"Live a Life of Righteousness and Holiness."

Interview granted by FATHER DIVINE to a Young Minister

In FATHER'S Private Office Study of The Circle Mission Church, Home and Training School, Inc. 764-772 S. Broad Street, Philadelphia, PA.,

Wednesday Eve. and Thursday Morning, November 10-11, 1954 A.D.F.D., Time -- 2:10 A.M.

FATHER and MOTHER DIVINE at The Holy Communion Table,
The Mount of the House of the Lord
FATHER and MOTHER DIVINE at The Holy Communion Table, The Mount of the House of the Lord

(As the young gentleman enters, FATHER asks:) What is your name, please?

Mr. Austin: D. L. Austin.

FATHER: All right, Mr. Austin, what did you want to see ME for?

Mr. Austin: I'm here seeking advice.

FATHER: Yes, what advice did you want?

Mr. Austin: Well, spiritual advice.

FATHER: Well, even at that, there's nothing I do from a Personal point of view.

Mr. Austin: I need personal advice. I figure YOU are rather a successful spiritual leader and I want to lead people in spiritual services.

FATHER: Are you a minister of the Gospel?

Mr. Austin: Yes, Sir, I am.

FATHER: Are you pastoring?

Mr. Austin: I am not pastoring, I just finished school. That's why I am seeking advice from YOU.

FATHER: Well, if you make the rightful contact mentally and spiritually even as you have made it physically or personally, you can get results. And it is written,

'Behold, the people is One and they have all one Language and this they begin to do. Now nothing will be restrained from them to do . . . '

They are all of One Language and one Speech

'and Nothing will be restrained from them to do, that which they have imagined to do!'

All things are possible with him that believeth -- and yet it is not anything I do as a Person, for it is written:

'It is not by might nor by power but by My Spirit.'

My Spirit will automatically do it. And as with ME and with Mine so can it be with you and yours, for all things are Impersonal. I do not Personally claim anything, but My Spirit, being Impersonal as GOD is Impersonal, those who desire to imbibe the Spirit of Truth they too can imbibe it and be partakers of the selfsame Spirit and Ever Presence of GOD; and GOD is just Operative and Expressive without any individual personality as HE is with it. The Spirit will automatically do it, and if you have the Faith to believe, and can and will, you can draw from the Source of all Supply, from the mental and spiritual realm.

Mr. Austin: I see, Doctor, I have to the best of my ability -- I have given GOD that, I have given my BEST in all.


Mr. Austin: But yet there seems to be Something missing -- possibly another step I have got to take -- I don't know just what it is.

FATHER: The Bible says -- in other words, it is written, on one occasion one said, "Have you received the Holy Ghost?"

Mr. Austin: Definitely I feel GOD'S Guidance. I feel it here and there. I definitely feel GOD'S Hand working in a spiritual sense, but definitely I feel there is something else I have got to do. HE is waiting.

FATHER: Well, if you will give free access to the Spirit of Life, GOD'S Actual Presence, and be conscious of It, It will guide you and direct you automatically. It will guide you satisfactorily.

Mr. Austin: I have been looking and listening to it. HE knows my capacity and perhaps is looking for me to be as I am, inspired -- a shepherd of the flock.

FATHER: Well, if you are inspired,

Mr. Austin: Yes, I am.

FATHER: it is possible that you may reproduce and bring to fruition the spirit of the Shepherd. As I have often said, millions recognize My Deity; at least, you know there are many who do recognize My Deity and declare it. Yet to you, as I have said to others, since GOD is Impersonal and Infinite and Universal and transcends all personality, all individuality, if you take cognizance of My Message, a greater picture of ME can be reproduced in you, in your likeness. That is the mystery! The same Spirit and Presence can function in you characteristically and dispositionaly.

Mr. Austin: That is what I have always hoped. I was not going to question YOU on that, but many things that I've read and things that I have come in contact with, I can see that if you deny the materialistic sense, in part, there is a spiritual part, and you can't separate GOD from the spiritual part.


Mr. Austin: So I can't say nothing against that Deity.

