There was a story told once of a goat – a billy goat. This is a little different story. I will tell you more of it some other time, but I will tell you enough of it at this particular juncture to stir up your pure minds. It is indeed wonderful!
They say there was a goat down on the roadside eating, and also a ram. They said this ram looked up, and the goat saw him, and he started at the ram. Now a sheep is not supposed to fight, especially a lamb. It is indeed wonderful! “But when this goat started after the ram, the ram did not move out of its tracks, apparently, but stood still, and the goat got after him, and when the goat would come up to him, the ram would just – – (Father finished the sentence with a gesture, showing how the sheep rammed the goat.) The goat kept trying it, and he found out the ram’s head was harder than his. Of course, the ram did not leave his place to interfere with the goat.
But when the billy goat butted him, why he just gave him his head and let him have it, and after a-while the goat went off. He could not stand the horns and head of the ram.
Nevertheless, I AM not saying this to encourage that which would express the ram-likeness even, but I AM saying this to show and to convey to you, the lamb did not fight at all. If there was any fighting down, it was the ram, as being termed the lamb. It had to be the ram to do the fighting, but of course, he did not move out of his place to go after something, to start anything, and the same Spirit is speaking today.
I AM not here to criticize, and I AM not here to find fault. I AM not here to accuse, neither to abuse. I AM here to give the light of Truth, and to redeem you, if you will let ME.
These thoughts are well worth considering. Meek and lowly is the way, for those of you claiming to be MY representatives and followers, live in the spirit of meekness!
New Day 2/17/68, p7,c1
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