"When We Assemble in the Presence of the Supreme Creator of the Universe
We Realize of Ourselves We Are Nothing and We Can Do Nothing Without Him.
But Oh How Glorious it is That He Has Chosen Us to Walk in His Statutes and
Be Channels for His Holy Spirit!"

Triumph of Our Faith

Address by MOTHER DIVINE given during Commencement Exercises Held in the Auditorium of the Unity Mission Church,
Home and Training School, Inc. 907 N. 41st Street, Philadelphia, PA Sunday Morning,
December 10, 1961 A.D.F.D., Time -- 11:15 A.M.

Boston, Ma.

Boston, Ma.

(Our beloved MOTHER DIVINE is introduced by Dr. LaVere Belstrom as follows:)

Peace, FATHER; Peace, MOTHER; Peace Everyone: At most commencement exercises the search is made for a special speaker of great renown, an eminent scholar, educator or teacher, a world traveler, a great personage of government, science, art, religion, business, and especially someone who has several degrees and has a long string of letters after their name.

We did not have to search very far for our speaker today because our speaker today has all of these qualifications. Our speaker is a great educator because this Person sets the example for everybody! -- and a great Scholar because the extent of Her studying no one knows. She is a great Teacher as those in the Bible classes know! She is a world traveler; She came from afar and now lives in the hearts and minds of Her Children all over the world. She is a great Personage; She is the Wife of GOD HIMSELF and married to GOD Almighty. She has three Degrees such as no man has ever heard of and She is the only One Who has these Degrees; GOD HIMSELF gave them to Her!

The first Degree, or one Degree I should say -- I don't know which is the first. One Degree is the S.C.W.S.W.M.C. That Degree is the Symbol of the Church Without Spot or Wrinkle Married to Christ! Another Degree is the S.V.R.B.L. -- Spotless Virgin Rosebud Bride of the Lamb! Another Degree is the G.O.W. -- Guardian of Wisdom! Of course perhaps She prefers to be known by one of the two Dearest Names in the whole world to us. One is FATHER and, of course, the other is MOTHER, Who will now address you on The Triumph of Our Faith! -- MOTHER DIVINE!

(MOTHER arises and steps forward to the podium, midst thunderous applause, to speak to us as follows:)

Peace, FATHER Dear; Peace especially to the Graduating Class of 1961; Peace, Everyone: I thank FATHER for the very beautiful and totally unexpected introduction that I just received because I realize My utter nothingness, and when we assemble in the Presence of the Supreme Creator of the Universe we realize of ourselves we are nothing and we can do nothing without HIM. But oh how glorious that HE has chosen us to walk in His Statutes and be channels for His Holy Spirit! With that thought in mind I thank YOU FATHER Dear for YOUR Presence with us here this morning. (The entire Assembly stands in recognition of the Dean of the Universe, GOD, FATHER DIVINE, as thunderous applause resounds. When all are again seated MOTHER continues:) We know that YOU are GOD ALMIGHTY; that YOU are Omnipotent, Omniscient and Omnipresent; that YOU fill all space and are absent from none.

We thank YOU FATHER Dear for this glorious morning, for what it means to those who obeyed YOUR Command to read the Holy Scripture from Genesis to Revelation. There is a sense of satisfaction in the heart of each one who has met this goal of accomplishment and I do rejoice with them this morning. I thank FATHER for them allowing HIM to express His Faith and Persistence in order that they might attain the Goal that they set forth to attain, and they can rejoice because they are victorious! "A winner never quits and a quitter never wins", and I Am sure that is the message they would like to leave with each and every one of you who have not finished the Bible, although you have started out.

It should not appear as if it is an arduous task to read the Scripture, but it took GOD Almighty FATHER DIVINE to awaken the interest in so many of us to probe the Bible and to see what was hidden and written therein. I guess it's because the "other fellow" just does not want people to be awakened to what GOD'S Laws are and to what HE requires of them, therefore he causes to arise in their minds so many obstacles. But we thank YOU FATHER Dear, being the Personified Body of GOD, that YOU Alone were worthy to lay hold on that Book and loose the Seal that the mysteries that had been hidden from the ages might be common knowledge to GOD'S People. Isn't it wonderful? (Loud applause sanctions this.)

