"The Nations Of The Earth Are Seeing The Worse Crisis Since The World Began,
All Because Of The Overpopulation Of The Earth.

"What it Really Means to Get at the Cause."



A three part series with the thoughts of FATHER DIVINE and MOTHER DIVINE on the Causes. Effects and Solutions to the Problem of Overpopulation.

  1. The Cry for the Solution to Violence, Misery and Poverty of the People in the World Has Come Before the Throne of Grace. Part `1.
  2. An Outline of the problem of Overpopulation. Part 1A
  3. "Overpopulation,What it Really Means. Get at the Cause of Destruction, of Bloodshed and Warfare and Eradicate it and Dispel It." Part 2.
  4. "The Nations Of The Earth Are Seeing The Worse Crisis Since The World Began, All Because Of The Overpopulation Of The Earth." Part 3.
