"The Nations Of The Earth Are Seeing The Worse Crisis Since The World Began,
All Because Of The Overpopulation Of The Earth.

"You must Take on Christ's Characteristics, the Christ's Nature,
The Christ's Disposition by Denying Yourself of All Self Indulgences,
of All Human Fancies and All Human Tendencies and Pleasures."

A Treatise On Overpopulation, Part 3

Excerpts of FATHER DIVINE'S Words of Spirit and Life Taken from Interviews, Lectures and Sermons 1932 to 1954 A.D. 9 F.D.

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The following is an excerpt from an interview FATHER DIVINE Gave Prof. Charles S. Braden, Ph.D., Head of the History and Literature of Religions Department at Northwestern University, Chicago, Ill.. on August 4th, 1945 at The Peace Center Church, Howard Street, Newark, New Jersey.

Prof. Braden wrote a book in 1949, "These Also Believe," which includes a long chapter on The Peace Mission Movement of FATHER DIVINE.

Professor Braden: YOU have done a magnificent job in taking care of needy people.

FATHER: That is our work.

Professor Braden:: There is another question the matter of separating husbands and wives.

FATHER: I did not quite get you.

Professor Braden:: For instance: now, if they come to YOU as man and wife to become followers, they live simply as folks. There is no sex relation in the "heavens" there is no sex life?

FATHER: In the Scripture it tells you in the Gospel, whichever, it tells you there would be no sex life. Professor

Professor Braden:: Where it says that they neither marry nor are given in marriage?

FATHER: Yes, and that is one point on which I agree with the Catholic Church. Professor

Professor Braden:: The celibate life?

FATHER: Yes, and especially the Sisters, for they sacrifice their life for their religious conviction, according to what we see, according to the records given. I AM not going by the critics, for they criticize ME, but according to the records given, the holy Sisters and Mothers, they are Virtuous and they live a Virtuous Life, and that is the Life exemplified in Jesus and Mary as the Sample and as the Example for all humanity, or for all Christianity, in MY Version.

And when Jesus was on earth before His Crucifixion, if we believed He indulged in sex then we should do it! That is MY Opinion. If we are men we should do it! And if we believe Mary indulged in sex before she gave birth to the Perfect Child, if we as women believe it, then we should do it! But as Christians we do not believe it. Of course, the Jewish people may not believe that, because they do not believe in Jesus. Professor

Professor Braden:: Well, what does that do to YOUR Movement? What about propagating the race? That is a natural function.

FATHER: Did you ever read the story of Gideon?

Professor Braden:: Yes.

FATHER: There were too many people for GOD! If we convert and save those that are now living and redeem them from vice and crime, of which you have a record that I AM doing, I think we have done a great thing. . . .

Professor Braden: But I must ask YOU this one question. One writer said this: If they have gotten it wrong I would like to set it right, at least, get YOUR View of it. He suggested that this whole non-sex idea has a practical basis in YOUR Belief; namely, that the races that . . . there should be no distinction of races.

FATHER: Why, of course not.

Professor Braden: And then he goes on to say, the major objection raised in the world of materialism, I understand, there is no distinction between "w - - - -" and "b - - - -" with YOUR Movement.

FATHER: Each of these names are vulgar.

Professor Braden: I am sorry; but the whole practical idea of YOUR non- sex angle is to bring the people together is that the thought?

FATHER: Well, those who are prejudiced will think that, because there are those who are prejudiced on both sides, or both appearances. They wouldn't want what they call "theirs" to intermingle sexually with those who are of the other appearance. I have heard those on both sides say that. But as you see, I AM not doing that for that purpose, because if a person is going to live in sin and self indulgence, human affection, lust and passion, what's the difference to live in it with one complexion or the other?

Professor Braden: I thought that would be YOUR answer.

FATHER: Positively! But yet I AM emphasizing a PERFECT LIFE of VIRTUE, and therefore, there is no grounds for criticism.

Professor Braden: Except in this point: it does at times introduce the breaking up of family ties, where one has a family established of children. I understand when a mother and father come in, YOU separate them, and then where is the child?

FATHER: Well, I don't Personally.

Professor Braden: I know YOU don't, but when they come in, it interferes with the family relationship.

The Universal Family

FATHER: I see. Well, you and your representatives and colleagues never stopped to consider the bigger and greater thing that this represents. This represents (you may quote ME as saying this) this represents that which by MY Spirit sent President Truman to Europe for; to bring about and further establish the family of the nations a great family of the nations and of the national conference! I AM the ONE Who proposed this to our Chief Executive, to propose the UNIFICATION of all of the ALLIED Sovereignties.

Professor Braden: Yes I know.

FATHER: I suppose you have seen MY Stamp?

Professor Braden: Yes, I have seen it.

( FATHER refers to HIS Proposal for the unification of the allied Nations made into the form of a Peace Stamp and sent out on all of HIS letters of correspondence.)

Democracy In Action

FATHER: And it is MY Thought and it still is MY Thought to bring about the universal family! We have a Sample and Example exemplified. We have thousands and thousands of people who live Pure, Virtuous lives, expressing the Virginity of Mary and the Holiness of Jesus: some men of the underworld type and some women that were of the world of prostitution and ill-famed and the lowest type, and then some that were virtuous and incorruptible physically before they knew ME Personally; but all are living a Life of Virtue and expressing virginity in every way! We express one universal family. We are one family, indivisible. And in MY audiences where I preside, you cannot just hear it, but you can see we are democracy in action! Yea, democracy exemplified! You can see we are one nation indivisible; we are not divided! You can see we have gone them one step further we are one family, indivisible!

If you choose to be a part of ME, you are as much MY brother as any one of any other color. You are as much MY brother. We transcend personality and individuality, we transcend all the mortal versions concerning racism and sectarianism and all of those limited barriers, for

'Where there is division there is strife.'

Economic Problem Solved

And when we bring this Standard of Truth to fruition as I have exemplified it, I AM showing the government of our civilization, yea, the government of our nation and all government universally, that we will solve the economic problem; and every adverse and undesirable condition will be solved, for we have solved it.!

Professor Braden: YOU have solved it, yes.

FATHER: I have solved it for the universe, and as a Sample and Example I AM actually demonstrating it! In the time of this extreme emergency I AM actually demonstrating it! I want you to be with ME for a while. If you could be with ME and come to our places and see how we actually feed the people -- no one can do it unless they live absolutely unselfishly!

I have often used the phrase,

'There is a berry for every bird and a morsel of food for every person.'

And if we get the birds and the persons, the morsels and the berries will come! That is a positive fact and I want to prove it!

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We Have Material Homes

. . . Oh, how glorious it is to observe how GOD cares for HIS Church; how GOD takes care of HIS Church as an abstract expression as MOTHER mentioned this beautiful hotel, it is true as an abstract expression GOD caring for every one of you! But this is only a sketch and a reflection of a percent of a fraction of a grain of what I AM actually doing, for we have material homes and hotels and apartment houses and everything that life demands cooperatively for the benefit of those who are willing to live Evangelically, Soberly, Righteously and Godly! We have such as this all over this wide extended plane and we have not begun yet to unfold the abundance of the fullness in proportion to what we are going to do! Aren't you glad!

You heard MOTHER mention what has been conservatively estimated in New York City! My Followers, My Work and My Mission have been saving the City of New York three million annually for the last ten years and more! Now aren't you glad! By taking untold thousands off of the relief roll, causing them to refuse to take the dole and causing them to live Soberly, Righteously, Godly and Honest in all of their deeds and dealings and ways, causing them to no longer take the dole, but to the extreme reverse, to give to the Government instead of trying to take from it! Aren't you glad!

That's why we are cleaning out such as Communism in the City and State of New York and throughout this Country, for they do not want you to be independent! They want you to go on the dole and try to get something for nothing and rise in opposition against your government! Aren't you glad!

But I came to bring an end to it and that's what I AM doing, and none can prevent it! Aren't you glad! I say, those who are true followers of Mine and adhere to MY Teaching, they would not take the dole and they would not buy anything on credit! They would not buy anything on the installment plan! That's what I AM talking about. And they will be as they have been. Independent, competent and true and continue to do what I bid them do!

