"You Can Wean Yourself from Doing Certain Things by Fasting from
And Refusing to Indulge in Them! That Is the Mystery
of How God's Actual Presence Will Purge the Sons of God."

Various Aspects of FATHER DIVINE's Teachings About Fasting and Prayer

MOTHER DIVINE and Miss Edna Mae Claybrook

MOTHER DIVINE and Miss Edna Mae Claybrook

  1. Fast From The Mortal Version Of Things
    'I am not requesting MY followers to fast from the material food, remember; the material food is for the sustenance of the body; but I request of you, if you desire to, to fast from all of those detestable characteristics, every undesirable tendency, fancy or pleasure that has been existing in your systems."
    Message - Given June 11, 1934; 11:50 a.m.
  2. The Life Of Righteousness And Holiness. "If you keep your mind and attention, your love and devotion, ideas and opinions all concentrated on the Fundamental and not on human affection, self indulgence and lust and passion, you can be lifted above all afflictions mental and spiritual afflictions and every other kind of affliction."
    New Day, Nov. 20, 1953; P. 6-7, 10-11 Interview - Given Nov. 11, 1954; 2:10 a.m.
  3. "With a sincere desire in fasting overcome any detestable tendency, even though it has been prenataled within you, having a sincere desire to overcome those tendencies within you, and by abstaining from the suggestions and tendencies that they may lead you to do or say... you are fasting and praying!"
    New Day, Apr. 1, 1950; P.6-9 Message - Given Mar. 28, 1950; 5:58 a.m.
  4. "If You Get Angry You Are Committing Suicide."
    New Day, Apr. 28, 1956; P. 5 Message - Given Apr. 19, 1956; 8:02 p.m.
  5. "Close up all the avenues and all the ways of expression for fear, for jealousy and for prejudice and for all for those detestable characteristics, and they will leave you for the lack of expression, for they are starving when they cannot express according to their nature!"
    New Day, Oct. 15, 1955; P. 6-7 Message - Given July 27, 1939; 2:30 p.m.
  6. Subject: Overcoming habit.
    'You can wean yourself from doing certain things by fasting from it and refusing to indulge in it! That is the mystery of GOD'S Actual Presence to purge the Sons of Levi as silver is purged, and as gold, so that they might offer unto the Lord and offering in righteousness, as in former years, and as in the days of old.
    New Day, Nov., 14, 1953; P. 18 Interview - Given Nov. 5, 1953; 2:03 a.m.
