"You Can Gain Victory in Your Present Lives over Undesirable Conditions."





The Mount of the House of the Lord

The Mount of the House of the Lord



  1. Your Faith must Be Unshaken That Your Desires, Yea, Your Requests May Be Heard and Answered.
  2. "It Is a Great Calmness When You Visualize the Realness of GOD.
  3. The Seas Cease to Roll and the Billows Are Calmed and the Light of God Shines in and the Glory of God Is Risen upon Us.
  4. "Finding and Keeping GOD is a Marvelous Privilege."
  5. If the Door of Your Health Has Been Closed, this Version Will Unlock the Door!
  6. You Can Gain Victory in Your Present Lives over Undesirable Conditions.
  7. 'That Which You Lose for Righteousness' Sake, You Gain an Hundredfold More in this Present Time, and in the World to Come, Life Everlasting.'"
  8. The Sacrifice in MOTHER DIVINE.
  9. The Armor of Faith, GOD'S Protection. Many Reasons We Know FATHER DIVINE is GOD.