(Property owned by the followers in Ulster County, New York State)

I did not mean to say so much. I know I AM stirring up your pure mind; especially those who are Communists and communistically inclined. I came to put them out of commission and that is what I am doing! Aren't you glad!

We shall have a Righteous Government, as GOD Is sitting at the helm of the government, and as I have declared, GOD is going into the White House! HE's in there now! Aren't you glad! Been in there! HE went and the door was shut and called for civil rights as no man could! And for civil rights I have stood and lifted up a standard of Democracy, Christianity, Americanism, Judaism, Brotherhood and Democracy synonymously!

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Independence - August 30, 1942, 7:25 PM

You cannot expect to be in fellowship with GOD when you are in deeds and in actions to the extreme reverse of being in fellowship with HIM. You cannot be these, nor can you have these unless you bring your bodies into subjection and live exactly according to MY Teaching.

It is distinctly understood, not one of My real followers is on the welfare. Again, it is understood, not one of MY real followers will owe bills and will not pay them. Not a true follower of MINE will owe any bills and desire to go on a pleasure trip, and especially to "the Promised Land." If you do, you are telling ME and others you are not a follower.

Pay Just Debts

These are hard sayings, but yet they are true, for we shall have a Righteous Government. You had just as well to stamp these thoughts in your mind, for you cannot prohibit MY advancement in MY endeavors to established this Righteous Government universally. As I AM, and according to MY Version, MY real followers are controlled by MY Spirit and by MY Mind, exactly according to MY Righteous Government Platform. You will not go off on a pleasure trip so long as you owe any man any just debt. You will not seek pleasure according to the flesh, but to the extreme reverse, you will deny yourself.

I mention this because there are those who owe bills and will not pay them, and yet they wish to go around on pleasure trips, spending money for self indulgence to appease themselves in something. May these words go home to the hearts of you who think you are fooling GOD and man. There is nothing hid in the great Universal Mind Substance.

It is a matter of impossibility for you to be in fellowship in reality, unless you live exactly according to MY Teaching as described in MY Righteous Government Platform. When you deviate from those Planks, it is plain to see and know you do not know WHO I AM. You may learn! It is your privilege to learn, if you wish to. You do not have to deprive yourself of life because you do not know now, if you desire to know. By self denial, consecration and by making a complete wholehearted sacrifice, you may be blessed, and you may find a place some place in the Book where your Salvation stands.

How glorious it will be when these qualities and attributes, yea, expressions and reflections of these desirable conditions that I AM conveying to you and to others, shall have FREE ACCESS among you!

No Credit Buying

How glorious it will be when you come to this place in consciousness where you will let go and let GOD completely, and live exactly according to MY Teaching! MY real followers will not owe any man. They will not buy anything on credit nor on installment plan. They will not buy anything in the way of partially paying for it; which is not altogether credit, but buying it and saying "I will pay so much down on this overcoat, this suit, or "this suit," or whatsoever it may be, "and I will get it next fall."

You will not pave out the way of disappointments, for failures and for undesirable conditions to result in your experiences for the future. Whatsoever you need you will buy and pay cash for as you go.


The Truth Will Come Through Virtue

Those who concentrate on ME diligently, those who are consecrated in all sincerity and are a living sacrifice without reserve, they are the ones through whom I can transmit MY Spirit and can tell the nations of the things to come directly, because they are the avenues and the channels through which MY Spirit travels through by the way of Purity, Virtue and Holiness.

The BODY called Jesus did not come as a Person, saving through and by the way of VIRTUE. The Truth will come through VIRTUE, through PURITY and through HOLINESS! The physical virtue of Mary and of you all who are physically and personally virtuous, that virtue is but an abstract expression of the reality of the mystery of how GOD can work through HIS People through the virtue and virginity of GOD in them, as though it is the people.

The virtue as transmitted and as reincarnated shows the purity of mind and of spirit through which MY Message can be transmitted; for it cannot go forth unadulterated, saving through the spirit of virginity, of virtue! But when it goes through the spirit of Virtue and virginity it goes forth undiluted and accurate, with the spirit of equity; for GOD HIMSELF will judge the situation as HE weighs all things through virtue and through holiness and virginity on the scale of justice, and all get that which is just and right by the Spirit of Equity!

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Conceived in Virginity - June 1, 1946, 6:30 PM

So Jesus died that you might live! But He died in His HOLINESS and in His VIRGINITY! He was conceived not in iniquity, neither was He shaped up in iniquity! He was not conceived in sin! He was conceived in the VIRGINITY of Mary by the HOLINESS of His FATHER! Therefore, He was not conceived in sin and shaped up in iniquity! That is the way mortality had been. They had been conceived in sin and shaped up in iniquity, but Jesus was conceived in VIRGINITY by the HOLINESS of His FATHER!

Hence, the Personification of His Holiness and of His Virginity developed and grew up as a SAMPLE and as an EXAMPLE for all humanity and spoke on thuswise saying,

'Who touched Me?'

When the woman touched the hem of His garment, He felt VIRTUE went out from Him. It was not lust and passion because He was conceived in VIRGINITY by the HOLINESS of His FATHER! Therefore, it was not anything to go out from Him but VIRTUE and HOLINESS! Therefore, the woman was healed; and then He said:

'Go in peace and sin no more, thy faith has made thee whole.'

He would not have said such and could not have done such as that had He not been conceived in VIRGINITY by the HOLINESS of His FATHER. Had He been conceived in sin through lust and passion as mortality and all in Adam, He could not have felt VIRTUE go out from Him when the woman touched the hem of His garment, because He would not have been VIRTUOUS within; therefore, there would not have been VIRTUE to go out from Him to save her and heal her from her sins. But because of His HOLINESS and because of HIS VIRGINITY and because of the mechanism of Himself as the REDEEMER and the SAVIOR, He felt Virtue as it went out from Him!

Self - Denial

You must take on CHRIST'S Characteristics, the CHRIST'S Nature, the CHRIST'S Disposition by denying yourself of all self indulgences, of all human fancies and all human tendencies and pleasures, that GOD'S Nature and Characteristics might in evidence within you.

These thoughts are well worth considering. They may be hard sayings, but if you are going to live five years longer, you have to do it. What a privilege to live in such a recognition, where GOD is your refuge and your strength, and I redeclare that which I had declared:

'If you hear of any person inquiring after ME, tell him I said, first deny himself.'

Yourself is your human tendencies, Yourselves are your human tendencies, I say, your human fancies, your human pleasures, your human ideas and all of your human ideas and opinions if you are not willing to make a sacrifice of them, you are not worthy of living eternally. Then the Life of CHRIST and of Mary must be developed. I mean, the HOLINESS of CHRIST and the Virtue and the Virginity of Mary must be developed in this people, and brought to fruition before they can have the victory over sickness and diseases, for them to have victory over sorrow, misery, disappointment and failure, for CHRIST was the Overcomer, as the Sample and the Example and others must copy after this selfsame fashion.

Reproduce CHRIST'S Characteristics

Then these thoughts I brought forth for consideration. How marvelous it is to observe them. As you found HIM in the state of consciousness wherever Jesus the Christ functions, even so must you reproduce and bring into outer expression the identical Nature and Characteristics by reincarnation of your SAVIOR; not any longer merely a duplicate of that of which was manifested in Jesus, but by concentration and by harmonization and by reincarnation you must bring forth the identical same Characteristics and Nature and Spirit and Life and Love that Jesus expressed in Himself as a Person, for all of these are impersonal. They were not produced and brought to fruition in Jesus for a selfish purpose. They were brought to fruition in One, that they might be transmitted and reincarnated in others. As they bring them to fruition, they will also be transmitted, the same as the principle of mathematics, if you please.

GOD'S Nature and Life Are Impersonal

Everybody is trying to have an education. Almost any and everybody desires they all desire to have sense enough to read and write a little. Human intelligence is not a personal expression. It is as impersonal as GOD'S Nature and GOD'S Characteristics, and GOD'S Nature, Spirit, Life and Characteristics are as impersonal as is human intelligence.