FATHER: No. I have tried to fulfill that part of the Gospel -- that is, of the Scripture, where it is written, "Feed My Lambs, says CHRIST, thy Shepherd. Put food within their reach!" I try to put the food within the reach of everyone and give everyone the same privilege I have Myself. And from an economic point of view it is just as operative for you as for ME, if you can and will recognize GOD'S Ever and Omnipresence and transcend all personality and all individuality;

Mr. Austin: That's what I'm trying to do.

FATHER: even your own personality, then GOD is just as Operative and Expressive for you and with you and in you as HE is in the Body in which HE has been declared to be HIMSELF! It is Wonderful!

Mr. Austin: I felt GOD in that sense. There is another thing in my life I wish YOU could give me some information on. I try to withhold myself from the thing to which a lot of men succumb to, and there is one thing especially, and YOU, perhaps, have mastered the secret of that, and that is the desire for the opposite sex. Could YOU tell me anything I could do?

FATHER: I see you seem to be somewhat of a muscular person and in that energy and physical ability, with the preconceived ideas and opinions and human fancies, pleasures and their tendencies you may be energetic and reactive or subject to those preconceived ideas and opinions, human fancies, pleasures and their tendencies. But CHRIST in the Sonship Degree said,

'Such kind cometh out with fasting and with prayer.'

Mr. Austin: That's what I know.

FATHER: Your very prenataled influences, your human tendencies, your human fancies and your human pleasures will come out with fasting and with prayer.

Mr. Austin: Yes.

FATHER: That does not necessarily mean that you would fast from food for the sustenance of your body, but fast from those things that are within you that reach out through your human fancies, pleasures and your tendencies -- those things that would lead you erroneously -- for greater is HE that is within you -- the Conquering King -- than all they that could be against you! And yet those prenataled influences within you would be to lead you erroneously, if you would allow them to; but if you are persistent in your ambition and determined in your resolve and have a resolve and a desire to observe GOD rather than man or your human tendencies, fancies and pleasures, you can DO it, and GREATER will be your life in the expression of CHRIST than that of the expressions of the superlativeness of man as man among men. It is wonderful! For

'He that conquers his own will is greater than he that taketh a city!'

Mr. Austin: Yes, Sir.

FATHER: It is your privilege to conquer your own tendencies, fancies and pleasures and conquer your preconceived ideas and opinions, your human tendencies and all of those influences prenataled within you and conquer all preconceived ideas and opinions that work detrimentally or mortal-mindedly, and lead you carnal-mindedly, for it is written:

'To be carnally minded is death but to be spiritually minded is Life and Peace!'

For this cause, I call for the life of Celibacy, of Virtue and of Holiness for both Men and Women! Even if they are married, if they start out in this life to live for CHRIST they would sacrifice those tendencies, even though they be within them, and know within themselves it is better to make a sacrifice of the human tendencies, fancies and pleasures and live a life of Celibacy, of Virtue and of Holiness, and be Awakened within, in the Spirit of GOD'S Presence, than to live a life of self-indulgence, human affection, lust and passion and be subject to Corruption!

Mr. Austin: Yes, Sir.

FATHER: So it is a privilege to do so, as My Spotless Virgin Bride, the One Who sits by My Side daily when I AM serving the Banquets and the Holy Communion Tables; She is the same as She was when She first met ME and stood by My Side in Washington, D.C., in 1946 -- soon will be nine years ago!

I know men, even though they had known of My Work, a good many of them, but they thought that both She and MYSELF would condescend to human affection because of Her Beauty and Complexion. Lots of them have said that. "How could HE resist it?" But that's a Sample and an Example for you and for others, to copy after the fashion I have shown you in My Spotless Virgin Rosebud Bride!

So it is Wonderful! I mention Her especially, but others as those of My Followers -- the Rosebuds and Lily-Buds and others, and even the Crusaders and brothers -- are nonetheless Virtuous -- those of My True Followers. They make the sacrifice of those things for Righteousness' sake; and

'No man has forsaken all of these things lest he gain an hundredfold more in this present life, and in the world to come, Life Everlasting!'

Mr. Austin: I see.

