"By the Individual Exercising Law and Order In Business, Profession, Labor and Trade Righteously,
Righteous Government Should Be Established." ---FATHER DIVINE

Our FATHER'S Message given during Righteous Government Meeting at the Samsonville Extension The Promised Land,
Saturday Evening and Sunday Morning, April 25/26, 1942 A.D.F.D., Time 12:45 A.M.


This inspiring Message was given by our LORD and Savior that all humanity might see and know that the enactment of a universal Righteous Government through the practice of Mass Production by the process of harmonization and cooperation is not only a possibility but can and will be a Living Reality when the whole world learns to love GOD whole-heartedly and to do His Holy Will!

The Keynote to Salvation for each and every living creature is held within the confines of these precious Words of Spirit and Life, and every nation, language, tongue and people had better heed the voice of GOD Almighty as HE speaks with authority.

Shortly before FATHER arose to speak, the audience enthusiastically sang:

'We want the whole world to love YOU, love YOU just as we do,
We want the whole world to love YOU, honor and serve YOU,
Be faithful and true.
We want the whole world to praise YOU, praise YOU just as we do,
We want the whole world to love YOU, love YOU just as we do!'

In His Message our LORD transposes the spirit and the meaning of this song in order to stress to the children of men how the world might receive full redemption and salvation, as well as the eternal Protection and Guidance of GOD Almighty.

For Thy abundant Love and Mercy, Dear LORD, we truly thank Thee!

(The foregoing statements are those of the transcriber, after which FATHER speaks as follows:)

PEACE EVERYONE! Good Health, Good Will and a Good Appetite; Life, Liberty and the Reality of Happiness; All Wisdom, All Knowledge and All Understanding; Righteousness, Truth and Justice! These and all other Blessings, we still have possession of them if we will keep them harnessed and operate with them according to the Plan and Purpose.

This is a night set apart as a night for public mass meeting here in this part of the state of New York, known definitely to you as the Promised Land; a night set apart for Righteous Government Meetings in different parts, but especially here tonight, to bring our fellow citizens of this community and all communities the significance of Righteous Government; no longer merely to be theorized but to be lived, materialized and personified. And as I put this forth into expression in your hearing and in your sight, may it be transmitted and reproduced by reincarnation and brought to fruition in our fellow citizens.

For this cause I have arisen to emphasize the significance of Righteous Government. Righteous Government firstly should be established within the individual imbibing the Spirit of Righteousness and the spirit and the meaning of the Constitution and its Amendments, by exercising Law and Order in business, profession, labor and trade righteously, to impart Righteousness with implicit Faith in the Almighty.

By this, in this coming generation we shall have a Righteous Government second to none under the Constitution and its Amendments, by the coming generation living constitutionally, Evangelically, and expressing the citizenry of a real Democracy, where all men are privileged to speak, to live and to express democratically; where you have a free access to put into practice the Law of the Spirit of Life handed down by the Creator and transmitted to His Creation and reincarnated by millions to produce and produce in the Abundance of the Fullness from every angle expressible, to manifest Righteous Government according to nature by the Creative Forces of Nature.


Advocating Mass Production

If each and every American citizen would take cognizance of this Message, they too as well as you would endeavor to produce the Abundance of the Fullness by emphasizing, advocating and motivating Mass Production instead of Mass Destruction.

The trials and tribulations and conflicts even this nation is now undergoing has caused the Government itself and all representatives to emphasize Mass Production. Since they would not take cognizance of My Message religiously, politically or socially heretofore, through the oppositions of the enemy and the trials and tribulations and the crisis civilization is now undergoing, it has brought to the minds of all government and their representatives the significance of Mass Production.

In business, labor and trade, produce the Abundance of the Fullness as much as possible and do not slightly consider by Mass Production you will reduce the valuation of your property or income. Mass Production was given by the Spirit of the Creator from the beginning of the Creation:

'Multiply and replenish the earth!'

But men through graft and greed and selfishness, fought against the very hand that fed them, Mass Production! Not only fought against the hand that fed them, but as a common phrase quite often used here in America, they would "bite the hand that fed them" and try to cut it off by prohibiting Mass Production for the common good of all humanity!

But now and from henceforth they will realize the folly of destruction and the Wisdom of Production! Aren't you glad? To produce the Abundance from the different angles of expression, they will see it is according to nature by the great Creator, to produce the Abundance by Mass Production, by increasing and multiplying the produce that has been produced. Therefore, the production will not be diminished in the future as it has been.

So then I say, it is a privilege to get together once in a while and speak of Mass Production, emphasize and demonstrate the Unity of the Spirit, of Mind, of Aim and of Purpose and harmonize through the Cooperative System.


The Cooperative System Will Put Cooperation into Operation

These customs or systems are all impersonal and they are operative for every emergency and for every purpose. Therefore, cooperation the Cooperative System will put it into expression from every angle expressible if you will but let it. Harmonization will bring about the Cooperative System in evidence, and the Cooperative System will put into operation cooperation, and you will learn more definitely to be cooperative in that which is constructive, that which is instructive and that which is profitable. Therefore, the nations of the earth at large will hear the Voice of GOD.

You, My followers, and others who observe My Message will see, in the future it will not be as it used to be, the system of production. It will not be a system of Mass Destruction but a system of Mass Production! It will not be a system of Division but it will be a system of Democratic Coalition in every cabinet! Aren't you glad?