One Common Level

The human intelligence as taught in your schools of learning is for the purpose of advancing civilization and giving humanity one common light of understanding, that all might be on one common level and understand each other better. Can you not see the mystery? That is what it is for; so it is with the Nature of GOD transmitted.

Jesus brought the Nature of GOD to the surface and manifested it in humanity, as a sample and as an example that others might copy after the Fashion, and bring the same to fruition by reincarnation and by living according to His Teaching. This can be accomplished by each and every individual, for all of these Qualities and Blessings and Attributes are impersonal.

Common Understanding

As GOD is Impersonal even so Impersonal are these different expressions of HIS Majesty; so are the impressions and expressions of His Life and of His Holiness. They are as impersonal and expressive for you as they were for Him, although He was the First Born among many brethren.

Human intellect or intelligence, whichever, your mortal human education, which I AM daily endorsing and encouraging and inspiring others to acquire, such as you have already acquired, it was for the purpose of causing humanity generally to be more deeply inspired with the common understanding nationally and internationally, that they might understand each other better and know how to travel.


Underworld --Child of Social and Political Worlds

I said some time ago, "The corruption of the social world is the mother of the underworld, and the corruption of the political world is the father of the underworld." And they were beguiled by the serpent, and they brought forth a man child, and that man child is the underworld which society so disdains and so abhors and despises and rejects as a rule in words your-- daughter the underworld-- I mean the corruption of the social world is the mother of the underworld, and the corruption of the political world is the father thereof.

Take these thoughts into consideration and know for yourselves that each and all of these fields are worlds that must be converted. Truly might CHRIST have told Nicodemus,

'Ye must be born again!'

Society must be born again. It must be birthed out of that mortal version of preconceived ideas and opinions, and out of all of the mortal versions of the human mind and born into a new and living Light, that it may understand and give birth to the true CHRIST CHILD as was required by the ALMIGHTY of them.

CHRIST The Only Ideal

The political world is the same. And that is why I say so often that the political world must be born again. For this cause I have introduced the CHRIST Idea to the children of men and have lifted Him up as the Ideal of Life in the midst of them, and I introduced Him as the only Ideal for society and for politics.


New Birth of Freedom Under God - December 12, 1941, 6:15 PM

Oh, how glorious it is to know the Truth! This nation UNDER GOD must have a new birth of freedom or else they will not be emancipated and will not get the victory over the common enemy. They must have a new birth of freedom and it must be a new birth under GOD, a birth that Abraham Lincoln could not give them! How could he give you something he did not have himself? You have to have something to give it to another. Aren't you glad!

But what said I in the Name of Jesus the Son at the first coming?

'If you continue in MY Words you shall know the Truth and the Truth shall set you free.'

Aren't you glad!

This is the NEW BIRTH of FREEDOM, consciously or unconsciously, of which Abraham Lincoln was speaking:

'That this (whole) nation under GOD might have a New Birth of Freedom!'

Not the kind of Freedom he gave them, for he only gave them a political, physical Freedom those who were physically enslaved at that time but still the whole nation needed a New Birth of Freedom such as he could not give them; therefore, he prayed that it might be a New Birth of Freedom under GOD.

This is the freedom I have brought you all! And the SPIRIT declares by another composition,

'Everybody needs FATHER!'

I am not talking about matter as to what you can see mortal mindedly or Personally, but this PRINCIPLE as a STANDARD I AM and have LIFTED!

"Everybody needs ME, the HOPE of the REDEMPTION of all humanity, and they all must take cognizance of MY Message with or without MY BODY! If not, they will be failures! If I would choose to disappear from your observation, that which I have spoken has been once and forever established; and what I have said, it cannot fail you, if you live according to same and will abide in MY SPIRIT and in MY MIND, for GOD does never change

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CHRIST --Victory Over Self-Indulgence - Aug. 30, 1940, 11:30 PM

Sex has more force over the human life than anything else, with the exception of GOD. If CHRIST comes in one's life and has full control, CHRIST alone can have more access, you see, over the human life; but more sex without CHRIST has more control over the human life than anything else. That is the reason for the self-indulgence of such tendencies and of such indulgences, because those are the things and the tendencies that have been leading man astray. Even David, he did not fall by doing things that were absolutely wrong, apparently, when he killed Goliath, as I have often said, he killed Goliath for Righteousness' sake, for Israel's sake, for the Kingdom's sake to the best of his understanding.

Through that murder he committed apparently, he ascended the throne, because he did it for an unselfish purpose; but when he looked through his window and saw a lady undressed and she was good to be looked upon according to the mortal version, through his self-indulgence he was tempted and he yielded to the temptation -- he put Urias, her husband, before the battle that he might be destroyed, that he might get his wife, you see, and from that same throne to which he had ascended--he was dethroned!


"The Nations Of The Earth Are Seeing The Worse Crisis Since The World Began
All Because Of The Overpopulation Of The Earth." FATHER DIVINE

FATHER DIVINE'S Message at The Banquet Table
No. 152-160 West 126th Street, New York City, N. Y.
Sunday Evening And Monday Morning
December 11 and 12, 1938 A.D.F.D., Time: 12:45 A.M.

As usual, many visitors were present on this Sunday evening, waiting expectantly for the LORD, in high hopes that HE would return from the Promised Land to serve the evening Banquet. And great was the shout that went up when it was discovered that FATHER had arrived to fulfill the desires of thousands of hearts.

It was almost a matter of impossibility to crowd into the already packed dining room and auditorium, but as the "mike" was turned on, those outside as well as in and around the various connections and adjoining building were privileged to hear these Wonderful Messages that were given volitionally and GRATIS to the world by our SAVIOR and our REDEEMER Who so condescendingly Teaches us day by day.

After the reading of one of the Messages given while up in the Promised Land, FATHER Delivered these Scientific Words of LIFE.

(The foregoing statements are those of the transcriber, after which FATHER speaks as follows:)



Here we all are again and there I sit and stand. I AM still unifying MYSELF together with the children of men that they might be ONE with ME and in turn be ONE universally with the great Universal Mind Substance. By this the Universal Brotherhood of Man and the Conscious Realization of GOD will be reckoned and all of the inhabitants of the earth will eventually be UNIFIED together as

'one man at Jerusalem!'

By this we will dispel and bring an abolition to all divisions, all undesirable conditions by unifying ourselves together universally; by all mankind being so closely and consolidatedly connected and unified until there will not be space nor place in between for anything else that is not like HIM.

For this cause I say, "Here you all are and there I AM! There I sit and here you stand!" I have spoken into actuality millions of good and desirable blessings by affirmation. It may be termed affirmation if I speak after the manner of men because they do not know that which I have spoken is a declaration. But to speak on the plane where all can understand and where you may start at, I have spoken into consideration by affirmation the reality of millions of blessings such as we are now enjoying.

Humanity Going Backward

You cannot affirm anything that cannot be done! Your fondest imagination spoken into outer expression by affirmation can be brought into materialization, for GOD can materialize all of your affirmations and cause you to realize that which you had affirmed.

Humanity unconsciously, from the earliest days of yore, have been going back; they have been going back instead of going forward! They are speaking and have been speaking misery, disappointment and failure into existence. They speak it into actuality and they cause it to be a living reality, misery!

Speaking Negative Conditions Into Actuality

"I am not well," you hear them say, "I am not successful." "The times are hard! We have such a hard time to make ends meet! Money is scarce! It is a hard time to get enough money to meet our daily obligations!" They speak the negative conditions into actuality! They cause them to be a living reality by affirmation. They AFFIRM them and GOD CONFIRMS them for them!

Your fondest imagination can be made a living reality by affirmation through the confirmation of the ALMIGHTY! Your undesirable conditions have been made a living reality by your affirmation through the confirmation of the ALMIGHTY.

'GOD causes the rain to fall upon the just and also the unjust.'

Your just thoughts, ideas and opinions are watered by the watering of the Word! They gather moisture from the Spirit of GOD'S Presence and they flourish and grow according to the seeds you sow and where you sow them. Aren't you glad! But since we learn sowing negative seeds, negative seed ideas and negative seed ideas of opinions and the seed thoughts of negation, we produce such in our system by constant sowing of those things and holding them in our consciousness, but since we find most distinctly the undesirable as represented by those who are the producers of those things, continue to increase and multiply daily, we are eradicating them and dispelling them by bringing the POSITIVE into display and causing the POSITIVE to fill the place of that which was NEGATIVE in your consideration!

