Father Divine’s message given whilst at the Holy communion table at Circle Mission Church, Home & Training School of Pennsylvania, 764-772 Broad St. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania on Thursday night & Friday morning, June 22nd and 23rd, 1944 at 5:15 a.m.
This beautiful and spiritually scientific Message came forth from the great Love Master directly after the sincere testimony of one who frequents the meetings of late. In her testimony she said it was wonderful to be able to thank GOD for the little blessings of life that are at times unheeded by us and taken for granted. She also spoke of how the Spirit revealed to her that FATHER DIVINE is GOD and a Living Reality in the midst of us. She said, it has been said the average man really thinks about fifteen minutes in his whole lifetime, and how wonderful it would be if we would really think about what we are thinking about and see whether or not our thoughts were of real value to our lives and our spiritual and material welfare, or words to that effect.
It was after this testimony that our LORD arose and revealed, not only to the ones present but to the universe at large, the scientific mystery of autosuggestion and counter-suggestion and how important a part this principle plays in governing our lives. Read HIS Words and become enlightened on this vital subject.
Thank you, Father Dear!
(The foregoing statements are those of the transcriber, and the following is the inspirational composition sung by FATHER and the audience shortly before HE arose to speak:)
Many Blessings for tomorrow,
Many Blessings for today,
Many Blessings throughout Eternity
If we trust HIM and obey.
There is no end to FATHER’S Blessings;
They are limitless, can’t you see?
Many Blessings, many Blessings
For you and for me!
(FATHER speaks as follows:)
PEACE, EVERYONE! While the last speaker was speaking and while the last song was being sung, I thought of how marvelous it is to just believe. There are those who think believing in ME, in MY consideration as in theirs, would be a Blessing to ME; but oh, how glorious it is to realize that little composition, limitless blessings, limitless Blessings for you and all who believe implicitly, whole-heartedly, conscientiously and sincerely in GOD; the Allness of GOD in one’s conviction will bring about the all-desirable results and the all-desirable conditions resulting from your recognition of the ALLNESS of GOD and the nothingness of matter.
Then, by realizing GOD as Tangible, Real and Practical, GOD to you is made a Living Factor and matters are adjusted satisfactorily. Harmonious conditions result from the recognition of GOD’S Actual Presence! I cannot stress that thought too vividly, for it is a true saying; harmonious conditions result in these audiences when you are assembled together harmoniously, touching and agreeing upon the one thing.
A harmonious atmosphere is lifted and harmonious environments are created. And through harmoniously living in Unison, thinking and talking in accordance with the same, the very inspiration from the invisible realm will bring harmonious results in the very physical system and inspire you and awaken you with the recognition of GOD’S Actual Presence.
Then I say, it is a privilege to live in such a recognition, realizing there are limitless Blessings, and because you realize it or believe it, to you it is a reality! Some may say it, and do not realize it and do not even conscientiously believe it; therefore, to them it may not be a reality; but when it gets in the hearts by conviction and into your recognition, GOD is with you, made Real, Tangible and Practical and things work satisfactorily automatically.
Unconscious Autosuggestion Effects Conditions Automatically
Just such a conviction will automatically adjust matters. So it is a privilege! The autosuggestion of the conscious thinking person will cause conditions to result and things to happen automatically according to the autosuggestion you have made without consciously considering what you were doing.
The autosuggestion will bring about automatic conditions to result according to your autosuggestion you have made, if it is good or if it is bad at times. To rid yourself of certain undesirable conditions, you must make a counter-suggestion with your conscious conviction of GOD’S Actual Presence to work out the things satisfactorily and to work out the things harmoniously automatically that you have counter-suggested, to counteract that autosuggestion — to cause that suggestion to be worked out automatically that was undesirable. But it is just as operative and expressive to make a counter-suggestion to counteract automatically that undesirable autosuggestion that you made that caused that undesirable condition to result — to be in your experience. It is Wonderful!
As I said to one of a very recent date, they did not know why they could not succeed and could not and cannot hold a position. The autosuggestion that was made consciously or unconsciously, of not desiring to work at some time in life, in your past life, and that autosuggestion, whether you were conscious of what you were thinking and what you were doing or not, it caused that preconceived idea and spirit, as an autosuggestion, to be worked out automatically unwittingly and unwillingly. Therefore, you cannot hold a position. So it is a wonderful thought!
Autosuggestion of Past Can Be Counteracted
You cannot do it because you have autosuggested it in your conscious and subconscious thinking, no doubt, with a desire at some time past in life that you need not do it, and it has automatically worked out according to the autosuggestion. Now, a counter-suggestion can counteract that autosuggestion that caused the undesirable to be worked out automatically and the counter-suggestion can be the substitute of the autosuggestion that was negative and it can counteract that undesirable autosuggestion that automatically brought you into that condition.
So it is a wonderful thought. Then I say, live in the recognition of GOD as the great Creator, the Author and the Finisher, one who can and will work things out for you automatically as you suggest them. Whether it be a counter-suggestion or an autosuggestion, they work practically the same and will bring you into that experience of getting that or experiencing that which you have suggested. So it is a wonderful thought!
How glorious it is to live in this advanced light of this spiritual civilization where the light of GOD’S Understanding is unfolding itself more deeply and more convincingly to the conscious mentality of humanity, of GOD’S Actual Presence and of HIS Dominion and Authority.
So then, it is a privilege to observe as I say, many Blessings, many Blessings for you and ME; yea, for you and all. It is a Blessing to observe what I AM revealing at this instance, for it can counteract the undesirable autosuggestion that you have authosuggested that caused it to be worked out automatically as an undesirable expression for your present experience. Now you are experiencing something you do not desire by something you have previously suggested as an autosuggestion but found it was not the thing that was best for you.
Then it is a Blessing beyond your fondest imagination to be able to change that autosuggestion that was negative. In other words, if it was selfish and you thought it was justifiable, practical and profitable, you found it is not the thing you desire now. It is a Blessing to have the autosuggestion counteracted by the counter-suggestion made by the Spirit. I thank you.

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