"She Counted All That She Knew Before Me as Naught."

The Sacrifice of MOTHER DIVINE

An excerpt from a message by FATHER DIVINE
Given at Circle Mission Church
Philadelphia, PA, 9-15-52 A.D.F.D., 7:00 P.M.


The Mount of the House of the Lord

The Mount of the House of the Lord


But the sacrifice in HER was explicitly propounded in the actuated words of expression when SHE, said., "I KNOW YOU ARE GOD", without reserve, and then made the sacrifice of so-called father, mother, sister and brother, yea., brothers and sisters and all relatives and kin, for in HER consideration SHE claimed I overbalanced all of them Therefore, SHE claims I over-weighed them all in HER consideration and SHE counted all that SHE knew before ME as naught that SHE might gain ME in the Power of MY Resurrected life.

(N. D. 9-27-52 A.D.F.D. P. 7)