'That which a man soweth he must also reap!'

If you sow to imperfection, you must reap fruit of the same, but if you sow positive seeds in the soil of your soul you will produce and bring forth the fruit the same as the seed you have sown. Aren't you glad!

An End to ALL Divisions Among Men

For this cause, through MY Condescension I say, "Here you all are and there I AM. There I sit and here you stand!" In the Unity of the Spirit, of Mind, of Aim and of Purpose we shall bring all of the nations of the earth together and shall cause them to recognize GOD'S ACTUAL PRESENCE and bring an abolition to all division! Aren't you glad! By this all misery and confusion among the nations of the earth will be eliminated completely once and forever when you live according to the Fundamentals, according to this Truth of which I AM stressing. Aren't you glad!

And again I wish to say you will bring an abolition to GRAFT and GREED if you cease to continue to increase and multiply in your families! The earth has been replenished. So long as you continue to increase and multiply and replenish when it has been replenished, you do not have place nor space for the inhabitants of the earth to live. One will try to take the advantage of the other in order to find a place to stay. This is becoming to be a known fact since through GRAFT and GREED the nations of the earth today are seeing a crisis such as they had not seen since the world began, all because of the over-population of the earth, by increasing and multiplying in such numbers they do not have space nor place for them. Therefore they will seek other territories through GRAFT and GREED for a selfish purpose!

Live and Let Live

Oh, how glorious it will be when men learn to live and let live and do away with all selfishness, all graft, and all greed and recognize GOD'S ACTUAL Presence on this earth whilst you live!

Then I say, "Here you all are and there I AM!" I AM unifying the children of men as

'One man at Jerusalem'

that divisions with distinction and self in your mentality might no longer have an existence! By this you will have victory over all selfish tendencies and you will do away with all your greediness!

You are obliged to be greedy, in a way of speaking, when you cannot get enough to eat, even such as we are eating. But when you can get a-plenty to eat and plenty of nice places to sleep, your greediness will leave you; therefore it will no longer be said in the future when this shall have been established among you, graft and greed are the cause for this war, for that war and for the other war! Graft will not have an existence if you do away with greediness such as you have been experiencing.

Do away with your little petty greediness by living evangelically and by having a-full and a-plenty, by being practical and profitable and by putting your talents to an exchange. Oh how miserable will humanity be the universe over until they accept of the great Message and bring themselves into subjection to the Fundamental as exemplified among them!

You need not live in lacks, wants and limitations. You need not live in misery nor in division, for these tendencies and characteristics will keep you in derision if you will allow yourselves to live divided among yourselves, one against the other!.

We Have the Victory

For this cause, we are rejoicing to see we have the victory; as a sample and as an example of a sketch and a reflection of a percent of a percent of a percent of a fraction of a grain of a percent of a percent, I stand! And these of MINE are represented with ME, not only these here in person, but these here in this state of consciousness the universe over, they are represented in this great Universal Scheme of things, in the act of bringing about the Universal Brotherhood of man and the conscious realization of the Fatherhood of GOD!

How glorious it is to live in such a recognition where in your sleep, unconsciously you are reorganizing GOD'S Actual Presence since you have been consciously converted into this recognition! Aren't you glad! Therefore you have been converted through this recognition for you have committed your conscious conviction to memory. You cannot forget it. Aren't you glad! When it is once stamped in your memory so vividly, your subconsciousness will get it. Your vocabulary will hold it until you get it. Aren't you glad!

When you get it, you will call for it! It will come forth into expression volitionally; the same as A, B, C, yea, any of your alphabet! You will go and get each letter when it is necessary because they are there; they await you. You hold them in your vocabulary! They come volitionally for they have been included and reincarnated in you; you cannot forget them!

You shall not forget the Fundamental of which I AM stressing, advocating and demonstrating, for by this Fundamental of Whom you say I AM, you are converted into the recognition and the realization of GOD'S Actual Presence. It is stamped in your memory and reinculcated in you, yea, it is reincarnated in you. You cannot forget it, therefore GOD is here and now, once and forever with you! Aren't you glad!

Abolishing the Negative

What a glorious privilege to live in such a recognition where the abolition of the negative is a reality and the positive is established where the negative was once reflected and manifest. How glorious it is to live where you are conscious of GOD'S Actual Presence, the Hope of your Redemption!

The Mission of your SAVIOR, as the repetition of that which had been predicted and had been fulfilled; GOD is repeating history over and over again! Then I say, GOD in all of HIS Majesty, Love and Mercy and yet Compassion and Pity, with the eye of Pity is ever with you, bringing PEACE out of confusion, brining JOY and HAPPINESS, SUCCESS and PROSPERITY; giving VICTORY over all undesirable conditions, for GOD by nature is Victorious! Aren't you glad!

Then I say, 'Here you all are and there I AM!' I AM still contagionizing the atmosphere in which you live with the recognition and the realization of GOD'S Actual Presence. Hence:

'The Spirit of the Consciousness of the Presence of GOD is the Source of all Supply! It can, it will, and it actually does, satisfy every good desire.'

I did not arise to speak at this instance. I merely arose to say we have visiting friends with us, as usual!. We are always pleased to have them. Of course there are those who have not come forth to the front and made themselves known; still they are visitors and as I often say, if you desire to speak, you are welcome to speak volitionally if you care to. If you do not care to speak volitionally, give us your name, address and profession and we will gladly introduce you to according to custom.

The Universe Is Your Home

I would like to say at this instance, we have a party, I have been informed, from England with us and we are pleased to have them. If they would desire to have a word to say, they are welcome to do so as well as you. We want them to feel free and feel as if though they are at home. We do not want you to feel as strangers and 'pilgrims' in the land, for when the Truth shall have been universally established, the universe is your home, for the Kingdom of GOD shall have truly come and the will on earth shall be done, just as in Heaven!

I would like to say to all of our visiting friends, you do not have to speak as we do unless you care to. Speak according to the dictates of your own conscience, according to your own religious or political or social conviction. Your divers callings may be different. It matters not, you are welcome to speak on whatsoever you wish to. This is not a movement merely representing religion alone as men count religion. It is religious, it is true -- what they call religious, but it deals with every phase of life that has been made known and other phases or other angles of expression; if there are any that have not been made known, if they come to the surface, if they are Righteous, if they are Truthful, if they are Just, we are willing and ready to partake of them, religious or non-religious. I thank you.

(At this point, Baroness Ravensdale, a recent visitor from England, arose to speak a few words of appreciation for the kind of reception she had received, speaking as follows:)

'I would like, as an English woman, to thank the FATHER for the Messages of Welcome HE has given to me as one of HIS guests. I know myself, that we are all learners and searching to be guided by GOD and the Supreme Truth. It is the only thing, as you have heard preached by our FATHER, that can save the world! ! And until we can all get up together and know that strife and jealousy and hate do not get us in that great path of understanding of GOD in JESUS CHRIST, we shall get nowhere in this world today, where opposition is so strong and the Voice of GOD in a great many instances is so weak; that if we can go on hearing that Voice of GOD in our hearts and through your FATHER, we shall be on the right path and I am convinced in my own mind and I say humbly, that if we have that faith in GOD, we can remove mountains, and all quarrels and all jealousies within ourselves must disappear because we are all ONE PEOPLE in GOD and if we stand up for it strong enough, that faith and belief can save us all in the end. I thank you for your welcome.'

Immediately following this testimony, Mr. James W. Cushman, who had accompanied the Baroness, arose and spoke as below recorded:

'I have been very proud and happy to accompany my English friend here tonight. I am an American living in New York and I do want to take this opportunity to thank you one and all for the warmth and the heartiness of the welcome you have given us; for the sense of comradery which has come to us in this way, and to express a feeling of admiration and respect, of true admiration for the great Spirit of Happiness which surrounds you all. I know of no circle in which I have entered in late years, where I find a greater cohesion and a greater unity and a greater spirit of solidarity found on the great Truths of which you all are a living expression, and thanking you for this, I wish to say I shall carry away with me a memory of delight and appreciation that you have made this happiness and this feeling of cooperation so sovereign in your lives and in these, our city.'