Politically, legally, spiritually, religiously and otherwise, we emphasize the significance of Coalition by harmonization and by unification, to bring an end to all division.

Then I retrace your thoughts back to your little composition just sung before I arose to speak:

'I want the whole world to love YOU, love YOU just as we do!'

A slight transposition of the composition from ME, I extend it to you:

'I want the whole world to love ME, love ME just as you say you do!'

If the whole world would love ME just as you say you do, the whole world of all nations, languages, tongues and people and all government universally would be as peaceful as you and would have as much Unity and Fellowship as you all have tonight!


Such Love Would End War

Such Love would bring an end to Mass Destruction and the prospect of Mass Destruction. Men will learn war no more when the whole world loves ME just as you say you do, for they would not have the energy and the ambition, neither would they have the fancy or the tendency to war against each other. Therefore, it may be looked upon as radical and fanatical to make such an assertion; but positively without a reasonable doubt, if the whole world would love ME just as you say you do, I would Bring "Peace on Earth and Good Will to Men" immediately!

Just think of billions and billions of dollars and millions and millions of bodies being destroyed, for what? All for the lack of this of which I have produced and put into expression in Mass Production for you and for all humanity! Love and Kindness, oh, how free! Wisdom and Knowledge, Meekness and Obedience, in Mass Production in the Abundance of the Fullness of these Attributes I put them forth into expression as a Sample and as an Example for all creation! Mass Production of everything that is desirable; but men through the lack of love, being motivated by envy, malice and strife and being filled with and being impregnated with more and more prejudice and division, they create Mass Destruction from every angle expressible; destroying national and natural resources of the government; using Mass Destruction as a method to destroy, thinking it is the method to win the victory over the enemy. What said the Scripture concerning the mystery?

'The last enemy to be conquered is death",

but love is stronger than death!

Abraham conquered his own will through self-denial and consecration by this great spiritual prenataled conversion. He was greater than he who might thereafter take a city. Aren't you glad?


Mass Production Would Satisfy Every Desire

So, Mass Production in constructive operation, Mass Production in every desirable expression truly is the Keynote to Salvation; would solve every desirable problem and would satisfy every desire; would adjust matters satisfactorily and give victory to every true believer over all of the enemies.

Then I say, it is a true saying: if the whole world did love ME just as you say you do I AM not saying you do not and I AM not saying you do, but I AM saying, as you say you do! every living creature of the Axis would put down his sword and shield and would study war no more, and those of us as Allies would do the same, for we would not mean to hurt nor harm in all our Holy Mountains! Aren't you glad?

Then GOD could supernaturally and cosmically protect you and defend you against the common enemy, for HE would harness the energy of the wicked enemy and bring him into subjection automatically.

Conquering you own will and binding the strong man, the "other fellow" within you, would also bind him in your enemy, therefore, your enemy could not harm you. Can you not see the mystery? This is plain by the experience of many. In the experience of Daniel being cast into the den of lions, the lions did not harm him because destruction and all of the destructive tendencies were brought into subjection within him. If there were any prenataled destructive tendencies within him that would cause anyone to desire to harm even his enemy, those destructive tendencies were harnessed and brought into subjection and converted and directed into a different direction, until he said, "O king, live forever!"

Instead of saying, "I wish you were dead!", instead of saying, "GOD shall destroy you!", but just to the extreme reverse to such an assertion, "O king, live forever!"


Harnessing Your Energy and Characteristics

This goes to show you the harnessing of your mentality and of your detestable characteristics and energy, works; it works psychologically and has a psychological effect on your enemy and causes him to stand still. He cannot harm you! But when you refuse to do so and direct your energy, your mind and your attention in a direction, in opposition, with violence and destruction within, the reaction of that which you send out psychologically will effect the person to whom you have sent it, and will cause that person to more viciously resent you! Can you not see the mystery?

But even the lions in the den, they were calm with Daniel! And the burning, fiery flames heated so many times hotter were harmless to the True and the Faithful who did not have destructive tendencies or destruction impregnated in their hearts and in their lives to destroy others, even their enemies!

So, mass production in the positive direction to be directed and used absolutely unselfishly, will solve every problem for you, for Love is GOD and the Creator of the world; and if you will allow GOD to love, by you sending out such to others as a preparatory for GOD'S Love to be directed towards you, the Love of GOD will protect you! The Love of GOD will rescue you! And truly has the Psalmic prediction of David declared,

'The LORD is my Shepherd and I shall not want!'

GOD is as Real as You Allow HIM to Be

You as individuals will walk through as though walking through the valley and the shadow of death and you will fear no evil, for you will realize GOD is with you regardless; and I do not mean merely suppositionally, but in reality GOD has become to be a Living Factor and GOD is as real as you allow GOD to be to you!

Therefore I say, if you want the whole world to love ME just as you say you do if they will but love ME as you say you do, all wars and race riots and division will come to an end and will even leave the organizational, denominated plane and unite together so effectively until coalition will be enacted in every activity. And all that has been, such as division, will come to an end, and unity and tranquility and success and prosperity will be your portion; for

'Where there is Union there is Strength!'

Together you stand, and together you will increase and multiply, and you will be Prosperous, Healthy and Happy; but divided you will fall and be defeated once and forever! I thank you.
