"Ninety-mine and ninety-nine one-hundredth percent of the people in years past
were not qualified to propagate.

"Train a Child in the Way He Should Go, When He Is Old He Will Not Depart from It.

"What it Really Means to Get at the Cause of Destruction, of Bloodshed and Warfare
and Eradicate it and Dispel It." --- FATHER DIVINE

A Treatise On Overpopulation, Part 2

Excerpts of FATHER DIVINE'S Words of Spirit and Life
Taken from Interviews, Lectures and Sermons 1932 to 1954 A.D. 9 F.D.

Propagation of the Human Race - September 5, 1942, 2:50 PM

Excerpts from an interview given by FATHER DIVINE to Kings County, N. Y., Assistant District Attorney Wilson
on September 5th, 1942, at The Brigantine Hotel, Brigantine, N. J.

The Brigantine Hotel
as seen from the pier.

The Brigantine Hotel as seen from the pier

Attorney Wilson: There is much confusion in the minds of many people. Surprisingly many people of intelligence have done the things most often discussed in the spirit of ridicule, which is that it is believed by those that know little about the Movement that You are absolutely opposed to propagation of the race, in that You advocate non-cohabitation between the various sexes. Now, last night I heard You say in speaking that what You were doing was not only for this generation but for the coming generations. Now, that, to my mind, is in conflict with that preconceived idea that You oppose cohabitation, because if You oppose cohabitation there could be no future generation to enjoy the Work that You are doing. Now, that is a most difficult question to answer by those well-wishers who are not part of the Movement but well-wishers of the Moment . . .


Attorney Wilson: . . . to answer in discussing Your Work with those who seemingly are hostile. Is there anything You can tell me that would clarify my mind on that particular point? Do I make myself clear, FATHER?

FATHER: Yes, I see you, and I even see the minds of humanity universally along those lines concerning the propagation situation. First of all, I said more than fifty years ago, as an Evangelist doing evangelistic work and still stressing the same, but more in the actuated words of expression, no doubt, than that of merely an illustration in speaking --now, as I have often said, "Train a child in the way he should go, when he is old he will not depart from it."

Preparation for a Perfect Sanitation

First of all if this child is not trained hereditively, he is made subject to vanity and debauchery and degradation unwillingly and even unwittingly. You see the mystery? A child should be trained hereditively or prenatally. I have often said, train a child seven years before it is born and then train him seven years after it is born, in the right way, whatsoever way it may be that is deemed right by the parent, and that child will be bent in the way it will go when it is old. He will not depart from the hereditive training and he will not depart from the traditional leading and direction. So it is a wonderful thought to first make preparation for a perfect sanitation of humanity.

There is an unsanitary condition existing in humanity's mentality as well as in the physical systems, and when they are cleansed from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit mentally and spiritually they tend to produce and bring into outer expression physically that which they are expressing mentally and spiritually, for the outward expression is but a sketch and a reflection of the mental and spiritual conception. That which we can see mentally, and even that which we perceive, it is put forth into expression outwardly. Hence to bring about a humane work of perfection men first need to be cleansed from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit and perfect holiness in the fear of GOD.

Sample and Example for Humanity

Now, this word "Holiness" does not mean that which the average person considers when he says, "I am sanctified and holy." I AM not speaking from that angle of expression especially, but perfecting the HOLINESS of GOD as was in Christ Jesus, the Sample and the Example for all humanity. Produce that LIFE in the hearts and lives of the hearers and develop it and bring it to fruition, and the offspring will be of the same characteristics and disposition for the offspring is not as the parent or ancestors are but as they were. Whatsoever kind of nature or characteristics you have now and have in evidence and put into expression, your offspring will be of that nature and characteristics, of the characteristics you develop and put into expression as your characteristics and as your personality or your individuality even, it will express there from time to time.

So I say, train a child in the way he should go. When he is old he will not depart from it. In some of our states in the Union, you as a prosecutor know it is true that they do not allow marriage without a physical examination.

Attorney Wilson: That's true.

FATHER: What a step toward bringing about a perfect form of government from a physical sanitation point of view! I mean, in a way of a physical sanitation.

Attorney Wilson: I understand You. Curbing Disease, Suffering Hardship

FATHER; So it curbs disease and hereditive disease, much suffering and hardships and spread of contagions. So it is a wonderful thought to know whereof you speak and know the things that should be. Ninety-mine and ninety-nine one-hundredth percent of the people in years past were not qualified to propagate.

Attorney Wilson: That's true.

FATHER: They created and recreated and recreated such as they represent, the characteristics, the disposition mentally and spiritually, and then the physical contagions go with it through propagation. They increase and multiply through propagation such mental and spiritual and even physical contagion. So when one is found worthy to be a mother or be a father, then and only then should they be:

Attorney Wilson: I understand You correctly, FATHER, to mean . . .

FATHER: It is Wonderful!

Attorney Wilson: It is wonderful --to mean that Your object on that point is to create a more perfect physical and mental instrumentality of production . . .

FATHER: That's right

Attorney Wilson: . . . before production be permitted?

The First Step

FATHER: That's right. Now, the first step, you see--I AM taking you back to Biblical history for an instant -- now, Jesus the great Love Master and the Wayshower to salvation and the hope of the redemption of all humanity under Christianity, said: "First seek ye the Kingdom of GOD and HIS Righteousness, and all these things shall be added," but firstly the average person seeks the multiplication or propagation of self-indulgence, of lust and passion, of races, creeds and colors and division and strife, instead of purging those things out of them firstly, so that they might be qualified to be fathers and mothers . . .

Attorney Wilson: It is enjoyment of the pleasure without making one's self capable of properly enjoying that pleasure.

Christ Is the Foundation

FATHER: . . . without laying the fundamental foundation of life, and Christ truly was and is the foundation of life for all humanity, but especially for those of us who are representing Christianity.

Attorney Wilson: You see, FATHER, unfortunately many who seek to discuss favorably Your Work, discuss it without fully understanding the Work themselves and for that reason

FATHER: Positively!

Attorney Wilson: . . . which, when multiplied, it reaches a point of absurdity and holds up to ridicule the work unjustly; and as a child I have always been interested in inventions. I like to inquire into things and know whereof I speak before I speak, and that is why I sought this conference with You today, and I must say that I am very glad that I have had the courage to do so. It really takes courage to seek the truth.

FATHER: It does, it does! Well, if the people, as I say, would be open-minded and put away tradition, they would have a chance to gain an inlet to deeper and broader information. In the Christian Bible, in other words the Protestant Bible, by which we are controlled, we are told to grow in grace and in knowledge of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

Tradition and Orthodoxy

The average person does not consider he should grow in grace and in knowledge when he is bound by tradition and orthodoxy. There are those who say: "My mother was a Baptist," or "My mother and my father were Presbyterians," or "They were Methodists" or some may say, "They were Catholics, and I could never be anything else!"

Tradition has a limitation. It had a beginning and it has an end, but GOD has no beginning of life and no end of days; therefore, we must follow HIM to advance. If we take it scientifically, and inventionally, we cannot advance by adhering to tradition and being bound by orthodoxy, even inventionally and scientifically, because someone would say, "Why, we cannot do more or better than what our ancestors did," you see. Such an erroneous and limited mind would cause the disintegration of our civilization, but the progressive and advanced mind of our civilization from a scientific and inventional point of view would be progressive and would launch out in fields unknown, and would be inspired with things unseen.