(As it seemed at this time that no other visitor felt moved to speak and as the Spirit was flowing so freely, the following composition in song came forth from the Precious Lips of our SAVIOR, after which we were again Blessed with another sweet Message of LOVE)


'One by one I saw the angels coming,
One by one I heard them sing,
One by one I heard the Spirit humming,
Alleluia, praise the King,' etc.

FATHER Speaks as follows:

PEACE, EVERYONE: Once again I have arisen with GOOD HEALTH, GOOD WILL and a GOOD APPETITE for everyone. I would just like to say at this instance, while we are waiting to hear from our visiting friends, more of them, and apparently there was not any other one to arise to speak; I would just like to say, we really enjoyed the speeches of the last two as our guests and that little composition I brought out for consideration is a Living Reality!.

'One by one I saw the angels coming,
One by one I heard them sing,
One by one I heard the Spirit humming,
Alleluia, praise the King!'
They are coming, seeking new bodies
on earth to dwell among men. They want
bodies somewhat like your FATHER'S
Alleluia, praise the King!'

Truly might have Isaiah said:

'Unto us a Child is born! Unto us a Son is given and the government shall be upon HIS Shoulder and HIS Name shall be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty GOD, Everlasting FATHER and Prince of Peace!'

But the Prince-ship degree was not all, for it advanced in the prophet's predication when he observed the mystery by prophesy and declared,

'Behold a King shall Reign!'

He declared:

'Behold a King shall reign in Righteousness and Princes shall rule in judgment and a man shall be as a hiding place and as a covert from the wind and from the tempests that blow.''

It is a privilege to realize, as that little composition said, 'one by one I saw the angels coming!' The spirits of just men that are being made perfect in these days, the angels' spirits, are coming, 'seeking new bodies on this earth to dwell among men!' They want bodies that are Courageous! They want bodies that are substantiated in faith! They want bodies that are unshaken in confidence and I believe in this last dispensation they are beginning to get new bodies That will go through!

Spirits Being Made Perfect

The Apostle spoke of this mystery of which you are now experiencing and said,

'The general assembly of the Church of the first-born where the spirits of just men are made perfect!'

The spirits of just men are going through the 'perfecting process' in these different audiences. They are being purified as said the Scripture. They are being made white and tried in your daily experience; hence we shall have the reality of the spirits of just men perfected in the lives of the children of men to reign on earth among men as kings and princes unto GOD!

What a privilege to realize the Spirit, as being termed Spirit, can be reincarnated! No longer merely what you may term it to be, going through the process of calling up the spirits of those who are passed on, but the reality of the very characteristics, the disposition, the lives and the nature; yea, all of the desirable attributes of such individuals are seeking new bodies in which to live and we are privileged to be here in this 'general assembly,'wheresoever we are in this state of consciousness where the spirits of just men are being reincarnated, reproduced and brought to fruition through becoming to be the personification of some outward expression of an individual and individuals.

For this cause we are rejoicing and we are exceeding glad to see the reality of the spirits of just men being made perfect! No longer, as I afore said, merely in a superstitious, mythological way of expression, but as a living reality, the nature and the characteristics of the perfect, and most perfect men shall be inculcated and reincarnated in these, and they shall live and express perfection, the most perfect expression of such persons; for they died without being made perfect but the transmission and the reincarnation of them when they are developed in us will be made perfect! Aren't you glad!

A Living Reality

It is a privilege to realize it is not merely something superstitiously observed! It is not merely something superstitional! It is something as a Living Reality; the very Character, the Nature of your SAVIOR, reincarnated, reproduced and repersonified that you might realize GOD is a Living Reality. No longer merely something suppositional or something superstitiously discerned in a mythological heaven but as a living reality, made real, Tangible and practical, in our deeds and in our daily Actions. That is the coming of your Savior! That is the reproduction of the reality of the perfect, and the development and the perfection of that which was imperfect apparently is being made perfect with us. That is the mystery. Aren't you glad!

Then the life and the lives of just men are coming forth into expression as angels, for

'GOD makes HIS Ministering Spirits Angels and HIS Ministers Flames of Fire!'

Therefore, the Ministering Spirits are proceeding forth, from those who have come or are seeking NEW BODIES that they might have a more perfect body to dwell in. Therefore they are being prepared and being developed and educated and inspired inspirationally in this advanced, spiritual civilization until they can come in our lives and we can be the reincarnators and the reproducers and the re-personification of the perfect ones who have gone on!

Upon this Foundation if you stand, all of the desirableness of the Desirable One will be your portion! You can be the reproducer and the reincarnator and the reinculcator and the repersonifier of your LORD and your SAVIOR! That is the mystery! GOD Tangibilates and Materializes that which you vividly visualize and surmise until you will eventually realize that which you surmise, for you are the realizer when you personify it. Your physical body should be the actual tangibilator of the Perfect Picture, of the desirable and you should be the "realtor" of it when you shall have actually personified it. I thank You.


Denial of Hobbies - October 27, 1951, 9:25 PM

I need not say more at this instance, for you can see the Exemplification. Reproduction and the Personification of righteousness as I have materialized it!--not only materialized it but reproduced it and personified it! A true follower of Mine would not smoke a cigarette, for MY Name's sake! True followers of mine every last true follower of Mine--would deny himself or herself of their most fancied hubbies and habitual hobbies, for MY Name's Sake, so long as they know they are not in keeping with MY Spirit and with MY Mind! That is why I have untold hundreds and thousands of young men and young women right here in this country, as they may be termed who have sacrificed all human affection, all lust and passion and all self- indulgence for MY Name's sake! They would not do it if it was not for Righteousness' sake!

After the manner of man they have been subject to heredities tendencies, fancies and pleasures and prenataled influences, the same as all other mortals; but they are willing to, and they did deny themselves of all of those tendencies! and here they sit and stand--just a slight sketch and a reflection of a percent of a fraction of a grain of the maximum of my followers!--showing you what really has been fulfilled! And it was not for righteousness sake, do you think they would give up all of their human fancies, human tendencies, human pleasures! --all of their lust and passion and self-indulgence, human affection and all of those things in which they gloried in before they knew ME they would not do it! It takes only GOD!


Exalting the Valleys - August 8, 1938, 4:30 PM

As I said, we shall have a Righteous Government. All of the powers that be in opposition to ME, shall not prevent it, for as I AM individually independent, even so independence will I make or cause every individual to be who will harmonize with ME. Now tell the nations I said it. I shall lift every individual, all of the non-privileged and the underprivileged and bring them on equality with those who are privileged and those who are over-privileged and , and

'I shall make the hilly ways level and the rough ways plain; and I shall cause all of the nations of the earth to "love ye one another'

even as these do under MY Personal Jurisdiction.

Put Religion Into Practice

This is not accomplished by power, it is not accomplished by might; for it has long since been declared, "It is not by power nor by might, but by MY SPIRIT, declares the LORD." Oh, it is a privilege to realize it! All you must needs do is to speak; the Word of GOD will fulfill that for you

. . . . . . We shall have a Righteous Government and I shall not be discouraged nor disturbed until the laws of our land will permit a man to serve GOD to the dictates of his own conscience, according to the Constitution; for we believe that GOD means for you to act out religion, that which is commonly known as "Religion." We do not believe in what they call "Religion"; but that which is commonly known as "Religion" put into practice --"The Golden Rule"--and act it out in all you say and in all you do. There and then you will become to be a living factor, made real, tangible and practical; for all of those things that are invisible, of GOD'S Characteristics and Nature, they are all reincarnatable. Constructive Use of Energy

How glorious it is then, I say, to live in such a recognition; hence we are not merely talking religion, but this is the actuated Words of MY Expression, answering the economic situation and condition among us. Why should you be in lacks and wants and limitations? If GOD is for you, then put your GOD-given qualities into practice and cause your God-given qualifies and energy and ambition to be directed in an active direction, for the up-building of your [physical condition, for the up-building of your moral condition, for the up-building of your social surroundings and all things that concern you, that you might be the actual expressers and manifesters of true Christianity.

