There are degrees of Righteousness unfolded. There are degrees of Righteousness and Truth developed, but when perfection shall have been exhibited, even these or those degrees of harmony in Righteousness and in the positive way of expression shall apparently be turned into darkness by the light of perfection. Oh, it is a privilege to realize it.
The moon gives light apparently from the reflection of the sun, but when the sun arises itself in the horizon, the light of the sun will overcome the moon and the moon will cease to give her light. The moon cannot reflect the brightness of the sun anyh longer when the sun itself comes forth into expression.
All of the positive expressions of degrees coming forth into our expression, yea, even though they be harmonious, the positive and not the negative – – when the perfected state of expression shall have been exhibited, those degrees of Righteousness and of the positive unfoldment will be turned into darkness in comparison with the positiveness of perfection when it is exhibited. The stars and the moon – – they refuse to shine when the brightness of the sun shall have shone in. They give no more the brightness of their light, for perfection has truly come – – that which is in part is done away with at that time!
New Day 11/22/58, p11,c2;p12,c2
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