The Public Dining Room of the Divine Fairmont Hotel.

The Public Dining Room of the Divine Fairmont Hotel.


The members or followers live in the Churches or Extensions of the Churches, such as sorority or fraternity homes and hotels. Brothers and sisters are accommodated in separate buildings or on separate floors, and this applies to husbands and wives coming under the jurisdiction of the Peace Mission Movement. Children brought by their parents live with other children under the care of guardians. When they come to responsible age, they make their own decision to remain in the Peace Mission or leave.

There is complete integration. No attention is paid to the so-called race, creed, color or national origin, except to have individuals of different complexions eat, sleep and live together as roommates.

All residents of a Church or building under the jurisdiction of the Church adhere to FATHER DIVINE'S International Modest Code, which is,

No smoking, no drinking, no obscenity, no vulgarity, no profanity, no undue mixing of sexes and no receiving of gifts, presents, tips or bribes.

For further explanation of standard Peace Mission policy, see FATHER DIVINE'S letter in Chapter 6, concerning gifts and tips..

Followers may work at whatever labor, trade, or profession they choose, and they may do whatever they wish with what they
earn or possess. However, they donate for living accommodations, meals, and other services such as laundry, dress-making, tailoring, barber service and transportation.