Replenish Blessings --Not Destroy Food

In a civilized world, as this is alleged to be, it is worse than brutality for men to be in lacks and wants and limitations and for men to destroy the foodstuff, that which should be supplied to thousands of those who are going hungry daily. I know they will rise, and they have arisen in opposition to MY Personal Activities here in these different communities in this country, to try to curb the advancement of MY Presence and the advancement of MY Presence and the advancement of increase of foodstuff and such like. "Why should you plant so much" or "Why should you produce so much in the way of stock and such like as that?" when there are all sorts of laws and rules and regulations in violation to the Constitution, when you are religious and religiously convinced to carry out the plan and the purpose, according to the Promise and Request of the ALMIGHTY GOD foreordained that men should replenish the earth and cultivate it and increase the blessings hereof.

Why is it we cannot continue to advance scientifically, intellectually, socially, morally and in every other way of expression for the advancement of the Kingdom of Heaven on earth among us? This is your duty to do. You should do it, and by so doing you will be abundantly blessed in the sight of GOD and of men; although they will stop you if they can. Renovate and Improve

I would like to say, this day had been set apart as a day as being termed the dedication of the "Artist Colony." While on this Outing here, we thought to stop at Krum Elbow and also in Kingston. Our manner of dedication is not in the way of the former custom of most of the religions; but MY Actual PRESENCE in such a place, according to the conviction of MY followers, is actually a dedication. Nevertheless, I do say, and as I have said, and still say again we have assembled today to call to mind our Mission on earth among men --to renovate and improve all things; even as you are required to do morally, intellectually, scientifically, let us do it socially,, economically and otherwise.

These material buildings they are renovated, remodeled; and other places that are improved, they are the outward expression as a sketch and a reflection of the reality of the increase of GOD'S Blessings and of how HE will multiply them. All you must needs do is to live evangelically and abide in the Spirit according to the Teaching; and the Spirit of GOD'S Presence will be with you effectively, and will help you in all of your endeavors.

Getting the Dole

As I aforesaid, why should our land --in other words, the land in this Country --be lying idle, impractical, unprofitable and good for nothing? It is because there are those who should be earning their livelihood, they are getting the dole of which has caused them to be impractical, unprofitable and good for nothing. They do not wish to work and earn a living.

Bring About A Moral

Just think of what these MY followers are doing daily, and what they will do continually, if you will allow them to. As I said in that Message, there are many million of dollars that will be dispensed in connection with MY followers, if they are privileged to do so without taxation.(FATHER refers to HIS five-year tax exemption plan on housing improvement.) We are endeavoring to bring about a moral betterment generally. In all of our communities and in all of our connections with which we are connected, we mean to lift up a standard that cannot be criticized. We mean to bring to the mind's eye of the public, perfection in business, profession, labor and trade. We want to cause our homes to be fit places in which to live.

No Need For Welfare

If there be a question as to MY Personal Activities with MY followers, look over these many different places of theirs in this community, in the City and elsewhere. If all men would put into practice "The Golden Rule" and aside from that, endeavor to be absolutely independent, self-supporting and self-respectable, we would have victory over all depression in this Country, and we would no longer have an occasion to have a welfare. GOD is just and good to you as HE is to others, if you will but believe; but you must realize you must live it and express it.

Away From Selfishness

Lay aside all selfishness, prejudice and bigoted minds, and all such, and live in the recognition of GOD'S Actual PRESENCE and bigoted minds, and all such, and live in the recognition of GOD'S Actual Presence. Building upon a Foundation, that cannot be shaken and praise GOD for the Blessings that are bestowed upon you, and use your energy and ambition in active way, instead of in a destructive way. Thousands of people are thinking destructively instead of thinking actively. Why not think active instead of destructively? You cannot expect to overcome the depression and hardship and misery and sickness and disease and all of those undesirable conditions so long as you are thinking destructively one against the other. We must rise above those tendencies, above those fancies and above those pleasures. We must get away from selfishness, graft and greed and live in the unity of Spirit, of Mind, of Aim and Purpose and unity ourselves together in the cooperative system. Even though it may not be called "FATHER DIVINE'S Cooperative System," we can use it actively by living evangelically.


How To Be Blessed With Abundance - August 29, 1949, 4:40 AM

PEACE EVERYONE: Here we all are again, there I sit and stand! In the Unity of the Spirit, of Mind, of Aim and of Purpose I AM bringing you into this great At-one-ment of which I AM. Therefore, it is Good Health, Good Will and a Good Appetite; Good Manners, Good Behavior, All Success and All Prosperity; Life, Liberty and the Reality of Happiness --for the very Words I speak to you, they are Spirit and they are Life if you will but accept of them!

At this particular instance I would like to say I brought to MY attention yesterday, Sunday, an inspiration I gave a sister. The inspiration was something that is simple after it is understood. It was that the external and abstract blessings all are now enjoying, are the fragments that were taken up and are being daily taken up after all have well dined!

Two Small Fishes

Remember, the parable, in the illustrated Scripture, tells you about a little boy, a lad having two small fishes and five barley loaves on one occasion. He did not have a basket full, lunch basket full, but two small fishes and five barley loaves --the kind of loaves that are depicted in the Scripture --very small. But after Jesus took those two small fishes and five barley loaves and blessed them and had them all to sit down on the ground, He had the food passed around and all did eat and were filled. They are without forks and knives--some five thousand, one writer said on one occasion, besides the children and wives; but they all ate and were filled! And after all of that, on one occasion seven basket full were taken up when it was not even one basket firstly given to Him! The fragments were much more than all of that which he had--I mean, which the lad had; and all of those which Jesus received from the lad to bless and to give to all who were an- hungering!

So it is very marvelous to see as this sister caught the glimpse of the mystery by MY Spirit as I transmitted it, these are the fragments that are being taken up and being daily taken up!

The story goes, seven baskets full were taken up on one occasion. It showed you definitely even on the material plane that blessings are increased and multiplied and returned to the children of men an hundredfold more than what they had at first!

The Fragments Came After Dining

So the sister said MY Spirit revealed it to her, all of these houses and lands and all sorts of personal property owned and operated by MY followers are the fragments that are being taken up and put into operation and into use for the good of the people in general! Isn't that wonderful?

So then I verified MY Own Inspiration as I gave it! It was truly an inspiration from the Fount of GOD'S Own Omniscience, revealing the mystery to HIS People!

The Fragments did not come forth until all had dined and well dined; had a-full and a plenty and to spare and their hearts and desires were satisfied! Then I say,

'Take up the fragments that nothing be wasted!'

Can you not see the mystery? But I did not tell them to take up anything until all shall have or should have dined! You see the mystery? The same as I say to you, it is true, the Bible does say, "It is more blessed to give than to receive! Nevertheless, I bless you to be successful and Prosperous and have a-full and a plenty and to spare economically and from every other angle of expression, until your souls are bountifully supplied and your minds and your desires are completely satisfied! And when that is done, still you have so much, at least Seven Times as much more to take up, as the fragment!

The boy's lunch basket was not full, but if you think it was filled and was actually full, it was only one lunch basket! But we have the Scripture record of it --at least, the fragments, there were seven baskets full taken up after all had bountifully dined and had been bountifully supplied! Can you not see the mystery? So it was obliged to be at least Seven Times as much taken up after all had been satisfied!

Cooperation in Thoughts, Words and Deeds

Those who are living in this Recognition and those who are participating and cooperating in thoughts, words, deeds and actions, you have been requested to satisfy your hearts' desires in every capacity before you start to try to pick up the fragments! Can you not see the mystery? The fragments come from an Abundance of the Fullness wherever you have been supplied, and after you have been completely and bountifully satisfied, you are privileged to take up the fragments; that which you do not want. But do not take up anything you want, just take that which you do not want--which you don't have any need for! That which MY followers have taken which they do not have any need for were sufficient to buy the Greenkill Park near Kingston! That was what they picked up that they did not have any need for! You see the mystery? After they had been supplied with food and with raiments and houses and comfort and convenience and everything that their hearts desired --they had been bountifully supplied -- and after they were satisfied, they were allowed to take up the fragments that nothing be wasted! And that was what would have been wasted! Can you not see the mystery? Just what would have been wasted.

