"If the Door of Your Health Has Been Closed, this Version Will Unlock the Door!"

"In You, GOD Lives, Moves and has HIS BEING." --- FATHER DIVINE


The Mount of the House of the Lord

The Mount of the House of the Lord





When Jesus said to Simon, "I give you the Keys to the Kingdom," not only the Keys of the mythical and imaginary kingdom by MY Interpretation, your mentality,' but I give you the Keys to materiality as well as the Keys to your mentality.

'Whatsoever you shall loose on earth shall be loosed in Heaven; and whatsoever you shall bind on earth, shall be bound in Heaven.'

The releasing of the conscious mentality from the bondage of the mortal versions of men, was the great mystery for which I Came. Oh, it is Wonderful! Your minds are set free! Physically you are released from your chaotic conditions and the bondage in which you were physically, mentally and Spiritually living; you have great relief for your minds are free, and your brain is clear; therefore, you have great relief. It is Wonderful! Live in this recognition through the consciousness of GOD'S PRESENCE, and you will be living in the free access to the Keys of the Kingdom that will unlock every barred and shut door.

Peter was somewhat slothful in telling what he thought concerning Jesus in the beginning. He said what someone else said about Him. He said,

'Some say You are Moses; some say You are Elias. Some say You are a Prophet, or one of the prophets who has arisen from the dead.'

All of their versions did not suffice.

'What do you say about it?'

Peter's version and no longer the prophets' versions, no longer the teachers' version; no longer others' ideas and opinions, but his version came spontaneously:

'I say, THOU Art the CHRIST, the Son of the Living GOD.'