Sermons and Speeches Given During Bible Class Graduation Exercises



  1. Memorize The Documents Of The Rosebuds, Lillybuds And Crusaders, And The Sermon On The Mount.
    '...When I called for you to read the scriptures, all of the bible from Genesis to Revelation: to commit to memory many of the important scriptures or quotations, as a sample and as an example for you I came!" Sermon - Given Feb. 3, 1956
  2. Living The Documents Of The Rosebuds, Lillybuds And Crusaders.
    '...Even if you don't know the scripture through and through, whatsoever you are going to speak from, know that just like you know your alphabet!"
    Office Talk - Given Feb. 3, 1956
  3. Matthew, chapters 5, 6 and 7. The Sermon on the Mount. "We accept as our guide the life and teachings of Jesus Christ as recorded in the four gospels, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, and especially the Sermon on the Mount!"
  4. An Interview - granted a group of ministers, Dec. 2, 1949.
  5. Address by MOTHER DIVINE: Triumph of Our Faith.
    Given During commencement exercises held in the auditorium of the Unity Mission Church, Home and Training School, Inc., Philadelphia, PA.
    Dec. 10, 1961.