The Greenkill Park, Krum Elbow on the Hudson; Milton-on the Hudson; Divine Farm in Ulster County, just a little further; all of these many places in a bountiful supply to satisfy every desire were just that which they did not need; just what they were going to waste! They took those things up! That was years back. And even before that time I had taught MY followers how to pick up the fragments that nothing be wasted and put the fragments into practical and profitable service for the good of humanity in general, for they did not need it! They were bountiful supplied in Food and Raiments and in Houses and Lands, in Comfort and in Convenience and Everything that their hearts desired; they were bountifully supplied and their hearts and their minds were satisfied! And then there was so much left. You see the mystery? There was so much left I told them to take up the fragments that nothing be waste --and it is still flowing that way!

Economic Security

That is why MY followers have unlimited purchasing power --I mean, from a monetary point of view! That is what I AM talking about! Because they have picked up the fragments and nothing is wasted! They have used the fragments, what they did not need after they had been bountifully supplied from every angle expressible until their hearts and their minds were perfectly satisfied! There was so much left one time, after all of those many places in all other parts of the Country and in the Promised Land, they came on down to Brigantine and bought the Brigantine Hotel out of the fragments that would have been wasted; but they put it into practical service for the good of humanity in general that nothing be wasted! Physical Security They had everything their hearts desired! There desires were satisfied! They had been bountifully supplied from every angle expressible and they picked up the fragments so that nothing be wasted; and just what they would have wasted, why they bought the Brigantine, they bought Krum Elbow, they bought the Riverton Retired Teachers' Home! They had to do something with it! They bought the Pine Brook Hotel, better known to the world as the Belmont Country Club, because they had so much of. the fragments after they had been supplied with everything that their hearts desired! That was the result of the fragments that they picked up! You see the mystery?

Fragments from Cosmetics --Liquor

And also they did not desire cosmetics. They did not desire intoxicating liquors! Can you not see the mystery? They picked up all of those fragments that they did not desire --the value therefore --and that which would have cost them untold thousands; they picked that up and just put it into operation for the good of humanity in general! See the mystery?

Then some people wonder, "How can HE do it? How do they do it?"Because they pick up the fragments! They do not spend a dime as long as they need it --just don't spend a dime but for what you actually need, but spent everything you actually need to eat, drink and wear before you pick up the fragments and do anything else with it!

Practical Scientific Gospel

Now isn't that Practical, Scientific Gospel? --for they sat on the ground! They did not sit in the air somewhere, they sat on the ground! And after they had well dined and all were perfectly and completely satisfied; had everything their hearts desired; there were seven baskets taken up --seven baskets full taken up --when the little boy only had a small lunch and did not even have a lunch basket full! You see the mystery? And the little boy turned it over to Jesus to bless and so Jesus blessed it!

That is why they can't understand, in the City of Brotherly Love and elsewhere, concerning the work and the mystery and the Work of GOD scientifically going on in the City of Brotherly Love! Divine Lorraine Hotel is a few of the fragments that were picked up, what they did not need! Those who bought the Divine Lorraine Hotel and are on record as owners of record, they did not need that. GOD has blessed them so they could get it but they did not need it! They had been blessed to have the Abundance of the Fullness of the Consciousness of Good sufficient to satisfy them in food and raiments and houses and automobiles and everything else that their heart desired, and they were fully and completely satisfied, and so there was enough from the blessings they had received to pick up enough of the fragments to come into possession of the Divine Lorraine Hotel.

The Divine Tracy Hotel! See the Mystery? And all of these Churches! And not a one is in lacks and wants and limitations! They were completely satisfied! They did not go in lacks or wants or limitations to acquire these blessings they have acquired, they only bought these things and came into possession of these things that they are now enjoying through the fragments that they had left after they had gotten everything their heart's desire! Aren't you glad! And I mean in every manner expressible.!

Children are Educated--Housed

Those who had children when they gave themselves over to ME and recognized MY Deity, I blessed them and their children and educated them and made all of their children graduates of high schools, and many of them are going to college and can go if they wish to --have everything from an intellectual standpoint of view that was to and that actually does satisfy their heart's desire --and still there are so much of the fragments left, sufficient to buy millions and millions of homes and yachts and airplanes, and yet their children are educated and have had decent clothes and homes in which to live from infancy up until now!

Train the Children

If any person or persons under MY Domain or Jurisdiction under MY Teaching, did not have a full supply and a complete enough to satisfy their desires, it was because they were not living according to MY Teaching! The guardians and those who have had control over them have been instructed and implicitly demanded not to even chastise the children maliciously and violently; not to even spank the children but train them in a way that they should go. That is what I AM talking about!

Then I say, it is something to consider! The fragments are being taken up that nothing is wasted! And from the fragments there is enough to satisfy every Good Desire, for

'The Abundance of the Fullness of the Consciousness of Good, no space is vacant of the Fullness thereof!'

Take these thoughts to consideration and live in this Recognition if you wish to, for everyone that hears the Name of GOD and liveth according to HIS Teaching can be blessed abundantly from every angle expressible; and their children that were called their children, when they were willing to forsake them and yet be obedient, they cared for them; they were educated and had comfortable homes in which to live! --Can you not see the mystery? --and everything that their heart desires, until all have been completely satisfied! It is really something to Praise GOD for! But they did not take up the fragments until they were satisfied --not until they paid all back bills! You see the mystery?

Paid All Bills

They did not take up the fragments until they had paid all legitimate and evangelical back bills! They ate, in the actuated words of expression, parably speaking in the illustration, in the act of paying their bills, from a socialistic point of view, from an intellectual point of view; in other words from a monetary point of view! From all of the different angles of expression they sought diligently to obey MY Command by sitting down on the ground and eating, eating in the actuated words of expression, by doing what was just and right and what they should have done before taking up the fragments.

Therefore they did all of those things. They went back and paid all old back bills and came square and clean before GOD and man from an economic point of view and from, I might say, from a point of view that would be considered as being indebted; they satisfied that indebtedness in every way; and still had so much left the could do what I have said they have done not only buying the Brigantine Hotel and all of the places I mentioned in the Promised Land, and thousands of others, but even here and now the Divine Lorraine Hotel and all of the other properties right here in this city they bought these properties with the fragments with the fragments that had been taken up after they had been bountifully supplied to supply their credit debtors and to satisfy their every desire to educate their children and to curb vice and crime and child delinquency in the community - and did all of those things, and yet they had a-plenty and to spare of the fragment to be taken up, to come into possession of these unlimited blessings!

Then I say, take cognizance of what GOD is doing in the midst of the children of men, and give thanks and praises to HIM at the remembrance of HIS Holiness and HIS Compassion and Mercy in the midst of them, and you will see that there will be blessings increased and multiplied; for I did say prophetically, even by the minor prophet Malachi:

'Try ME and see if I will not open you the windows of Heaven and pour you out such blessings they will not have room to receive them!'

MY followers who have tried ME implicitly, conscientiously and sincere have received and are receiving such blessings, they dl not have room to receive it!

Fragments to Supply Millions

So then I say, it is something to praise GOD for--not going around begging and stealing --not going around buying things on credit, neither on the installment plan --because they know within themselves if they live according to MY Teaching there will be enough of the fragments such as they do not need for the sustenance of their bodies and for their own comfort and convenience, to take up and supply millions of them as well as supply themselves and theirs firstly, until they shall have been fully, completely satisfied! Isn't that wonderful!

'Take up the fragments that nothing be wasted!'

No Pleasure Trip If You Owe Debts

As long as you owe a just debt, according to MY Teaching, you will not even go from here to Trenton (a distance of approximately 30 miles) on a pleasure trip! Therefore, you are sitting down counting the cost and doing that which is just and right to satisfy your just desires and the just desires of others until you shall have been satisfied abundantly and completely! Then you can take up the fragments. You will have much more than you started with! See the mystery?


