Once there was a little lamb, and he happened to be a little he-lamb, and he grew up to be a great ram. He was on the mountain side one day grazing, and he came in contact with some goats. The great big billy came after him, and the ram just – – (Father demonstrated how the ram butted the goat to the great delight of all).The goat did the rushing up and jumping up and jumping back, but the ram stood his ground and just let him come every time, and the ram would just sock him, or ram him.
I said he would just sock him or ram him, whichever, and after a while the male goat found out he was not quite as tough as the ram was. “The ram’s head was a little bit harder than the goat’s, so the ram had grown up to be hard-headed too. So the story goes, the ram licked the goat and the goat went off.
Now we believe in a passive method of overcoming every opposition. We can and we will overcome them, but I AM here to say, the he-lamb grows up to be a ram. His head is getting pretty hard now. We shall have a Righteous Government and we shall not go out and seek a fight and we shall not contend in the act of violence, but of course, if we happen to be on the job and anyone comes upon us, why, we may just – – (Father again demonstrates how the ram butted the big billy, and the children shouted with glee.)
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