Judas and Hitler Should Not Have Been Born - September 9, 1942, 5:45 PM

While listening to the proofreading of the interview I re-stressed MY Mind with the thought of what we are actually doing but what seems to be so little considered by the majority of the people who do not know.

If you retract your thoughts back to the quotation as given there in that interview, in reference to what Jesus said, "First seek ye the Kingdom of GOD and HIS Righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you"; Jesus as the Wayshower to Salvation taught you the way of life scientifically and accurately with the very Spirit of the Life Giver, GOD, the great Creator, Who so loved the world that HE gave HIS only begotten Son to them. And where you observe and have heard of the Teaching being somewhat in opposition to propagation, if you retrace your thoughts back you can remember what Jesus said concerning one:

'It had been good for that man if he had not been born!'

The same Spirit is speaking today. Every man who is as Judas was and as others who Jesus considered it would have been good for them had they not been born, they should not have been born. And the teaching against the propagation of such characteristics and such kind of characters should have been enacted long before such persons were born!

Can you not see it is the same Spirit speaking today? If I speak not in the Words, I AM speaking in Actions and in Deeds to that effect: for those who are not worthy to become fathers and mothers, they should not be, because they create misery, bloodshed and everything else in the world that should not be!

Anti-Propagation System

No doubt a good many of you have thought within yourselves it would have been good if Hitler had not been born. A good many of you have thought within yourselves it would have been good if Mussolini had not been born. Can you not see the mystery? If the anti-propagation system would have been instituted in that nation and brought about a prohibition to that birth, millions and millions of bodies would not be lying molding away in the dust today, and otherwise lying in the cold clay!

Get at the Cause

So I thought to call your attention to the fact, what it really means to get at the cause of destruction, of bloodshed and warfare and eradicate it and dispel it because it is conceived, and the effect will wane of its own abnormal weight. If you get at the cause of anything and bring abolition to the cause, the effect that would be and the effect that is in evidence will wane and disappear of its own abnormal weight.

So it is a privilege to live in such a recognition and to be able to automatically and unthoughtfully speak and act as Jesus did; for without a Personal consideration I AM fulfilling the Scripture! It would have been good for a good many of the people who are the causes of so much misery, disappointment and failure and dishonesty and corruption in the world today if they had not been born.

Train Yourself to Train Your Child

I thought to take you back to the Teaching of Jesus, to give you a slight sketch of His Nature and of His Characteristics, for any person that will bring misery, disappointment and failure and suffering into the world, it would be good if they were not born, for such would not be in evidence if it was not for them. But as you train yourself in the way that your child should go--train your child seven years before he is born and train him seven years after he is born, and then let him go as he develops within and under the jurisdiction of your teaching, and training, others will not be able to change him!

You hear a good many people say, "My girl and my boy got in "bad company," and this, that and the other. Train them in the way they should go when they are young, and before they are born, before they are conceived, and train them seven years thereafter, and they will not be deceived by others and will not be led erroneously!

That which is prenataled in the child, if it is good or evil, it is not easily eliminated or eradicated; therefore as you have been made subject to vanity unwillingly --made subject to vanity unwittingly reverse your gears of thinking and think in the positive direction and cause yourself and your posterity to be made subject to Righteousness willingly or unwillingly. So long as they are made subject to Righteousness it makes no difference. Aren't you glad!

Prenatal Influence

Some you find successful, some you find prosperous, some you find physically healthy and some you find to the extreme reverse of such conditions, resulting from the prenataled influence. Hereditation has overwhelmed them and caused them to be criminals at heart by nature, and it only takes GOD in the Fathership Degree to emancipate them from such conditions! Jesus in the Sonship Degree could not do it (Can you not see the mystery?) For Jesus said Himself concerning this mystery,

'I pray not that THOU shouldest take them out of the world, but that THOU shouldest keep them from the evil'

Jesus could not stop them from doing things that were wrong effectively until He gave them over to His FATHER. That is why the Fathership Degree in consciousness is to be considered. That is why you need a better medicine than that of the limited degree of the Son, as it may be termed, for Jesus declared,

'My FATHER is greater than I!'

That is what it is all about!

Not a true believer in GOD --I mean, a true believer, is in lacks. Not a true believer in , and one who knows GOD is limited! It transcends the barriers of limitation; it goes on into infinitude, the end you cannot vision because He had tapped the Source of all supply and contacted the Great Creator, the One Who created Him.

Belief in Jesus will help. The same as the people say at times, "FATHER DIVINE is a good ;man' "; "I know YOU are a good 'man' and 'I know YOU are this, that and the other. I say, "Thank you," and I do thank you, because I will bless you as a good man can! But a good man cannot bless you as GOD can! Can you not see the mystery? Therefore, belief in a degree of GOD, from a servant to a friend and to a good man, you can receive a servant's reward and can receive a friend's reward, and you can receive a good man's reward, but you cannot receive the undiluted blessings of GOD! That is why it is different with those who know GOD.

Jesus depicted the mystery very explicitly when He said,

'This is Life Eternal, to know THEE, the only True GOD. . .!'


One FATHER-MOTHER-GOD - May 21, 1937, 11:25 AM

. . . The Unity of Spirit, of Mind, of Aim and of Purpose has been the endeavor of thousands of us to bring about the Universal Brotherhood of Man, and the conscious realization of the Fatherhood of GOD; but we find it a matter of impossibility to bring about even so much as the Spirit of the Brotherhood of Man to be exhibited among us, unless we recognize the Fatherhood of GOD firstly.

If you notice carefully the Teaching of the Great Master of 1900 years ago, as it may be termed--HE requested the Disciple to pray. The very first thought was to call GOD your FATHER. To recognize GOD as your FATHER, was the first step to Salvation after having denied yourselves wholeheartedly.


I wish to convey to MY hearers, these of MY true Believers are not visualizing materiality, neither are they visualizing Personality; not even so much as a person perfected and manifested, but they are realizing Perfection not as a person perfected and manifested but Perfection Materialized and Personified. Oh it is a privilege to realize, GOD in the midst of you is Mighty to Save! With or without a Personal Body, GOD is your FATHER and you never had another. Now aren't you glad! With or without a Personal Body, GOD is your MOTHER and you never had another. Now is not that Wonderful!

If GOD is individually these in the beginning firstly, GOD is every other. Now isn't that Wonderful! If GOD is your FATHER, GOD is your MOTHER and you never had another, GOD is your Sister and GOD is your Brother, and you never had another; GOD is your Friend, your Relatives and Kin, and you never had another. GOD is even so much as your first and second Relative and King, and you never had another; GOD is even so much as your first and your second Cousin! Now the next thought may a little more so throw fat in the fire, but it is true even if you do not desire it to be. Now isn't that Wonderful!... GOD is your wife! Yes HE is! GOD is your wife, I say, and you never had another; and GOD is your husband and you never had another.