FATHER: I often think of how people indulge in intoxicating liquors, smoking and drinking otherwise, and indulging in human affection, and the like. One experience of a recent date I saw in the paper, in the daily press: a priest, a Father in the Catholic Church, and he is almost named as I AM; you may have seen it in the paper just yesterday.

Mr. Austin: I have not seen him.

FATHER: He is named Father D-e-v-i-n-e. My Name is D-I-V-I-N-E but it pronounces practically the same, and many people think I AM he or he is ME! He was only thirty-six and has a Master's Degree and other degrees, or did have them. He passed out the other day at the ripe young, or green age of thirty-six, so the press said. And it has been said that he, as a priest, used to drink liquor,

Mr. Austin: I see.

FATHER: and even got intoxicated! Now that will never do for a minister of the Gospel.

Mr. Austin: No.

FATHER: You said you wanted ME to give you some advice. I'M not speaking slanderously of what I saw in the paper, but I AM just depicting what is not good for a young man to start out in!

Mr. Austin: The LORD blessed me. I'm not inclined in such.

FATHER: Sure! Just take these thoughts to consideration and live a Life of Celibacy, Temperance and Truth, and if you do, and be a teetotaler of all drinks and liquor -- no cider, wine nor beer -- your mind can be fleet and your brain can be clear, and you would not have an occasion to suffer and die as a good many people have -- if you just take those thoughts along with you. For the Life of CHRIST as was in Jesus, was the Sample and Example for other people. It has been transmitted and it has been reincarnated over and over again, for it is INFINITE! Therefore, as it can be reincarnated, it can be inculcated and reinculcated, and produced and brought to fruition in the lives of the people generally! CHRIST gave His Life for the World that they might Live, and those who wish to live with Him, they too, as well as you, can be Partakers of the Same!

I often think of what I told a photographer of some great paper that came from London and also from Sweden, I think he was. They came here and wanted to take My Picture and desired to know more of ME, but especially stressfully desired to take My Picture -- insisted on taking My Picture. Volitionally and dynamically that little motto come forth:

'If you take cognizance of My Message, a greater picture of ME can be reproduced in you, in your likeness!'

Mr. Austin: The Goodness and Truth!

FATHER: Yes! -- that's what men should produce, the Goodness of GOD to the children of men!

Mr. Austin: I believe that.

FATHER: And not try to take nor get something for the purpose of racketeering.

Mr. Austin: I believe that, I believe that!

FATHER: For this cause I told him that, and it was a message handed down from that time to this, and millions of others have been partakers of that motto and as a message to them. It is wonderful!

Then, as I have often said,

'Minds and Attention, Love and Devotion, Ideas and Opinions All concentrated on the Fundamental!'

If you keep your Mind and Attention, your Love and Devotion, Ideas and Opinions all concentrated on the Fundamental and not human affection, self- indulgence and lust and passion, you can be lifted above all afflictions -- mental and spiritual afflictions and every other kind of affliction! You will Rise and have the Mastery over the economic situation, and your problems will be SOLVED once and forever, so long as you live thus accordingly!

Mr. Austin: Thank YOU!

FATHER: So take ME along with you and I will be with you!

Mr. Austin: Thank YOU!

(At this juncture FATHER picks up a New Day as HE says:) Now I would like to say, The New Day is a publication published by a number of My Followers -- The New Day Publishing Company; commonly known as The New Day Publishing Company, whichever. It is ordinarily, even up until now, a forty-eight-page copy, but September the eleventh -- last September the eleventh this copy was published -- a sixty-four-page copy, plus a sixty-page Woodmont Anniversary Supplement!

Mr. Austin: Yes, Sir.

FATHER: And this Supplement, in this, was published with My Compliments to everybody, ABSOLUTELY GRATIS! Therefore, one could get this issue of The New Day for only five cents -- a one hundred and twenty-four page issue, with My Compliments! -- by the Supplement being sixty pages and The New Day being sixty- four!

Mr. Austin: I see. I would like to have one.

FATHER: Be happy to have you have one.

Mr. Austin: (gratefully accepting the issue with the Supplement): Thank YOU!

FATHER: And this was gotten out for the Anniversary Celebration of the Dedication and Consecration of Woodmont, the Mount of the House of the LORD.

Mr. Austin: Oh, I see.