Legalized Crime - December 7, 1941, 2:00 PM

Those who are willing to live soberly, righteously and godly, they do not have to depend on immorality for the sustenance of their bodies neither for the hope of the redemption of their coming generation; and the Virginity of Mary and the Holiness of Jesus should be manifested, advocated and demonstrated by all just and honest and decent people.

For this case we have actually lifted a standard according to the request of the prophetic message of the prophet,

'Lift up a standard for MY people'

A standard has actually been lifted that is non-critical to bring about the perfection of morality; to discourage imperfection, indecency and untruth, to discourage immorality; even if it comes by the way of legality it is a rascal. You know immorality comes by the way of legality at times. Millions of people are married just for the benefit of what they might acquire or gain for the sustenance of their bodies. They are living immodest and are not experiencing morality if they marry through legality just for that mortal purpose.

More Legal Than Illegal Crime

There is much legalized crime and more in a great measure than that of illegal crime. Therefore the true and faithful followers of MINE will not tolerate or indulge in legal crime, not more than they will in illegal crime.

For this cause I have lifted a standard of morality to eradicate all immorality, indecency and dishonesty, even though such comes by the way of legality. Think of the "Rosebuds" by thousands and millions the universe over who are now being taught not to indulge in self or self- indulgence according to the mortal version for a livelihood, not by the way of legality or matrimonies, but by neither indulging in any such, not more than they would by the way of vice and crime nor even by that which is termed the common law among the children of men.

GOD observes sin or considers such as sin regardless to through whom it comes. It may come through and by the way of legality, but yet as I say, sin is a rascal. The aristocratic as I speak of at times and I speak slangly in MY fanatical phrase, as those who are of that type as the rascality, for sin is a rascal regardless to through whom it comes. So it is a wonderful privilege; and there is no small degree of pleasure observed and attended by making a sacrifice for righteousness' sake, especially those who are or could be called the future womanhood of humanity to cause them to imbibe the Spirit of Honesty, of Competence and of Truth and to dispel from among them the beguilation of Eve by which Adam and all mankind have been deceived. Aren't you glad!

Such has been the downfall of all generations and of every nation and even all civilization through and by the way of the love of money and the greedy gain of such filthy lucre. Oh, how glorious it is to live above such mortal versions, to produce a sanitation, a mental and spiritual sanitation that is above reproach or criticism, a standard that gives rise to all civilization and gives knowledge to the super-intelligent; that will lead them and teach them in the way of wisdom and will lead all coming generations automatically; for the future it will be tradition that will lead them on to victory for this day is tradition for tomorrow. Aren't you glad!

Traditionally you are inspired and your posterity for the future will be inspired by today's experiences and the day's events which will be tradition for the future generations.

Encouraging Virtue

Oh, how glorious it is to live in such a recognition and to build upon such a foundation as this one! I AM saying this because a good many do not know what we are endeavoring and what we are actually doing. We are encouraging modesty, honesty, morality and virtue and the virginity of Mary that must be reestablished as the Sample and the Example for all humanity.

We encourage it in the act of lifting those with whom I AM concerned above the reproach of self-indulgence to depend on mankind. Can you not see the mystery? You have been taught, a good many of you, to marry or get a wealthy fellow --sell your virtue for the wealth of a fellow; sell the hope of your salvation and the hope of your future existence for the wealth of some wealth of some wealthy fellow. Can you not see the mystery? The preachers will teach you that. The mothers and fathers will teach you that.

Truly might have one said,

'The leaders of the people have caused them to err and they that are led by them are destroyed.'

If You Sacrifice Your Virtue

If you sacrifice your virtue through the way of matrimony a thousand times, it is just the same in the sight of GOD as if you just do it for the pleasure of indulging in self or just for the purpose of the greedy gain of filthy lucre; you are the same in the sight of GOD as the person who did it without legality.

Now you can see, truly might have one said by declaration, "Ye adulterous generation" called them all "adulterous generation" They diluted the TRUE LIFE CHRIST as exemplified and as had been handled down from the beginning of the creation. They were diluters of salvation and of the love that GOD gave them in the exact image and the likeness of HIS MAJESTY, of HIS LOVE AND OF HIS MERCY.

Now that is the reason we encourage the "Rosebuds" as I say, by seeing that they remain independent to any person or persons or even to this Movement as a person: but the recognition of GOD'S ACTUAL PRESENCE would be their continued protection. Can you not see the mystery? Therefore, the majority of them have positions and can live and they are living absolutely independent by following the Truth and living Virtuous and Holy otherwise according to MY request and teaching; naturally they get the endorsement of MY Spirit and MY cooperation by seeing that they do not have obligations and responsibility, yea, responsible when they are traveling in the interest of the SPIRIT and the WORK of MY MISSION.


Production Not Propagation - October 23, 1939,4:45 PM

It is a privilege to live in a day and at a time where you know you can bespeak the advancement of this spiritual civilization in which we are now living, and the advancement of this spiritual disposition of which we are now representing as it advances to perfection and the light of GOD'S understanding shall have been made known distinctly to the people universally, and the people as nations learn to unify together and be as they were in the beginning of the creation --of one language and of one speech, of one flag and of one people.

This is just a slight sketch of a reflection of a percent of a percent of a fraction of a grain of a percent of a fraction of a grain of the mystery of it- -all this shall be made known by the UNITY of the spirit, of mind, of aim and of purpose, when you shall be unified together with your great CREATOR universally, and the little leaven shall have leavened the whole lump.

We will have plenty to do between now and then, as it may be termed and production will not retard the advances of civilization but propagation will! Mankind goes backwards for the advances of his understanding, for the advancement of his understanding. He thinks the reduction of production is the way to advance civilization and the reproduction and the advance and increase in production of propagation is the way to advance intellectually and scientifically to advance the civilization.

If they will but vice-versa late such a version and change their gears of thinking and stop the advances in population but advance in production, men will live longer and grow stronger and grow wiser and more active, and the act of production will not be detrimental but it will be active for the advances of the spiritual civilization in which we are now living, for the advancement of this dispensation, as this is the beginning of a new one.

When GOD said to Adam:

'Increase and replenish the earth,'

do not think it was a request for materialism merely to the limited concept of propagation, but to the extreme reverse, it was for the unfoldment of production of cultivation and of improving the surrounding conditions in which he was living.


Propagation Versus Preservation - January 17, 1939, 1:20 AM

You can see the tissues of the cells taking form by the Mind Who inspired man to invent such an invention (the microscope). Back of all of it, stands a LIVING REALITY today! Who can say by science definitely, and prove to ME conclusively, that before the beginning of the many-cell animals, that there was not GOD as the Creator of all things, without the act of propagation?

Why should I have to propagate or teach it? GOD is INFINITE SPIRIT, OMNISCIENT, can and will create and re-created , cleanse and purge and purity that which is alive, and will come in these living bodies in understanding, to throw off mortality and put on immortality in them, that they might not grow old, neither die!

The corruptibleness of the material is the thing that causes your bodies to decay.

'The wages of sin is death, but the gift of GOD is Eternal Life.'

Then I say, it is a privilege to meet with men who, from a scientific point of view, know something, for they have something from whence I came! But without the right concept and the recognition of the Truth concerning the mystery, they still live in darkness, misconception and misunderstanding, and they grope in lacks and wants and limitations, adverse and undesirable conditions, for the lack of the recognition and the realization of the Presence of the Preserver, Yea, the Purifier and the Preserver!

Your physical bodies are actually purified by the renewing of your mind, by taking on pure thoughts, pure ideas and pure opinions. By casting out of your system detestable and destructive characteristics or tendencies, your bodies are purified by the renewing of your mind. By the Grace of GOD, you are vaccinated and you are purified!

Of course, it is true, all people cannot see the same and naturally, men cannot see nor understand GOD; but I have demanded all men to repent! I do not say men should necessarily understand ME! You cannot measure GOD with the measure of a man, but can BELIEVE and let your sins be blotted out, and all misconceptions and misunderstandings, misery, lacks, wants and limitations are every adverse and undesirable condition will be eradicated, and from those conditions you will be emancipated!