'CHRIST is Rich and all you need; CHRIST does your every hunger feed.'

CHRIST in the Name of CHRIST, GOD, walks within you and guides the way through every moment, night and day."


Need For Homes - August 24, 1939, 1:35 AM

FATHER said to a lady who had testified, "If you have a legal husband, go call him." When FATHER finished speaking the lady further stated that everything FATHER had said was absolutely correct. She stated that she had been so lazy that she had married twice simply to be supported, and as FATHER had said in HIS Message, the second was not her husband for she had not even divorced the first man to marry the second, but had gone to another state to marry again and was therefore a bigamist. She added that she had never loved either man, but had married them just because she was too lazy to work, but that FATHER had taken this laziness from her and made her work and be independent. FATHER rose to speak again as follows:


I am glad for your sake and for the sake of millions of others who did not hear the Message I just gave, and also the Message of the last speaker. I did not say what I said, to tell her definitely openly and publicly that the man was not her husband; but in the defense of the Gospel of Jesus Christ I stress that which MY SPIRIT is doing automatically without MY Personal consideration.

It may look like I AM doing the separating and I have caused different ones to be separated, but you can see from that, if in the experience of one whom we have heard from, where she thought I taught that husband and wife should be separated, you can plainly see what kind of husband and wife I meant should be separated, because plainly you can see legally a bigamist should not live with one of the companions or husbands or wives when they have committed the crime. Now you see I AM just making you all become to be self-respecting, law making, honest, competent and true, law-abiding citizens.


Now I would like to say in reference to the Child's Welfare --there are those of MY followers it is true, and other representatives who are not connected with the Peace Mission Movement religiously, they did desire to have a Home to care for the millions --in other words thousands -- of children; while there are millions without the necessary comforts and conveniences for the sustenance of their bodies, for their spiritual and for their mental advancement. Because of this, there were quite a number of MY followers and others desired to do something to solve the problem through Righteousness, Truth and Justice, according to the way I have taught them, to render to Caesar the things that belong to Caesar, and give honor where honor is due. We have gone to the Legal Authorities on several occasions to get the endorsement of Righteousness, Truth and Justice as we have endeavored, but when they refuse us what does it leave for us to do? There will be a way out! . . . Now think of it! As you see it in this Auditorium this evening, so it is in the Dining Room and in all of the Places wheresoever I AM Represented. These are adults, most of them. The children are equivalently the same in number. Now do you not see it is essential, even if you would take it to be a group of MY immediately followers, that they should have more playgrounds, and more comfortable homes to live in, to get them out of the streets of the slums of the profane City, and to place them where they could have comfort, convenience and all things that are necessary for their personal existence and for the advancement of their physical, mental and spiritual condition?


Propagation Trough Lust - December 27, 1941, 4:20 PM

The mortal mind may think it can win the victory and become the master over all creation and over all nations by propagation, but I say, nay! Propagation through self-indulgence, through lust and passion, through graft and greed and through division is actually weakening the nations who will indulge in propagation in the hope of winning the victory over all other nations. They have not got common sense enough to know they are deteriorating! They want to keep everything in their own family!

Go to the stock farms and let the stock farmers teach you a lesson; how even if you take it from a physical point of view, trying to increase and multiply constantly and continually in the same lineage from a mortal point of view, they are disintegrating and deteriorating. But this is not what we are speaking about! There is a higher birth and a higher system of increasing and multiplying than that of the mortal version!

But I thought I would droop that thought for those who observe such and attempt to and think they can, by propagation and by self-indulgence, mortal tendencies and other tendencies motivated by drugs for the purpose of propagation-- such is worse than the heathens and the inhuman nature of the beast of the animalistic kingdom!

But oh, how glorious it is to observe the mystery; how GOD through HIS condescension, through HIS LOVE and HIS MERCY has actually established HIS KINGDOM and is universalizing that which HE has established! Aren't you glad!

* * * * * * * * * * * *

Propagation for Slaughter - September 10, 1939, 5:04 PM

The angels that are reincarnated, they will abide with you forever, so long as you live soberly, righteously, morally and godly, and hold your virtue for righteousness' Sake.

I thought of how there are those, so it has been said, of other nations, who encourage propagation even without legality, for the purpose of increasing and multiplying the devastated nations after they have caused them to be slaughtered by the millions, caused those who remain to indulge in self and force immorality and debauchery and degeneracy by the system of coercion. But oh how glorious it is to have a sanitation, for humanity and for the personnel of all government, of perfection; that they might be pure and wholesome, to the extreme reverse to that of what it has been said that others are paying their subjects to indulge in such.

Government Pay the Virtuous

We shall have a government that will pay the virtuous ones to live virtuous, by cooperation and by harmonization and by protecting them to the fullest measure! Aren't you glad? Those who are willing to live virtuous, holy and true and express a real "Rosebudship" degree continually, they will be blessed infinitely and GOD will pay them with blessings beyond measure to express such a virginity! Can you not see the mystery? (Rosebuds--Feminine Youth Group of the Peace Mission Movement Live Lives after the Virginity of Mary and the Holiness of Jesus.)

Therefore, we shall lift up a standard of morality for and to the people, for others to copy after; for the world has been debauched with immorality. What said the revelationic prediction -- he declared:

'Babylon is falling, is falling, is falling; for she has made all nations drunk with the wine of the wrath of her fornication.'

Can you not see the mystery of which I AM now speaking: how self- indulgence and fear through lust and passion for filthy lucre, for fame and for dominion, for territory and for authority nationally and internationally, has caused the people to lose all of their morality; and such has made the nations drunk with such indulgence for fifty lucre, for human tendencies and pleasures and for human dominion over all creatures? But GOD through His condescension has the sample and example that shall produce and bring to fruition perfection for all humanity, a perfect state of being, as you see the sample and the example.

As the angels are coming one by one, being reincarnated and reproduced and brought to fruition in the hearts and lives of the pure, the holy and the virtuous, both men and women, as they may be termed; you can see other things waning and falling, you can see the virtue of the virginity of Mary and the Holiness of Jesus giving automatic vaccinations and also giving automatic injections of antitoxin to prevent and safeguard against the germs of disease physically as well as mentally and spiritually.

Perfect yourselves in such a conviction and live in this recognition and GOD Himself will be with you, your real antitoxin and your vaccination against all contagions both mental and spiritual and physical contagions, that you might express a real sanitation --perfection morally and spiritually and holy!


Conserve Your Energy

Peace Everyone! No doubt you have heard enough of ME. Since those last Messages as proofread in part, of MY Words verbatim, no doubt there are those who would not be interested in hearing ME, more than what you have heard! But I forbid Myself to refrain from speaking, if it is possible, that I might convey a thought worth considering for the advancement of this people, for moral betterment and for the advancement of our advanced Spiritual civilization.

While listening to the reading, I thought how marvelous it is to conserve your energy, your mentality and your ambition, and direct your thoughts and your mind and your attention in the Positive direction that is advancing, in that direction that is constructive, in that direction that will inspire you with more wisdom, knowledge and understanding. But the average person in mortal consciousness does not conserve his energy and does not conserve his mentality, does not conserve nor increase his aspirations, his inspirations and his light of understanding as given!