FATHER: You see it on the first page there.

Mr. Austin: Yes, Sir.

FATHER: And also the International House.

Mr. Austin: I see.

FATHER: On the eleventh of September we had the First Annual Celebration of the Dedication and Consecration of these two places, and they are explanatory in themselves.

Mr. Austin (turning to the center spread of The Supplement ): I see. (He reads aloud:) "The Mount of the House of the LORD" -- Divine International House -- the Country Seat of the World.

FATHER: Yes. That is explanatory in itself.

Mr. Austin: They are beautiful!

FATHER: Thank you.

Mr. Austin: Mansions!

FATHER: And all of these places, pictures you see in this particular copy of The New Day, are our places -- practically every one -- which amounts to forty-two different Churches, Hotels and places of worship; apartment houses, and the like; all of these are owned by My Followers and our Churches!

Mr. Austin: I see

FATHER: They are FREE and CLEAR. Not one piece of property of ours is under mortgage. No debts. WE PAY CASH as we go and OWE NO MAN. We do not buy anything on credit, neither on the installment plan.

Mr. Austin (shaking his head, amazed): My!

FATHER: So then, you see we are BLESSED!

(As Mr. Austin thumbs through the many pictures, FATHER explains:) Those are some of the places. There are about forty or forty-two Churches and apartment houses and hotels and places of ours in that particular New Day.

Mr. Austin (emphatically): That is why I can't see why men say some of the things they say. YOU are helping people in the materialistic sense as well as the spiritual sense!

FATHER: Oh, positively! That's what people, in My Opinion, has always meant -- that we should live a life of Independence and Declare our Individual Independence even as our Country declared her Independence as a Nation!

Mr. Austin (firmly): I believe that!

FATHER: Each one of My Subjects, or Followers, or Friends, or Members, are taught to declare their Individual Independence even as our Country declared her Independence as a nation.

Mr. Austin: Yes.

FATHER: So we do rejoice and are glad to present to the world just some pictures of what we are doing and what we have done!

Mr. Austin (exclaiming): Some mansions!

FATHER: In that particular copy of The New Day -- it is wonderful! -- these are some of the Churches and Church Connections on the northeastern seaboard of the United States.

Mr. Austin: I see. My!

FATHER: Other places we have not mentioned.

(Mr. Austin laughs and shakes his head in amazement.)

FATHER: These are some of our places on the northeastern seaboard -- places I attend, as a rule, when I get a chance to get to them.

Mr. Austin: My, my! -- YOU have done a great Work! That is why I came to YOU for advice. I wanted advice from a Leader Who has proved to be head and shoulders over other leaders! Why, they can't lead a hundred people. They can't give YOU advice -- they can't lead themselves!

FATHER: Yes -- and because you are interested I was willing to sacrifice a little more time to you than I would ordinarily with the average person, because I AM giving five seconds now. I'M giving five seconds. The interview is up.

Mr. Austin: (with deep sincerity): I appreciate that. I needed it!

FATHER: Well, I appreciate it because I believe you will put it to good use -- not for what I would gain -- I'M not seeking anything -- not even from My immediate Followers. I do not own any property, I do not own an automobile -- not even the automobile or automobiles, whichever, in which I ride! And I've not taken a collection as yet -- a public collection -- and I'M not doing any soliciting or begging. It is written,

'Ask and it shall be given; seek and ye shall find!'

So these points of view are well worth considering. Take these along with you and to you I will be a BLESSING, if you will let ME!

Have you been to the Banquet yet since you have been here?

Mr. Austin: No, I had a glass of orange juice a while ago.

FATHER: Oh, that's all you ate?

Mr. Austin (with a smile): I was so anxious to talk with YOU I did not eat.

FATHER (handing him a Woodmont place card): That's a place card we use.

Mr. Austin (gazing at it with interest): I see.

FATHER: You may take that along, for this truly is the Mount of the House of the LORD--Woodmont.

Mr. Austin: Woodmont.

FATHER: And that little miniature picture on there, on the front; at least, on the right side; is MOTHER'S and MINE.

Mr. Austin: MOTHER and FATHER DIVINE, I see. (He puts it in his inner coat pocket carefully.)

