Structure of the Peace Mission Movement

MOTHER DIVINE welcoming a group to the Shrine To Life.

MOTHER DIVINE welcoming a group to the Shrine To Life.


  1. Economic Foundation What followers do with their money.
  2. Communal Living The rewards are great.
  3. Co-workers. We are volunteers in the work of GOD and the Peace Mission. We work, play, eat and sleep together. Brothers and sisters separately of course.
  4. Churches of the Peace Mission Movement There are five incorporated churches and they have branches all over the world.
  5. Church Services.. We train ourselves to be conscious of GOD'S Actual Presence. We sing, dance, shout and praise God. We listen to FATHER and MOTHER DIVINE'S sermons. We enjoy the many testimonies and speeches of followers, friends and guests
  6. Holy Communion Services The only sacrament we practice and we do it two and three times a day.
  7. Community Service We give to the world the very best we have and the best must come back to us.
  8. Education We have free schools but also we believe in the public school system but the Life we endeavor to live is a University, teaching the highest form of truth in existence.
  9. Groups Within the Movement. The Rosebuds, Crusaders and Lillybuds.
  10. Publications We regularly and conscientiously read The New Day and hope the 'Web' will help spread the good news and glad tidings that GOD is Ever present.