When you sap out all of your energy, your mind and your attention in a mortal direction in self-indulgence and human fancies, pleasures and tendencies, it is a matter of impossibility for you to be alert and inspired with wisdom from the place where those tendencies do not come. Can you not see the mystery?

Partakers of Christ Characteristics

Then I say it is a privilege to live in such a recognition and to be in a place in consciousness where you are endeavoring to use your mentality, your ambition, your mind and your attention, your love and your devotion, your ideas and your opinions all constructively for an instructive purpose. When you do this, by nature you are partakers of the CHRIST Characteristics, for GOD is impersonal by nature and you get in the wake of the impersonality and in the environment of HIS Spirit. Can you not see the mystery?

Then I say, it is a privilege to live in such a recognition and to dial in on such a Foundation. I was just thinking a little while ago, what a privilege it is to have the forethought to refuse to increase ignorance, to multiply misunderstanding, to increase inferiority and imperfection; but to the extreme reverse, advance it, if you please. Advance the constructive if you please, advance that which is to the extreme reverse of such expression. It is indeed Wonderful!

Self-Indulgence Deteriorates

You find the nations of the earth, if after the manner of men I will speak nationally for an instant those who are accustomed to self-indulgence to an excessive degree --they deteriorate and they cease to advance scientifically, intellectually in a constructive way of expression! But as you learn the truth concerning the mystery, your energy, your ambition, your tendencies and your fancies and pleasures will all be used constructively and will advance you individually, and as you conserve your energy, your mentality and ambition and your aspiration, put them forth into expression - - they preserve you. Aren't you glad?

Why is it every once in a great while the nations of the earth that overpopulate themselves in their respective lands, and countries are slain by the millions? If not directly by the inhuman custom and action of war, it is done by the cosmic forces of nature when they overpopulate their respective countries. Can you not see the mystery? If you retrace your thoughts back to China several years ago, they are overpopulated. Every once in a while there would come a great flood, or something of that sort, to destroy the people and to take them off.

Destruction Because of Overpopulation

The destructive forces of nature work through the cosmic forces of nature by the destructive minds of humanity failing to observe the things that are not constructive in their endeavors. Therefore something will arise to cause them to deteriorate and be destroyed by the thousands and millions because of the overpopulation; but when you live in the knowledge of the truth and let GOD live in you, you will be able to control the situation and the future circumstances that shall arise by being inspired more deeply by constructive thoughts that advance you above the inhuman and animalistic state of consciousness!

Oh, what a privilege to live in such a Recognition and to build upon a Foundation that cannot be shaken! It has long since been declared,

'GOD in one man is the majority!'

In the time of Gideon when they had a great battle, the people who were in the defense of Israel, they were too many. GOD caused them to go down and requested of them to lap water like a dog, for the specific purpose of drawing a line between those who were worthy and willing to serve HIM and those who were not worthy and were not willing -- for there were too many people for GOD!

Overpopulate With Wickedness

So it is today in a great measure. There are too many wicket people increasing and multiplying and continuing to overpopulate, through propagation, the earth with more weakness, with more graft and with more greed and with more vice and with more crime of its own kind!

Why not make or correct yourself by correcting your disposition and find yourself highly tempermented and advanced mentally and spiritually in a place of consciousness where you can actually express the spirit of independence, before you continue in propagation? So long as you are underprivileged, so long as you are non-privileged, so long as you are downtrodden --why increase by propagation, more of the downtrodden and underprivileged? Aren't you glad?

I will not do it! Aren't you glad! While thinking from that angle of expression, I thought of just a few months ago how the Jews, as they are called, were being persecuted severely in Germany, all because of being overpopulated and continuing to increase in that same state of consciousness and allowing others to mistreat them.

Injustice and Suffering

Thousands suffered misery and the torture of death while they were living because of the overpopulation by propagation, by increasing their number continually, under the Government. Thousands of children even, by MY Own experience by correspondence from the refugees, have been suffering and suffering and suffering the torture of death while they are living --according to the records given --all because of overpopulation and continuing to propagate in that land an in that country! Men and women committing suicide and throwing their children to death and then following behind!

Look Into the Future

Why suffer others to suffer unnecessarily? Why not look into the future before the present is past? Can you not see the mystery? Why not build upon a Foundation that is constructive? Why not look back in the Scripture according to Moses even, and remember, GOD through Moses required the children of Israel to sanctify themselves; for they had a battle to go up against. A battle to fight against society! A battle to fight against the cruelty of the economic condition and against brutality! The battle to fight against barbarism!

You cannot fight constructively when you use your energy, your mentality and your ambition in the act of self-indulgence in the way of propagation for the purpose of continuing to increase and multiply, to send millions and millions to the slaughter before the hands of the ungodly!

Battle to Fight

This may seem strange of MY Teaching, but yet you can see it is according to both Moses and Jesus when they had a battle to fight. He said, GOD said --

'Sanctify yourselves from your wives, sanctify yourself from your husband -- for we have a battle to fight.'

Those who have been underprivileged and are underprivileged in this and in all other countries --do you not have a battle to fight against the autocrats and the brutal, violent attempts of the savages, those who are as we know them to be savages, who would mistreat the underprivileged --try to keep them down in and under such a democracy, in violation to the Constitution and its Amendments and in violation to the Declaration of Independence?

Time for Propagation

When you shall have developed in yourself individually, your individual independence under the Constitution, when you shall have brought it to fruition within --there and then you should transmit such an independence to others by contagionizing those with whom you come in contact with, until they too in turn shall get it.

When this Country becomes to be absolutely independent in reality and each and every American citizen shall have expressed and developed and brought to fruition real supremacy, then and only then will be the time for continued propagation.

Overpopulation Creates Oppressors

Peace, Everyone: I do not wish to bore you, but I inspire MYSELF to tell you, as I aforesaid in the foregoing statement as a Message to you and to others, it is foolish for any person who is underprivileged to continue to increase and multiply, to bring misery, disappointment and failure into the world and cause such as being termed your own flesh and blood to suffer the brutality of barbarism and the mistreatment by the over-privileged and opposers of the people! When this Country itself -- I mean America, the United States of America --will give everyone his equal Rights and guarantee them individually, severely and collectively according to the Constitution and every person social equality from every angle expressible-- then and only then will I release My claim on the hearts and minds and the bodies of the children of men!

Then and only then will I allow propagation to start in its effect again, when every man shall have his equal rights in this Country, when he will no longer be underprivileged and non-privileged!

Injustice --Inequality

I shall not allow you to continue to increase and multiply by propagation, that which is underprivileged and that which is non-privileged, to be continued in misery and sorrow and woe, because of the mistreatment of the over-privileged and barbarism in this Country by the savages and others who do not feel that you should have social justice and social equality.

Children of the Poor

I could have elaborated on this subject but there is so much to say that I cut it short. But it is true, they are undernourished, under-schooled, and underprivileged, and you think I AM going to allow them to have it? (HE refers to the right of propagation.) The poor class are the ones of every nation who are fooled by the war lords and others, to teach them how to propagate for the purpose of leading and carrying them into slaughter! It is Wonderful! So much to be considered! Undernourished! Underprivileged! The housing situation is not to be compared with it. The slum clearance proposition is not to be compared with the mental and spiritual and physical slum clearance proposition that I AM carrying on!

