Do you think within yourselves a person can say anything to do ME any harm? Did not Jesus, the great Love Master say: “When you shall be persecuted and said all manner of evil against you falsely, for my name’s sake, rejoice and be exceedingly glad!” “In that day, leap for joy.” You will leap as I do. That means a long, or high leap, not merely a short or low jump. It is indeed wonderful. That is the Bible. . “Rejoice and be exceedingly glad.” “In that day leap for joy,”. . . for great is your reward in the heavenly state of expression, better known as the Kingdom of Heaven.
So you can plainly see, the more they say about ME in a negative way, they are producing negation in their consciousness, and chaos will be their portion forever, but peace and pleasure and success and prosperity will be Mine. They will do more to themselves than you can try to do to them, and get by at it.
In the first place, you should love your enemies; rejoice and be exceedingly glad when you are persecuted and prosecuted and ridiculed all falsely. “Rejoice and be exceedingly glad.” When it is all done falsely, do not think within yourselves and say: “I know these folks told lies. Well, I will get up there and I will get even with them.” You do not have to get even with any man. “Would you try to deteriorate and degrade your standard of expression, lowering your standard to get back and get even with them?
How can the moon or the sun get even with a little pug dog? The sun or the moon would not try to get even with a little pug dog, or a little poodle dog that was barking at it.
What do you care about what they say? It is indeed wonderful. They only annoy themselves. It doesn’t reach ME. The sun does not hear the dog barking at it when it is rising. It has been the experience of many a little dog to see the sun rising, and they did not understand it. They didn’t understand it. They didn’t mean any harm. That is their nature to bark, and it is their nature to get after anything that they think is coming in their land or coming around them that they think does not belong there.
Now you all know the sun or the moon does not get angry because the little dog is barking. He thinks it is right for him to try to chase the rays of the sun away, until the sun gets up high enough so that he can see it is not going to harm him, and then he will go and lie down in the sunshine. Do you not see these are facts and figures and it is logical in the way of expression in the parable concerning the dog, the sun and the moon?
These people that are barking and carrying on, they do not know any better. The sunlight of this understanding has not yet arisen in their horizon. So do not get offended at what they say, nor what they try to do, because they cannot reach you, and if you try to get even with them, why you will be deteriorating and degrading yourself, lowering your standard. You have not the time to think about what they say. The sun, nor moon, neither one of them hears the dog when he is barking. They are so far from it, they cannot hear it.
So take these thoughts to consideration and do not fret nor worry, neither disturb ye yourselves at those who are disturbing themselves concerning ME, for they are only excited within themselves, and it is a light of understanding coming in this world of understanding, and they think it is strange, because it is something they have not seen. It is indeed wonderful!
Father Divine
New Day 2/10/68;p4,c1-2
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