Church Services Are Held in the Church Auditoriums Every Sunday throughout the Year
and also on as many evenings during the week as possible or convenient.

They consist of public singing of inspirational hymns and songs as the Spirit moves,
scriptural reading from the King James' version of the Holy Bible,
reading of FATHER DIVINE'S Words of Spirit and Life,
playing of tape recordings from the Audio Library of FATHER DIVINE'S Sermons,
MOTHER DIVINE'S Addresses, and Church Services from foreign countries, sermons by visiting ministers,
lectures by other speakers, and volitional testimonies from the congregation.



Unity Mission Church Auditorium

UNity Mission Church Auditorium


The services are conducted as in a great Spiritual Democracy, which is what the Churches of the Peace Mission Movement really are. The privilege of free speech and volitional expression is preserved for everyone. Each and every individual can speak according to the dictates of his own conscience as long as he does not infringe on or abridge the rights of others. No collections, donations or love offerings are taken up at Church Services.