One of the Angels: And You know FATHER, you walk through the streets and you see children half-clothed and dirty, because it is too much for one person to look after! And in One Hundred and Fifteenth Street, GOD ALMIGHTY, I never saw so many children! They are just like ants, of all sizes and description. . .

Law Prohibition Propagation

FATHER: As I say, the slum clearance proposition concerning the housing situation is well worth considering, such as we are doing from a sanitary point of view in our diverse communities, but it is not to be compared with the mental and spiritual slum clearance and inhuman animalistic characteristics clearance of the physical bodies of the children of men! The bodies of the children of men should be cleansed from all filth of the flesh and there should be a slum clearance among them where it would be a law that they would not be and should not be allowed to propagate, so long as they are unclean and live in lacks, and wants and limitations, to brining children into the world to increase crime, immodesty, immorality and everything else that is against advancement of moral betterment!


Self Control Is Birth Control
Office Talk Given by Father Divine At
The Circle Mission Church, Home and Training School
764-772 S. Broad Street, Philadelphia, Penn.
April 19, 1950 A.D.F.D., Time: 4:00 P.M.

Two clippings of interest were called to FATHER's attention. The first was a clipping concerning a new animal developed by science called the "cattalo"--which, it said, made a strong sturdy animal able to withstand the wilds of the wintry northern weather and thus enable farmers in that area to have more meat, etc. for their families.

The other clipping concerned an operation performed on six blind children -- all of one family -- thus enabling them to see for the first time for they all had been born blind.

It was at this point that FATHER blessed us with these wonderful Words of Spirit and Life.

Man Will Propagate Inferiority

FATHER DIVINE: That goes to show you that science, as it advances with our civilization in which we are now living --that is, this spiritual civilization -- they will be of a more advanced status of life; a more perfect life, even say, from a physiological point of view; both those of the Animal Kingdom, the Man Kingdom, the Vegetable Kingdom and all of the kingdoms that have conscious life and have it in evidence to produce the best. But man will propagate all sorts of inferiority, ailments and complaints, and have children being born in the world blind. They know that! They know that is the cause of it, lots of times; born blind because of the propagation of diseases. It is wonderful! And the only propitiation is for them to have a new birth of freedom under GOD--to be born out of that Adamic state of consciousness and out of hereditation; out of lineage, and be a new creature or new creature before they can be completely emancipated.

Self control is birth control! And defected bodies, imperfect and inferior bodies with imperfect and inferior minds --their minds are made subject to imperfection, profanity, obscenity and vulgarity more than that of perfection. Their minds would not take Perfection as readily as they would take obscenity, profanity, vulgarity and impurity --impureness. It is Wonderful! So it is a wonderful thought!


Something to Vision

When Mr. Wesley spoke of how those among them and those of whom he was among, living in lacks and wants and limitations, living in adverse and undesirable conditions --I set forth a lesson of practical psychology on the science or in the science of abundance, and put it forth as a lesson for others! Those with whom you have come in contact have been in lacks and wants and limitations, but everyone of them that has adhered to MY Teaching and have been abiding in the Spirit of MY Presence and conscious of It, automatically matters are adjusted satisfactorily and they are blessed with the Abundance of the Fullness, and still I AM teaching this practical course in psychology --(Aren't you glad!) giving you something to Vision, something to vividly visualize and think upon; not only mentally and spiritually but materially and economically!

Everyone of whom will vision this abundance in this course, and will apply it to their lives vividly, conscientiously and sincerely, it will produce the very likeness of what we are experiencing!

Lion-faced Man

The lion-faced man did not produce all of the likeness of what could be reproduced, for it's just as operative and expressive for others as it was for him! Can you not see the mystery? The likeness of the lion was shaped, fashioned and formed, according to the story, in the exact likeness of the lion upon which his mother looked! Yet it is as much production and reproduction in visualization and concentration as it was with his mother and within himself; in the forming of himself the same likeness can be reproduced. Aren't you glad!

This Abundant Life

This Abundant Life is not confined to the economic side of life alone but it fills all space and is absent from none, since GOD is Omnipresent and Yet Ever Present, GOD can reproduce the likeness in your experiences and cause you to never again be in lacks and wants and limitations. I'M doing a quick work and cutting it short in Righteousness! Those that look upon ME in all sincerity, they need never be in lacks and wants and limitations again, for I said to Simon,

'I give you the Keys of the Kingdom, and that which thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in Heaven!

Aren't you glad! I have loosed on earth in you the Abundant Life psychologically, mentally and spiritually, and for your material sustenance and existence I have loosed before your mind's eye the Abundance of the Fullness of the Consciousness of Good and you find no space vacant of the Fullness thereof!

Vision These Blessings

Just the food upon this Table, you have seen it served tonight on a small degree in comparison to what it is at times, when all of the Tables are filled to capacity, but yet you could behold the Abundance of the Fullness of the Consciousness of Good flowing like a river and extending this way and that way, until you did not have room to receive it! . . . . . .

It is your privilege to be partakers of these blessings and be the enjoyers to enjoy these blessings, even as others for they are so freely given! Aren't you glad!

'That which thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in Heaven. That which thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in Heaven!'

So then I say, live in this Recognition, and as you see the Abundance of Supply bountifully and multiple-ly supplied, vision these Blessings and to you they will be equivalently given!

When I was blessing or serving the Table it was just marvelous to behold how the Abundance of the Fullness was flowing such as no man can give!

One Lesson Will Be Sufficient

Then I say, live in this recognition, and if you have never seen such an expression, take this practical course of Psychology! Just one lesson will be sufficient! Can you not see the mystery? The woman that saw the lion one time, she reproduced in her likeness the likeness of the lion! Can you not see the mystery? Just one course of this Truth in Practical Psychology in the way of Supply you will be bountifully supplied and you will be able to go forth in the world, from now henceforth, if you live thus accordingly, and lack or want no more! Aren't you glad!

That likeness of the lion, it did not take her years to take that course. It was just a simple lesson as she saw the lion; according to the statement and the record given, she was frightened at the lion. That was just one lesson in practical psychology! You reproduce just what you vision vividly, and verify MY often rehearsed statement and motto for your consideration:

'The thing you vividly visualize, you tend to materialize!'

* * * * * * * * * *

International Modest Code Established by FATHER DIVINE- May 29, 1953, 3:08 AM

No Smoking No Drinking No Obscenity No Vulgarity No Profanity No Undue Mixing of Sexes No Receiving of Gifts, Presents, Tips or Bribes


Crusaders Self-discipline - May 29, 1953, 3:08 AM

(Crusaders--the masculine group of the Peace Mission Movement who dedicate their lives to Righteousness, Holiness and Virtue). Crusaders' Declaration Concerning Country

1. I believe that America was Predestined to be the Birthplace of the Kingdom of GOD on Earth.

2. I believe in the Official Documents of the United States of America--the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution with its Bill of Rights and Amendments--that they were Divinely inspired and that they take their Places with the Old and New Testaments of the Holy Bible as instruments of the synonymous teachings of Democracy, Brotherhood, Americanism, Christianity and True Judaism.