FATHER'S Personal Words, for HE Alone is the Interpreter of the Holy Scripture -- His Words as they have come to us out of His Own Holy Mouth and made so freely accessible to us in The New Day, has shown us so plainly the way of Righteousness, Truth and Justice that no one need err.

FATHER Dear, I thank YOU for coming to America and making the Documents of our Country synonymous with the Holy Bible! It is wonderful to know that we are a people that presupposes in the existence of the Divine Being. We are so happy and filled with such assurance that God IS; that HE is the Ruler of this planet earth and we have selected and elected HIM to have full power, dominion and authority! And in reading GOD'S Holy Word and listening to His Spirit within as it reveals the true meaning and significance of it for us as individuals, we learn how to abdicate from our position of authority over our personal lives and affairs and to let GOD have full access for expression, for this is the only way that the Kingdom can come and the Will can be done on earth.

Christianity has been praying for lo these many years,

'Let THY Kingdom come and THY Will be done on earth as it is in Heaven.'

They go to Church perhaps on Sunday. They possess a Holy Bible but it just lays there. They will not take the time to find out what is GOD'S Will for them. Perhaps they are afraid that they will lose something -- but we know that we can lose nothing. FATHER DIVINE has shown us that as we take the exact Life and Teachings of Christ and not try to search and find another version of the Bible other than HE advocates, as an excuse that we perhaps just don't have to do what Jesus said here; maybe another way of phrasing it will show that it is not quite like this -- that

'unless you leave father and mother and sisters and brothers and houses and lands for My Sake you cannot be My Disciples" --

but we are here today to tell the world that GOD Means Just What HE Says, and HE spoke through the Mouth of His Son Jesus, Heaven and earth will pass away before one jot or one tittle shall fall of His Word!

The handwriting on the wall is telling the people today that destruction is certain if they continue in their erroneous version, their selfish desires and ambitions. Unless they are willing to come in meekness and humility and bow before the One True and Living WORD of GOD Made Flesh, the prophecies of this Divine Book cannot fail to be fulfilled in all of their horrors. There is no getting away from it! No escape!

FATHER DIVINE has told us in His Word years and years back, so those of us who are safe in the Ark of the Consciousness of GOD'S Presence with us, we have naught to fear; we have nothing to cause us to be in the slightest way disturbed. We have only to daily strive to love HIM more, for

'Love is the fulfilling of the Law'

Love makes everything so easy! Truly FATHER has proven to us His Words are not grievous, they are a Joy to those who love the LORD their GOD with all their heart, with all their soul, with all their mind and with all their strength. Oh it is wonderful!

This occasion marks the obedience of the Children of GOD unto His Holy Word. It was disobedience that caused man to be rejected from the pleasure of being in GOD'S Presence, but it is through obedience that we can again regain our birthright that GOD predestined us to have, the privilege and honor of always living in the Presence of our Divine Creator! Through just the desire to do what FATHER said in reading the Scripture I know many of these graduates have a greater understanding of GOD'S Word; but more so than that -- a desire to go on to greater spiritual attainments, because they have beat the "other fellow" at his own game!

I thank YOU FATHER Dear that we will not only read the Bible but do what it says, and above all, let the new Law, the New Covenant be a part of our daily life, for that is what FATHER Personally admonished us to do; to memorize our Creeds of the Peace Mission Movement and through memorizing them and reiterating them and stressing them in our minds, automatically we are visualizing the Positive -- the Mind of GOD -- and it can be reproduced and personified in our bodies so that we can be His Word made flesh! (Thunderous applause resounds.)

FATHER DIVINE GOD ALMIGHTY, YOUR Condescension to this earth plane is so magnificent that we cannot perceive just how much Love YOU have for us in coming in YOUR Body that we might gaze upon YOU, the Word of GOD Manifested, that we might grow in YOUR Nature and in YOUR Characteristics!

This is the Prayer of YOUR True and Faithful Children and what we do here today, because we are here in the Name of GOD for His Glory and Honor, will have its effect throughout the world; because the Righteous that GOD FATHER DIVINE has made through putting His Spirit in bodies, is a Ransom for this world today -- the only Hope that there is to escape the destruction that automatically befall the wicked!

So FATHER DIVINE, GOD ALMIGHTY, in deepest humility and reverence we thank YOU for playing a part and having such a magnificent role to play in the Salvation of this world today! We thank YOU, FATHER Dear!