(FATHER then hands him an International Peace place card as HE says): This is another place card we give out, not as good luck but as a blessing to those who can believe it. Just as you see it there, it says, "International Peace, in the Air, on Land, on the Sea". On either side of Us you see the United States Flag, the Flag we do revere!

Mr. Austin: Yes, I see.

FATHER: The Flag that is our Protection.

Mr. Austin: That covers it all.

FATHER: And above Our Heads you see the Liberty Bell just as it hangs here in Philadelphia in reality -- I mean, the Liberty Bell hangs here in Philadelphia.

Mr. Austin: Yes, Sir.

FATHER: And beneath Us you see the Capitol of the United States upon which we are founded! Take that along with you and if you are riding or walking, or if you are even in the submarine, if you are in an airplane, or if you are on a train, you need not falter nor fear, for GOD will take care of you!

Mr. Austin (with emphasis): I believe that!

FATHER: One writer said,

'Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I shall fear no evil for THOU art with me!'

My Boys have gone on the firing line in Korea and in Japan and even in the First and Second World War; they came back SAFE and SOUND! Not good luck but just a Blessing that GOD gives! It is Wonderful! Wonderful! Wonderful! For it is written,

'He that dwelleth in the Secret Place of the Most High shall abide under the Shadow" -- the Bible says "under the shadow of the Almighty",

Mr. Austin: Yes, Sir.

FATHER: but by interpretation, "under the PROTECTION of the Almighty!" And you will have it if you take ME along with you! I thank you!

Mr. Austin (gratefully): Thank YOU, very much, FATHER DIVINE. And I owe YOU five cents for this paper?

FATHER (quickly with a smile): Oh no. As I say, the Supplement was given with My Compliments,

Mr. Austin: Thank YOU, very much.

FATHER: and the current issue of The New Day is the size -- it is the regular forty-eight page tabloid -- but for My sake they made it sixty-four pages to put in all of those different Churches and Hotels and apartment houses and other places. With My Compliments the Supplement was also given, of sixty pages.

Mr. Austin: My!

FATHER: Which makes this copy of The New Day one hundred and twenty-four pages, when it's sold, for only five cents!

Mr. Austin: I'm going to read this thoroughly!

FATHER: If you read it with an open mind you will find it will solve your every problem. The Spirit of My Presence will solve your every problem and will adjust all matters satisfactorily for you. You will find if you live according to My Teaching you have come to your end of all of your worries and trials and tribulations, for as with ME, so will it be with thee, and naught will be able to hinder nor harm you! It is Wonderful!

Mr. Austin: Yes, Sir.

FATHER (picking up another issue of The New Day): Now that last one I gave you, this is the current issue. (FATHER shows him this New Day.) You buy them off of the newsstands, forty-eight pages, for five cents. But look what you got for My Sake, by the Dedication and Consecration of those places and by putting the pictures of the different places in this September eleventh issue of The New Day. This is the regular size copy you get (showing him the current issue).

Mr. Austin: I see.

FATHER: And many places in other countries you find in that issue.

Mr. Austin: I'm going to read all of this (accepting the other New Day).

FATHER: So glad!

Mr. Austin: I'm going to study it -- not only read it. I want to study it and learn!

FATHER: So glad! Now there was another issue gotten out for some more of our places on the eastern seaboard.

Mr. Austin: I see. YOU have a lot of places!

FATHER (smiling): All free and clear! I know you have heard about President Roosevelt's estate, Hyde Park, up the Hudson.

Mr. Austin: Yes, I read about that. Outstanding!

FATHER: My Followers have an estate on the west side of the Hudson -- on this side of the Hudson River, opposite, you see.

Mr. Austin: Is that right!

FATHER: That's right -- which is said to be five hundred and sixty acres; and a good part of it is on both sides of 9W, the highway.

Mr. Austin: My!

FATHER: And about two miles and a half of river front, Hudson River front, on the west side. And many other places up there, owned by My Followers; but they are not in this issue -- in these two issues. There is another issue that came out since then,

Mr. Austin: I see.

FATHER: that will show you those places. I'M mentioning this because I see that you believe in the practicality of things,

Mr Austin: That's right.