CRUSADER'S Spirit, Mind, Aim and Purpose

Concerning Himself

20. THE TRUE CRUSADER shall not smoke; he shall not express vulgarity, profanity, obscenity or blasphemy; he shall not imbibe intoxicating liquor or drugs; he shall not gamble, wager nor patronize lotteries; and he shall not indulge in any lustful, sensual appetite, either with himself or with the opposite sex.

22. THE TRUE CRUSADER shall not attend, indulge in or harmonize with any form of amusement, entertainment, recreation, contest, exhibit, concert or program which does not express and portray the Evangelical Life which Jesus set before us.


FATHER DIVINE speaks concerning HIS International Modest Code as follows: (15)

. . . A thought you all should stress in your memory and think of it vividly, continually! Even our Modest Code that has been given--each of those Requests and Demands made upon you to be eligible for the Kingdom, each of them must be Fulfilled in you to the letter, and that is fulfilling the Law of GOD!

The Law of GOD came in this present Dispensation to you, in many instances, the Law of our Modest Code and the Law that is given in the way of living and expressing. Little did you think, a good many of you may not have even so much as thought that the Law that was given to you according to our Modest Code in our Churches, in our Hotels and other places, is the Actual Law of GOD by which you must live!


Moses' and Jesus' Conviction --Our Law - May 27, 1953, 12:30 AM

I have heard you say, "When FATHER Speaks it is Law and Order and everybody has to obey it!" They all have to obey it because it is Law and it is Order! A good many do not wish to obey it, but as in the experience of Moses' Religious Conviction, so in the experience of Jesus' Religious Conviction when He handed down that Law of the Spirit of Life that was in HIM and given in the Sermon on the Mount; that Conviction has been made Law and Order and they Must Obey It!.

The institution of Law and Order in keeping with the Sermon on the Mount must be instituted in ALL Government from shore to shore and from land to land, for I have declared "I am going into government wheresoever man is found!" And this Law shall be effectively instituted and it shall be carried out even as I have declared, "I AM going into the Governments, not only the Government, as one, of this nation, but I AM going into the governments of all nations!"

Moses went into the Government of all nations and made the law! Aren't you glad!

'Thou shalt not kill! Thou shalt not steal!'

GOD is dealing in the affairs of men and none shall slightly hinder HIM!- -for HIS Conviction, as individuals and as persons--I mean as though it is persons -- GOD'S own conviction in all religion is actually speaking The law into action! That is the mystery!

* * * * * * * * * *

Law of Life in CHRIST JESUS

GOD Deals in the affairs of men, I say, and I have not yet effectively and universally made it known as I will make it known!

'The Law of the Spirit of Life that was in Christ Jesus,'

one writer declared,

'has made me free from the law of sin and death!'

Therefore I say, it's a privilege to have Someone with you and to be One among you that can and will have such a Religious Conviction that will solve all of the nations' problems!

'For by the disobedience of one man, sin entered into the land, and by sin, death passed upon all men!'

Can you not see the mystery? But by the Obedience of ONE, even CHRIST, you are Redeemed from death and destruction and are made new creatures, by the Law of the Spirit of Life that was in CHRIST JESUS! This Law is being instituted in Government now! I AM going into Government in the acts of Righteousness, in the Name of Civil Rights, going into Government in the acts of Righteousness in the Name of many different Laws and Ordinances --that's what I AM doing! That's MY Conviction! I AM going into Government and preventing the people from drinking intoxicating liquors! I am stopping them from stealing! I am stopping them from graft and greed!--even though Moses did say,

'Thou shalt not steal,'

but he could not stop them from doing it!

Since Moses could not stop the people from stealing and receiving graft and greed and bribes,

'I came in the likeness of sinful flesh, and for sin to condemn sin in the flesh, that the righteousness of GOD might be fulfilled in us, who walk not after the flesh but after the Spirit, for the Law of the Spirit of Life in CHRIST JESUS has made you free from the law of sin and death!'

I AM getting into Government and into society--I mean MY Religious Conviction--in the Name of MY Modest Code! Not only getting into society and into Government in the name of it, but I AM getting into society and into all organizations of Religion. I'M getting into both it and them by the Spirit of MY Presence with MY Religious Conviction!


Sermon on the Mount--foundation for Christianity

But just as a Coworker and a Cooperator, as a Verifier and as an Endorser of the Truth, I rose to say, the Sermon on the Mount is stressed vividly in our consideration, and I sincerely believe that the Sermon on the Mount is the Foundation of all of our Christian religion.

Now, it is a Sermon that was given by Jesus, but if you stop and read it and consider, it is written:

'Blessed are ye when men shall persecute you and say all manner of evil against you falsely, for My (name's) sake: rejoice and be exceedingly glad . . . '

Now we should do that. Can you not see the mystery? And all of these requests made by Jesus as the Ten Commandments in the old Bible were given by Moses, even so the Sermon on the Mount was given by Jesus for all Christendom.

Why is it they cannot live it and be as devout to our religion even as Judaism was supposed to be devout to theirs? Can you not see the mystery? Yet the old Bible is in consideration. Jesus is the Fulfiller, and when we live the Sermon on the Mount in its entirely, we are living both the Old and the New Testaments. Can you not see the mystery?

Change Over Night

Now, our Christian religion is founded upon the Sermon on the Mount. If we would just take it and read it from a literary point of view without comment, and take it as Jesus said it and endeavor to live it and express it, we will be new creatures automatically. We will change almost over night. Our disposition will change, for when we would "fly off the handle" as the old saying is, we would not "fly off the handle" so quickly. We learn to love our enemies and do good for them that despitefully use us; pray for them that curse us and persecute us, and bless those that curse us, and all of those things. Can you not see what it really means?

Be GOD'S Child

It would change humanity completely and would cause all, all over this wide extended plane, to be changed characteristically and dispositionally, and all would see and know the CHRIST characteristics that were in Jesus are as operate-able and as expressive today, if they can be embodied and reincarnated, as they were when they were in the Body called Jesus. Now all of His Characteristics are reproducible, reincarnate-able. That is the mystery and that is the purpose of the Coming of CHRIST. It was not merely just to set off something externally and something to be considered theoretically, but it was something to be lived, reproduced and actually materialized, that you might be also GOD'S Child.

Reproduce the Christ Life

Unless you take on the Nature and the Spirit of the Christ, you cannot be a real Child of GOD. You are of your family because of their nature and their characteristics and you are known to be of such a family by their nature and their characteristics and by their disposition. So it is with the CHRIST LIFE to this people. When you reproduce the CHRIST LIFE, it is just as expressive in each and every individual as it was in the Body called Jesus, if you will let it be and let this Mind be in you and the Spirit be in you; and you will express the same as Jesus did.

I cannot stress these thoughts too vividly. When I get tied up in them--oh, it is indeed wonderful!

Just continue to live it, continue to express it, and you will be the real Children of GOD characteristically and dispositionally, and GOD'S LIFE and NATURE and CHARACTERISTICS will be reproduced and brought to fruition in you, just as they were in Jesus, and there will not be another to come.


