GOD is the same even as the wind is, even as nature is itself.
Now you may not get much sunlight in some houses or in some homes, you may not get very much air. If you get air it may be stagnant air, because you may have the ventilation in connection with some other connection that is stagnating the air of expression before it enters the room in which you are connected. That is the mystery.
So these thoughts are well worth considering. GOD is the same with or without a Person. His Condescension may cause such an expression in different persons and personalities to be reflected as if though HE is Personal, but GOD is impersonal with or without a Person. GOD is the same today, yesterday and forever.
The wind is pure and holy. If there are germs in it and if there are not any germs in the atmosphere in which you are living, the air is pure and holy – – It is absolutely pure and holy. It may be infected apparently by the germs of disease and other contagious germs; nevertheless, it does not say that the air isn’t pure. Matters not how filthy it may be, if you allow it run free it will cleanse itself after a little running.