FATHER: and in the Blessings of GOD for the children of men on the material plane -- believe in the materialistic Blessings of GOD to the children of men. There you can see something. It is Wonderful!

(As FATHER looks toward His file of New Days HE says:) I don't bear record whether we have the eighteenth of September. (As the Secretary takes one out, it is the correct issue, and FATHER says:)

This is it. (FATHER hands it to Mr. Austin, saying:) Now you have there, first the September eleventh,

Mr. Austin: Yes, Sir.

FATHER: and you have the latest issue,

Mr. Austin: Yes, November the thirteenth.

FATHER: and here you have the eighteenth issue -- September eighteenth. That comes after the first one you have there.

Mr. Austin: Oh, I see.

FATHER: This shows you some of the places I mentioned. Krum Elbow Estate and a number of places;

Mr. Austin: Oh yes. (He looks at the pictures with interest.)

FATHER: a number of places that this one, the eleventh, does not have. Here are some of them right there. (FATHER indicates another group of pictures in the eighteenth issue which Mr. Austin is looking through.)

Mr. Austin: My, my!

FATHER: That is the place we call the Promised Land.

Mr. Austin: I see. This is a Wonderful Work! This speaks for itself!

FATHER: Sure! It is Wonderful.

Mr. Austin: No ecclesiastical leader can compare -- I mean, as far as WORK is concerned--to prove the work that they are doing for the people!

FATHER: Well, I want them to have; not only those of My immediate Members and Followers but others! (Mr. Austin shakes his head.) Right here at the Lorraine Hotel we have lots of visitors -- I mean, guests -- that are not Followers -- and we do not request them to be Followers so long as they live according to our Modest Code to abstain from all drinking and self-indulgence and swearing and using obscenity and profanity in our places. It is Wonderful! Wonderful! Wonderful! Wonderful!

Mr. Austin: I am appreciative. I'm going to study these and I'm going to know almost as much about YOU as Your Followers!

FATHER: Sure! -- you will know more, no doubt, if you study ME from a literary point of view in those correspondence; and I have untold numbers of letters under "Righteousness Marches On!" in them, that I have written to others. It will give you first- information.

Mr. Austin: Yes, Sir.

FATHER: There may not be so many in this particular issue.

Mr. Austin: Yes, I see some letters here. FATHER: Yes.

Mr. Austin ( reading one of the headings over a letter): "That which I Speak shall surely come to pass!"

FATHER: Now here on page twenty-nine of the September eighteenth issue you see the Divine Hope Farm. This is a building we built -- this one on this side.

Mr. Austin: Oh, yes. I have that one. I have that copy here.

FATHER: Yes. It is Wonderful! Wonderful! Wonderful! Wonderful! So if anyone desires TRUTH, there it is!

Mr. Austin (emphatically): I won't take any hearsay -- I got it from the SOURCE! -- from the RELIABLE SOURCE!

FATHER: Sure! And if it would be required, an investigation would be solicited -- a further investigation, if it would be necessary -- to let you see and know, or anyone else, these properties can be found as recorded in the county clerk's offices, both here and in Newark and in New York.

Mr. Austin: I see.

FATHER: But they are not in My Name because I will not have anything! (FATHER indicates another picture): Here is the tower of the Krum Elbow.

Mr. Austin: Oh yes.

FATHER: Here you can go up in this tower -- at least in the mansion, and you can look across the river to former late President Roosevelt's estate.

Mr. Austin: I see. Yes.

FATHER: Where do you live, Mr. Austin?

Mr. Austin: I have been living in Buffalo but I'm doing Evangelistic work now. I'm traveling all over. I left home and went to Albany and Riverhead and Ohio. Now I am in Pennsylvania -- Philadelphia.

FATHER: Where is your next meeting?

Mr. Austin: I don't know.

FATHER: And do you have reservations here in Philadelphia?

Mr. Austin: I stayed at Your Hotel the other night and I have my things down at the bus station. I have not got my things out yet.

FATHER: I see.

Mr. Austin: But I think I will be in Your Hotel there.

FATHER: Which one?

Mr. Austin: The Lorraine Hotel.