Independence - June 27, 1938, 1:45 AM

The Magnetism of GOD in the Name of CHRIST among you, everything He desires for Himself and for those whom He might desire to bless, He will attract the desirable blessings and draw them automatically without soliciting, begging and borrowing. So it is a wonderful blessing, but I thought to make that correction as the printer made the mistake to say it was two thousand cases and not explain definitely as I did according to My dictation. There were two thousand cases (FATHER refers to bills which had been outlawed by the Statute of Limitation which individuals had paid after becoming followers.) came to her notice in her personal department, in the department with which she was connected, which no doubt there are thousands and thousands of other cases come to other departments' notice and their representatives, not only here in New York City but in all states of the Union; for I AM doing a great renovation work. I AM breaking down every dishonest trait in the hearts and lives of the children of men. I AM purifying the sons of Levi and purging them so that they might offer unto the LORD an offering in Righteousness as in former years and as in the days of old.

Renovating Humanity's Characteristics

Therefore, you can plainly see this great Crusade is renovating humanity's character, nature and disposition. It is more than that of the renovation of old buildings. You can renovate your old buildings it is true, but it is not compared and not even slightly considered as the supernatural renovation of the character and the nature and the lives and dispositions of the children of men, for GOD truly is renovating them. When this Crusade shall have enveloped the world, all of the peoples of the earth will be just as these are under this jurisdiction and wheresoever I AM presiding Personally. All will express an independence according to the Declaration of Independence. They will express an independence such as our country declared her independence as a nation, and it will not be a declaration, but it will be the recognition and the realization of such an independence; for it will be developed and brought to fruition within you, and the children of men will physically be independent individually, even as our nation has declared her independence as a nation; for it is merely documentally and not a real independence until it is developed within you and brought to fruition whereby you can express your real citizenry individually, severally and collectively and be a real American citizen.

Making Citizens Out of None

This is what I AM doing; I AM making citizens out of none, just as GOD always does as HE did, as it may be termed, HE was in the beginning of the creation of the world. GOD took nothing and made something out of it. The unconstitutional and the un-American citizens of this Democracy as they may be termed, I AM making citizens out of them, by impregnating in them the Spirit of a real citizenry according to the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence, and according to the Bill of Rights, by enacting it in every activity and causing them to imbibe the spirit and the meaning of our Independence. Aren't you glad!

Hence, it is no longer a document in our consideration, but it is the spirit and the meaning of our Constitution. It is the Spirit and the meaning of the Declaration of Independence, for it has been developed and brought to fruition within them, and now they are living epistles of Americanism and read by men. For as you go forth in the land you will express your citizenry physically and intellectually, socially and from every angle expressible, because you are the personification of a real citizenry according to our Constitution and according to our Bill of Rights. Aren't you glad! That is why they cannot understand you and that is why they do not want you; because you are real American citizens, and they are not, so long as they are soliciting, begging, borrowing and stealing. For our citizenry does not call for any such expression. It has no place under this democracy, for we are an independent nation. We are independent constitutionally and documentally. We are independent inscriptionally, "In GOD we Trust." You will find on your coin the little inscription inscribed there, "In GOD we trust." This inscription must be developed in us and as it is developed in us and we become to be the living epistles of, "In GOD we Trust," why then we are citizens as far as the inscription is concerned, for we are the personification of the wording of that inscription, "In GOD We Trust."


Call Strike - September 16, 1936, 11:10 PM

. . . We shall call strike continually, on all of the prejudicial newspapers that will print exaggerated articles. Every prejudicial newspaper that will continue to try to segregate between the nations of the Earth by calling some special race, creed or color for a selfish and for a segregated purpose, we shall strike on them continually until they bow to ME. Until they bow to ME and recognize ME! But we are not bothering about reading the papers that have been trying to pull the wool over your eyes from your early existence, trying to make you think they think you are something, and every word they say concerning a good many of us they are saying words of embarrassment, trying to segregate and separate you, after I have brought you together. They are trying to recreate and re-establish prejudice in you, one for the other, and they are trying to recreate and create hate, and jealousy, and envy, one for the other. That is what they are trying to do for you!

* * *

What Visualizing Can Do

Oh, it is a privilege to realize what visualization can do. It is a privilege to realize, the recognition of GOD among you, such a recognition will bring harmonious conditions, yea, even the Name in which you trust and in which you are going. A Perfect Name will bring perfect results because it carries within itself the Perfect Idea concerning such. Now isn't that Wonderful! The Perfect Idea conveyed as in a thought, in a deed and in a word, will also be conceived in the hearts and minds of men, and such a consideration will take form in them as they live thus accordingly and be meek and obedient.

Concentration on Perfection

Oh, it is a privilege to realize what concentration will do, and what the Perfect Idea as exemplified and exhibited will do for the other that will concentrate on it. Concentration on the Perfect Idea will bring about the perfect condition in your daily experience and cause you to express perfectly and expertly in whatsoever you may endeavor. Because you have concentrated on Perfection as the Perfecter, such a concentration will cause the reaction of the spirit of it to be reincarnated and re-inculcated in your lives and in your affairs, and you will begin spontaneously and volitionally to express perfectly and expertly.`

Now we can see the significance of this true Conversion--being converted from your preconceived ideas and opinions, from your pre- inherited fancies, tendencies and pleasures, that you might be New Creatures in reality, through concentration on the Infinite. The thing you vividly visualize you tend to materialize. Vividly visualize the Perfect Picture, the reaction of such a concentration will cause you to be the reproducer of such a picture, and will cause you to also materialize it. That is why the materialization of Perfection is a reality in our midst and in your presence. Through vividly stressing Perfection in the consciousness and consideration of the people; by visualization and by concentration of the sincere believers, the reaction of such will be manifested and will cause them to be the materialization of it.

Produce Perfection

As I say, every one of MY true followers should produce Perfection from every angle expressible and in all of your words, deeds and actions, whether it be an action that is an expression of your daily duty or if it is merely an expression that is a suggestion to you mentally, you should express it more perfectly than the other fellow, because GOD in you is Perfection. If you cannot and will not express more perfectly and more expertly in whatsoever you might endeavor, you are telling the people in actions, I AM not HE of Whom you say I AM. Each of you should express Perfection from every angle expressible by the recognition of MY Presence and by your concentration on ME as an Individual, and by the reincarnation and re-inculcation of the Spirit and the Life that I AM expressing, which is Perfection.


Fasting--Self-Denial - February 7, 1936, 2:30 PM

Such kind of those detestable fancies, all of those undesirable expressions, those preconceived ideas and opinions as "the other fellow" within you, must be denied. They can and will only leave you by self- denial. By denying them and refusing to allow them to exist in you, by refusing to allow them to suggest to you, by going to the extreme reverse or opposite to what they would suggest, then and there MY Spirit in you will cause them to fast until they will come out by supplication and thanksgiving, which is commonly known as prayer.

'Such kind cometh out only by fasting and by prayer.'

