GOD IS TRUE! Once upon a time you did call a little cotton plant cotton. You used to call a little plant just coming up two or three blades high, corn. You would say, “Why, the corn is growing nicely.” It wasn’t corn. So people used to say about “My husband, my wife, my child, my this and my the other.” That wasn’t the real one, the real thing. It was just an imitation, the substitution until the real thing came along. It was encouraging to the mortal concept of things until the real thing came. You see the mystery?
But not any of it – – it wasn’t corn, it wasn’t cotton until the real thing came. So that which was corn is that which was invisible. You see the mystery?
That one who is your husband is the One Who was invisible until the time came for Him to visibilate Himself, even as with the corn and with the cotton!
Office talk, 4/20/48; 4:40 pm
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