FATHER: Well, most of the people go to the Lorraine. We have also a picture of the Tracy there, on thirty-six Street and Chestnut. Lots of the University of Pennsylvania students reside there -- not because they are connected with ME in any way, but just because I'M trying to make a way to help others, because the accommodations are so reasonable, and then it's in a clean environment.

Mr. Austin: I see. Yes.

FATHER: And it is just wonderful!

Mr. Austin (enthusiastically): That's why I wanted advice from YOU. I want to be led! I felt as GOD has always led me in that particular sense -- the spiritual value and materialistic sense also -- that I can't take advice from someone who has not done anything. I'm going to take advice from Someone Who has done Something! -- Who can PROVE to me that it can work!


Mr. Austin: I won't equal YOU but I will give all I have to those things that YOU told me about: FAITH, VIRTUE AND RIGHTEOUSNESS! And I do believe!

FATHER: If you do, then there is nothing impossible for you to accomplish!

Mr. Austin: I do believe it! I have been trying to master this materialistic environment -- this society that exists -- trying to bring myself under what I know and believe to be right!

FATHER: Yes. (Indicating another picture on the back of The New Day) Now this is one of the acquisitions in Washington, D.C. It is a double home there. There are two. You don't see the other one, but the one of them you see there.

Mr. Austin: Oh, I see! (He reads) Peace Mission.

FATHER: Yes. It is Wonderful!

Mr. Austin (looking at FATHER with humble adoration, exclaims): Helping people all over the Country!

FATHER: Yes, yes, yes! That is the only way!

Mr. Austin: Yes. That is the only way!

FATHER (indicating the picture on the back of the Supplement ): These, as you see, are some of the Rosebuds from Germany.

Mr. Austin: Oh, I met a man here this evening from Switzerland.

Secretary: His parents have been Followers for years.

Mr. Austin: Is that right! (Looking at FATHER he says with enthusiasm): YOU will hear more about me!

FATHER: All right -- be pleased to hear from you.

Mr. Austin: I'm going to write YOU.

FATHER: Yes, I'll appreciate it. I'll appreciate you coming whensoever the Holy Spirit leads you to come; but do not feel physically or personally obligated, as if though you would have to do anything like that. I'M giving that, so that you might develop from that, just what I AM, if you can! -- for "If you take cognizance of My Message, a greater picture of ME can be reproduced in you, in your likeness", and the material Picture will not be necessary! -- although I did give you some pictures -- but it would not be necessary. I mean -- (As FATHER pauses with a smile, Mr. Austin also smiles and says:) I understand. I see! FATHER: You say you do not understand? Mr. Austin: No, I understand! FATHER: All right -- just take ME along with you, and as I have said, I give the World the Keys to the Kingdom! CHRIST told Simon,

'I give you the Keys of the Kingdom!'

-- and he said,

'I say that THOU art the CHRIST, the Son of the Living GOD!'

Simon said it, or Peter. And Jesus said:

'I give you the Keys of the Kingdom!'

Now if you can be conscious of GOD'S Presence, Mr. Austin: I am. FATHER: sure -- then be conscious of IT! Don't just be conscious of It because you see ME as a Person, but be conscious of My Presence when I'M Personally absent, and you will find that the Spirit of the Consciousness of the Presence of GOD is the SOURCE of all Supply, and It will Satisfy every Good Desire! I thank you! Mr. Austin: Thank YOU! I believe that!

FATHER: You are welcome, I AM sure.

Mr. Austin (rising): Thank YOU, very much! Goodbye!

FATHER (exclaiming in the Power of His Holy Spirit): Hey! You will stay and serve the Banquet with us, if you desire to? I think we will be going down shortly again.

Mr. Austin (enthusiastically): Good!

FATHER: We serve here all day, from early in the morning -- well, maybe seven o'clock, at intervals -- maybe at intervals all day, until twelve o'clock at night!

Mr. Austin: I'll wait for the Banquet then. Be glad to be there!

FATHER: All right.

Mr. Austin (gratefully and with sincerity): Thank YOU, very much!

FATHER: You are welcome, I AM sure.

Mr. Austin: Goodbye!

FATHER: Peace!

Mr. Austin: Peace!