Fast from every tendency and every inclination wherein they may lead you! Refuse to allow them to have the least sip of your consolation to appease them after the manner of the mortal version, for on those things they will thrive well, and will increase and multiply, as well as the desirable concerning yourself. I said some time ago, the average person will magnify the undesirable, will cause it to be increased, and they will also multiply it, but to the contrary they should minimize it and work cancellation of it by refusing to visualize it and refusing to increase it, refusing to multiply it. By so doing you will be denying it of its individual food, as substance for those tendencies. But if you indulge in them in the least, you will be feeding them, and as you feed them they will increase and multiply, for your soul--your body--is the incubator for such detestable tendencies, fancies and pleasures, that is if you will incubate them.

To the reverse, GOD in the midst of you is mighty to save, transmitting to you and to those among you that can receive it, Wisdom, Righteousness, Unselfishness and Power. If you will visualize these qualities and conceive them, your bodies will become to be the incubators for the desirable, and you will bring forth fruit, no longer being barren, but you will bring forth fruit unto Salvation; Wisdom, Knowledge and Understanding coming from the Mystery of GOD'S Presence. You will find yourselves consolated! This is also evangelical, for,

'When HE the Comforter has come, HE shall lead you and guide you into all Truth, and I will not leave you comfortless.'

The Comforter will comfort you-- HE that comforteth not only in mind but in the sense of feeling and in the sense of hearing.


The Way to Fast

They may be quickened, if you do not deny yourself of them, but if you DENY yourself continually of all of your preconceived ideas and opinions, all of your pre-inherited pleasures, fancies and tendencies, they will eventually come out of you; for such kind cometh out by FASTING and PRAYER;--fasting from allowing them to exist, or to be active in you. This is the way of FASTING;-- refusing to allow any selfish, mortal, detestable and antagonistic tendency to exist in you. If he is there, hold him down and refuse to allow him to express in self. . . .

When the man was cutting himself to pieces in the tomb, Jesus requested of the man to hold his peace, and those things would come out of him;--and he refused to allow them to act in him. When he stilled himself against his intuition, against his selfish "opinionation," why the evil spirit came out of the man, yea, all of those detestable spirits of expression, as being termed "the other fellows" came out of the man, and the man became harmoniously a new creature.

Oh, it is a privilege to realize what you can overcome by the recognition of GOD'S Actual Presence. When the man understood that GOD was present with him, and when he stilled himself by fasting from those tendencies, fancies and pleasures, every detestable characteristic that was in him came out of him. They desired to go in the herd of swine. Why was it? It was because they knew they would no longer have an existence among the children of men, if GOD got among them.

"Allow us to go among the beast;" those detestable and beast-minded characteristics. . . "Allow us to have some place to exist," for I see, as though," they could have said, "I see YOU will not allow us to exist in mankind." "YOU are calling us out of the man. That means that YOU are calling us out of all mankind; therefore, suffer us to go in the herd of swine."

Oh, it is something to consider--the mystery of the Spirit as it is interpreted. GOD will free you from every detestable tendency, from every detestable fancy, pleasure and every adverse characteristic and allow HIMSELF to come in you, in Spirit, and cause you to be a new creature in reality, but those detestable tendencies must be relaxed. You must fast from them persistently, and be persistent in your determination to overcome those detestable tendencies, fancies and pleasures, by refusing to indulge in them, matters not how you may feel concerning those tendencies that have been in you. Fast from them persistently and they will eventually come out of you and leave you.

Such kind cometh out only by fasting and prayer


Dishonesty in Business - January18,1938, Midnight

The time is not yet openly discerned, but the time WILL come when the employers will be glad to have you, with or without an insurance, and the majority of you not only those of you of My immediate followers but the people generally will cease to carry insurances.

The dishonesty and corruption that is manifested among the insurance members, and the insurance agents, and the insurance companies, it is enough to corrupt the whole creation if we would allow it to, but this corruption shall be overcome completely, for honesty, competence and truth will rid the nations of the earth in the coming generation of such dishonest endeavors as joining insurances. The average person that joins an insurance, he or she joins it for self gains. He does it in self defense. So it is with those that are insurance companies and insurance agents, they do it for self defense, therefore it creates the spirit of dishonesty in each of them. The insurance companies and the insurance members and the insurance agents are all gambling. Many of them, as insurance members, are in hopes that something will happen in some way, to get their money out of it. This is the spirit of dishonesty expressed in itself, but if you stand to your integrity and live evangelically, GOD is your security from every economical point of view. You will not have to depend on insurances to gain something from an insurance company to meet your daily dues. Now isn't that Wonderful! "GOD in the midst of you is Mighty to save."

GOD'S Presence Is Security

I shall not be discouraged until I shall have universally established same, and caused all mankind to recognize GOD'S Presence, as the security for them in all things. You have a security if you are substantiated in it, but if you are trusting otherwise, and doubtful in your own testimony and in your own version, doubting your internal vision, your internal information, your internal version, it is a matter of impossibility for you to prove victorious. But if you will stand to your integrity and live Evangelically wholeheartedly, by trusting GOD as all must do, GOD will abundantly bless you and will be a protection for you.

These thoughts are to be considered, for the time has been when men were glad to get you to work. The time is coming again when they will beg you to work if not you as an individual, they will beg the laborers to work, with or without insurances. Oh, it is a privilege to realize, there is a way that has not yet been seen, a way that is hid from the sight of men, a way in Him that liveth forever within, waiting and ready to be revealed. All you must needs do is to continue to trust and be true, for Uncle Sam declared long before you, "In GOD We Trust." Since this GODSHIP Degree of Expression as a Principle has been legalized and established through legality as a Living Reality, and inserted and injected in the Statutes as the Fundamental, the time cometh and now is that man shall go to the Fundamental to get their information.

Support Yourselves

. . . As individuals you will support yourselves, and will not be trusting in insurances for your protection in the time of danger. So long as you are trusting in those things, it is a matter of impossibility for you to trust GOD wholeheartedly. Men will learn the folly of mistrusting GOD and trusting in mortality. Mortality will come with its chaoticness and will rob you of your ability to think scientifically and think intelligently, but if you are persistent in your ambition you will concentrate on the Fundamental that has put forth these blessings as samples and examples for all humanity.

Copy after this Fashion I have shown you, and you will eventually be independent, for the very Spirit of Independence is in it and will be reincarnated in you as you bring your body into subjection and do what I bid you do.

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The Dole to do Nothing - November 28, 1941, Midnight

I would just like to say to our visiting friends, fellow statesmen and fellow executives and fellow legal representatives and fellow churchmen and all representatives as real citizens: we do not mean for you to have to pay out tax money to able bodied citizens under MY jurisdiction by giving them the dole to sit around and do nothing, or go out on the streets and highways and shoot crap. I see great big men at times, some of them five and six feet and more than six feet tall, gambling on the streets, using all sorts of profane and obscene language. Ladies would not even wish to pass through such streets where such is going on. Can you not see the mystery?

But when MY Spirit gets you, it will change you completely! You will not use an obscene word! It even changes your vocabulary, though it may be filled with obscenity (aren't you glad?) may be filled with blasphemy and profanity. MY Spirit will change you completely; even your characteristics will change and your vocabulary will be new; for I will give you a new vocabulary and you will not talk as you used to talk.
(Continued in Part 3)
