Interview granted by Father Divine to Prof. Robert E. Hume of Union Theological Seminary in his office at 20 West 115th street New York City on Sunday, February 23, 1936 at about 5:00 p.m.
Professor Hume, learning that FATHER would be in the City today, availed himself of the opportunity to be present among us. FATHER graciously invited him to have something to say, if he so desired and condescendingly set aside about three quarters of an hour or more from HIS usual busy program, to grant him an interview. Professor Hume accepted this gracious invitation to address the audience, stating that he had come to see FATHER and to learn from HIM whatever he possibly could. He further stated that the world was in such a turmoil at the present time and that he was interested in every effort and work of Peace that tended or was working towards the establishment of the Kingdom of GOD on earth.
Professor Hume had prepared a questionnaire which he used to ask FATHER certain questions, which he said he desired to get chronological records and data to pass on to his students, with reference to the origin of the Peace Mission, its activities and its growth. The questions which were asked by the Professor and the answers given him by FATHER are herewith recorded, as follows:
1. What was the origin of this Movement?
2. What was the nearest preparation which led to the launching of the Peace Movement?
3. What have been the outstanding features in the subsequent history?
4. What is anticipated as the next notable accomplishment in this Peace Kingdom?
5. What are the essential features of this Movement?
6. Have there been some misunderstandings in the reports of this Movement? And how have they been cleared by better knowledge? How have they been corrected?
7. Are there any genuine difficulties or dangers or adversaries which this Movement confronts?
8. What is the closest parallel to the past history of Religion in comparison with this Peace Movement?
9. Where can authentic data be obtained for an adequate knowledge of this Peace Movement?
10. What is the relation of this Movement to the Bible?
11. What is the relationship of this Movement to Jesus Christ?
12. What is the theology involved in this Movement?
13. How is the organization of disciples and coworkers being built up to take care of the growing Movement?
14. What co-operation has already been accomplished with any other similar movements?
15. What are the planks in the Platform as inscribed on the walls of the Temple?
Professor Hume: FATHER I came both to seek and to give information.
FATHER: “We are very glad to have you to participate in our Meetings, to speak or sing or anything you desire, just so you are governed by your highest intuition. We are always pleased to have visitors and we desire them to participate by singing or speaking, if they would like to, or have a word to say, if they feel so led.”
Professor Hume: I felt that YOU were very friendly indeed, FATHER.
FATHER’S Work Spontaneous
FATHER: Of course, it is a little difficult to adequately answer many questions that may be placed before ME, from — what we may term it to be, from a human point, as MY Work is spontaneous. I speak spontaneously — just as I did a little while ago, and yet I AM writing daily and I AM releasing to the press as much as they can receive at this age. Many of them have declared I AM at least fifty years ahead of time.
Professor Hume: FATHER, how can we catch up? [Read more…]