

Who knows more about the Key to Success than that of the Spirit, of Which I represent? Can you not see I have the key to the mystery to answer every problem? For I will unlock every barred and shut door, and I will produce the Abundance of the Fullness for you and for all who are concerned.

I carry in MYSELF the seed idea and the magnetism of the magnetic current of GOD'S Abundance, and I attract the same and draw it to ME wheresoever I AM. This is an abstract expression. Wheresoever I AM you can see it, and its expression in itself will tell you what I AM saying is true.

When I came to this auditorium tonight, there were a very limited few here — a very limited few, but it was not very long after I came before the auditorium was nearly overflowing. Now it is filled to overflow. What is it? It is because I carry in MYSELF the magnetic current of GOD'S Abundance, and I attract it to ME, and draw it, cause such to be an outward expression as a message to tell you there is a reality in concentration.

By concentrating on the abundance of the fullness, you tend to produce the same; and these bills which I have mentioned — especially the one, it is an idea brought forth for consideration as a Sample and as an Example of MY Personal experience. Whensoever I AM exempt for any cause I AM always willing and ready to advance and spend much more.


Copying After the Fashion

You can see all of these different auditoriums and dining rooms in connection with the Peace Mission Movement. MY followers all copy after the fashion I have shown them by selling everything for much less than what they could get the same thing for elsewhere; they always have more business and more customers than they can accommodate. When you can get a soda pop for three cents, you will come in at times and buy from four to five because they are only three cents. If you were obliged to pay ten cents for them, maybe you would not buy any. There is a mystery, if I must quote another for consideration, from a business point of view, in the commercial world. . . Take Mr. Ford as a sample and as an example, building the cheapest car that could be built at one time. He did not build a car costing twenty or thirty or thirty-five thousand dollars, yet he became the richest man in the world.

Humanly speaking, Mr. FORD is richer than the Deusenberg manufacturer. He is richer than the Rolls-Royce manufacturer. He sold the smallest car to the common people. Because it was small and did not cost very much to purchase nor very much to run it, many thousand people purchased over and over again; and his works will go on.

Now these are some little simple points for consideration. Then if you take them for consideration, how successful you can be by selling everything for much less than what others can sell the same merchandise for, and make the smallest profit possible. And yet the volume of business would increase your profits much more than if you would make a much large profit on something — on things, whichever — and would not get the volume of business.

These thoughts are well worth considering. Then I say, if you copy after the fashion I AM showing you, each representative, or those of you as constituents of the different representatives in Congress and in this State and other states throughout the nation present to them this proposition, these problems will be solved immediately — the unemployment problem.

If they get this law passed in this state and in all other states in the union, and send laws in accord with the same, in keeping with MY Righteous Government Platform, you will not be obliged to have thousands and thousands, yea millions and millions of people unemployed, neither will you be obliged to have charity as you have had. For each individual will learn to be absolutely independent and none will lack in GOD'S Abundance; for there is a-full and a-plenty for all. I thank you.
